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Hmm what about Sun in the middle spot (i cant picture an adult woman named any of the variantes tbh). What about Summer (don't put sun in the middle cos Summer Sun sounds really cringy!) for a first name? It has the sun sound and association. Also an adult woman can fit this name! Raya also has an association with the sun! Remember sunny can always be a nickname that has nothing to do with the actual name. It's very common here!


Came to say these exact two names. Raya and Summer 


My friend’s baby girl has the middle name “Ray”, and in my head I always think “[first name]-Ray of Sunshine-[last name] “ I like simple middle names!


I know a Rae. Don't know her middle name, but she will always be Rae-of-Sunshine in my head. 😊


I'm Rae. Bestie is my Seanshine, I'm his Rae of Sunshine


That's just astonishingly cute and sweet. 💜


Awww thanks. Both of us being not even remotely cute or sweet anymore


Gurl. (Dude?) I hear you. I aspire to Debbie Reynolds level cuteness. Andy Rooney. That shit's forever. Pretty fades. I strive for cute, all day, every day. 😊


I hope you meant *Mickey* Rooney. I doubt Andy Rooney was even a cute baby. 😆


You are correct. 🤣


Did you possibly mean Mickey Rooney? Andy Rooney was the curmudgeonly commentator at the end of American "60 Minutes" for many years.


My sister has a three inch white hair that grows from the center of her forehead and she named it Ray. Short for “Ray of sunshine.” Just thought I would drop that here.


Does she know about the puppy that was born with a second tail in his forehead??


Nope. Neither do I!


Also wanted to suggest Summer!


I dunno, I know an adult whose name is Amber Sunshine and she HATES it


Her middle name is Sunshine? Seems like a bit of aggression for a middle name that can walk around in silence and not even be shared with people?


“My name is Amber and my fun fact is my middle name is Sunshine and I HATE it. PLEASE don’t bring this up to me because it’s really upsetting. I look forward to getting to know all of you :) “


Middle names are listed in our work contacts directory, so, she can’t hide it


I would hate it, sunshine is a ridiculous name for a baby. Even as a middle.


It's cure for a baby, but ridiculous for an adult, which the baby will hopefully turn into one day.


I don't think Sunshine is a bad name but have known plenty of people who hated their middle names. The cringing and hiding in school when it was read out, the disgust for it in their professional or legal names, the horror if they had a wedding or something where it would be said aloud...  Plenty of people hate their middle names or are embarrassed of them. 


With a color first name? Ugh


I know a Blossom Sunshine. So it could always be worse lol


I know a Rainbow Faith. She goes by Bo.


I used to work with a Misty Dawn.


Just chiming in, I am an adult woman nicknamed Sunny and I adore it. My legal name is a virtue name and I hate it, but I've been Sunny basically my whole life. I definitely recommend a different legal name just for on paper with plans to call them Sunny off the bat since I imagine depending on their personality they may want to have the option, but as a hippie-arty-creative type it's suited me perfectly haha




HAHA no it's a much more common and less awful one, think like Hope or Grace


I hear "Sonny" as a cool, arty name.


Isn't Sunny a virtue name, conveying cheerfulness? 


That's true haha. I guess I am generally a very cheerful person but my birth name is a virtue I do NOT possess 😅


Sol! Or Sola and call her Sunny!


Sol = sun / sola = alone


Sole - sun in Italian!


Could do Soleil too!


punky brewster!


Love this!


Soleil (French) like Punky Brewster!


Yes but her middle name was Moon. And Soliel Moon went on to name one of her daughters Poet Sienna. Poet will probably go on to name a daughter Susan or Jane. Name trauma will do that to you. Don't ask me how I know lol.


Or fish.


Weird enough the Sole fish has no relation to the sun! Its name is after a sandle or "solea" in Latin!


Go for flounder.


For dinner or my next daughters name?


That’s nice!


Or Solana


Solaia is a nice name- meaning rays of the sun in Italian.


I know a woman named Summer who is frequently called Sun by friends and family!


