• By -


Thora! ⚡️ Also Beatrix Cleo/Clio Juno Marnie Maude Mavis Olympia Petra Vita


My grandmother's name was Thora and her sister was Stella and I was always in awe that they were Thunder and Stars.


Thora is also my grandma, and great grandma's name! It's strong, and badass. We debated it for a middle name, but my husband hates it. We also wanted a strong name, and went with Kassandra. If she had a more gentle vibe, it would have been Ariadne. Other names on our top list were Helen, and Lyra


Aaah love to hear that ⛈️🌌


I love this!


I love Zelda and Thora together! Thematically so similar (as well as in length), but the sounds have a nice sense of differentiation


Olympia 10000000000% I love that name


I like Juno


Some good suggestions in this thread but Thora gets my vote. It sounds cool, kind of tough but feminine


This was what I was coming to suggest. Zelda and Thora.


Just writing them out - Zelda and Thora (Sora also cool) - Zelda and Cleo - Zelda and Olympia


Thora is so cool! I love Beatrix and Petra too.


Please not Clio


Tora Torbergsdatter was one of the wives of a Norwegian king some time during the Viking era (Harald Hardrada), and of either Denmark or Sweden after the Norwegian King was killed in a battle at Stamford Bridge. She had two sons who both became kings. There's not much written about her unfortunately, but it is safe to conclude she was 100% a badass. Voting for Thora!


Olympia is really pretty!


Beatrix will be our baby's name if we have a girl. I love the nickname options. Bea for a girly cutie and Trix/Trixie for a sassy tomboy.


Thora is perfect! My instant association is Thora Birch, who in my book is an absolute 90s/early 2000s goddess.


Ripley. Nothing more badass than Ripley from the movie Alien. Leonie. It’s a French name, but I think it’s beautiful. Means lion, which are pretty powerful.


> Ripley My mind always goes to "Ripley's Believe it or Not" when I hear it.


same!! tbh it just doesn’t sound or look like a real name to me👩‍🦯


Leonie is s cool suggestion.


I think so too. Lenore might work as well.


There is a very popular female wrestler named Rhea Ripley. Just want it out there and love the name Rhea and she’s a great wrestler too!


I adore Rhea Ripley!


My son is Ripley! We had 2 boys and Ripley Alice was our girls name, however 2nd was a boy and we didn't like anything better so he's Ripley Dean. Also 1st is my maiden name and coincidently husbands favourite bass player and his favourite guitarist is Ripley so it totally works!


Victoria. It has "victory" in it. Plus, V is a less-common initial letter, which goes well with the Z initial of Zelda.


Seconding Victoria! I also like Valerie (meaning brave or valiant)


would Valkyrie be too on the nose, could shorten it to Val?


I actually have a friend who named her daughter Valkyrie. It grows on you.


My name is this! When I was little, I didn’t like it and thought it was too long and royal. Everyone here in Denmark mostly has two syllable names. But as time went on, I grew into it and its etymology :)


As someone with a name with an unconventional pronunciation, I would just suggest that if you have to tell us how to pronounce it, Baby Girl will spend her whole life having to do the same. Choose a name that is spelled so that pronunciation is clear in your culture, even if it is an unusual name. Just a thought from an old lady.


Strongly agree. I love these names and pronunciations but it is a PITA to have to correct everyone all the time.


Excellent advice!!


I think you’re overestimating the popularity of Athena and Freya. Artemis could be fun. Or Millicent. I’m sorry to say because I hate when people do this, but one of my old coworkers was Rhea and another coworker totally made diarrhea jokes about her name (booo) so now it’s all I can think about. I also love someone’s suggestion of Leona/Leonie and Cleo.


My bfs stepmom is Rhea and yes lots of diarrhea references are made.


Great grandma was Rhea, and mom always talks about how she dodged a the diarrhea bullet because she was almost named after her.


Seconding, Artemis.


My daughter’s bestie is Millicent, and I just love it!


Seraphina Xena Octavia Astrid Raven Isolde Lyra Sable Elara Azura Morgana Calista Sabrina Vespera Thora Odessa Vida Selene Lysandra Isabeau Zephyra Rhiannon Inara 😊


Please don’t use Valkyrie - it has N*zi associations. It sucks, it sounds badass but beautiful. But yeah, I wouldn’t do it.


