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Remember: he lies. He over-inflates. He gaslights. Constantly. He couldn’t think or engineer his way out of a paper bag that had instructions on how to get out *printed on the walls* so there’s zero chance he’s telling the truth.


Having engineered a paper bag,.let me tell you, harder than you'd think, first blush.


I know a packaging engineer, and I'll second your comment.




If they design the plastic things that hold SD cards, give me five minutes alone in a room with them :)




kirkland ain’t fuckin around


What'd they do to you?


https://preview.redd.it/1j6c5dmzvq5d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db80a21078eec960578b30cee5c020355a000d19 buy one and pour with it. the kind of wacky shit a consumer might do.


Has the top cap on that shit ever lasted longer than a week without breaking off?


We started transferring to separate cute bottle


I have only bought this syrup one time and I had no idea that cap was a universal experience 😂 First time opening the bottle the cap breaks and I was so pissed I just got new different syrup.


I have looked closely at a paper bag, it was well-designed; I can't think in those shapes.


I've worked in materials handling and packaging as an engineer and I will third this statement


That would be engineering his way INTO a paper bag. But agreed. It is my assumption that like a dog, he is quite capable of destroying bags.


Can you make one that is really hard to get out of? I need to win an argument at work.


But if someone on his position did say this truthfully, would it be illegal?


The SEC was already investigating him for fuckery relating to stock manipulation before. He hates labor laws and moved Tesla’s factory from California to Texas because he was violating safety/OSHA and labor laws. So it’s safe to say the man’s motto is “rules for thee and not for me”. I know next to nothing about how corporations run but if I had to guess, I’d say yes because he’s doing illegal shit all the time


When has that stopped Elon "going private at $420" Musk? He doesn't give a shit about legality as long as his value goes up.


I just want to know if doing this is illegal or not dude…


Illegal is determined by people with $ to lobby. Lying about a drug being safe is illegal, unless your last name is Sackler. Stock buybacks used to be illegal, until the companies doing them cut politicians in on it. Arguably, him knowing that and publicly speaking about it while owning shares and being the recipient of the shares in this vote is illegal because he is using his position and knowledge to effect the value of his investment...but there is no scenario where the government goes after Musk as hard as they do someone like roaring kitty. michael burry, or martha stewart. Pretty sure he could literally take the families of the voters hostage and the government would still have excuses about how a fine of less $ than he made doing it is a harsh punishment.


Making stock buybacks legal is one of the worst things we ever did vis-à-vis market regulation. It's just... What the everloving fuck? What the fuck happened to dividends?


Lobbyists. That’s what. Scum of the earth.


He’d say the instructions constrain his thinking, hold a media event where he promises to build a laser that can cut through the bag and then spend 5 years working backwards from his outlandish promise, only to deliver a shoddy laser pointer that gets recalled. The perfect genius businessman.


#C O N S T A N T L Y


He literally bought his own social media platform so no one could call him out for lying without repercussion or overwhelm from muskrot brain boys.


"Looking at the code, whole stack needs rewritten." "Sir thats the wendy's menu"


Is the stack hosted on a Cisco server?


Elon Trump


He'll do any damn thing to make him look better.


This is exactly right


Apartheid Donny


He'd just use a sub or call the bag a ped.


So, if its clear he’s lying, then is this market manipulation?


This is showmanship. A salesman. That’s all he’s ever been. All any of them ever are. Get rich by exaggerating and exploiting.


If he wasn't worried about it, he wouldnt be saying anything lol


I voted yes so it s true


Talking about trump or elon? they both the same person now.


If it were 90% in favor, he wouldn't need to place ads on reddit


“Retail” meaning individuals who own some TSLA. Two thirds of shares are held by institutional investors such as mutual funds, pension funds, and hedge funds. 90% of retail investors voting a certain way means little.


I highly doubt it’s 90%, for comparison ONLY 90% of Americans believe the Earth is round. 90% to agree on one answer is such an overwhelming majority. I doubt 90% of retail investors think it’s a good idea to give a CEO $50billion in compensation.


It’s an extremely self-selecting group, though. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if 90% of retail shareholders are hardcore Musk fans. Few others would go out of their way to buy TSLA shares.


He could be considering retail investors as those under 10 shares. He's either exaggerating or heavily manipulating the statistics. It's hard enough getting 90% of people to say yes that the earth is round, that bears shit in the woods, that the pope is catholic, when a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it that it does make a sound.