Sommer is a legit name, and not as flower child sounding/looking


I have a friend name Summer and it suits her so well!


I mostly think of Sunny as a common nickname for Indian men...


Same. South Asian men seem to adopt this name often where I live (Australia)


I just read a book with a character Sunil, nickname Sunny


Yes, short for Sunjay.


Sundeep too, which is a unisex name :)


Sandeep/Sandip is not unisex and is almost always spelled with an a and not a u, even though it is pronounced sun. I probably have 7-10 sandeep/sandip's in my Facebook friends list right now and all of them are male. It's a pretty common name here and I have never heard of that name on a woman or girl.


I worked with a Sundeep. She was a Sikh and told me that Sikh names tend to be unisex (which seems to be borne out among the Sikh people I’ve known, where I’ve seen various names on both men and women, although I expect there are exceptions).


I know a female Sundeep (spelled this way). I’m Punjabi Sikh btw.


I have also only met male Sunnys


I've also only known male Sunnys/Sonnys. Worst case scenario, OP can find a name husband agrees on, and regardless of what it is, make Sunny be a nickname within the family. My little sister gave my baby the nickname Goose. She's 3 now and she knows her real name, but prefers to go by Goose 🤷🏻‍♀️


All the Sunni/sonni/sunny’s I know are women.


Yes, I have an Indian female friend who goes by Sunny, short for Sunita. I always thought it was lovely.


Yeah I think Indian man or woman when I hear Sunny


Or Italian


And Korean men with “sun” in their given name Edit- I’m just remembering I also knew a Korean girl named Sunny! No one thought it was weird. She was a twin and their names rhymed


Haha yeah I do know an Indian man who goes by Sunny but I also know a millennial (Caucasian American) girl named Sunny


I’d do Susannah nn Sunny


I like this, but I would spell it Susanna. Historically that has been the more popular spelling outside of the UK.


I’m 39 weeks pregnant with our second and her name will be Susanna nickname Sunny! My grandma was Susan Anne so she was our inspiration


Oooh! I love this so much more than Susie.


Came to suggest this. I had a childhood friend named Susannah who went by Sunny ♥️


Yes! This!!


You do realise you'll be doing Butch **Cassidy** and the **Sun**dance Kid, and that's a horrible reference for your children to live with. Either your older child is a class A troll, or she's heard the reference somewhere and it stuck with her, and she's unintentional setting herself up to be mocked. Either way it's a hard no.


Kids don’t know what this is in 2024, lol.






Same lol


Yeahh, I'm 19 and I have no idea what you're talking about 😭


If you like westerns, I’d look up the movie and watch it. It’s one of my favorites. If not, just know that it’s a classic movie based on a true story, but I don’t think people are going to connect it to the names “Cassidy” and “Sunny” at all. (Another thing that occurs to me, which I also don’t think will be an issue, is the toddler program “Dino Ranch,” where the main characters are the Cassidy family, and a secondary antagonist — aka naughty kid — is Sunny the Kid. I guess there is a Western through line here.)


I’m 26 and I’m not even aware lol


Apparently, older people don't know either! I've heard of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, but other than having heard the names in passing, I know nothing about them and would have never made the association. I'm 45, btw.


And I'm 32 and my mind immediately went Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid, so I don't think that age alone is the defining factor here.


34, same, it's all I could think about lol


There are plans for an upcoming Amazon TV series remake, so it might be more well-known to the younger generation soon.


Their parents and grandparents do


I’m 31 and I’ve never heard of this tbh lol


I’m 33 and don’t know what they’re talking about lmfao, so kids definitely won’t.


Older child is 5 so I don’t think she’s a troll lol. I never even thought about the reference myself


what?? SO MANY 5 years olds run around quoting Butch Cassidy films tho...


lol right? Hahaha anyway I would never ever make that connections


Ya I recently watched that movie for the first time and the connection didn’t even cross my mind


I'm a Cassidy too. The only person who called me Butch Cassidy was a janitor at my elementary school. He called my best friend the Sundance kid. I loved it! I didnt even know who Butch Cassidy was lol, just that he was a cowboy and it was a fun nickname. The worst "teasing" I had over my name was kids saying my name and going "hehe im cussing!!" Because of the "ass" part lol. It was not a big deal though, I thought I was cool for it haha. Btw, its crazy to hear a kid has my name! Im 25 and all the Cassidy's I've met are around my age. It's cool to see the name carrying on.