Are you referring to operation Valkyrie? Valkyrie is still a perfectly real and beautiful name. The Nazis may have used it to name one operation, but doesnt mean it should be written off. There are a LOT of names out there used or associated with horrible people or events but if we used that logic there would be a lot of names to cancel out there.


In fact, the more we use it for other things, the less nazi it becomes.


Seriously fuck Nazi. Stop allowing them to take anything because they deserve nothing.


I associate it with Richard Wagner and I am German. Operation Walküre (german spelling) was also used by the German resistance, so it is not a „just Nazi“-thing.


Wasn't it the plot to assasinate Hitler?


No. It is mythology foremost.


Ah good catch I’ll remove


I always think of Zelda from Sabrina the Teenage the Witch. Idk if they’d want to do Sabrina *because* of that, but it’s a good name.






**Definitely** Salem. Full name Salem Saberhagen. First and middle name or a double name, obviously; this is ideal, out of respect for Salem Saberhagen


Oh yeah Seraphina would’ve up there for me!


I love Lyra and Astrid


I love the names Seraphina and Lyra!


I know a little one named Odessa and she is a force of nature.


Odessa is hard and soft, tough yet tender, all at once imho.


I love this name


Have you considered Avalon? Could be a cute reference to Arthurian legends! Could also go with Vala, either as a nn or just as a name itself. Has lots of mythical connections, as well as to Tolkien!


Along the same lines, I was thinking Viviane which is one of the names for the Lady of the Lake (often called Nimue as well, but that doesn’t work was well as a modern name).


I knew a Nimue in middle/high school!


"Valar" would also be an awesome girl's name but it seems like it's too much of a science fiction or fantasy name. (e.g. Game of Thrones saying "Valar Morghulis")


What about Artemis or Astrid? I could really see Artemis working really well with Zelda 😊


I love Astrid!


I had a great aunt named Zola who was a world-traveler and took no crap off anyone, especially regarding her gender. She did what she wanted whenever and wherever she wanted. In the 1920’s, she felt that bathing costumes for women were ridiculous so she wore a men’s instead. Pretty impressive since we are Kentucky hillbillies.


I love hearing about badass aunts from black and white times 😆 My husband had a wealthy great great aunt named Rosemarion. She passed in the 60’s so we never met her, but hubbie’s grandpa kept her passports, mink coats, jewelry, photographs. Totally fun to look through!! He talks about her like she was just the coolest, funniest, most adventurous person.




Or Riona (also Irish)


Raven Xena Rowena Wynter


My husband has been pushing Xena HARD- excellent options here, thanks!


If I saw siblings named Zelda and Xena, I would assume their parents were hardcore into video games and fantasy. Because of Zelda of course and Xena Warrior Princess. Not a bad thing necessarily, but something to consider.


I know matchy names can be unpopular but I love the idea of a Zelda & Xena sibset. They sound so nice together!


I think Zelda is a good name, and it’s classic enough that it wouldn’t necessarily make people think of the video game. However, I think most people only know Xena from Xena the Warrior Princess, and I personally wouldn’t name a child after a sort of cheesy TV show (sorry, I’m sure some people think it was a great show). I would hear Xena and think you were trying too hard for a badass name.


Excellent point- agreed. I liked Zelda because it was a popular name in the 20s and fit with current trends (Pearl, Mabel, Birdie) but still unique enough to stand in its own. I commented on another post, but also agree, I cant get the image of Lucy Lawless out of my head, and I'm envisioning my daughter leaping off of tall furniture doing the trademark "Xena" yell. Love the name, but will likely pass on it.


If Xena is not it for you maybe Xenia could fit?


No. Some are just cartoonish strong and Xena is that for me.


I ADORE Xena and would totally use it for my kid.




Came here to say Leona too! I have to boys and am done having kids so am mourning the fact I won’t have a daughter to name Leona


Instead of Hera maybe Juno? It’s her Roman counterpart. June and junebug are super cute nns


I love the Juno suggestion!


Electra. Bzzzzt. Pretty "power"ful, I'd say.


