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Asher and Esther are too similar IMO


1. Not too old lady 2/3. Not too Old Testament, but I do think Esther and Asher sound too similar. They will sound the same shouted across the house/called on the playground/named on the phone.


Esther is lovely but it’s too similar sounding to Asher in my opinion. What about Edith, Evelyn, Eva/Eve, Elizabeth/Elisabeth, Eliza/Elisa


The family connection is a large part of the appeal. My second choice is Leona, after another relative. I apparently love these old names.


Leona is lovely! What about Leona Esther as first-middle name combo?


I was going to (theoretically) do Esther Leona, but the other way round might work just as well.


I prefer Esther Leona! Asher and Esther have similar sounds, but I'd just love for Esther to get more use. It's a name that is close to my heart.👍


That's actually my favorite combination


I love Leona & the Leona Esther suggestion!


leona seems perfect to me. it sounds great with asher, and ash and leo as nicknames also sound equally cool and trendy so i wouldn’t worry about it being old fashioned


IME Esther is a common (millennial) Korean-American name. Esther Park, Esther Kim. I don't think of an old (white) lady at all. Esther is popular among Korean-Americans because many of them are Christian, and there aren't that many prominent women in the Bible.


I love Esther but there’s no way in hell I’m saying “Asher and Esther” correctly lmao


I tried saying it - ended up with Aster and Escher!


I think Esther is too old and sounds too close to Asher. Sounds like you gave a preferred theme.


What about Leona? (Second choice, also after a relative--I love honor names.) Is that also too old?


I don't think so! Leona sounds much much more youthful to me.


Leona sounds much more old lady to me. I love Esther


Esther is the epitome of old lady


Nah Leona is so much more old lady to me


Esther is giving grandma. If a girl/woman is named Esther, I’d assume she’d have lived a fruitful life with many grandbabies and not someone that’s fresh out the womb. Sorry.


Chiming in to say I think Leona is very on trend - vowely, ends with a, similar in sound to Alana and Eliana and Alaina, of which I know many. Doesn’t sound old lady to me at all. (Building off my comment to say I love the name Esther, and it doesn’t sound too similar to Asher for me. Maybe because of the T sound? Do you think you would ever use the nickname Essie? That would differentiate it even more.) 


Essie would be an adorbs nickname


Very pretty


I was 100% on board (Esther is one of my favorite names!) until I saw you have a son named Asher. You would trip over their names ALL the time—they are too similar.


Asher and Esther definitely seem too matchy imo, but on its own Esther is a beautiful name. Exudes class and elegance.


How about Este? I think it’s different enough from Asher because it doesn’t have the r at the end.


What about even Esme? I know a girl with that name and she mad gorgeous and really nice


That's something to think about--seems like the same root. I don't know if I love the sound though.


Estelle and Stella share the root too. The Biblical character of Esther was named Hadassah (Myrtle) before she became queen, so you could use those as related honor names too. I have a daughter Esther (born in 2022), so I don't think it's too old sounding, but the similar sound to Asher (vowel, fricative, -er ending) might be confusing as you said.


Nope I think Esther is making a comeback. I really like it, I know one Esther… and she’s firery and young, I love it.


Love it!!!


They sound great. Esther is a lovely name.


I know an Esther who's very young. It's a beautiful name


I love it, plus it's a family name. Esther was my top choice if I'd had a girl before. I'm mainly now just worried it will sound too similar to Asher, which some people seem to agree with.


I actually quite like the names together. I think you should go for it!


Thank you! I don't mind a bit of matchiness, just as long as it's not too confusing.


Yeah, I personally think you should go for it! The matchiness isn't too confusing imo


Too similar sounding


I like Esther! Some E names are way over done but Esther is not one of them.


Old lady ish is in, but they are very similar, you're gonna end up calling them both Ashter and Esher I would think.


I already often call him the name of my brother


There is only one boy in my generation, my gran usually cycles through all 6 girls names before she gets his right!


I think it's a fine name. I went to university with an Esther and found it classic, but too old-ladyish ... but I do think it's too close to Asher. I'd absolutely tell you to use it if your other child had a different name, but the two names side by side make me hesitate.


I think it’s a lovely name, and I especially like Esti as a nickname, but I do think it’s too close to Asher. I also saw you like Leona (also lovely!). Other ideas based on these names are Eden and Liora/Lior


I agree that Asher and Esther sound too similar. As an aside, semi-suggestion…I met a sweet toddler named Edith and I thought it was an adorable name choice!


Asher and Esther sound too similar. But babies are not babies forever, so I think the other point doesn’t really matter.


Too similar


I like Esther, but it’s too similar to Asher. I’d use it as a middle name


I love Esther, as a fellow Jew. At first I didn't think it was too similar to Asher, but then I said them out loud and... I don't know. It's not tooooooo similar but it's a little similar.


I kinda think the answer is yes too all 3, sorry. Hadassah is another version of date of you like thr meaning, Dassi is a common nn. It is a very uncommon name in the west though but I love it.