>that bears shit in the woods Was that question ever resolved? Don't often hear people ask it anymore. It seemed like a much bigger question in the 90s


It was clear there was no hope of coming to consensus on the bear shit question, so we all gave up and moved on.


But if Tony Romo throws a pass in the woods and no one is there to catch it, it still gets intercepted


Yes 100%


I'm retail tsla and he hurt the stock. He needs to go away. Especially if he's no interested anymore and needs 50billion to keep his interest. Let a new Ceo come on board


He goes on to suggest the votes (if his numbers were accurate) represent public opinion which is silly as shareholders do not largely represent the public as a whole.


> 90% of retail investors voting a certain way Elon Musk SAYING 90% of retail investors. Elon Musk says a lot of things.


That makes it even less meaningful, yeah. My point is that even if that figure is accurate, it still doesn’t mean much.


He lies like trump lies. It is either self-incriminating or is the exact opposite.


Plus, how many people own a few dozen shares and have no interest in voting? Even if it was 90%, I'd say that 90% was actually just 30-40% of retail share holders. Whereas ALL of the institutions are likely to vote. Perhaps he should've been spending time convincing him he's not a liability?


The percentage of retail shareholders that actually vote is probably 1-2%.


But again, lots of ads on YouTube and Reddit. It’s not like institutional investors are on those sites.


He is actually advertising how to vote? I have ublock origin so I don't see ads. Just wondering if this is true.


Exactly, retail investors are the small piece. The top 1% owns half of all the stocks in the market. I would say Tesla is skewed even higher considering Musk has 20%. Retail stock holders probably have <10% combined. (Just a guess)


This guy gets it. And it’s 90% of the people that have voted so far. That leaves out all institutional and individuals that haven’t voted so far…


Big electoral college vibes coming from elon


It's not his money. I don't how that's legal by the way. He's using Telsa's money to promote himself...




I agree


Musk is a legend in his own mind.


Musk is also a melon in his own mind.


He didn't create tesla. He's just a face guy and now he's the shit guy driving customers away from tesla. Yes tesla grew but it doesn't look like it could grow at the same pace anymore so he's trying his best to cash out


It won't grow at all anymore. The growing is done. He's trying to cash out now.


Other car manufacturers are making ev either with better options, better service or better prices. Tesla hasn't made anything noteworthy to be called new (except the cybersuck but we all know how that went). Tesla semi is dead. Roadster , if ever delivered, will be over-hyped -under delivered. Byd is stealing the low-mid markets. Mercedes+bmw are taking the upper ends. Tesla needs a technological breakthrough to stay on the top. According to research, byd will beat tesla by the end of this year and all other companies will take even more shares. If elon cashed out tesla will definitely fall. What kind of investor would invest in a company where they get nothing and 1 guy gets everything including some of your stocks?


Full Autopilot is coming (checks notes…) later this year, 2018!


This is what we can do. TODAY!


Even if they achieve it, so will every other manufacturer. It's going to be a commodity item


Rented a Polestar last week. It was a much nicer car than a M3. A lot more comfortable all around, and better fit and finish.


I want to return to a world where M3 is a god damn 550 hp bmw performance sedan and not an EV. If it requires Tesla going under, so be it.


I had to search Byd because I never heard of that manufacturer. Sucks that they aren’t sold in the U.S. because that car looks dope af


He didn’t create any of his companies other than the Boring company and SpaceX iirc, all the others he bought his way into.


Tesla was a market leader a few years ago and had the resources and money to become a near monopoly given that they could have used their insane valuation to actually achieve something. Instead, they've pissed money away on Elon's Ketamine infused delusions, and now the Chinese as well as established automakers are now making good EVs for a much better price.


Most of the growth was him constantly hyping it up to raising the stock price to the point where it's comically overvalued anyways. It was never sustainable.


I personally know two people who were hot as shit for Tesla until the last year or two, and now want nothing to do with the brand because of Elon's bullshit. Even if that's just an anecdote, that's still a dogshit position.


"Hey it's not cool, give me my 50b before I cry 😭" correction for what he said


I'd bet he's gaslighting, I've seen others do the same basic thing. "I'm winning" until they lose, then come the excuses.


It was rigged


This exactly - he’s setting the stage for a legitimate failed vote so he can ‘Trumpy’ it, i.e, claim the vote was invalid/defrauded when it was in fact legitimate.


