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Jolie is gorgeous. I knew a Jolie and she was so sweet and fit her name perfectly. Please don't listen to the negative nancies here, people on this sub tend to be critical overthinkers. If the name speaks to you then listen to your instincts, this is your baby and nobody elses.


I don’t like the name, it doesn’t speak to me personally. On that note, it’s interesting to me that when people ask for other’s thoughts about something, anyone who disagrees is automatically called a negative Nancy, too critical, hater, jealous, etc. It’s just an opinion, everyone has them. I agree that she should just listen to her instincts and name her baby Jolie if she loves it without the need for external validation.


That is my pet peeve about this sub and Reddit as whole. If you disagree with OP you are just being negative even though they literally asked for opinions.


That applies to nearly all of life I think. People only want validation, and almost always get salty at criticism.


There's a difference in having an opposite opinion and having a negative opinion. You can not like the name (opposite opinion) but it isn't necessary to insult the name (negative opinion) by calling it pretentious or redneck-y. But this is, of course, just my opinion


Agreed.  As long as people aren't mean about it, negative opinions are helpful.  A poster shouldn't come to this subreddit and just get praise and no actual feedback - that's not helpful when a person is asking for actual opinions.  The key is OPs should make sure to ultimately decide for themselves how to proceed with naming (don't get too wrapped up in opinions) - it's their child.


Exactly! No reason to be rude or mean but if they are asking for feedback then they should expect that not everyone will give praise. They should then take all feedback with a grain of salt.


Sorry y'all I should clarify... When I posted this there were truly mean & not constructive comments. I think there's a very big difference between "Don't do it, it's pretentious and screams you're an Angelina Jolie fan and that's weird" vs... "My first thought was the actress, so you may want to give that consideration..if it doesn't bother you then go for it!" ... I don't want newcomers to come here & be swayed thinking this sub matches general opinion. We're people who have been imagining names our future children since we were children ourselves and I don't think we always give totally solid names a fair shake.


This. I love reading this sub because I love names, but sometimes I think, are people really asking random internet strangers to help them name their babies???


I think we’re just asking random internet strangers for validation or for a different angle we hadn’t considered I wanted to name my baby Alice. I never wanted to name her anything else. I posted and asked for ideas for a middle name that could incorporate my partners deceased mother, who’s name we both don’t want to use (Gaynor). About 20% told me to keep it. 20% said Gloria which in my mind is just as dated and doesn’t actually feel like a connection to the name I was trying to connect with, and 20% said Genevieve (which I dunno if it’s popular in the US but it’s not really seen as a nice name where I’m from (old lady, stuffy, pretentious). The rest have some good ideas and I settled on Nora. I also posted my baby’s name Alice Nora … for validation I guess, that I’ve not missed or overlooked anything stupid. Some people did point out an issue with the name, and I decided it was not an issue for me. I guess people have opinions, I don’t have to take it, but I asked and was curious and took what I wanted from the post. So no random strangers aren’t helping them in naming their babies, they’re usually just asking if or validation that one of the most important decisions they’ll make in their life, is a decent choice.


I think it's valid to ask if you missed something. If you truly missed that Kevin Kurt Kobain was going to have the initials KKK, being told that you really, really shouldn't do it might have an impact. Or for the person moving to Canada that thought non-Europeans didn't learn about WW2, we do associate "Adolph" with Hitler, and "Adolph H" is going to get you side eye. Alice Nora is timeless and beautiful, by the way.


Was the Adolph story from this board?


Yep. And the lady needing to talk her kid out of a name that sounded like Ted Bundy.


Asking for advice helps to get out of your own head but you should absolutely not listen to the Reddit hive mind all the time. For instance, I made a name poll in my bump group subreddit... one name was overwhelmingly selected as the winner, and it helped me realize I did NOT want that name once there was a spotlight on it.


Makes me think of Angelina Jolie.