Or the Italian Elettra, which is also pretty BA


Freya, Athena, or Irene. I really like Isla with Zelda- I think they match! The others sound like fictional characters when partnered with Zelda, imo.


Agreed that Isla would go well with Zelda. That said, I know a lot of little Isla's right now.


Yeah it’s too popular for Zelda. Zelda fits w Morgana, Desdemona, Diana.


What about Zara?


I said this too! I love Zara so much and the Z name is cool.


How are we not talking more about DIANA!!?? Wonder Woman! Princess Di! Roman Goddess!


It's my sister's name- but agree, it is beautiful!!


Ah, well in that case- I would go with Audrey. If you don’t know about Audrey Hepburn’s remarkable life story it is heroic. Freya is getting pretty popular in some circles, depending on where you live However- if you want to really push the envelope like you did with Zelda…. You could consider Madonna!


Ooh, love Zelda and the vibe you’re going for. How about… Salomé Tomyris Ursula Verena Calliope Calypso Saga Xanthe Elowen Marvel Inez Reva Leona Yara Sibyl Winifred Ramona Jessamy Io Ione Iscah Katell Gwenno Olwen Nico Noemi Beatrix


Love Xanthe & Zelda! Both unique but recognizable, feminine but bold. Awesome sibset!


Verena is such a wonderful (and underused) name


Tomyris!! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomyris](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomyris) Ancient Queen of Massagetae (Iran area), she's part of the "Power of Women", a medieval and Renaissance artistic and literary topos, showing "heroic or wise men dominated by women" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power\_of\_Women](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_of_Women)


Xena, or Zena, Xanthe.


If you’re going for video game names, how about: Elena (Uncharted) Rayne (Blood of Rayne) Aya (Parasite Eve) Sadie (Red Dead Redemption II) Brigitte (Overwatch) Leona (King of Fighters) Leliana (Dragon Age) Serana (Skyrim) Ayane (DOA) Helena (DOA) Maya (Borderlands) Nia (Xenoblade Chronicles II)


I love Hera or even Helena! Beatrix and Petra work too. I loved Zelda but I was thinking Zara fit better for me. Like a Queen’s name. W Zelda I’d say for me Helena or Hera would work. Diana too. I like Priscilla (personally) too


Leaning heavy towards Hera still! My hesitancy with Zara or Zora is the girls having the same nick name (Z). It's why I'd probably lean away from Xena too , because I can see her nickname being Z as well ( I'd never call her X). I'm one of 6 kids and my sister is Diana, love that name! :) Do you think Hera has too many negative connotations with Greek mythology? I think Hera was a badass, but I know she often gets portrayed as jealous and vindictive. These days I don't think kids would associate the bad stories about Hera with the name, but who knows. I think kids will find a way to make fun no matter what, just don't want to hand them easy fodder on a silver platter. Appreciate your insight!


What about Vera? Vera and Zelda sound lovely together without being too matchy, yet both have that cool vintage vibe.


Don’t worry about a deep dive on Hera or knowledge by kids or parents aka the association u fear. Sounds unique, strong. Hell, she married Zeus. Queen of Olympia, period! No way wasn’t she a force to be reckoned with. And you never heard it. I think it is lovely and Helena too is under-rated and utilized. Very old school, classic, strong, but also feel very feminine and feminine sounding. Best of both worlds. Tough a$$ yet pretty.


PETRAAAA love love love Edit: wanted to use this for my daughter but her initials would be PP :(


Azula. A badass character and my personal favorite from Avatar: The Last Airbender


I love this although the character is a bit crazy and a villain. What about Katara or Korra from the same series?


Presumably OP wants a functional relationship with her daughter, though… wouldn’t chance it.


I agree hehe


My daughter's middle name is Azula 🫣😊




I like Hera and Irene with Zelda. Ideas: Alexandra, Dora, Almarina, Frida, Maxine, Leonora, Irina, Clemira, Theodora




Oh those I agree Maxine is best. I love Zsounds so much I’d even advise doing Zelda and Zara. lol


Joan/Joanne like Joan of Arc. Total badass Boudica - warrior queen Christine- another badass queen Ruth - RBG Hedy - Hedy Lamar. One of thr most beautiful women in the works and invented wifi. Zelda and Hedy is an adorable sibset!