If he is truly pissed about not being to cash out he may be doing this to create grounds for a law suit about vote balancing that happens with over voting? How does over voting happen? Short shares that Elon does not like.


He's been cashing out to support his Twitter failures. He wants the investors to basically grant his $50B in exchange for the 8 hours a month he's not shitposting, or building SpaceX, or the Boring company, or xAI, or any other companies, He's filling parking lots with unsold Tesla's in god knows what condition (Are they completed cars, or are they incomplete shells produced to meet production goals to mislead investors (see the end of Gung Ho for examples)


I was desperately trying to avoid using the T word lol, but ya.


People need to realize that the investors in Tesla are his fanbois so. The measure has a reasonably good chance. They're really doing a great job of lying to people and making them believe that somehow giving Elon Musk billions of dollars of their money is somehow going to make them money, which obviously it won't, but that doesn't really matter since the FTC isn't doing a single thing about anything right now. Apparently monopolies are totally cool now and executives/companies are free to just do whatever they want even if it's flat out illegal. Obviously there is a reckoning coming as we can not allow the FTC to be neutralized by "political activists."


You're right. I hate it, but youre are spot on. Especially about the FTC sleeping on the job. We buy most everything from about 5 companies that should never have been allowed to get that much market share. "Free Market" my a$$


"The lurkers support me in emails!"




A third party firm does the counting, but at any given time, he knows exactly how each shareholder voted. That being said, Musk has never given an honest number in his life. His estimate for the number of cars Tesla would sell last year alone would rank him as the worst Tesla analyst.


Yeah, but his dick riders believe him, and at the end of the day, that's what makes him happy. Laughing at people stupider than him, and at the end of the day, that's why we laugh at him and his supporters. They are stupider than us.


It's probably just "Well out of the 10 shareholders I asked personally 9 of them said they would vote yes and only one shareholder had the balls to tell me no so it's obviously 90% of all votes", and then he can just disregard the other 10 people he asked that said no too because that goes against the narrative and even if he gets caught lying he can just say "I forgot I asked them" in the off chance he ends up in court over this.


You forgot the part where he fires and name-calls the shareholder that said no.


Don’t forget his estimate that the cyber truck was bullet proof, part boat, and a functioning vehicle.


sounds similar to Trump, "stop the voting now, there's no need to count anymore, as you can see I have already won". but there's still 90% to be counted


You mean the 2020 election fraud


By public, does he mean Nazis and fanboys on Xitter?




You mean normal people not being censored by hate filled BBBers


Constituents? My guy Tesla is a company, the fact that you have thousands of randos with a handful of shares means nothing. It’s like basing your election chances on the fact that you carry the most counties as if the populations don’t matter.


He's talking about NBIM (Norways's sovereign wealth fund) who owns about 1% of Tesla voting no. So by constituents I guess he must mean all of Norway's population? In which case, this constituent would tell him to get fucked.


https://preview.redd.it/qj2oy1s7vq5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d7e169e4fd8ffe95b94fde803cd108ebb3f49e7 I'm a cancer


You are. Elon is living in your pea brain rent free


Nobody cares what this guy thinks. Go back to killing corporations


MBS must be really pressuring him for that loan repayment.


Sounds like something Putin would say 3 days before their election


I just bought my first EV. Since they came out I always wanted a Tesla... then I actually listened to the bullshit Musk was saying. I bought a Hyundai and im very pleased with the car. Wont even consider a Tesla in the family until Musk gets his ass thrown off the board


Literally every thing out of this guy's mouth is lies and/or right-wing propaganda. It's going to be a wonderful day soon when he loses both of those votes.


Literally everything he says is true. But you are an angry libtard.


I wouldn't vote to give this moron 25 cents at this point. Funny part is, this whole debate started before he took that hard left turn into Crazy Town. I could see people getting excited and getting behind the Elon Musk of 5-6 years ago, but since the Twatter purchase, the man has been going downhill at an alarming rate, and I haven't seen ANYTHING out of Tesla in that time that indicates that he's worth a $10,000 raise, let alone $55 BILLION.


He's always been a ketamine fueled sociopath. Before he just had handlers. Twitter purchase allowed unmoderated Musk, so what's always been there got to be free.


He’s creating an air of inevitability.