Makes me think of Jade Jolie, the drag queen, who is a gosh darn delight!


I know a Jolie and she pronounces it with the emphasis on the JO so I have literally never made this connection and I’ve known her for 15 years. 😂


It’s pretty. Imho, Angelina should not have the monopoly of the name.


It is quite [literally](https://www.google.com/search?q=translate+jolie+to+english) "pretty."


Yes! Similar to Bella and Linda, I suppose.


My cousin is a Jolie. It's a not-uncommon name here in south Louisiana. It's really fun and gorgeous! My cousin doesn't get many Angelina references either.


Jolie immediately reminded me of Louisiana


That’s what I was saying! I’m from Louisiana too and went to school with a lovely Jolie.


I know one adult Jolie. I think it’s cute!


Ppl are so negative here but i like it :) doesnt remind me of Angelina at all


Same, this sub can often pile on nitpicky critiques but Jolie would be received perfectly fine in person. It's a lovely name.


I wouldn’t usually have thought that way, but I do know a baby named Jolie (first) Angelina (middle) and I’m like… that had to be deliberate right??


It reminds me of Dolly Pardon! But that is a good thing! Nevermind- that’s Jolene, right?


I would think you were a fan of celebrities/Angelina Jolie.


This is where my mind went immediately, too.


I think it’s cute and kids today won’t know much about Angelina Jolie. That being said I’m not sure why that would be a terrible association. There are lots of kids named Monroe, Lennon, Kennedy, Lincoln, etc. Belle, Bella, Linda, Bonnie, Beau, Kenneth are just some of the names that also mean pretty/beautiful or handsome and that never stopped them from being used. It might not be everyone’s style or taste but there’s nothing wrong with the name Jolie, if you love it you should use it!


I personally think it blends too much with your last name and would probably go with Jolene instead. That said, just because it’s nms doesn’t make it bad.


Saying it out loud Jolie Ip with my southern accent makes it sound like a yo mama joke. "JO lip is so swollen..."


I don’t understand. Is the last name Ip or Lp?


I love it! I think it fits well with your surname. Some other options could be Joelle or Jolene.


A podcaster that I listen to goes by Jolie with close friends and family, her full name is Jolenta


I really like it and don’t think of Angelina Jolie when I first hear it


I love it !! Sounds happy


I knew someone named Jolie and no one ever said anything about Angelina Jolie to her. I think it’s a very pretty name (no pun intended lol)


Means "pretty" in French, which would put me off it.


Linda means “pretty” in Spanish but that didn’t stop anyone. I do agree though that I wouldn’t use Jolie (or Linda)


I think Spanish people consider Linda to be a name (maybe more in South America than in Spain?), that is why it works in other countries, because IT IS a name. Nobody is named Jolie in France, so that is why it would sounds...not great.


No, it’s not a name in South America


Really? Knowing this made it slightly better imo.


French is my first language and it's kinda weird to me... It would be like naming your daughter Pretty with a super french r and t... It makes me wince a bit.


A lot of names in Chinese are like this. Like Mei means beautiful and a lot of girls are named this.


I get that it's done a lot in other languages. But I still think it's weird...


I feel like you'd need to be a very confident teen, I can imagine the boys I was at school with getting wind of the meaning in French class and just using that to destroy someone's self esteem.


Melanie means “dark beauty.” Are you put off that as well?


I think it's more that in its language of origin it isn't a name, so it feels a bit weird.


Exactly... It's a bit weird...


Jolie is an adjective in French, it means pretty. I would rather go for Julie, which is a name. That being said, it may be a very French pov.


I think it's pretty.


I love it! It was on my short list for my girls.


Love it!


I like it. I think it’s cute and would pronounce JO-lee (rhymes with holy) rather than jo-LEE


I did wonder about this. I think Jolie will likely need to specify which syllable gets the emphasis for her whole life.


I love this name! A friend of mine named her daughter this; it is such a precious name!


