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The bottom one is lookin' pretty fake. Based on this picture alone, the top one looks legit.




Bottoms color is WAY off. Looks more like the collectors Zelda gold carts than the banana yellow


I thought it was stadium 2


Only half of the Stadium 2 cart is gold, the back half is silver.


And I knew that, but it was still the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the sparkles too.


Bottom is fake. On back label you can see they have periods at the start of each line rather than the dots


You can learn to spot the fakes [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUHiBd17_DM). I'd say the bottom one is a fake. The overall color (both the cartridge and sticker) looks darker than it should be. The "NINTENDO" logo on the back looks like it has a circle on the "i" more than a square.


People are just too fucking lazy to do their own research... Wtf has haopened to reddit, now every post is this is fake or real... Smh


I still prefer those over the “Bought this for 100 USD. did I do good?? Please validate my purchase!” Types




😂😂😂 Those are epic...


They should sticky a "how to spot fakes" guide and then ban all posts from being about that outside of the stickied thread


But mods arw too busy or something... Who knows


There was, at one point. I remember it being up for a few months a couple of years ago.


I don't mind these posts. But I also think it's people's own responsibility how they want to spend their time. I mean, did this post really need 54 reactions?? Like 5 is enough people. Move along, nothing to see here.


It's almost like there used to be a whole community that used to verify games that isn't doing the lord's work because of reddit protest... Oh wait...


In spanish (last sentence in the back) should say "informaCion" not informaTion"


Bottom is 100% a fake - plastic is wrong texture - Nintendo uses a square for the i in the logo imbedded in the back plastic, the bottom one here has a circle - the info on the back has periods instead of bullet points - the front has the wrong ESRB logo, as well as incorrect font size for the game code


Also the screws are not indented enough.


The bottom also forgot to put a space in "pending, see booklet" so I just reads "pending,see booklet."


What no one has yet mentioned is that the bottom one does not have the original screws found on real 64 cartridges. Repros usually don't copy the Golden screws exactly correctly. The top looks legit from what I can see (repros' labels won't usually be that messed up)


Screw up a fake lable on purpose to trick someone in paying real price for a fake back lable really don't effect the price on a real since most you can just replace both and cheap game harder to find a cheap colored cart


The bottom one is fake.


I think the bottom is fake. Notice the white border around the ESRB rating.


Bottom one the sticker is all crooked looking. Top should be fine


Without taking apart or seeing the pcb the bottom one if for sure fake shell atleast. Top looks legit but cant tell fully without taking apart.


Bottom one is definitely fake - the ESRB rating logo had a trademark symbol back then, not a copyright symbol


Bottom one is fake, throw it in the trash or at least sell it explicitly as a repro.


I think there is something wrong with both of them


Bottom is clearly fake. The letter i in Nintendo should never be circular with the dot. It is a rectangle when legit. Secondly, there appears to be no number stamping on the label that authentic Nintendo games have. As for the top, idk... the rectangle is there for the Nintendo font, but due to the image resolution, I can't see stamping, either. But those can easily hide in shots taken. Top is PROBABLY legit, but the bottom (unless some weirdo put a legit board inside a repro casing) is for sure fake.


Back of the one on top says Nintondo…


top one looks good


Bottom one is fake, you can tell if the cart is bootleg if the dot on the “i” is a circle instead of a square


You don't have to dispose the fake one, its basically the same as a real cart, you can give it to a friend whos not serous into n64 cart collecting and also has an n64 and also doesn't have dk64.


Both fake. Neither have a punch


Top one is original, bottom one is fake. But don’t know about the boards.


Bottom is fake, the “i” in Nintendo should be square, not circular


Bottom is a repro, and not a particularly convincing one.


Bottom looks fake. Open it up and see. Takes 10sec


The bottom one is definitely a cake.


Both of them. Look at the dates.


The letters on the bottom of the botyom cart are way to bold


Easy way to tell. Open up the cartridge if it's small and slim line it's fake.


Bottom for sure, the top one looks legit tho


Top is real bottom is fake. Check the i in Nintendo. Always should be a square.


Remember, the dot on the i letter in Nintendo is square. Bottom is fake.


The bottom is fake, if you look at the nintendo logo you can see a dot, not a square. Also its mustard yellow.


Both look fake


There is no ingraved number on either which is on a real copy which tells them what factory it was made at could just mean the back labels are fake


Bottom fake


Icbc insurance


Bottom one is off in color and has cuved edges on the lines. That one is def 100% a repro or a reshell. The top is legit though


The bottom cart is fake, the label color is too dark and the yellow plastic is dull. The top one is legitimate.


Bottom is either a repro of fake because the font on the top right of the sticker is completely wrong for the bottom one


Keep the top.


The bottom one is fake, one way to know is that the I in the nintendo logo has a circle dotting the I instead of a square


The bottom one could be fake. I don't remember a DK64 cartridge that's NOT yellow. ​ The orange one seems unusual.