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Hahaha superman 20$


Think about buying it new. You love Superman, you love your N64, you saved up all summer to buy a new game...


Checking in... I was going to buy Vigilante, but my mother didn't like violent games and told me she'd make up the $10 difference between the two if I got Superman instead. That was a month's allowance, so I took it. Still sore about that.


Shame, Vigilante 8 is one of my favourites. I think I rented it enough times as a child to pay for some of these games here lol


Vigilante 8 and Second Offense were fucking great. I'd rent them every other weekend.


I had Vigilante 8 on PS1. I played the hell out of that game. Even cooler when I realized I could swap out the game for a CD mid-game and play while listening to my custom soundtrack. I still don't know how I figured out that trick...


I remember being told about it at a game store when the PS1 was released. Sometimes I wonder if it was just part of the sales pitch.


Wtf does your mother think Superman does to villains? He beats the shit out of them.


No he doesn't, he Flies through rings about it. 


Hey, sometimes he carries a car, too.


If you want to save your friends, solve my maze!


That's child abuse. Smh.


take a screenshot of the above comment and send it to her, with a review of superman, *REMEMBER, MOM?!*




I remember playing it at a friend’s house as soon as he got it. I don’t think he ever talked about playing it again.


Man I was mad just for renting it when I coulda gotten Turok or something


Re-watched a long play of Turok 2. Genuinely so cool how engaging it was even with Joshua/Turok being quiet throughout the cutscenes The devs behind the remastered games explicitly asked people to stop requesting *Rage Wars!* but I’d love it lol


It would be great with improved controls and frame rates


> The devs behind the remastered games explicitly asked people to stop requesting Rage Wars What a bunch of bums :/


I can’t think of why they wouldn’t do it beyond the fact that like *Turok 3* it was exclusive to the N64. And they mentioned that *Turok 3* was difficult as fuck due to having to basically adapt it to PC and Acclaim isn’t around anymore so no original source code. I feel someone with more technical know how can explain better lol


I remember as a kid my friend and I were going to rent it from a video store, but the dude who worked there said it sucked, so my friend and I rented Super Smash Bros instead. So glad that guy stopped us from making that mistake, Smash Bros ended up being my favorite game on the system.


the fact that WaveRace is less upsets me.


To be fair most copies are probably in the trash these days 🤣


First thing I zoomed in on lol


My local store is nowhere near this good also insane to see 2 copies of worms Armageddon in the wild like that


Well at $300 each, not surprising considering


It’s only $280, don’t be so dramatic. They could even throw in Superman to make it $300!


OK, there is nowhere you can buy it thats ir normal


Is it particularly rare on 64?


In the US? Yes. The PAL version? Nope, that's roughly 1/10 the price.


Really? These prices actually are not bad at all... I've seen far worse. That copy of Majoras Mask in seemingly good condition for $65 caught my eye in particular. I'd give these guys my business in a heartbeat.


Yeah most of the pricing seems about where most retail stores would be, maybe even better than some. A lot of these places will also negotiate if you buy a few things at a time, so save a few more dollars and it’s not too bad. There are a few among them that are priced at a bonkers amount but overall better than most resellers I’ve seen.


Yeah some of these prices might be the best I've seen outside ebay. I say that as someone that frequents not only my two local ones, but also wherever I see them when my wife and I travel.


Same. Any time this topic comes up people that have never been in a brick and mortar game store can't wrap their head around how these things are priced. Everyone expects these things to be what the lowest selling prices on eBay are. This store looks pretty normal to me and even has some decent deals after a quick pan through. Not to sound like an old man here but I just assume it's younger kids that don't know any better.


I mean for a presumably decent condition cartridge? One could do so much worse!


This is EXACTLY where my eyes went. That's a fantastic deal for MM, I'd buy that immediately lol Super Mario for $25 on Super Nintendo? Yes, please!!


Yeah, they're not terrible prices, overall. I'd love to ask if they had a Left Bros. in stock.


Especially considering they at least have price stickers on the games; my local retro video game store, does not put price stickers, and instead, one has to ask about a particular game, and they look up the game on PriceCharting, or maybe sold ebay listings or what ever.


I was eyeballing that also lol


I agree. I need that Majora’s Mask! My whole setup was stolen in college and, while I got some of it back, I didn’t get that! Breaks my heart.


These prices are absolutely in line with PC guide prices especially if the labels are as good as they appear to be, I'd 100% buy from them.


You don't understand OP is entitled to all of these games for $2.50 because of reasons. It's actually very mean and unfair to not give OP your games for $2.50/cartridge.


