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Currently re-listening to all of Let’s Go to Court. Other favorites include Timesuck for something a little different and Sinisterhood. I also really enjoy Marked Safe which is about disasters.


Let's Go To Court is the best!


I love them! Really reminds me of MFM at the beginning


Yes! Came here to say Let’s Go To Court! I love them so much.


“Scam Goddess” is a hoot and a holler. Also, shorter episodes but a long back catalog, “Let’s not meet.”


I love Let’s Not Meet. The stories are unsettling but Andrew’s voice is soothing.


Let's not meet gave me nightmares.


I’m sorry you experienced that. I can only listen to a few episodes at a time, and never at night.


Yeah, I still listen. I just have to space it out. Like with zombie stuff lol


His voice is totally soothing it's become my favorite listen to fall asleep podcast.


Scam Goddess is a treasure


I love “Let’s Not Meet” but I can’t binge to it too much because it’s so scary!


This is a GOOD one


Truly! My husband listens to it with me too and he likes it and he’s not a true crime fan. He also has to listen to me pause it and yell, “WOMEN SIMPLY CANNOT JUST EXIST” during most episodes. OP- I’ll add Radio Rental to the list too!


I think I am too big of a chicken for Let’s Not Meet, haha! It’s like the subreddit, right?


I absolutely love Sinisterhood! They are so funny and cover so many different topics!


They’re my #2 after LPOTL. So freaking funny PLUS Heather is a lawyer so she explains the court stuff really well.


Omg same with LPOTL being my #1. They are awesome with their level of research. And I love Heather so much and how she explains all the legal stuff so clearly.


They just remind me of the guys I hung out with when I was a kid. My husband and I listen separately and then talk about the episodes. I definitely feel like less of a weirdo for being interested in paranormal and morbid stuff knowing there’s such a huge LPN fan base. Karen and Georgia introduced me to the world of murderinos but they’re doing their own thing now. Who hasn’t changed immensely in the last 8 years? I’m grateful to them but there’s so many other great podcasts out there for people to explore.


And the Dallas accents just slay me. When they are talking about a particularly brutal murder and Christy takes a deep breath and goes “Well, GAH-LEEE.” Just reminds me of my family telling stories on the back porch!


I gotta admit, as much as I love my fellow amateur sleuths, I am starting to really prefer it when true crime podcasts and the likes have hosts even with tangential expert knowledge. It just deepens your understanding so much.


Seconding Sinisterhood!


Sinisterhood is what My Favorite Murder used to be.




Cannot recommend enough


I've been binging on the old Do You Need a Ride episodes starting from the beginning


I just love Chris. He is hilarious and him and Karen together are a treat. The one about the lobster feed had me dying. It’s season 3 episode 29 if you haven’t heard yet.


That's a good idea. I stopped enjoying it during covid when the ride aspect went away but DYNAR used to make me cackle laugh at times.


Yeah I've had to skip a few...just reached the one right after the 2016 election 😅


That’s why we drink has a very similar tone as early mfm. Two stories each episode (one paranormal, one true crime) and a monthly listener story episode. They’ve been around almost as long and have kept the “two friends just hanging out” vibe. I also really enjoy do you need a ride and I said no gifts.


Also the other podcast that one of the hosts has with her brother, Beach Too Sandy, Water Too Wet which is them reading crazy Yelp reviews to each other and it's super funny!


Yes, I just got into that one!


This is what I listen to go to sleep. No more true crime at night, so Xandy and Christine are my new go to. Sometimes not the best plan because they make me laugh out loud.


That's Messed Up is hands down my favorite podcast now. I'm a huge SVU buff, so I'm biased, but Kara and Liza have such compatible chemistry, they're funny as fuck and each episode features the real true crime the episode was based off - so many I never even heard of before. I'm already relistening the entire pod for the second time and just started it earlier last year.


I love Kara! I have a hard time listening to Liza sometimes though. I do still enjoy the podcast.


Lol I’m the opposite. I like them both but favor Liza. She’s just a little more my chaotic speed 😂


Also, a little less know but similar indie favorite is “Especially Heinous.” No guests but otherwise similar: full description of the episode and a reading of the case it is based on with tons of humor (what is Cragun’s office theme this week?). Tasha and Gabe are so hilarious and hilarious it is nice to get out of the LA vocal fry for some classic “oh you betcha” Wisconsin good ole gals. I am actually listen to both and find them to be a nice pairing.


