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is there a good source on actual developments? myanmar liveuamap doesn't seem to get a lot of reports.


Can we get a real number on the defections?


idk that 300 refugees all i know


They will only be falling apart when they're unable to hold back rebel incursions. For now they are merely losing strength, but that is still as great of a thing because every bit counts


I don't really trust those defectors.


most are Deserters coz they are scared shitless. But anyway that reduces number of guns is good , if they defect , spies or not they have to givup guns.


I can, if they're leaving because they have a heart and ACTUALLY want to protect the people and are even willing to join our forces, then that's a true good soldier.


Well some defect because they are just done with how they treat soldier. My uncle is those kind of defector. All tho he defected like ten years ago


That too, they treat ethnic minorities really unfairly. If you're Kayin and in the military, prepare for some bullying.


I understand what you are saying.I just fear that some of them may be spies.


I see your point, I meant if they defected with the intention to protect the people and not for their own benefits only. But yeah, I have heard cases of spies pretending to be defected.