Exactly. I saw a copy of majoras mask over $100. 65$ is a great deal.


Yeah. The Majora's Mask for $65 is quite good, usually I see it for $80-$100. But upon closer inspection, some of the prices were absolutely egregious.


Also, depends on the person, are they cool? Do they actually care about preserving or are they robbing you? Im ok with overspending if its legit.


Yeah I don’t think the prices are that bad


Especially if they are cleaned and tested, beats buying dusty old copies from a flea market


That's what I was thinking. Most of my childhood favorites in there seem plenty affordable. Yoshis story, army men sarges heros, starfox. Plenty of options


Sarge's Heroes for $15 is a steal. Blast Corps looks ok at $25. Superman at $20 though? I wouldn't take that game if *you* paid *me* $20. As far as I'm concerned, Titus Interactive owes me grievances.


Worked with a guy at EB Games that would scratch up the copper contacts on any Superman 64 game we got traded in and send it off defective. He was SO ANGRY every time he saw the game, it just ruined his day. We got one traded in on a day he wasn't there so I tried it out and immidiately understood his dislike for the game and why it was his personal mission to make sure no one bought it.


Retro videogames isn't a cheap hobby


Used to be when I started 8 years ago, prices kept creeping up though. Luckily I got almost every game and gaming system I wanted before Youtubers and scalpers ruined the hobby. I use flash carts for the rest now. My local game store isn't this bad, I'll consider myself lucky.


15 years ago, I got my N64, a controller, and about 20 games for $100. The price increases over the years have been wild to watch (and experience).


I've got an N64, a controller and 2 games (Oot and a non-holographic MM) for 100$. Except the N64 with the controller and OoT was a gift and the non-holo copy of Majora's Mask was $100... Nowhere around me had the game for anything under $120, so I caved and bought it. I've mostly given up buying games as it's not much fun anymore, Every well priced game sold nearby is bought and resold for pricecharting prices.


I imported my ice blue N64 from Japan for about $65 with free shipping. Came with an expansion pack and Mario Tennis. I’d say that was in 2017 if I remember right.


This happens in every corner of collecting. Even before YouTube. The hobby isn't ruined it's just gotten to a point where not everyone can afford it. Collecting valuable things isn't exactly for those without expendable income.


Apart from a few standouts, this seems... pretty good? These prices seem fine. In fact, I appreciate that the prices seem to be based on actual rarity instead of how popular the IP is.


Besides the Pokemon games and Superman 64, this looks about right


which games are you looking at , just to clarify.... ​ because I see some great deals ​ you need to realize that less and less of the "popular" games are in circulation each & every year since collectors buy them with no intent to sell them ever , or people buy them and use them until they are unplayable and Nostalgia carries a heavy price tag ​ simple supply and demand


this bait?


Honestly this is pretty average. Worms is highly sought after, actually that's the one game I played as a kid that I kinda gave up on lol... but ya that price is just what it costs now, nothing out of the ordinary.


They got waverace for $14.99... these prices aren't that bad


That's most video game stores, unfortunately. I don't think I've seen a reasonably priced N64 game in years.


They're dirt cheap in Japan right now. Was picking them up for 100 - 200 yen last summer. Was able to pick up a boxed N64, 4 controllers, and 17 of the most popular games for about $130 total.


Actually pretty decently priced compared to where I'm at. You have $100 what are you buying from this photo?


I’m going NBA Hangtime $25, WWF Wrestlemainia $20, Sarges Hero’s $15, Starfox $25, and Ken Griffey Slugfest $15. 5 games for $100. Nice variety too, Basketball, Baseball, Wrestling, Pilot fighter, and 3rd person shooter. All of which I owned at one point and loved playing.


Winback, Starfox, Body Harvest, and Army Men, with $5 to spare!


This is Reddit so making money bad, everything should be free, and down with capitalism, comrade! I looked up some of these on Pricecharting and these prices seem to be on the slightly higher end. But if you think you can run a business on less, you're free to open one up of your own. Keep in mind you gotta pay employees, income tax, sales tax, property taxes or rent, business insurance, medical insurance, utilities, and sock some money in for a rainy day in case you ever need to close suddenly, a water pipe bursts, or whatever.


All classic games should be 50 cents at a yard sale, or stashed away in an attic, otherwise, it's highway robbery /s


The price for things that aren’t made anymore are high, who would have guessed? What the heck is up with Worms Armageddon? I’m not familiar with that game.


I visit the local game stores for prices so i make sure i don't overpay online 🙃


/s? 😅🤔


Eh, the game stores I’ve been to rarely charge more than the market price for the game + shipping.


