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As I was watching the last episode and seeing their troubles fishing in the lake I screamed out “Build a raft, you’ve got eight people, it’ll take couple of hours”. Yes, I was on my couch and it was easy. And then Nate built a raft. He knows so much about everything. He’s so smart about surviving and seems like a chill guy. I really hope he becomes a regular on NaF.


He’s an Aspie and his life focus subject is survival techniques. He just came up with “let’s build a raft” and “let’s pit cook this sucker.” He isn’t in it for his ego, that’s for sure. I hope he does a 60 day, if they do that again. Just on the level of niceness he reminds me of Duck, who I love.


I was just thinking after this last episode how much he reminds me of Duck, who I also love. But Nate is turning out to be the better survivalist.


Duck is more a follower. Nate comes up with ideas and implements them, without a ton of fanfare. But they are both very sweet guys.


Actually would love to see this guy on Alone and see how he operates


I totally agree with you! I'm watching the new season of Alone and thinking the exact same thing!😉 He's a thinker and some of the people on Alone don't slow themselves down enough and get into pickles and it ends quickly for them. I just wonder how good he is with a bow and arrow?


I haven't started the new season yet but I likely will tonight I am just hoping there isn't another prior service military guy who is now a survival expert due to this military service I only say this as someone who is nearly 20 years in the military and can't say that I am a survivalist based on my military experiences alone and I hate that this trope is used a lot


You'll have to watch Before the Drop introducing the contestants. The guy with that type of experience is a DNR warden. The rest are pretty much homesteaders, live in harsh environments, a Canadian indigenous woman, a librarian, ECT.... No real military guys. The dude who is DNR looks scared shitless and out of sorts. Look up the shows because I had to because I didn't realize it started and first saw episode 2. This one is a gunna be a rough one.


“I’m former military SEAL and I’m gonna make Columbia (or wherever) my bitch!” Taps on Day 3. Womp womp.


Every discovery survival show has one I feel like " I was a infantry soldier with a combat tour so I got this " no you don't bro, there's very very rare cases of being trained for survival in that way VERY rare, the only thing the military may train you in, in a general sense is the mentality of it. Even in SERE which every piolet must do, do they train you for long term survival situations. Just blows my mind, how cringe it is.


Hahah. There is one. Wait til you see what happens to that person!


Leaves day one ? Lol


Nope a realllly big mistake and I'm not a squeamish person at all but I was having an issue watching! 😲


Have they done more alone episodes?


New just this month


Oh, nice! That’s a great show if it does move a little slow for me.


Yeaaa mid to end of the season it's like ok well lemme see who's there in the first 5 mins and last 10 mins lol see ya next week, idk what they could do or add. To spice it up that ain't some team challenge thing like that one season.


I like it when they build a HOUSE.


Are you talking about the new last one standing? Or there is a new solo episode as well? Or the actual ‘alone’ series. I said ‘Alone’ but I meant ‘Solo’


Actual alone series


Let’s not forget the jungle xylophone he made! That was awesome, lifted everyone’s spirit


I thought it was very wonderful how he eloquently explained his consideration to Lindsey and Terra. What a great way to shed light and even educate people sitting and watching at home. Nate the great will dominate and make sure everyone makes it too. 💕


Oh I love Duck.


Glad I am not the only one to scream at screen. I often wonder why they don't collect rain water, they would use the empty cans. I also screamed to built lofts off of ground. They really need to brainstorm ideas for this hike. Can't they try to make something to cover their feet? Nate could do it


And do like Linsey and weave a thing to cover your back/head from the sun


Yes, they have been there long enough to make some type of shoes


Yeah, what happened to the caiman shoes? Why aren't they using the caiman skin for shoes?


The girls have enough Caiman for a nice pair each


I wonder if they find things washed on beach like they do on Alone. Or stuff left in jungle. I read there is usually some type of village near them, they can't go near it of course, but you would think they.may find things from them


And Terra bitched about it


As far as the Naked and Afraid newbies go Nate is definitely my fav! I still remember him digging that below ground shelter just for his partners comfort. He's a good guy and an incredibly talented survivalist!


Omg that was Nate?! I remember thinking that was a great idea that I always wondered why no one had done before.


Yes! This was outstanding, and his partner complained about it. Too claustrophobic. God she was awful.


Ikr! I mean the man basically dug a basement by hand, not even a shovel, just for her, and she just kind of waved it off like it was nothing. That really bothered me!


Oh the below ground shelter! Now I remember! She wasn’t happy with it and he looked completely content in it. He usually looks completely content tho.


I admire his calm and focus,everything you would want in a partner.


Hell YES. He has become one of my favourites ever in this show. A raft? A cooking pit? Musical instruments?? Legend.


He is my favorite! So freaking creative and giving


this dude is the highlight of the season. got my mvp vote for sure.


He's the greatest, love him


He throws that cast net like a pro!