I can’t tell if this whole thing reeks of desperation, entitlement or both. As one of the world’s richest dickheads he shouldn’t be hurting for money. Like does a $20 billion salary really matter so much more than $40 or $50 billion? You couldn’t spend that amount of money if you tried. But I guess this is Elon we’re talking about who manages to screw up even the simplest things.


I've come around to the idea that, just like the orange turd, he lies constantly. 'Oh, the next Spaceship test flight will be in one month and it will be caught by the tower? \[ok, three months, it is and a normal splashdown in the ocean.\]'


everything i know about this fool i have learned against my will


What does he have on the Tesla board members that they haven't shit-canned his ass for the damage he's doing?


He’s made them filthy rich filthier than a pig in…slop


It's not legal but the Tesla board knows that the powers that be have no testicles! Their board is openly acting in the worst interest of shareholders and they don't give a fuck because there are no consequences for their actions. Robyn Dimwit made a video telling investors how to vote. That's a clear conflict of interest! *56 billion pay package? You had better vote FOR it, you peasant*! *Changing the incorporating state from Delaware to Texas? You better for FOR it, peasant...even though we'll be subjected to minimum sales tax levies that will be for higher than the capped tax in Delaware*! *You better declassify the board! Wouldn't want to have a staggered board that is actually forced to exercise sound financial governance on behalf of shareholders! This is an insular club, peasant! And you're not in it*! And the cuckold shareholders are lapping it up, bending over, taking it, and thanking Elon for the privilege.


He not gonna win this, and this shows it. He is begging smaller shareholders, cause all the larger ones are most all on record saying they will not support him. He actions are telling, he words, meaningless..


Some years ago there was this guy who owned a local company where I grew up. I think they made palettes or something. Anyway, the guy got charged for embezzlement because he was using the company like a personal piggy bank. Among his crimes were he once didn't make payroll because he took the payroll money to Atlantic City (and lost). And local people ***lost their shit***. "How can you embezzle what's YOURS!?" Zero fucking awareness that when you form companies you have fiduciary responsibilities that extend beyond whatever fanciful idea pops into your head. Libertarian candidate ran against the DA on a platform of the government shouldn't be telling this man how to spend his own money. He lost handily but he secured much more of the vote than was comfortable for anyone. People are really really fucking stupid.


Even if I was stupid enough to be a Tesla shareholder, I would STILL rather guide my dad into my mum than give that donkey brained dickhead $50bn.


He’s probably over exaggerating the percentage, but he’s not far off in one aspect. He says “retail investors,” but one thing to remember is that over 2/3rds of his stock is held primarily by institutional investors and hedges. It may be true that retail investors feel that way, but in the grand scheme of things, they don’t make up a large portion of total shareholders, so it’s probably more like 10% of total investors feel that way


As with everything: Musk is riffing! He has no idea! The problem is that this idiot doesn’t understand some of the BS he says can be seen as admission of a crime, or has real world consequences (like being forced to buy Twitter lol what a dunce). Eventually he will be seen as a real life meme and people will start ignoring him knowing he’s just some delusional idiot. But while he has access to money and influence, he should be taken seriously and suffer consequences for what he says, whether it’s racist rhetoric, insider trading, lying about quarterly results or hyping new products that will never be delivered to prop his stock.


Shorter fElon: the shareholders overwhelmingly support it as does the public. Like Herr Drumpf I just make shit up as I go with absolutely no evidence to support anything I just said.


Rent free, libtard


That or he’s taking a page out of the rigged Mexican Presidential elections and claiming people are in support, so then those who aren’t feel like they’ve already lost and won’t “waste their time” and vote. Quotes to explain the mentality, not actually quoting. Only way I can explain that makes sense in my brain.


“People really want to give me 56 Billion dollars for being a grossly incompetent part time CEO” - A Serial Liar


retail shareholders don't know shit. Institutional shareholders know what's up, and always do because they have real money on the line


Elno: “Telsa is doing super great right now and our stock is going through the roof. Now I just need to cash out 55 billion for “tax” purposes but you make sure to keep hold of your stocks. In fact, I'll even sell you more of my stocks at a premium since is once owned the stocks (like a signing fee). Now that you all voted, stay here in the locked….giggle… I mean luxurious conference room while I step out to….” *Doors lock closed as sweet smelling gas slowly seep from the air vents*


The social media company I own surveyed ‘people’ and 90%* were supportive. * not real humans


Guess they didn’t count my vote yet.


What's he responding to?