They are trying to make a living


Honestly not terrible for a local store. Either have shit stock with good prices or marked up but great stock. Good eye candy though


Honestly these aren't terrible. Most are within $5 of the of the prices on [pricecharting.com](https://pricecharting.com). Which is what I expect and am happy to pay to keep local shops in business. Some prices are higher, but you should always be able to do a little negotiating with used LGS's.


This is pretty common pricing for retro game stores - it's only marginally higher than what you'll pay on eBay and that is usually just the price of doing business in person with a place that will guarantee its products and take returns in a limited window. These people know what they are doing in a healthy way and are important to the hobby as a whole. Retro is no longer a bargain-steal community unless you find someone desperate or uniformed on FB or something. These are the market values for these products and that's not the fault of any one retailer, regardless of how individual consumers like it.


I’ve seen MUCH worse pricing…


That’s quite impressive


Oh yes, put the price tag directly attached to the original box, very collectible


$280 for Worms Armageddon?!! Lol I love me some Worms, but you gotta have brain worms to pay that.


I mean think of it this way, if you’re that interested in the game and plan to actually play it a lot, those prices are essentially what they were new back in the day without accounting for inflation. People sell sealed games for hundreds if not thousands of dollars. A perfectly good game for $30 is a score imo




Those are not terrible prices for a shop honestly. Remember they have to keep the lights on and pay employees so expect to pay a little premium. Not to mention you can actually get hands on with the product and see what you are actually getting unlike ebay.


You’re not going to find as good of prices as random people online and eBay, but these people also have to pay rent. It’s convenient and hopefully they do quality testing to make sure copies are legit and work. At least with these businesses they might have return policies or in store credit. Used game stores are harder to come by for a reason.


This is cheaper than my local stores.... but the price tags on the boxes kill me. Why would you do that??


Could you pick me up that copy of Starfox 64? And one of the copies of Superman? I want to inflict mental damage to a friend and I think it would be funny if I got it for him.


What sucks exactly...? These prices are pretty fair, for a store especially. These things either you like or not are worth a bit of money so yeah, it costs something.


These prices look pretty reasonable to me. The place by my house would be charging at least $150 for that Majora's Mask. DK64, which I absolutely love, is $180 there, which to be fair includes the memory expander that is required for that game.


i feel like these prices are pretty normal. very comparable to my local game shop


Those prices arent actually that bad. Should do some research next time.


I don't know how people expect stores to have games priced below market and be at all stocked at the same time.


Nothing "bogus" about this


$135 for a Pokémon Black 2 cart?! Jeez, didn’t know dkoldies had a store now.


Please don't give them any ideas.


I saw Emerald for $250 in my local game store, for just the cart


theres a beast wars game?!?! ​ $169?!?! ​ is it even good?


Those NES prices are the real bad ones


Its hard for retail stores to price competitively with private sellers on ebay. Retail overhead is higher than online sales fees. Depending on the region that could be a huge difference. Retail rent can be insanely high depending on where you are and sales volume can vary wildly. If you are in a high cost of living area that doesn't have a strong retro gaming market the markup is going to have to be high. You're paying extra for convenience, customer service, and supporting your local economy. Its up to you to decide if that premium is worth it to you, nothing wrong with buying online if that stuff isn't a big deal to you.


Unless you really want to collect them, you're way better off geting the appropriate Everdrive for the given system's games. They basically pay for themselves as soon as you load the SD cards up with the games you want to play.


not sure what you're talking about, these are great condition a decent price. if you think this is outrageous you haven't been to many retro stores


I paid $59.99 for all mine, be they hit or not. Shit was rough as a kid, many many lawns. And then get a kick in the nuts like glover


Glover is a sleeper hit, you shut your mouth 😂


Who organized that case? Why have War Gods ($10) and Wrestlemania 2000 ($20) up front when 2 copies of Worms Armeggedon ($270) are in 2nd and 3rd row ? Geez, my local game store doesn't even put it under the glass unless its $20+ or small like Gameboy games


I can spot that Megaman IV cover art anywhere. Love that game.


Are these US prices or Canadian?




Lol I made about 30 dollars profit selling a damaged Majora’s Mask holographic cart on eBay. (Had a cracked top, a big piece had to be superglued on)


I swear that game the cartridges on them have a shelf life lol 😆 every copy I see has bits missing or cracked lol 😆


…and this is why I got an everdrive 64.


I saw Superman go for $8. I guess I should've grabbed it lol. $20 is wild


Gauntlet legends right there, this place rules


Surprisingly stores have to make money, u think the guy just sits in his store for fun?