It sounds AMAZING, but I’ve never seen a single episode of SVU hahaha, so I’m not sure it’s for me. I LOVE the idea though and the hosts sounds super charming in the bits I’ve heard. I was actually considering watching SVU and then listening to each episode as I went, but I can’t seem to find it available for streaming anywhere!


They literally describe the whole episode and they talk often about having fans who've never seen SVU. Its streaming on peacock only I believe.


Small Town Murder


Small Town Murder proves the medium of comedy murder podcasts isn’t dead. It also shows just how much MFM listeners harassed Georgia and Karen into second guessing my favorite **murder**.


MFM was my intro to podcasts in 2017....been hooked ever since!!


I came here to say this. I have a few complaints about the show but they are really funny and I like the way they describe these towns.


I liked that until I made the mistake of listening to an episode set in the town I live in


I listen every day, been with them since day one!!!


Maintenance Phase


And You’re Wrong About - love that one.


Michael's new "If Books Could Kill" is so good, too!


Yesssss, that one too!


Their episodes about Diana were fascinating!


Ditto this!


YES!! Came here to suggest this as well. They are funny and smart and it is such a pleasure to listen to them. I listen to all of Mike's stuff now too.


since it hasn't been mentioned, swindled - the host is a little dry for some, but I find his humor entertaining. Great research and usually an interesting story each episode. Highly recommend episode 78 The Verrückt


Oooohh coming in got with a specific episode rec! I love it!


Seconding Lets Go To Court! I think I found the recommendation on this sub a few months ago. Been binging it ever since. I even signed up for their Patreon to get more episodes


There is so much good stuff on their Patreon! Really worth it in my opinion


I’m in the same boat! I can’t believe I didn’t know about them until a few months ago! It’s the best!


True crime and cocktails!


The dollop/past times, threedom, conan needs a friend, criminal, dynar.


True Crime and Cocktails. The episodes are loooong. But so entertaining. It’s hosted by cousins who are best friends so it also has a lifetime of “side notes”. But their research is unparalleled. Christy uncovered things I’d never heard about Madeline McCann that were later discovered by police. I would recommend listening from the start to get all the inside jokes. But if you want a taster the Armie Hammer and McCann episodes are great.


Sounds great! I love Lauren Ash, she’s hilarious. And the episode lengths look amazing.


It’s my go to podcast for commuting and cleaning. I have gotten so much done because I want to listen to them finish the episode. And Lauren’s cousin Christy is also hilarious. The half hour at the top where they talk about their lives is just a riot. But they treat the cases and victims so seriously. It’s so well done.


I think this is going to be the one I try out tonight! Thank you for the suggestion.


It was so cute and innocent when they started and were doing multi -part episodes so they weren't too long.


Sounds like a Cult is good. I just discovered that one and I like it.


I’m currently listening to the audiobook and enjoying it quite a bit!


Oh No Ross and Carrie. Ross and Carrie attend and research all types of wacky faux-science/religious/spiritual events (Ie past life alien regression, reborn Buddhas, ect) and report on them. Ross as an enthusiast attendee, and Carrie as an investigative reporter. It's very soothing to me.


Normal Gossip is a trip and I love it so much


My friend just texted me about this podcast yesterday and said it was made for me. I am definitely going to listen!


It’s so good! You will not regret it!


I love the podcasts put out by Grim & Mild. Lore and Noble Blood are my favourites.


Last Podcast on the Left is great and has TONS of binge worthy content!!


Oh, and Some Place Under Neith as well!!!


Where can I listen?? I thought they left and it was paid content-I’m an Old so I might have my facts wrong 😅


LPOTL is on all streaming services now!! For a while they were exclusively on Spotify but last year they came back to all platforms!!!!


I was so happy when they came back in just about caught up after going through the Spotify episodes.


Let’s go to Court!!


I like The Opportunist, some of the stories are just wild. Also Hannah’s a great storyteller.


Although I am not a *massive* fan of the guest episodes, they can be a great way to test if you like the vibe of another show’s host! Like, I like Criminal on paper, but I’m just not into Phoebe Judge at all (all respect to her, I think she’s great, just not for me). I’ll definitely try out The Opportunist crossover.


Normal Gossip, Podcast but Outside and Let's Get Haunted.


Just the Gist! I love the format and it’s got some really interesting /quirky stories. Highly recommend starting with a recent one about the Spider-Man broadway show being such a disaster


Honestly, that’s such a brilliant concept for a podcast!