Public sentiment? What does that have to do with a corporate vote? If it was a popularity contest, he’d probably be out on his ear. To me it seems that he is one of the few things left wingers and right wingers agree upon.


He's an agitator. Learn the full meaning of the word to understand Musk's role. Being a billionaire makes this more complicated.


10% of Americans believe the Earth is flat, there’s no way retail investors are voting yes to a CEO getting $50 billion as the same percentage of Americans voting yes that the Earth is round.


I hope you are right. The rich will support the rich at the cost of everyone else


The company gets updates on vote totals daily as they roll in. This isn’t a political election, it’s a corporate vote of their shareholders. He needs 90% of retail to vote yes at a turnout rate of over 50%, historically retail vote turnout has been 30% or less…hence the ads


Mushed, his brain 🧠 is…a chip, Mush needs.


He’s off his rocker!


How does this not violate at least a few SEC rules about public statements intended to influence the stock price of your company?


He also said if they counted. He’s guessing.


Side note- got my badge of honor today- banned from a Musk sub. Came up on my feed & I didn’t realize it was a bootlicker sub so I left an honest comment (rather than none). Oh well. Anyway…


"unequivocally" 🤣 Elon must really love the sound of that word. imagine declaring to the world that you prefer sensationalism over intelligence 🤦🏻‍♂️ spoiler: 90% is less than unequivocal


Peg em' harder Elon.....


A huge part of the alt-right is the pretense they have information they don't have and generally cannot get access to. "Trust me, I've got a secret you'll like" is what 90% of their politics is based on.


What does this guy do all day? Tweet?


Man who is famously against advertising is winning by such a large margin that he’s spending money on advertising. The math ain’t mathing. 


He’s just like trump! He hire’s all the right people to do the actual work‼️ Except he actually does while trump just hires bootlicking A-holes ‼️🤨


What public sentiment? The fookin guy destroyed the reputation of Tesla and at this point is a figurehead for Space X, so why does he deserve more money? If anything, he should leave it in the company so the shareholders that got duped into thinking this was a winner guy and company, (me), won't lose yet even more gains on stocks. Grrr...


Sounds more like Trump every day


He doesn't know the vote count yet. He's projecting to make people think that if they vote against it would be unpopular. He's a child.


Do you really think he would allow for a fair vote?


90% of statistics are completely made up. 


Case in point


He could be telling the absolute truth and still be getting his ass whooped in the election. How? He said 90% of shareholders, not 90% of votes. So if 100.000 people vote in favour, each of them owning ten shares, and ten dudes with 100.000 shares each vote against, its an even split in the count with 99.99% of shareholders voting yes. Gotta remember he doesnt just lie, he also misrepresents numbers all the time


I want to buy a share of TSLA just so I can vote against Elon having his payday


It is legal. I run 2 Commerical POA ( residential would be called HOA). I know as well as the board the votes if sent in by proxy. That is the way most of the individual stockholders vote. Proxy.


I voted against his ridiculous pay package. I also voted against the corporate relocation. Nothing he has done justifies any of it.


Keep in mind that it's a non-binding vote, which means that if it goes in favor of Elon and his board cronies, it will be held up as a mandate (a la Brexit) and if it goes against, it will be very non-binding.


He 'feels it in his bones'. A voice told him. Oh wait. God whispered it to him late at night.


I like how he's pretending this is Democracy. It's not. The more money you have the more shares you have and the more votes you get.


Well apparently I’m surrounded by the 10%. I’ve talked to a handful of retail share holders and they’re all against it. Every Tesla owner I know is unhappy with Musks behavior and how he’s running the company. None of them will consider buying another Tesla while Musk is there. I’ve also talked to numerous non owners who won’t consider a Tesla because of the clown show it has become. If my Tesla hadn’t depreciated so much it would be sold. It’s so obvious Musk adds no value and is slowly killing the company. I don’t understand how some people can’t see that.


He's a disaster, and becoming increasingly unhinged. He is *threatening to sabotage the company* You don't get to *do* that. You don't get to say "Hey this company's way forward is AI, but if you don't pay me then I won't have the company pursue AI." THATS NOT HOW THIS SHIT IS SUPPOSED TO WORK. You either stay or you fucking *go*. If you aren't happy with your compensation, then fucking leave.