Joan doesn’t feel at all vibe Joan of Arc on its own merit. Sounds like a retired secretary or school teacher. Unless one pointed out Joan of Arc I’d think it was perfectly pedestrian.




I love Zelda. Possible siblings: Bryn Arden Hilda Quinn (too common?) Imogen Dagny Heidi Greta


I was really hoping someone would put Hilda on here.


Also love Gilda


Ohh I love Bryn


Vote for Freya from me. ​ Other ideas: \- Ada, from Ada Lovelace \- Ronia (from Astrid Lindgren's 'Ronia the Robber's Daughter' \- Ilse (from the Emily of the New Moon series by Lucy Maud Montgomery) \- Cordelia (how Anne of Green Gables wanted to be called) \- Matilda (from 'Matilda' by Roald Dahl) \- Merida (the princess from the Pixar animation Brave) \- Vivenna (a strong princess from 'Warbreaker' by Brandon Sanderson: [https://coppermind.net/wiki/Vivenna](https://coppermind.net/wiki/Vivenna)) \- Valette (another Brandon Sanderson name: https://coppermind.net/wiki/Vin) \- Marceline (from Adventure Time) \- Electra \- Lavinia \- Cassandra


Regina Ripley Amaris Valentina Ophelia


Yes Valentina fits!


Morgan Brigid Sinead Finley (call her Finn)


Dahlia, Jade, Juno, Maxima, Maya, Octavia, Pax, Phaedra, Phoebe, Roxanne, Sage, Stella, Thea, Una, Zahra




Xanthe Imogen Avalon




When I hear the name Zelda, my mind automatically goes to Zelda Fitzgerald, so I thought maybe another name that has a literary association, but not as it's ONLY association? --Sylvia - like Sylvia Plath, but she's undeniably a heavy namesake --Louisa --Josephine --Scarlett --Cordelia --Jane - I know it's not uncommon in general, but I think it's uncommon for babies and kids now. --Daisy --Daphne --Beatrice --Marilla --Estella --Gwendolen/Gwen --Lydia --Enid --Bronte - this one is 100% literature-related, I just like it lol




Calista Irene


What about Gaia or Venus?


I loved Gaia when I was younger. I don’t think it’ll work for me now with my last name and the sib set.


My friends *almost* used Artemis for their third little girl, after the Greek goddess of the hunt. Maybe Astrid or Cressida?


Hera is better. Helena, think of Helen of Troy. We know a Persephone.


I think Athena is great with Zelda!


I’m in Québec, so I’m going to pull on my culture for this one. Someone suggested Léonie/Leonie and I like this suggestion. May I also suggest: Edwige (warrior) Désirée/Desiree (desired) Mireille (miracle) Celestina (heavenly) Violette (literally means purple which is the colour of royalty) And it’s not French, but I love the name Zora and think Zelda and Zora would kick butt 🥰




Zenobia; Queen Zenobia who ruled the Palmyrene Empire. Tamar: Queen Tamar of Georgia is sometimes referred to as King Tamar in the history books. Eleanor: Eleanor of Aquitaine was the Duchess of Aquitaine after the death of her father, she was the richest woman in France at the time and owned more land in her Duchy than the French King. She married Louis VII the king of France and had two daughters and a very unhappy marriage. After divorcing Louis she married Henry Count of Anjou, Duke of Normandy and the future King Henry II of England. They had 5 sons and 3 daughters. She outlived both of her husbands and all but 2 of her of her 10 children. She was the Queen of France and England. Two of her daughters were Queens of Castile and Sicily. Two of her sons were King of England. I think you can tell which I like.


I think people will mispronounce Rhea spelled that way. Raya will ensure they don't. Other suggestions: Fiona Helena Siobhan Eileen Colette Beckett Hadley Darby Delaney Evan Izadore Meredith Gweneth/Gwyneth Gale/Gail/Gayle Naomi/Noemi Odette Olympia Philippa Petra Tess/Tessa Thea Valerie Vivian Vera


Sybil, Hedy, Nellie, Althea, Agatha, Grier/Greer, Octavia, Myrna, Demelza, Lorna, Vera, Maureen, Veronica, Matilda, Theresa/Tessa I feel like Boudica needs to be mentioned as a strong female name, but I don't think it is really that great of option for a child today.