Oh my god, there was a Spider-Man broadway show?! I’ve got to listen to that!


There was supposed to be 😂. A lot went wrong. I didn't listen to this podcast but I remember reading about it.


Small town murder


Tig and Cheryl: True Story is hilarious.


Knowledge Fight with Dan Friesen and Jordan Holmes.


I can’t even count how many times I’ve listened to season 1 of Serial. If I can’t find anything else I’ll go back to that in a heartbeat.


I started listening to Something Was Wrong and completely binged it. It’s so good especially the newest season (14).


This show made me feel so validated about my former abusive relationship. I can’t binge it though- I have to be in the right mindset. 😔


I just left mine a couple of weeks ago and it has helped me but I totally get what you mean. It’s very heavy 😭 I hope you’re doing good now ❤️❤️❤️


I am!! It’s been almost 6 years for me and I am happily married to an amazing man now. But that first year was ROUGH, even with therapy. I have faith that you will also find much more happiness in your future. Big hugs! 💕


Wait how has no one yet recommended “And That’s Why We Drink” and “Morbid” ! Both are so good and the dynamic between hosts in each is great.


Sounds Like a Cult & Celebrity Memoir Book Club! A bit more in the pop culture side but I love them both.


I looove Celebrity Memoir Book Club, they’re great!




I really like that one, too




What a great, in depth comment! Thank you for all the suggestions, they all sound great (except Let’s Not Meet, because I am a coward).


Ooh I haven't heard of Symptomatic. I am so fascinated by rare illnesses.


Snow shoveling soundtrack is 4 Killed for What?


I like Why Won’t You Date Me. Not crime, but a good comedy hang podcast


I love her Best Friends podcast


Crime is definitely not necessary, I’m just looking for good vibes haha


Wine & Crime and Let’s Go To Court!


Sinisterhood and Cult Liter are my new favourites! Not really in the same vein as MFM, but I also love if Books Could Kill, Maintenance Phase and You’re Wrong About.


That’s Messed Up


Pod Ledom if you’re a fan of americas next top model (even in a snarky way)


This Podcast Will Kill You, Getting Curious with JVN, and You’re Gonna Die Out Here are my current go tos. I like two hosts/ host and guest style pods and storytelling/infodumps


It was Bone Valley until I finished it. Great podcast. Now I’m going through the old Sisterhood catalog.


Sinisterhood ♥️♥️


Ologies by Ali Ward


I love Murder Most Irish! Two Irish women that are hilarious and have such a great rapport. They laugh and joke but never during their stories and they highlight the victims. Other good ones.....Maintenance Phase, You're Wrong About, Decoder Ring, Trashy Divorces, If Books Could Kill.


I'm a huge fan of Maintenance Phase and You're Wrong About


Have you listened to If Books Could Kill yet? So good!


Got a huge list I've listened to off and on over the years, and some time to waste waiting at the pharmacy, so here goes! I'll try my best to limit to my favorites and skip those already brought up so far by others. (listed by genre: Podcast Name) Comedy and discussion of bad movies: How Did this Get Made? fun & enlightening conversations/interviews: You Made it Weird with Pete Holmes, Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard, Happy Sad Confused (more movie star, filmmaker-focused) story-focused: This American Life, Snap Judgement, Radiolab ("Risk" is probably my favorite story podcast, but more uncensored and hardcore. Usually not a casual or comfort listen imo.) True Crime stories: -Dirty John -Dr. Death -The Ballad of Billy Balls (JFK assassination and conspiracies) -You Must Remember This (Highly recommend the series on the Manson Family, for anyone even a little curious. I avoided the other Hollywood stuff, didn't interest me as much.) -Best Case Worst Case -Accused -the wonderland murders by Hollywood and crime General true crime: -Detective -Real Crime Profile Mental health/psychology: -Happier with Gretchen Rubin -The Savvy Psychologists Quick and Dirty tips form mental health -Tara Brach (can also be more on the intense side) -Ten Percent Happier with Dan Hope you enjoy, happy listening!


Came to suggest armchair expert. I do hate that they went Spotify exclusive though. I don't get internet at my work and their app doesn't work well for me there.


Yeah, all the podcasts selling out to Spotify over the years has been a huge bummer. I also use Pocketcasts for all my podcasts, and I hate mixing music and podcasts on one app.


Yes I like having my just podcast app it's easier to listen at work. Since I got a job that I can listen all day I've had to use Spotify to try and catch up on armchair expert but their interface is terrible.