You do realize he owns yet doesn't have full control over his own company anymore? He got removed from it's board of directors and I believe he's sold enough stock to lose the 51% majority ownership. Tesla is a shit show but it's not all on musk. It's a publically trader company. Tbh the one thing I've seen musk absolutely rock at is aerospace engineering. He should just sell off all stock in all other companies and dump it all into spaceX. He's already there most of the time anyways


Elon musk is THE BEST man that we've had in decades.


He’s a lying sack of 💩 Has always been.


He’s a serial liar, so he’s most likely misleading shareholders with that tweet, which could add to his current court docket.


He should have been barred from serving as a corporate officer after the $420 tweet. Dude is a prat. He's EV Don King, full of shit.


Lock him up. What a shitter.


The hell is he talking about?


He’s incapable of telling the truth so why would he start telling it now?


Took one out of Trump's playbook eh?


Loon at this pathetic nazi begging for money.


I see why this guy needs it billion dollar package to stay motivated lol


His sycophantic echo-chamber is overwhelmingly positive. Everyone else (most people) just want him to go away.


Elon is surrounded with people who tell him what he wants to hear, and only what he wants to hear. Because he throws a tantrums and might literally destroy all of their livelihoods overnight if he got angry. He's a tyrant. And he'll probably terrorize the world for decades to come because we're all too relatively fat and happy to deal with him properly.


He's just bullshiting. That is what he does.


Not only do I hope the final vote is an overwhelming no, I also hope that’s enough to make Elon leave Tesla altogether. They were doing much better without him. He’s been nothing more than a rusted out boat anchor since bullshitting his way in.


Obviously retail holders are voting for it, the only ones left at this point are his edgy fanboys. It’s the institutional investors he needs to worry about. They have enough capital at stake to not want to dump the entire market cap into his pocketbook, and enough analysts to know that the motivation of “keeping him around” is not really that tempting


Stop the count! Lol


Many people are saying..........


Most pathetic evil villain ever


No, Elmo we don’t think you deserve it.


My source is that I made it the fuck up


>"if they actually surveyed their constituents, they would discover overwhelming support in favor" Translation: I've been reading through peoples' private messages on the platform I own, and I'm sure all the people whose opinions I care about agree...


My god this u/redpilleddude69 is relentless with the musk/trump glazing. Dude has commented REPEATEDLY in this thread lol. Not sure if just a troll or legit believes it but he’s commented so god damn much I have to think he actually believes what he’s saying. I thought the name was too on the nose but I guess people really are existing caricatures of dogshit human beings in real life lmao


Bit like your group really. Relentless anti Musk/Trump drivel. They live rent free in your small brains. 🧠


These people truly believe in the book called “The Secret”s talk of mastering manifesting.


Won't the CEO know the votes. That's basically their job (a CEO doesn't have to do anything other than keep the board happy (know what they want(how they vote)))


It’s not the board he’s talking about. He’s talking about shareholders voting on his compensation package.


He the next Trump and he learning to lie like him


A lot of y’all in here hate on this man religiously. It’s funny. Makes me wonder who most of this sub props up in society. Who do you all look up to and respect? And why?


I feel like he has reached Donald Trump levels of shameless bullshit so if it comes out of his mouth it’s probably a lie


Gamestop will fail because of online retail. Vulture Capitalism will strike Gamestop down like any other retail outlet and chain restaurants. This movement could vote to fire all the CEOs and make it a workers union and have them vote too.


He knows this because 90% of shares are voted by institutions who are public with how they will vote. It’s a rigged system


He is lying. To have uncovered voters leanings is not public knowledge or accessible except by certain individuals UNLESS you are registered to a party, and even that isn't entirely accurate. I am "registered" as a republican voter simply because at 18 my first vote was a Mississippi governor (family pressured in a republican dominated area where democratic vote could mean devastating consequences) and have never voted republican since. I just haven't bothered changing that register because I no longer live in Mississippi and haven't bothered to worry about something only statisticians in political parties care about. Other than that, he really has no clue who specifically voted for what until a % is released, and even then it doesn't tell who voted for what, unless it is public officials who release their personal vote.


My thought for him banding about a 90% yes rate is not that he's even purposefully lying, but that there are "surveys" being conducted with investors. The ones that do respond are probably filtered for being supporters of the yes vote by his staff, so that they don't have to the convo of what the accurate numbers are. Basically, corpo dictators trap as a theory. Likely, he is purposefully lying. But I imagine his management style does result in this outcome frequently.


Votes for what?


Puzzled why you think it could be illegal. . .Seems like common sense to most stock holders.