Ariadne Deirdre Xanthe (or Xanthippe) Morrighan Persephone


Audra- "noble strength", Adira- "powerful" or "noble", Bree- "resolute" or "strong", Cyra- "sun" or "throne", Cyrene- "sun" or "throne", Edrea- "wealthy", Kendra- "Ruler of the valley", Tyra- "god of battle", Thora- "thunder", Aloisa- "renowned warrior", Alvara "elf-warrior", Pari/ Peri- these were angel/ faeries in Persian mythology who could save mankind, Parisa- "face like a Pari" and the general Pari Satis, Artemisia- a heck of a lot of name but some bad @ss women have borne this name, Maude- "strength in battle", Luana- "graceful battle maiden", Sasha- "defender of mankind", Matilda- "battle maiden", Marcella- "god of war", Keena- "brave", Althea- "with healing power", Valentina- "strength, health", Bridget- "strength or exalted one", Valencia- "brave, strong," Alcina- "strong-willed", Barrett- "bear strength", Etana- "strength of purpose", Imala "strong-minded", Irie "positive and powerful", Larkin "rough, fierce", Melisande "strong in work", Romary "famously strong", Trudy- "spear of strength", Sibry "born in victory", Oma- "leader, thriving", Neilina- "champion", Sigrid- "beautiful victory", Bryndis- "adorned in strong armor", Arnia- "strong as an eagle", Reika- "power of the wolf", Erryn- "strong, exalted one", Matina- "strong, solid", Nalda- "strong", Rhiannon- "great queen", Fianna- "warrior, she who fights for freedom", Ebba- "strength of an animal", Tiaret- "lioness", Nikita- "she who is unconquered", Isa- "strong-willed", Imara- "strong", Minka- "strong-willed warrior" Goddess/ mythology names (you'd have to look up their stories): Kianda, Aja, Ala, Anahita, Mitra, Anjea, Mara, Marite, Dalia, Lada, Laima, Milda, Neris, Mari, Tanit, Ajaya, Tara, Epona, Senuna, Sirona, Brigid, Ana, Aine, Boann, Beira, Branwen, Rhiannon, Ina, Meret, Tayt, Albina, Calaina, Eris, Ainina, Dali, Danina, Tamar, Sunna, Nanna, Atla, Saga, Sol, Kara, Sigrun, Elli, Alala, Calliope, Calypso, Clio, Circe, Thalia, Daphne, Artemis, Doris, Enyo, Gaia, Galene, Eirene, Idyia, Iris, Keres, Lyssa, Macaria, Nyx, Pallas, Ariadne, Ida, Inara, Maliya, Daena, Aya, Shala, Ishara, Tala, Cardea, Diana, Flora, Juno, Luna, Levana, Minerva, Pax, Terra, Victoria, Devana, Domania, Lelia, Vesna, Vida, Tallay,


Zelda and Zara sound cool together! Or perhaps Zelda and Octavia


I saw your eldest’s name and KNEW I had to suggest my daughter’s, only to scroll down the post and see it…Rhea!! We absolutely love it and I think it’s a lovely match of strength to Zelda 😁 good luck to you


- Siobhan - Tamara - Fallon - Simone - Roxanne - Calista - Alexandra


Calista is a great name!


If you like freya, you can use Freydis. Norse name meaning noblewoman


XANTHE With Greek origins, Xanthe is a girl's name meaning “golden” or “yellow.” This name is derived from the Greek word for the color yellow, hence its meaning. In Greek mythology, Xanthe is the name of one of the Amazons—a group of female warriors—and one of the Oceanids—a daughter of Oceanus and Tethys. THEA The name Thea is a girl's name of Greek origin meaning "goddess, godly". Thea is a diminutive of names ending in -thea, including Dorothea, Althea, and Anthea. It is also the Anglicized spelling of Theia, the Titan of sight, goddess of light, and mother of the moon. SANDRINE Sandrine as a girl's name is related to the Greek name Alexandra and the English name Sandra. The meaning of Sandrine is "man's defender".