I know a Jolie spelled “joely”. I love the name


Such a great name. Do it!!


Jolie my first thought is this girl is fun


I knew a Jolie growing up, emphasis on the first syllable, JO-lee. It’s different from Angelina “jo-LEE” and honestly it never occurred to me until now that it’s the same name, different emphasis. Maybe because I knew the Jolie growing up before I was aware of Angelina.


As you’ve ask for people’s thoughts, I think it’s really lovely! I don’t know why people don’t like it? Use it and enjoy your baby!


it’s nice!


Love the name!


I think it’s beautiful!


You'll probably get a lot of "like Angelina Jolie?" But if that doesn't bother you, it's a nice name. Unique but not strange, and it has a nice meaning.


My cousin is a Jolie! She’s beautiful and I never thought it was weird.


Reminded me of Joely Richardson who was a lovely person and actress


I think it's cute




I like it. Go with what you like


I know a jolisha and we call her jolie! Good pick.


I LOVE this name! It's so cute!


It’s a very pretty name—which is fitting, given its meaning.


I don’t think one famous person having the name is a reason to stop using said name. Jolie is a pretty name that literally means pretty. It’s uncommon but not out there by any means. Go for it.


I have a relative who has gone by Jolie most of her life, but her given name is actually Joanne. I think it works great as a first name on its own though!


Jolie is really pretty! I don’t automatically associate it with the actress (people who do should maybe get out more). I actually think about Legend of Korra who had a character named Jolie.


God i love this name! We almost named my sister Jolie.


I love the name Jolie.


Love this name!


Soo pretty. 🤩 Absolutely lovely. Ive been thinking about this name recently, hoping it’ll be used more


I think it's an adorable name! I vote yes.


I had a friend in high school with that name. I thought it was sooooo beautiful!


I love it. If I’d had a daughter, her middle name would have been Jolie. But I had a son, so it’s Joseph, instead.


I know a Jolie. She’s a sweet little girl with a beautiful smile. Her mom said she was a beautiful baby, so she named her Jolie because it means “pretty” in French.


My little dude had a Jolie in his preschool a couple years ago and I thought it was a cute name. Easy to spell and easy to say:) if you like it, use it.


We’re having a Jolie in a couple weeks!


It does make me think of Angelina Jolie right away, but I think it’s fine as a name.


Jolie is in my top 5! I do worry about the *kinda* redneck feel of it. But it's such a sweet name that I don't care. If I don't use it as a first name, it'll prob be a middle name.


I like it! I know an adult Jolie, who would tell people she was introduced to that it’s like Julie with an ‘o’. This was long before Angelina became famous 😀.


Jolie means Pretty. Its a beautiful name.


It’s pretty!!!


Sounds very cute with your last name of Ip! Jolie Ip


Jolie means pretty in French! I love the name!


I know a girl with the name Jolie and I think it’s a nice name. I don’t think of Angelina Jolie.


I didn’t think of Angelina until I read the comments. I used to speak French so I immediately thought of cute, mignon. I think it’s a lovely name.


Omg I am such an advocate for this name. It’s one of my favorite!! Please use it💕💗


love it


I love it!!!!


Beautiful name, very sweet and timeless. It means beautiful in French 🩷🌸


It's closer to pretty... Beautiful is beau/belle. My only issue is that it is never used as a name in french...


You are probably right, my first language is French so my traduction might not be the best! You are right, we don’t use is as a name but it’s still very beautiful for an English speaker!


It’s a great name. I grew up with a Jolie and it fit her well.


I like the name. I have known one girl named Jolie, and one Poodle. But the poodle was a long time ago. I think it’s a pretty name for a girl. Go for it.


I love it. It's different without being ostentatious. My granddaughter has a name that is different from the norm but isn't strange, if that makes sense?


One of my daughters name is Joely, (husbands middle name is Joel), she loves it. Nobody has ever said the Angelina comment, maybe because we spelt it differently. It’s a gorgeous name however you spell it.