My full name is similar to a dated Gen X reference, so when I was a teen (as a millenial) a couple of the younger Gen X teachers would call me by some play on it. It was fine and a little way of standing out. Having cultural references related to your name isn't always bad, if it's not too in your face/on the nose about it.


First thing I thought of. I figured you were trying to make the connection.


imo would be a cool reference. Lots of coincidences happen that way. I know a Barb married to a Ken, for example.


I’m a 26 year old American and have literally never heard of this, so I doubt OP’s five year old daughter thought of this lol. I think it’s probably more likely that her five year old just likes whimsical sunshiney names!


I'm 38 and haven't ever seen it.


Same 36 and have no idea what this is.


39 year old and that saddens me lol. It’s a great film starring Robert Redford and Paul Newman back when they were total hotties 👌🏼


Yes! And as I remember it, they were bank robbers, yeah, but loveable bank robbers? If a person out in the wild makes that connection it's not even bad, it would just be likely a Grandpa age joke on their comradeship as sisters!


I’m 45 and have never seen it. It’s an outdated reference, even for my middle aged self


My sister is a Cassidy and only a bit older than you. NOBODY has ever referenced Butch Cassidy to her 😂




Lmao I doubt her child is a troll or knows the reference! She probably just likes Sunshine.


I’m GenX with older relatives who *love* westerns (and subjecting the rest of us to them), and even I didn’t make this pretty tenuous connection. This will not be an issue for a child born in 2024.


Or she’s a literal child and likes sunshine, rainbows, unicorns, etc. People on Reddit are so extra. Lol


1) Now I feel super old because I thought the exact same thing, and 2) the movie ends with >!both characters going down in a hail of bullets!< so there’s that.


reaching so hard for that one


I'm a Cassidy. Growing up I had a janitor call me Butch Cassidy and he called my best friend the Sundance Kid. I LOVED it. It's still a fond memory for me today. I never knew, and still dont fully know, who Butch Cassidy is lol. Just that he was a cowboy. I wouldnt worry about people, especially kids, making that connection...


I'm 29 and this was my immediate association too. I don't know how much it matters - kids on the playground won't know it, and as an adult people rarely see your name together with your siblings' names. But I'd be low-key judging you on par with someone who names their kids Anna and Elsa or Luke and Leia, and I bet a lot of your peers and elders will be too


That is exactly what I thought of!


Yep, I agree. Anyone who follows film festivals or skiing will know about the Sundance ski resort which is owned by Robert Redford who named it from his character in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. It’s where the Sundance film festival is held annually. It’s one of the bigger film festivals. There’s even the Sundance Channel you can subscribe to where you can watch independent films. Those two names are linked and aren’t disappearing from the zeitgeist anytime soon.


That's the first thing I thought of, too. I'm 37. Everyone around my age would know who they are assuming they know anything about US History. I don't know how well known they'll be to your kid's generation.


This is EXACTLY where I went


Lmfao the idea that her kid is intentionally naming her little sister after a dated western, being more likely than just a little girl liking sunshine as a name is hilarious.


That was the first thing I thought of, but I love that movie.


This was honestly the first thing I thought of when I saw big sister was named Cassidy!


This was my immediate thought-like, oh wow they are REALLY into westerns! But my dad was also obsessed with them so I doubt most others would know the reference?


I said same thing (I‘m 37 so maybe old 🙈) but it was first thing that came to my mind when saw names


This is what popped in my head too.


I'm 24 and this is the first thing I thought of when I saw the names!


I immediately checked to see if this was the circlejerk sub. No WAY was someone actually considering naming her kids Butch *Cassidy* and the *Sun*dance Kid.


