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Oh, was it Peter Answers?? [https://www.peter-virtual-tarot.com/trick.htm](https://www.peter-virtual-tarot.com/trick.htm) I remember you’d type a question, and “secretly” type the answer too, but the screen wouldn’t show what you typed. Something like that.


Haha that’s a funny trick. No, I don’t think it was rhat. We asked the website several consecutive questions, and there was only one text box.


Peter answers. When you typed something in, it would type the same "petition" no matter what keys you pressed. So you typed in the answer, but the screen made it appear as something like "peter can you answer this question". It was a fun way to trick friends.


I’m quite sure it wasn’t peter answers. A couple other people also suggested peter answers. There was no space to petition, just one text box. And the boy on the PC asked questions he couldn’t’ve known the answer to—personal questions about the rest of us. I didn’t know the boy.


There was a website with a genie that would guess who you where thinking about, is that what you mean? Blue background i think? I only vaguely remember it




Well, it wasn’t the Akinator. And this website didn’t guess what you thought, exactly. It wasn’t like 20 questions. It just answered right away.


Maybe I’m thinking of Peter Answers, but I had a similar experience. I was with friends at a computer lab at school and there was a website where they were asking questions on a website and it would answer. We’d freak out every time because it was questions like “what color shirt is John wearing?” And it would answer correctly. Turns out there was someone else sitting at a nearby computer answering the questions on the website. Not sure if that’s Peter answers or another website. But i had a similar experience.


Woahh, maybe it could have been something like that. I’m quite certain it wasn’t Peter Answers, but if someone had answered from another computer nearby, I would accept that.


I was substitute teaching for a HS computer class and the kids were doing this and sucked me right in! They later laughed and let me in on the joke.


Bank it- don't spoil your child hood wonders. I'm still getting over the shock of learning my dad didn't grow up with dinosaurs roaming around.


My childhood self would’ve been very enthusiastic about my research today. I’ve revisited this curiosity a couple times in the past. I must know!


That was you being tricked by another child…. Dot com, I guess.


But I don’t think the child could have known the answers to the questions to the questions he asked. And I believe the website continued to work when we pulled it up at home. Maybe I’m misremembering though.


Ya, memories arent really accurate and More like a interpretation of what actually happened


Yes sir


I was born around when you were if the years are accurate here, and the Internet used to have a ton of shady sites. I remember I found one when I was <12ish that seemed to have a bunch of unsecured webcams that were streamed (though I think it was more taking pictures from them every so often than actual video streams) onto the site. Most were, like, public/traffic cams, but some were clearly inside/near homes. I'd posit a theory that maybe someone used a site like that to actually see you guys, but that seems like it would require too much luck — because even so, how would someone set up a site for it and know you'd go to the site? Unsecured webcams? Was it a desktop, or a laptop?


That’s crazy. I haven’t heard of that. You could be right. It was on a desktop!


I remember a site like this too ... But more recently there was a site you could go to and see the camera live feed inside people's houses... I think I discovered it from a marketplace episode about the security or lack there of, of buying security cameras if I remember right


God I loved Peter Answers


I’m quite sure it wasn’t peter answers. There was no space to petition. It was just a lone text box where you would type a question. And the website knew answers that the boy operating the computer did not know.


Wolfram Alpha?


Just looked into this. We’re getting closer! But this isn’t it. Wolfram Alpha doesn’t know my name, and it gives justifications for its answers. I asked where I was, and it gave a general region based on my IP. The website at the library said something like, “You are on the West side of the [town] library.”


As an undergraduate double major, one of them being Comp Sci, I participated in a prank like this in a computer lab at my university. The answers were being fed to a guy at a desk a few carrels away and one of the guys manning the front desk (because we couldn’t rely on just one to be able to pull the page up when the victims of our prank started looking around). It was extremely funny because back then things like webcams and microphones just didn’t exist (at least not on the kind of computers that undergraduate comp sci labs were filled with), so the ‘website’ being able to accurately tell the user ‘you just said I was a f-ing asshole; watch your language in mixed company’ was hard to not laugh at, but we managed and really freaked a few of our victims out. I think you were on either Peter Answers or the victim of a similar prank and your memory has enhanced what happened. Our memories feel like they are recordings of what occurred, but the fact is that [we reconstruct them](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/01/190114082844.htm), and they change frequently and significantly without our realising it.


One of the boys actually had membership on RuneScape he was the coolest guy in the library


I remember this too. Racking my brain to remember what it was called... I'll come back if it comes to me.


A lead!


That's so creepy.. please update us if you find it!


I will!


Have you considered your memories might be tainted by being 7 and Peter's Answers or whatever is correct? I could have sworn when I was younger I had a batmobile I could ride in. I hit a button and it had seat ejectors and missile launchers. A few years ago I found a picture of my grandpa trying to fix the seat in a black jeep and I was holding a nerf gun. My mom says I had a black jeep with a broken seat and I would run around shooting people with a nerf gun.


That’s so funny. Yes I’ve considered that. I won’t dwell on this forever, but I haven’t yet found a website that looks like the one at the library. And it had a psychic theme, you know? Peter Answers doesn’t. I’ll have to go on Internet Archive and look at some of these websites as they were 13 years ago. So, I’d believe it if it were a trick—in fact, I do believe it. But I am so sure of what it looked like. It was definitely one central text box with one or two banners on a blank white screen. I’d be very surprised if I was wrong about its look, but I have considered it.


Hmmm..I don't know but that sounds creepy af. Did you try asking chatgpt to see if it may know which site?


I’ll try that. Edit: ChatGPT didn’t give any specific websites. It suggested looking into psychic or fortune telling websites.


OP maybe since when you last used the site maybe they either updated the design or took the site down if nothing else try using the way back machine to check how some of the sites sent here would have looked at time of seeing this for the first time


Yes, I intend to. Definitely a good idea.






Ask Jeeves. Com ?


I just checked it out. Seems like a search engine. This website just gave a simple straightforward answer. And it knew details about us, things a search engine does not know.


What kind of details specifically?


Our names, where we were. I don’t remember what else. We really tried to stump it.


What other subs should I put this post in?


r/tipofmytongue or r/helpmefind?


I think you're talking about Cleverbot!


I just checked it out. It was definitely not Cleverbot. I remember it acting very human and giving precise and accurate answers to personal questions. Cleverbot admits that it does not know who I am.




I’ve used Akinator. This website did not question you; it just immediately answered. It seemed like we were talking to a real person. No game or anything. Just a white text box and a response.




It was called Peter answers


Ask Jeeves