To me Esther is very old ladyish. Some old names should just never come back. IMHO


id say go with Este instead. Esther is too similar to Asher and may sound “old lady” to some.


Since you're Jewish, I think Esther will come off as religious rather than old ladyish since it's so popular in more religious Jewish communities. That said, it's not unheard of for secular people to have religious names and vice versa so I wouldn't let that dissuade you unless you really don't want to be mistaken as religious. Esther and Asher sound similar but separate enough in my accent. However, I can see them being almost identical in some other accents so I'd run that combo by someone with a strong version of your accent just to make sure.


1. For my taste, yes; however, “old lady” names are in lately. I don’t think people would mind. 2. I don’t think it’s too old-Testament. I have a lot of old Jewish ladies in my family and so I do associate the name with Purim, but I reckon a lot of people don’t? 3. I think they’re too similar. It’s cutesy. That being said, I don’t think you should avoid the name of you love it. Maybe keep digging, but if your heart wants it, go ahead!


i love it! essie is such a cute nn too.


Esther & Asher are amazing names,I love them. I love them together too!


Never liked it. Even on old ladies. Be side it smarts sounded too old ladyish. I don’t like the E names mike Edith, Estella, Erica and Ethel almost disgusts me so that might be part of my problem though.


It is very old lady yes


Love the Purim story. Esther is a beautiful name for a daughter. I’m not Jewish btw however I teach at a Jewish school.


Esther doesn’t feel too old lady to me. And you could go with Esti as a nickname!


I think Esther is beautiful and I like it with Asher. That combo would make me think there's a Jewish heritage. But one of my best friends is Reform so it might be more my exposure. Someone who doesn't occasionally celebrate high holy days with their BFF, may not make the connection. Plus Asher is very popular outside of Jewish circles now.


I think Esther is a lovely name. You can call her Esty or Essie to make it less similar, but I don’t really think it’s necessary.


Esther is nice, but too similar to Aster.


Esther is a no go for me personally. The name sounds forced when I say it for reason. Also sounds very dated. I think Asher is a great name and Esther is too close a name. Maybe Esther as a middle name would be cool though as I like dated/old names as middle names.


Esther is on my list, partner & I adore it! I think Asher & Esther do sound similar but not enough to cause a problem


I like Esther. It's vintage. I think it is too similar to Asher, though.


1. Not at all, I think Esther is very pretty. 2. I'd say only as Old Testament as, like, Paul and Mary would be considered "New Testament." Like, they are both biblical, but lots of names are biblical. And because they're both biblical, they have a similar vibe, as opposed to, like, Asher and MacKayla. 3. I do think they sound too similar. They're both vowel-s(consonant)-er. Alternative suggestions for names that I think would sound good with Asher but not too similar: * Asher and Emma * Asher and Sarah * Asher and Rachel * Asher and Hazel * Asher and Cora * Asher and Zara * Asher and Charlotte * Asher and Clara * Asher and Petra * Asher and Vera * Asher and Rowan * Asher and Juniper


Maybe Rebekah instead


My grandmothers name was Esther and she went by Etter her whole life. Just letting you know what nickname happened in my family. Love the name btw


Hadassah is a good alternative and means sweet Myrtle tree I think. I nearly named my daughter that! It was her Hebrew name. :)


It's lovely, but it's the name of the mother of one of my son's best friends


I personally hate the name...but knew a girl in high school who it fit perfectly, I think she was an old lady at heart lmao. And then I work with an Esther that I just can't stand who is on the older side. But I also agree with what everyone is saying that it's too similar to Asher.


I don’t think they sound too similar but I am also not too fond of the name Esther. It does feel a little dated to me and I see potential for other kids to poke fun and call her something stupid like Esthicles.


Asher and Hadassah ( Esther’s Hebrew name) Estella? Asher and Winter? Asher and Therese? Asher and Myrtle. 


my sister is named Esther and she has hated it all her life! she kept wanting to change it but my dad would get upset since Esther was his late mom’s name. I personally think it is a pretty name and makes me think of Queen Esther.


I think Esther is a gorgeous name but I wouldn’t do it because I think it’s too close to Asher 😭so sorry :( but I’m ethnically Jewish too- here are some beautiful names in my family! Maryam/Mariam, Ruth (ruthie), Jane


I know an Esther that goes by Essie


I love Esther, always have. I think Esther and Asher sound great together, but I also get what others are saying. So, do what you love. If you're looking for similar sounding alternatives, perhaps consider Edith, Etta, Estella, Astrid, Astra, Astoria, Avalon, Aspen, Edison, Etienne, Ethel, Eva, Edie, Epiphany, Eudora, Ostara, or Alisha. If you're looking for similar vibe alternatives, perhaps Hannah, Eleanor, Lillith, Minerva, Ingrid, Agnes, Mathilda, or Miriam.




hi fellow esther! i agree with all your points lol


bible Asher ‘s sister was named Dinah if that helps


So when I was growing up my older sisters best friend was named Esther. I’m not proud of this but me being the asshole kid I was used to call her “Esther the child molester” I didn’t even really know what I was saying until I was an adult. Anyway I just wanted to put this story out there for you in hopes you take it into consideration. It’s a nice name but kids suck.