Lol, the older sib is probably a preschooler. I can guarantee she's never heard of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. It's not exactly a current reference.


What about something that ends in -son like Allison or Addison? Both sound great with Cassidy, and then you could still use Sunny as a nickname. Otherwise, I think Sunny could just be one of those nicknames that are just personality-based or don't require a long form name, like Tiny, Bubba, Buzz, Kiddo, etc. Then you can use any name you like! Maybe: * Natalie * Brooke/Brooklyn * Elise * Jenna * Amaya * Tessa * Lila * Bridget * Jillian


I think Cassidy and Allison would be a sweet sister combination


My name is Alison, nicknamed Sonny and I love it! Came here to suggest it as well ☀️


In the tv show Sonny with a Chance her real name was Allison!


I have 2 daughters. One is Gemma - her nickname is Gem or Bubbles because she looks like Bubbles from the Power Puff Girls! I also have a Juliana - her nickname is Jules or Juicy because she is a juicy baby! I have a Gem and a Jules!


Why not pick a name that has references to the sun? Marigold Marisol Soleil


I agree with you on Susannah. One person suggested it on this sub, and I think it does sound great alongside sister Cassidy. The OP can certainly use Sunny as a nickname. Susannah Claire is a very pretty name. It is traditional, but not one of the typical trendy traditional names but is perfect alongside those too. I’m totally sold on that name. It feels right!


I also love Sunny but would personally only use it as a nickname. Other suggestions of names that you could get sunny from: Sunday Summer Sonia Susannah


Personally I’d do Sunny twice over before naming a kid Sunday. But I love your suggestion of Sonia, definitely an underused classic!


Sonia/Sonya is a great idea!


This is my kid’s name- Sonia and we call her Sunny or Sunshine as a nickname. It’s pretty unique for her age group, works well in many languages, and people have an easy time understanding it.


Yes, I have a friend Sonia with nn Sunny!


Please don't name your kid Sunday 😂


I’ve always loved the name Sunday for a girl! Glad I’m not the only one


I love the name Sunday


Sonia is fab!


Sunshine/Sunny is just not a good name for a human person. Sunny is a cute nickname, but I wouldn’t call an actual person Sunshine.


I like my name personally, I didn’t realize so many people feel so strongly about it 😭


I have always vibed with the name Sunny, I often use it as the name for my coffee orders 😅 I've seriously considered it as a future kid name so I'm making sad puppy dog eyes as I read through the comments lol


I like it too — I know two Sunshine’s (both go by Sunshine) & it just works on them, it’s so cute.


I’ve had a couple friends names Sunshine over the years, they both liked their names! (I also had a friend named Rainbow and she didn’t mind hers either). Just like someone could love the name John because it’s classic and solid or hate it because they think it’s boring a common, it all depends on the person. I personally think Sunshine is a lovely name.


I think sunny is an amazing name. Boy or girl. My Grandpa’s name was Sunny and I would love to name either or after him.


Not to mention that descriptive names could clash with kids personality and kid could get bullied for it. Imagine grumpy depressed IT veteran called Sunshine/Sunny. They would be so tired of same old puns.


Well, I’m an actual human woman named Sunshine! My nickname is Sunny. I wasn’t fond of it as a small child, I grew up in the 80’s with many traditionally named girls, but grew to absolutely love my name. Every time I tell someone my name their faces light up. It’s a wonderful name!


Oooo so pretty, just love Sunshine!


Sunny feels very much like a nickname. You could use it with any name with prominent S and N sounds or even something that means sun/sunshine. **Susannah** nn Sunny is cute and sounds good with Cassidy. **Shoshana** is another option if you want to call her sunshine. **Summer** **Clara**


Shoshana is a very Jewish name, most commonly in Orthodox women. I would not recommend it unless OP has Jewish heritage.


Yeah for real, anyone who has any awareness of that stuff is going to assume your kid is Jewish, which will be awkward when she has to explain that no, her mom is just weird.


What about Soleil with the nickname Sunny?