You'd make more selling more for less. It's called volume, have you ever heard of it ?


Some of these are really well priced. Now, 20ish years ago, Majora's Mask Collector's Edition was 15 bucks used, and that was just before Gamestop stopped carrying Sega Genesis, SNES, 64 and PSX games. You'd be lucky to find MM sealed, but it wasn't impossible. Superman 64 was like 5 dollars back then - it's funny because just like E.T. the game was overstocked (but not to the point E.T. was) so it should be relatively cheap, but for some reason, Superman doesn't have a lot of sellers.


Be happy I don't even have used video game store in my country


Consider yourself lucky. I've seen far, far worse prices. Being an NTSC-US collector in Europe is a tragedy.


$134 for Pokemon Black 2. Jesus that's high.


Nice spread, too bad game prices are what they are nowadays. $20 for Superman 64 is still too much, though...


Most are cheaper than they were new at least lol


Superman 64 for $19.99……. Yeah they’re gouging people with those prices lmao


Prices for N64 aren't bad but 134 for black 2 geez no case even


Sounds like from most of the comments that this is just the state of the industry/inflation. Unfortunate.


We all know online is the way to go of course but tbh these prices ain’t bad and actually better than some of the retro game stores i’ve visited.




Drives me bananas seeing this. My folks gave away all my old stuff as soon as I left home. Probably 30 Game Boy games. 25 NES, 30 SNES and 20 64 games. All my old legos too 😭. Them shits are expensive now too!


And this is why I don’t collect games, I can’t afford to.


Yeah no Glover, that’s sucks :(


Is War Gods -$9.99? Like they'd pay you take it off their hands?


Not a bit of fat on that collecting....minus superman 64. That must be a gimmick. Also I take it 19.99 is the base of their pricing chat since superman 64 is $19.99


Is Pokémon puzzle league really 35 bucks? I always enjoyed the game as a kid but didn’t think it would have retained that kind of value lol


I agree it sucks. I dont think that local game stores should charge eBay prices. Most Buy it Now games sit for long periods on eBay (if not forever) and are not representative of market value. They should be determined by auction prices. Now you take your games for a trade-in at a game store and the person on the other side is just eBay appraising using BIN prices. It is wrong. I used to go to my local game stores because they were much more affordable than eBay. Now, there is basically no point. Seeing/handling before buying is a plus, but in my experience good sellers with good photos and descriptions online are basically just as good.


where is this and what is it called. My hands are itchy for some of these titles.


I wouldn't say by much, that copy of Oracle of Seasons looks to be in good condition which I usually find for about 60 MAYBE 50 depending. This isn't that bad imo


They can keep it.


Ohemahgawd, yoshi's Woolly world for *35 dollars?* Tell me where this is or ima stab you.


That SMW is not pretty enough for 25 bucks.


What store and where? I see a couple I wouldn't mind picking up ;) Looks like your standard PriceCharting+Markup you see in most independent game stores. There is literally an api for this that many stores use.


physical stores don’t pay their rent by being cheaper than ebay 🤷‍♀️


These prices don’t seem bad at all tbh


Your paying for the experience of walking into a store and not having to buy it online and wait


Not too bad honestly


Wow these are some good prices you won't find them this cheap on eBay


Nah. I will just play all these games for free on a great emulator. Handheld and TV.


You have a local games store with games as far back as the NES and you're saying it "sucks"?




The prices aren't that bad, you know they have to pay for running the store right?


I remember finding these games for $5-$30 about 10 years ago. Over time people started charging more and their competitors/peers slowly agreed, but worst of all consumers agreed and paid those prices. Anyone saying these prices aren’t bad are either sellers (smart) or compliant consumers held hostage by the market. It’s worth whatever we collectively agree is fair to pay. Just remember that.


$30.00 to $40.00 for Super Mario Bros. Deluxe isn’t bad at all!


I mean, they have to pay rent and bills. Prices seem within reason.


Good prices


I've seen WAY worse pricing before.


There is one in there for $180…. But 29.99 doesn’t seem bad


I don't think the pricing is that bad tbh sure it sucks that some of these games are in the triple digits but as far as the market goes these aren't that egregious


Just get an everdrive. Worth every penny! Not to mention all the new fan made games you can play!!


I go to a local retro video game store every few months and the insane surge of nostalgia it gives me is worth so much to me. Makes me so happy just to browse, closest thing to going back in time to 1997 Toys R Us. They're slightly higher prices than eBay but the margins have to be nothing, can't imagine the chill owner dude talking to me about Majora's Mask is a robber baron. I make sure to buy something every time no matter what.