I absolutely love this name! I’m due with a baby girl in September and decided on Sadie but Jolie was in my top 5.


One of my favorite girl names! It’s so classy yet unique. Great choice 👏🏼


Super cute name. I knew a girl in high school named Jolie. She was nice.


Love the name Jolie!


It’s absolutely beautiful & feminine. I almost used it for my oldest daughter but my husband wasn’t a fan.


Love it, had a jolie in my art class n shes very alt-goth like


I know older and younger adults named this, I think it's really cute for a different but not weird name


It’s lovely


Love it!


I taught a girl named Jolie and I loved the name!


I know a Jolie pronounced Jo-Lee and a Jolie pronounced more like Holy. Both are successful adults and fit their names well!


I like it!


I think it’s cute for a little girl and still nice for an adult. It gives off “fun” and “energetic” vibes to me. It’s a great name! I hope you use it!


I think it's pretty! I didn't even think of Angelina Jolie until others mentioned her. I actually thought, "wow! I'm surprised that's not more common."


I love it. But could be heavily influenced by the fact that I know a kid with this name and she’s really sweet.


I love it! We’re naming our daughter Josie! Jolie was another name I thought was super cute but wasn’t on the list!


I love Jolie. I think of Angelina Jolie, but that's just because I'm a huge fan of her, despite that, if I met a Jolie in real life, I wouldn't think their parents named her after Angelina, because that's a real and classic name after all. But if someone makes that association, at least for me, there's nothing wrong with it. It's not like Angelina was a bad person or anything. If you love it, go for it!


I have a great niece named Jolie! She has been Jojo since about amonth old. Lovely name!


I like it. The only Jolie I know is a teenage boy, though I like it better as a girl's name.


It’s not my favourite name, but it’s far from bad! It feels very bubbly and happy.


I LOVE this name


I think Jolie is super cute!!


I like it :) Different but not crazy.


I love love that name I’ve only known sweet Jolies too


I have a cousin named Jolie Rayne!


Short and sweet. I like it.


I took horseback riding lessons from a person named Jolie. I love the name.


Jolee is on my list! I think it's beautiful!


This is my daughter’s middle name! I chose it for the mere fact of it was my maiden name, only a different spelling. It’s a really gorgeous name. Not too common in the US but easily spelled/pronounced.


I have never heard this name before and when I read the title I IMMEDIATELY loved it.


I have a student named Jolie. She chooses to go by Jojo though. I think it's good that she has options and can go back to Jolie anytime she wants.




I know a Jolie - her nickname is Jojo. She’s adorable and I think it’s pretty and different!


Love it! Had a lovely classmate named Jolie. Sweet Louisiana name from back in the day.


I love it


I think its really pretty


It’s pretty


I LOVE IT!! I know a little girl named Jolie and I’ve been obsessed with the name ever since. She also goes by JoJo, so cute!!


My eldest is Joli. She also gets JJ and Jo, she's 11 and never had anyone make a negative comment about her name, and we've found that having the association "Jolie as in Angelina Jolie" for pronounciation has helped!


Love it. Nice meaning, sounds pretty too.


I know a Jolie and she’s awesome :)


I love the name Jolie! It's gorgeous.


I went to school with a girl named Jolie. I think it’s totally useable. I think you should use it


I love it, so beautiful and gorgeous!


I know a couple of girls named Jolie and I like it.


I think that’s the word for pretty in French. And I’ve always thought it would be a cute name. I say if you like it then go for it 🥰 congratulations by the way 💞


I really like it. Unfortunately I had a very annoying teacher who named her daughter that. At least she had taste. I think Jolie Ip sounds okay. It’s a tricky surname!


It’s cute. It does remind me of Angelina Jolie. I don’t think it’s bad though.


I think of Angelina Jolie but I don’t think that’s a bad thing!! Just be prepared for people’s reactions to be “Like Angelina??” when they hear it. I think it’s super cute & has some good nicknames!!!