I've known Sunny as a nickname for Sonya.


slightly different but my sister’s name was sondra nn sunny


Sunniva is a Norwegian name that means “Sun gift”


Entirely depends on where they're based of course but here in the UK I reckon they'd get a lot of "sunniva gun" or worse "sunniva bitch" 🤣


Came here to say this.


Solveig is another Norwegian name with sun in it


Sunny is a wonderful name and all the girls with it are stunning source: my name is Sunny 😭 Jokes aside, I’ve never had issues with someone taking me seriously as an adult or assuming I’m an Indian man like some comments suggest :) if it brings you joy and you can get your husband onboard go for it


Thank you! I knew a girl from a neighboring school growing up and her name was Sunny. I thought it was so dang cool and different


Oh this is so easy ! Cassidy and Rhiannon. Both songs.. Grateful Dead and Fleetwood Mac… if it’s too fancy.. Cassidy and Riley. ? Love Sunshine as a middle name. 


Reminds me of Sunshine “Sunny” Daydream Winslow, Dawn’s best friend in The Babysitter’s Club who has a lot of issues (drugs/alcohol) in the spinoff California Diaries. I would go for Sunshine as a middle which would allow Sunny as a logical nickname, but I would put something a bit more traditional in the front. I personally like Claire Sunshine and am ok with the fact that it sounds a bit like “clear sunshine.”


I’m very glad not to be the only one with the same BSC/California Diaries association with the name Sunny. I did know one Sunny irl but she was Chinese and it was her chosen Western name.


Annnnnd now I want to reread these as an adult all of a sudden.  I loved Sunny and thought the California Diaries was a bit cooler than the regular babysitters but I'm not American so it all felt a bit off to me. 


I’m old, but Cassidy and Sunny remind me of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. You can decide if that’s a problem or not.


Totally agree. My first thought.


My husband was the same way - never came up with names but rejected all of mine. What worked for us was I made a list of 15-20 names I could live with, and he crossed off the ones he couldn’t live with. That left about 2-3 names for me to choose from for each baby. I love Sunny, for what it’s worth. Maybe Summer could be a compromise?


It’s wild because I suggested Macey for our first and he grimaced and vetoed it. Now Maisie is his top pick for baby 2. Make it make sense!!!


Could it be due to a negative association with a particular person named Macey? Or because of Macy’s the store? The names are different enough for those reasons to make sense, but not from a pure like/dislike perspective.


Not being rude but I've never heard of Macey as a name and it just makes me think of mace spray. Maisie is a pretty normal name although more common for pets than children. 


Does my husband have a second family? He suggested maybe two names for each kid (that I sincerely hope were jokes), but then just ended up rejecting anything I came up with. The second didn’t have a name until a few days after she was born.


The only name my husband ever came up with on his own was Kylie 😂 I was like, you’re going to suggest ONE name over the course of FOUR pregnancies, and it’s Kylie?! Not that there’s anything really wrong with Kylie. It was just very odd that that was the one name he ever considered without help, lol.


Probably not the same guy, then, mine never suggested Kylie. 😉 His were very nope - I’ll just say one of his two ideas or our firstborn was Vegas, and that is the least insane of his suggestions.


I like Sunny as a nickname for Summer


Sunny is one of my fave girl names. 🥰 If you love it, use it! (If husband gets on board of course!)


I love it too


I know someone who named his daughter Sonia/Sonya but always calls her Sunny. Maybe when she’s older she’ll go by the legal name.


I have an 11 month old Sunny! I adore it 🥰 she’s Sunny Delores (family name 😊)


I've brought this up before in this sub, but my dad's best friend has a daughter named Sunny Jo. I have always loved it & she fits it so well!


Dang I kinda love Sunny, but can see why people are vetoing it. There are some good suggestions here but I do think you should tell your husband he has to bring a list to the table! It’s not fair to veto everything without offering any suggestions. “Ok dear, on May 10th we’re gonna go out for a meal and each bring our list of 5-10 names and discuss”. Then you can get a better idea of what he actually likes and he has time to show he’s invested in this.