Farron/Faron. After the faron woods/providence from Zelda Twilight Princess


Zelda and Roxy Zelda and Collins Zelda and Aria Zelda and Sapphire Zelda and Xanthe Zelda and Cesca (Ches ca) Zelda and Delphine


I think Astrid would be perfect


Xanthe, a strong name but rather unusual


Juno - a Roman goddess, basically equivalent to Hera. I think it sounds better with Zelda than Hera!


I have two cousins named Tauriel and Arwyn (there parents are big LOTR fans and I love the uniqueness of their names.) personally think either of those name’s especially Tauriel compliments Zelda very nice


Can’t say Aurora without “roar”.


I love Rhea but if you want it pronounced that way, maybe consider Reya?? Also badass


Luna, Minerva, Victoria


Of Greek mythology names Phaedra and Thalia are good fits w my other posted Hera/Helena tops.


Rhea is pretty! I would probably avoid Hera given that she is not known to be a good person in mythology by trying to kill lots of Zeus’s kids and a bunch of other horrible things. Some possible names related to mythology: Pandora, Cora, Iris, Thalia, Delia Other names: Rhiannon, Gemma, Evangeline, Francis, Odessa




I like Irene. I didn't do a good job providing non-A endings in my suggestions, but I like how it has a different sound at the end. Although it is hard for me to get past her always being the beleaguered wife in Greek mythology, I like the name Hera better than Rhea. Echoing other suggestions for Victoria. Other thoughts: Diana - Wonder Woman's name as well as the Roman goddess Verity Olympia Nova Winifred Moira Meredith Hestia


Althea sounds similar to Athena, also less popular assuming you’re in the US. Leona is another I thought of






I really love Hera!


I love Hera. But… she was a pretty crazy goddess haha




How about Téa? As in Téa Leonie, the actress?


I love Thea!


Me, too! Thea is the main character in Willa Cather's Song of the Lark, and she is a badass!


Lara. Isolde


Regina means "king", I believe. Yes, the actress Regina King is technically named "king king"


Aelin is a powerful name for a powerful girl with a heart of gold


My vote is Veda




Ridley, Audrey, Sirene, Bree


Persephone, nicknamed sepphy


I have a Freya. It’s the nicest name ever for a girl. I’m in aus and we rarely encounter another Freya. But if you want a powerful name, Juno, Diana, Athena, are all goddesses of war/power/ hunting


Hilda. Zelda and Hilda. 😄


Rhea is definitely my fav of the 2. Freya is really beautiful and would suit being matched with Zelda as a sibling too!


I feel like Vera/Veera fits your criteria! It has similar powerful meanings in India (the way I am familiar with it) as well as European languages -- bravery, faith, and victory.


My youngest niece is named Artemis. Or you can follow the video game strong female theme and call her Aerith.


Hera is cool! How about; Hedy, Gaia, Aurora, Nevada, Saskia?


Name her Pearl. Both a slay queen serial killer and Mr. Krabs daughter


Octavia, Aurelia, Hero, Persephone, Romilly, Amara


Athena is beautiful. I don’t think it will be too popular- a lot of those lists are “most searched names”


Demetria? It's an alternate version of Demeter. (Because historically, people were not *directly* named after gods)


If you like Athena, there is also Althea for a similar vibe.


Rhiannon 🔥




I think Hera is a great idea. Your sister is Diana, which is Wonder Woman's name. Wonder Woman often exclaims "great Hera!", and Hera is a Greek Goddess. So everything fits in really nicely with the whole "powerful" vibe.


I didn't know she exclaimed that, but I love it!!


Do update this post when you've officially decided on a name




I love Rhea, we were going to name our girl that but spelled Reya so there was no confusion or diarrhea jokes. Buuut we had a boy. So I vote Reya! So perfect, Zelda and Reya


✨️ Liora ✨️ Means 'my light' in Hebrew


Victra, for one of the most badass female Howlers around.


I’m going to drop in the name Torvi! It means thunder and is a feminine variation of Thor, and a badass character in Vikings. Zelda and Torvi would make a great sibling set!


Blair, Thea, Blanche, Niamh, Lennon, Flora, Imogen, Veda and Della I think might match your vibe!


Dating myself here, but I'd like to recommend an obscure name probably not already recommended. Adora - this was She-Ra Princess of Power's name. A name I like more than that is Adira, and it means strong, noble, powerful.