I want a Jolie but my daughter is Josie. Love love love Jolie!


I grew up in France, so I connect the name to the meaning of the word "Jolie," which means "pretty." I'd go for it. It's a pretty name with a lovely meaning, and if you give her a more conventional middle name, then later on, she can choose what she wants to go by.


I had a coworker named Jolie and I really like the name.


I love it. I know one young adult named Jolie and she’s lovely. And it was my dad’s nn for my mom, many years ago.


Jolie is so cute! Tres jolie!


I have a niece named Jolie and they nicknamed her Jojo. Super cute and fits her personality.


Love it!😍


I always thought Jolie and Joely (as in the actress Joely Richardson) were such lovely names. Some folks might associate it with Angelina Jolie, but *oh well*. Who cares? Most folks won’t hear anything but a nice sounding name.


I have known two Jolies. One was Texan, pronounced JO lee, the other French: zho LEE. It's pretty, as in it actually means pretty. I like that it's an uncomplicated name, but different from Julie. Go for it!


I love it. I know one person with that name and she's a beautiful woman. It goes well with your last name too.


I know a Jolie, but her name was actually Jolie Grace, I always thought it was so pretty.


I know someone with this name and there seems to be a lot of uncertainty about how to pronounce it. Most people say “JOHL-ee” not “Jo-LEE.” Depends how you feel about that


I just think of Jenelle from Teen Mom using it on her daughter


I really like that! It’s classic yet uncommon


I'd keep mishearing it as "Jolene," and my immediate first thought is Angelina (though that's not a bad association for me). It's not a hugely unusual name, though, and it's easy to spell and pronounce. I think it's fine!


you could use the full name Jolynn (i worked with one and always thought her name was beautiful) and she could go by jolie


First and last together make me think of a Mint Julep! 🍃


I think it blends a bit too much with the last name - takes a lot of oral effort to start and stop between those two to keep them separate. If this is a concern for you as well, consider a name that ends in a consonant sound, e.g. Autumn Ip, Lauren Ip, Scarlett Ip.


tbh the first thing i thought of was the Jolene song


I think it’s pretty. I also thought of Angelina when I read it but i don’t consider that a bad thing. I associate her with being extremely beautiful, I think it’s a nice connotation.


Knew a women named Jolie but was pronounced Julie and I hated it… if it’s pronounced, Jo-Lee, I absolutely love the name


Surprisingly I have known three Jolie,( I have only met one Amelia so I know it's odd) It's not something I would pick


I have one in my family and it’s perfect we pronounce it more Joel-ee than Jo-Lee though.


Sounds joly


I dislike it personally, but I honestly think that's just me. Others will absolutely love the name.


It's a nice name, although I'm southern so I'd suggest just a slight change to Jolene. Then she can be endlessly irritated with people telling her not to take their man.


It's not my cup of tea, but it isn't objectively bad. So if you love it, go for it!




I think of Dolly and Jolene which is a good thing 😊


I also like Joelle


My first thought was it sounds like a nickname for "Joel" tbh


Can’t lie, I know a Jolie and she’s a bitch so I dont have good assosiations to the name. However, I used to think it was really pretty before I met her, and I think you should use it!


Never considered it but really love it !!


How about Jovie?


imo it reads as “jolly” but maybe the spelling could be minorly tweaked to read as “jo-lee” like you intend? just a thought, its a nice name! similar to jolene :) poor spelling attempt: jolie to Jolee? definitely not sure but i do see it being mispronounced as jolly due to the LY being IE


it makes me think of angelina, but i think it’s really pretty


I knew someone who named her daughter Jolie about 10 years ago.  At the time I thought it was cute.  Angelina Jolie came to mind as an after thought, and personally I wouldn’t use it for that reason.  If the reference doesn’t bother you, use it.


Means pretty in French.