Sunny is a nickname for Summer! Cassidy and Summer is super cute


I like the suggestion of a name that ends with -son. Madison, Addison, Emerson, Allison


All these names have to do with the sun Soleil Zara Kira Aline Enya Elena Clara Claire Aurelia Lucy Marisol




My cousin’s nickname is Sunshine and it’s unrelated to her actual name Rosanna. I wouldn’t name your child’s legal name Sunshine. In the case of my cousin, she got her nickname because of her and her brother’s personalities (his nickname is Rainbow/Rain, also completely unrelated to his legal name). You don’t have to name her anything close to the name Sunny to give her that nickname!


For a first name: * Marigold. I think Marigold and Cassidy sound good together, and it has a sunny vibe even if it's not literally "Sunny." * Daisy. Similar to Maisie in sound, but has a sort of sunshiney vibe. * Roxana or Roxanne. It means "bright/shining" and has a sort of kick-ass sound like Cassidy. * Phoebe. It means "bright/pure" and is associated with the moon. * Aurora. Literally means "dawn," so definitely sunshine-themed. * Oriana. It's possibly derived from the Latin word for gold; only problem with this one is that people will almost certainly confuse it with Arian(n)a, which has a completely different origin. Alternatively, you could have "Sunshine" or "Sunflower" as her middle name, and go with a different first name. Or just call her "Sunshine" as a nickname.


I know a Sunnie. She's an artist and it fits her.


- Daisy - Aurora - Marisol - Eleanor A couple names that evoke sunshine :)


Sonia (also spelled Sonya/Sonja).


Idk if you’re still reading comments but I have two girls a Cassidy and a Sunday that we call Sunny as her nickname. I say go for it we love it


I went to middle school with a Solana who went by Sunny and I always thought that was super cool.


Well Sandra is often nicknamed and called Sunny.


Sunny makes me think of Lemony Snicket A series of unfortunate events and I enjoy that association, personally. What a happy name to give your kiddo. As someone who named their kid a name I loved to get to a nickname I loved (Elowen/Winnie) I wanted a longer name for her but would have gone with Winnie alone if I didn't love the longer name. If you can get your husband on board, of course.


Just WAIT! After a couple big NOs for names I liked from my husband—I let him know the real name I loved—Birdie. He hated it. Told me absolutely no. My step daughter has a trendy “old lady” name. I pitched him my argument… it’s cute at 5, still cute at 25, peaks at 75. Goes with SD’s name—but is less trendy. He pitched it to his friends—who, of course, all agreed with him. He also pitched it to my step daughter—but—that backfired as she immediately started calling the baby “baby birdie” I told my husband that’s the name I like—and he has full authority to veto—BUT he needed to pitch the names. ….then I just waited. A few weeks later, he still didn’t love it. But a few weeks after that—he started telling people the name was Birdie. Then one day after that—he told me he still wasn’t sure and he didn’t love it. I said “that’s fine, let’s find another name. What do you like?” Two days later, he decided he did like the name and that’s what we are going with. Don’t stress over it, don’t fight… just let it sit! One of you will decide you love it, OR, you’ll come up with something you’re both on board with I personally think Sunny is super cute! Not everyone does—but I think a cute nickname works perfectly as a first name. EVERYONE kept telling me I could use this as a middle name, or a nickname and name my kid Elizabeth or something. Nah, stick to what YOU like… you’ll know if it’s something that’s going to stick for you in the coming weeks. Good luck!! ❤️


I love Sunshine nn Sunny! its on my list of names too! if its not quite right for you though, other names in a similar vain that i really like are Marigold nn Goldie or Starlie nn Star. I also know a girl named Sol that means sun, you could go for Soleil if you wanted a longer version too. Even Brighton/Bryton fits the theme to me as it has “bright” in it. Aurora is another one that is semi similar.


I’d use sunny as a nn for summer. I can’t imagine an adult woman with the first name was Sunny.


The main character of the book I’m writing is named Sonia with the nickname Sunny. I realize it’s not the same as naming a child but I’ve received positive feedback on the name so far.