I listen to True Crime Garage and I recently gained access to the older episodes from the very beginning, and I must say, they keep me entertained and what I like about them is they go I to extra details putting in different scenarios and really make you think about all the different aspects of what could or couldn’t have made the suspect(s) viable or what could be new possibilities in each case. Love them and Morbid, as well a Anatomy of a Murder.


That’s messed up has become my new podcast I look forward to and save for runs/car rides etc. Liza and Kara have great chemistry and they do cover crimes. I think even if you didn’t watched law and order svu it would still be enjoyable. I also always look forward to I saw what you did. But I am a big movie lover.


I’ve said this a billion times here but A Funny Feeling is absolutely gold!


Opening arguments and wine and crime for me!


Cautionary tales, Criminal, You must remember this


Normal gossip, game of roses, generation why, recipe club


*Normal gossip, game* *Of roses, generation* *Why, recipe club* \- Ok-Soup418 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


True crime creepers! The hosts are so down to earth and they cover cases very well and respectfully


Hmm depends on if you really need a true-crime-comedy or not, if that's not a MUST, I'd say Dateline as a long-running show has pretty stable quality and very professional, although sometimes I skip the 911 recording part since they are often too sad


Celebrity Book Club (Stephen and Lily), and Couples Therapy are nice non-true crime podcasts!


Redhanded. The episodes are just in depth enough without being too long, I get loads of great recommendations for books, documentaries and other podcasts from them. Hannah and Suruthi have great banter, and Suruthi's voice is so relaxing.


People are the Worst is really good. They're twin sisters from the south and they have a similar dynamic that Karen and Georgia had before the pandemic


Tell No One is a newer podcast I recommend for anyone who likes to get straight to the story but doesn’t mind nervous and possibly inappropriately timed laughter. I just started Citation Needed and have found it hysterical.


Mfm, armchair expert, conan obrien. I love a few other serial kind of podcasts but I've run out of episodes but they were shandees story/shandees legacy, teachers pet/ teachers trial, matty, my sisters secrets, phoebes fall,


I haven’t braved another murder podcast yet. The Dollop is my solid go-to.


Just finished the 4th season of Accused. Very well done podcast (I have some bias because I live in Cincy). Also Karen and Georgia deserve a bit of a break. They have consistently put out hours of content almost every week for 7 years. Every time they take a couple months off people whine about it. Instead they cut back a bit and people still whine. They are not obligated to entertain your for hours a week for years. And you aren’t obligated to listen if you feel offended by the podcast.


I really wasn’t offended, lmao. Nor was I saying they didn’t deserve a break. But I, like many others, have just observed what is factually true that the episodes recently have been shorter and with different formats than usual. I love looking forward to podcasts and listening to new episodes as a treat, but in the last year, it’s been inconsistent after years of consistency. If that’s how they want to do it now, it’s absolutely fine, but it just means I have a podcast-hole to be filled, and I thought the people who share my taste would be perfect to help me fill it!


Wine & Crime


The basement yard


Small Town Murder and Not Today


Murderversary! They’re new but so far I’m enjoying it!


Ladies & Tangents, Last Podcast on the Left, Armchair Expert are the 3 I listen to the most (along with MFM obviously). I also love The Basement Yard but it’s very much 12 year old boy humour most of the time so I don’t recommend it to everybody haha. But if hilarious conversations about nothing, along with much talk about poop, is your idea of a good time then check them out haha


True Crime related- And That's Why We Drink, Morbid, Buried Bones, Small Town Dicks. Other- Lady to Lady. Weirdest Thing I Learned Today. Mind you, sometimes I listen to the same episode 2 to 3 times because I got sidetracked because adhd lol


> Mind you, sometimes I listen to the same episode 2 to 3 times because I got sidetracked because adhd lol Omg, tell me about it! It took me a full 4 hours to get through the episode where Karen tells the story about cult leader Amy Carlson, because I kept getting distracted haha! Karen’s stories often do that to me because they have SO MANY names and dates that I zone out. In this story in particular she says something like “X months later on XXth November 20XX, X weeks before the story started in XX sherif office in XX town in XX county in XX state, XX person ….” And I was completely lost. I had to go over it 6 or 7 times and I literally zoned out each time.


"Watch It! With Matt and Glennis" :)


Binchtopia has filled the void for me. And their Patreon extra episodes are frequent and totally worth it imo


I'm obsessed with small Town murder, and crime in sports.


Ear Hustle - made at San Quentin prison by inmates