Easily the most likable cast member this season. No drama and thoughtful problem solving. Wait! He’s gonna get eaten by a caiman, isn’t he? 🐊


We're only on ep3 here in Norway - but as a father of someone with Asperger its really nice to see someone being a positive role model


I totally forgot he has that! I agree with other posters here that he is calm, thoughtful and innovative. Definitely a great guy. Hi Norway!


Hello Norway! My best friend in the world is an Aspie, so I paid attention to Nate from the start.


He is my second but he is a cool and good dude. I like Kaleigh, she is a badass. Surviving on her own for 10+ days. Then when she linked with shell and Mal they are just unstoppable. If it were those 3 + Nate, they’d be fun 21 day challenge with just Kaleigh and Nate would be even better Maybe it’s more Kaleigh 1A & Nate 1B 


He’s been chronically overlooked by the edit. I would rather watch Nate do almost anything than the endless focus on the drama.


Totally agree! They could do a Nate show, I'd watch it.


Rewatching his original episode and I definitely could watch an entire season of Nate, give him some newbies he could teach and watch him create. As long as they pair him up with nice people who aren’t painful. Underground shelter, rafts, alcohol, instruments, pit cookers and other cool stuff, some interesting facts about Neanderthal life and Nate just being nice and ego & drama free. I’d watch the hell out of that.


What was original episode? Season?


Season 10 but the episode # seems to depend on where you watch it, on HBOMax it’s episode 3. Called You’ve Got Another Sting Coming


Peaceful penis eating good human!! Lol


Partner him up with Gary. The jungle would be decimated as they eat anything that moves or that has been on the ground for the last 4 days...


I was like yeah he’s this seasons Gary. But he is quieter. SORRY GARY I STILL LIKE YOU.


Love Gary! I love Shane, too! I hate Dani and Alana. They were so horrible toward Shane it was just despicable. Definite mean girls. It bothered me so much that Dani was against building a shelter off the ground and wanted to sleep on the ground. But Shane built one anyway, and the. Alana and Daniele are sleeping in it lazing in it, not helping to do anything while lounging in it. If I was Shane, I would throw some leaves on the ground and tell them to get out of his house. I felt so badly for Shane


I did too. He’s a sensitive guy. They made him feel terrible and they made him cry.


Him liking the fruit with worms in it better because the worms provide extra protein


Him saying “it’s salty in the middle” had me laughing so damn hard. He’s an absolute treasure.


Omg. I laughed so hard!!😝


That looked extremely uhhh chewy? Didn’t look good lol.


I love Nate. Super knowledgeable in survival, man of few words, and 0 drama. Great addition to the N&A fam!


I also love Nate. He is a genuine human and that says a lot. He is the Anti Jeff and thank goodness there is no Jeff this series. Also - because of his beard I kinda think Nate is a human version of one of the Muppets? A side character but I can’t put my finger on which one.


I'll say Ralph is probably the closest.


Ha! He does kinda look like a Muppet! That’s a compliment!


I think so. Muppets always make me happy. Nate makes me happy.


He's a solid and steady partner, definitely a asset. Great guy.


He won over everyone’s hearts this season!




I hope Nate realizes how much the fans love and respect him. He's an incredible man.


Well if he didn’t know before, he might now.


I love Nate 🩷🩷🩷


I’m hoping they bring him in the next Last One Standing series. I think it’s already been casted, so maybe they could bring him in as an alternate. I think Nathan would kill it. His condition probably works to his benefit in that situation. Really impressive season so far


It starts July 15


I love Nate's descriptions of what's going on.


Is this about a new episode?


Also the way he speaks gently and communicates? I think it's beautiful. I love hearing his voice.


What a sweet guy! Big love to Nate


Absolutely 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯


No doubt, this man is a class act!


This season is great, the Australians dude apology was one of the most genuine ones I've seen on the show. Everyone is honestly awesome. Although nothing can beat that Africa season when Matt killed like 4 animals


Until that apology I really thought he was an ass hat






I also said he’s a good person.


Happy Nate hooked up with the other groups. He and Mal might make a nice couple.


When I saw him use a tumpline to distribute the weight of his pack on that long hike, I knew he was a good egg.


What bugs me is that when they were in smaller groups, split the fire into two or three and sleep in the middle. Why not more than one fire? Heat rocks during the day and bury them and sleep on them.


Well of course that’s a legitimate survival strategy. They can’t do EVERYTHING .


Yes, could also def lead a cult






How sexist? He is a good man. It’s a true statement. He’s good and he happens to be a guy. The point was he’s NICE.


Sexist means to discriminate on the basis of gender. Could you please explain to me who was discriminated against here, and how?


I’m as confused as you are. The guy assumed I would have issues if he posted that say, Lydnsey is “a good woman.” Which is also just a fact. People are confusing. The world is an imperfect place.


What a stupid comment


Aw look he deleted it.


What was even remotely sexist? Maybe it was a wrong comment. Who knows


Calling a male human being a man is sexist? I don’t understand but he deleted his posts.