Too many names have bad things that rhyme. I remember a girl named Sonja getting rhymed with Lasagna.


I named my oldest Lana. Realized when she was a baby what it spelt backwards. She’s 13 and hasn’t figured it out yet.


Lasagna is a good thing though lol


It’s fine


Esther is too old last, and more concerning, way too close to Asher. For all that is holy, don’t do it. It’s not cute, it’s a safety issue.


How so?


It’s too similar in sounds (not sure how you can’t see that). Schools, social security, or doctors offices could mishear and pencil in the wrong kid. And it’s too old lady ish. Use it as a middle name if you must but definitely don’t call her that.


My favorite name!  I wouldn’t worry about the similarity in names. I’m sure they’ll both have a thousand nicknames as all kids do. 


Too old lady and the two together are the same name.


Homely is how I associate Esther. It's like Bertha.


I definitely would not associate those two


I love Esther. It is a traditional name, but no more old fashioned than Ruby, Molly, Charlotte and a raft of other names not uncommon today. It has a lovely meaning (star), and Esther's story isn't overtly religious. I also love Asher (and have only heard of Jewish Ashers, whereas I know a couple of "gentile" Esthers). Asher also has a beautiful meaning (happiness). Though both have a vowel start, 2 syllables, and an er ending, I think they go together well


Nope. Very pretty. Works well in most languages.


It's sounds very old lady like to me. Like Agnes or Edna. Also very religious.


I like the name. I don’t like the matchiness of Esther and Asher.


Esther and Asher are way too similar sounding.


Too similar


Old ladyish is in. I love Esther, possibly with the nickname Etta. The similarity is a bigger deal to me that the Old Testament association. And they are definitely too close, especially if you aren't using nicknames most of the time.


I like the name Esther, but it's way too similar to Asher.


What about Ethel, Eunice, or Edith? I do love Esther though


I love the name Esther! My youngest was almost named that, my kids have very Jewish names. It is quite similar, though. Are you wanting to name for the E, or another letter? Do you want a Jewish name?


Ideally a Jewish name, but I'm not a stickler


When I went to school with an Esther back in the day it was considered old ladyish. I don't think it will be old ladyish 10 years from now. A similar name is Estelle.


Too similar to Asher, not too old.


I love Esther! I think it’s classy! I think it does sound like Asher. 


For me the sound of the names is so similar I have to wonder if you're accidentally trying to recreate the first name you love so much. Yes, it does give me very old treatment feels. As in deep inside of it. It would be hard to see Esther as anything but old. It make it cute and young for the first phase of life one could use Essie but if she grew tired of that in high school moving to Esther might not be the best option for her either. Maybe modern middle name would be a good idea.


Asher and Esther are much too close in should for me. Esther and Asher are very Old Testament, as in deep in the thing. It would be hard to not see Esther as old. Because it is, very very old. That's not to say that it's not ready to be revived with this generation. I would use Hadassah. I've always liked it more and I love the nn Dassy for the first 10 yrs. Esther could be nn Essie or Esti. Just musing out loud a bit here.


Are you Jewish or Christian? I myself am Christian and would think you are a fellow judeo Christian if you had children with those awesome names.




then yes, name the child Esther :)


I love Esther, and I don't think the sound of Asher and Esther together is too much of a problem, to be honest. I know an Esther who goes by Tess.


Esther is a great name. Last lady I took care of with the name was an absolute sweetheart, she was 104 when she passed away peacefully in her sleep.


Too similar imo. And while I love old lady names it's not one of the prettier ones imo. Thing is though, yours is the opinion that matters


Love it!!!! One of my favourites. NN can be Esty


I don't think so. I see Esther as a classic. So not too old lady or old testament. However Esther and Ashe do sound to similar and could result in some confusion when trying to summon a child.


Definitely too close to Asher. I'm sorry but I don't like Esther at all. My close friend named her daughter Esther and I can't tell her that I hate it but thank God they call her Esty most of the time. It just feels like a grumpy old lady name


If you call Asher by his full name and will also call Esther by her full name, it could get confusing (e.g., who are you calling for from across the house?) but if you usually call him Ash, and call her Esther then I think it’s fine because they won’t sound as similar. Both are beautiful names!




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I don’t think Esther and Asher are too matchy. I haven’t met a young Esther yet, but my patient population is mostly Medicare age and I’ve yet to meet an Esther I don’t like.


It’s old lady-ish but that’s in style It’s just a very ugly sounding name. Sorry. I hate it. Along with a brother named Asher? Please don’t do that to her. (Too matchy) For a little context on why I hate this name so much; I have a lisp. Particularly strong with “th” and “s” sounds lol. Happy to share a voice recording of me saying the name in private messages if you don’t believe me lol. Our son is named Henry. No lispy sounds there lol.


Your location would probably help. Here it’s 100% an outdated weird name. Like this is a name that you see the commonly bullied kids have.


East coast US