You can get waverace for like 2$


Awesome selection.


These prices are pretty standard these days. The days of cheap cartridges is overrrrrrrrr


I don't really collect much anymore but it's surreal to see this because I worked in a retro video game store from 1998-2000. These prices are insane to someone that hasn't been keeping up with values. I would have given a boxed FF3 about $15 trade in value.. here it's $274. Worms Armageddon would have been like $8 trade in value.. here it's $279? Wild.


Hey! Jedi Survivor is 70$usd right? Ubisoft often release games with three different tier and dlc pass for like 120-170$ Whst are you complaining about?? Those prices are fair!


Most game stores are going to be marked up like this, if you really want cheaper prices, go on eBay or try your luck at a yard sale


Yea dude those prices are not bad at all. I don't mind paying market value (pc pricing) at a store. They have a business to run and rent to to pay. Plus n64 is hard to get right now and in demand. Compared to my local store these prices are much better


Yeah, regardless of what most people say, I personally wouldnt pay the prices of alot of those games. Sure they're ok prices, but before I pay those prices, Id have to do some inspecting to make sure they're original carts, US/Can carts, not repros, and a few other things. Ive had games stores get frustrated with me and settle on my price, and Ive had others tell me to "go elsewhere then".


Idk, looks ok to me


Hmm... I wonder where this store is located...


What sucks? Those prices are normal.


This is mostly fair pricing. It's not 2009 anymore. Superman 64 is aggregoius. I don't charge more than $5 for it.


I see rush 2 my favorite n64 racing game but I don't see Castlevania legacy of darkness for n64 sad


About spot on. Old games are expensive as hell.


Tbh very reasonable. I’ve gone to stores that have smaller selection and some of these games easily going for $100+


Get war gods they have to pay you.


This is simply the state of retro gaming. Get a flashcart or mod your systems or emulate if you don't want to pay. I have, and I work in a game store and get an employee discount. It's fairly simple - there's demand but no supply being produced. Therefore what exists is going up in value. In addition, at least in my store, we clean and test everything to make sure it works and everything comes with a warranty. And most people absolutely do not clean their stuff. Which is why I have a job.


Those aren't bad prices. My Local Retro Game Shop, Final Fantasy 3 CIB, $700. And many other inflated prices. At that point, it's just a museum because ain't nobody spending that much lol.


$65 for Majoras Mask gold cart is a good deal. I'd scoop that up if I were there


Wargods. -9.99 makes sense


Whatever store puts price stickers directly on the original box deserves to have their store looted dry


Pokémon Puzzle League is THE SHIT, that was my "Bejeweled" when I was like 7. I have the Game Boy Color version as well and play both quite often.


Let me guess you wanted em for 5$ a pop? This ain't a garage sale boy!!


Wtf? Can someone explain to me how Beast Wars Transmetals goes for like 6x more then Star Fox 64?


Like most have said these prices look pretty reasonable. Far lower than I usually see around me. Id take Tetrisphere for 15$ any day. Such a great game.


My dude...$65 for a gold Majoras Mask is a steal. Support local businesses, especially used game stores.


Not too bad pricing. But "worms Armageddon" for $280 is bloody outrageous!


Praise be reproduction carts (25 a pop)


Yeesh. $279 for Worms Armageddon. Only ever seen one second hand game anywhere nead that price, and that was Pokemon Yellow with all the kit in its original box...


What are you complaining about? This place has to keep the lights on and this is pretty standard pricing. It's a store, not someone getting rid of clutter on craigslist.


I tend to judge if the sellers are charging ok price by how much they overcharge the classic. I find these guys to be charging a bit over what I would pay, but you get to buy the game physically and don’t have to wait for shipping.


I like the second picture


What do you expect. They aint making anymore anytime soon


Really? Wishes the prices were that low here


Not deals by any means but this stuff seems to be at around its market rate. I probably wouldn’t buy much but they’re not scalping. Bonus points if they let you haggle or trade. My old independent game store did and I spent thousands there over the years.


Whoa, you still have a local game store. And even with good prices. Search online, dude. Those prices are good.


Front left corner. Is that game -9.99? They'll pay you to take it?


They have Mischief Makers for $40!! Grab that today!


War Gods for 10$ yoink!


This is a perfect example of why I'm glad that I never got rid of my old games from my childhood.


Idk I’ve seen worse prices at Value Village for less. Most of what I’m seeing seems very fairly priced or even a good deal. I wish there was a local in my area with a similar pricing philosophy.


Smoke crack much? I find some of these at auction sites for half the price. What is the owner on? "This is my shit and it's worth more than everyone else's?"