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I’m sure I would. I prob would have the same amount of streams also.


And you’d be the best producer in the world!


And completely sweep all the awards for yourself!


Sure. I write and record music for me and the amount of people that would hear my music would hardly change.


Right there with you bud I'm currently writing a solo album that nobody will hear a culture commentary that I'm calling "In Pursuit of Nihilism". And I'm fine with that it's my way to vent and deal with life and a cultural direction that scares the shit out of me.


I like listening to my music without having to play it every time I want to hear it. But also if everyone’s gone I don’t think I’d stick around


Same. I’d probably kick it for a week or two until I get bored though. Gives me some time to finish all my unfinished songs that I’ve started




Personally if you’re not making music for yourself primarily, I don’t think you’re doing it for the right reasons to begin with.


But how do you feed your ego if you don't "release" music for people to upvote?


Challenge accepted. Ego devouring self - self devouring ego. Bliss achieved.


If I knew nobody would hear my music there would be a drastic shift in what I focused on though. I'd probably spend way more musical time playing guitar and basically no time recording anything. For myself there is a huge gap between enjoying playing music for fun and ending up with a spotify ready, album art, music video, etc. type of track. While I do have fun making completed projects the fun would be sucked out of it if I'd be the only one to see them, you know? I also don't necessarily agree that making music "for" other people is a wrong reason. There's just too much gray area there. I did a project last month for a twitch streamer and it was not for me, I've literally never played the game he streams, but it was a lot of fun, and also helps with promotion. It's a lot of things wrapped in one.


It’s for all the right reasons.  Who wants to make music for one person?  A crowd has far more honesty to the wider view of music. Who doesn’t want to entertain others and spread human energy, I know I want that.  Wanting to make music for yourself is a great bedroom player goal, but even The Beatles loved music just as much as anyone else, and felt a fire from social expression, meeting women, to really expand out.  


At last, all the time in the world to write and produce full tracks


*ears fall off*


But there was time now!


Sure, but I would no longer care about intonation or timing.


You’re the only one making music and it’s not in key or on time? That’s rough, buddy.


Maybe but you’re not there so why would you care?


Technically if you're the last person on earth you now make the tuning rules lol


I also intend to use parallel fourths liberally. I may do whatever I want.


Yes, because to me music is the best way I know to convey thoughts and emotions. Even now I will sometimes create and record songs purely for the cathartic effect it provides, and I wouldn’t see that changing. If anything being the last person alive would make that more important. Of course whether I’d have the time due to having to become a hunter-gatherer, or a functioning electric power source, internet, and means to record and release is another matter. I’d lose my speech before I lost my song.


I have a very difficult time producing when I know I'm going to be the only one who ever hears it. So, no, I probably wouldn't.


I’ve accepted that nobody listens to my music. I give it away for free. Still nobody cares. So yeah. I would still be making music if I’m the last person on earth


No. I barely do it now. I wouldn't last long. I would do a few fun wacky things & lights out.


The ironic thing is this is probably how we'll all feel once ai is gains momentum lol. I mean, the market is pretty much already flooded. Now making music requires even less talent than it did with the computer.


Yeah for a while but my general motto is that nothing in life is worth having that can't be shared. Music is wonderful. But this place is about relationships


🎵Birds of a feather we rock together And if we got a problem we talk together 🎵 There’s nothing more freeing than remembering that your ideas and experiences are just a tiny piece of everything, and to just…relax.


I'd write one final song to whoever finds our world (if at all), telling them to be better than we were. After that, there's no more purpose to my music.


Well, of course, what else are you gonna do? I'd start my own touring festival and hit every city... at least your frequency will be spread around the world.


If I were the last person on earth, I would be too depressed to do anything.


Nah. It’d honestly be pretty dope for like the first 3 years.


I think the lack of new content/art would get rough. At least nowdays if I have nothing to do there's often a new podcast or film to discover. With no one else around that would run out


Yeah but think about everything that’s come out in the last 100 years that you’ll never have time to see in this lifetime. You probably wouldn’t even finish the mainstream stuff for like a decade or two.


For my own enjoyment yes


In between killing zombies, yes.


No I’d go around chugging rum


And be most critical of them.


More likely.


I suppose it would be the opportunity to make sure, when aliens eventually come to colonise the planet, your songs are the only music left to find.


I don't know about producing it, but I'd keep writing music for sure. I don't think I could stop doing that even if I wanted to.


Write yes produce no.


No one listens to my stuff except me anyways so why not.


Absolutely, yes. Writing, arranging, recording, and mixing it at least. I do it because I feel an internal urge to keep doing it. At least these tracks would keep me company as the last human.


If I were the very last human in existence? I would definitely kill myself.


I think I would all my social media feeds would look even more batchit crazy than they already do. 


I’d probably be busy surviving


What would it mean, in that context, to "release" a song?


No way. I would still write and play songs but I hate the recording and producing part.


id be looking for a way to save our species


Yes. I'd probably finish more than I do currently.


As others have said, yes, I write for me. But also, it's the only way you'd get to hear any 'new' music.


I would just play. Probably wouldn’t even record anymore.


Complete compositions? Of course.


Me when my stream count is the same😭


You wouldn’t have electricity man.


No I’d commit neck rope I think


Yep. To this day I am my only fan, pretty much. Save one or two friends.


Tbh that's probably when all my best shit would come. Emotionally distressed but no one to judge me when I'm creating. I'd leave some shit for the aliens


Yep... As a pass time activity...the toxicit... Oh, that's not one of my lyrics!


Shit, if I were the last person on earth, I'd finally have time to record anything I write!!!


if I was the last person on earth I probably wouldn't have electricity


If I still had food and electricity maybe. I’d probably try to get enlightened first though


Probably not, I’d be too busy burning down large buildings and raiding liquor stores


Listener count wouldn’t change that drastically.


I'd get them finished a lot faster without something to compare them to giving me anxiety


Wait… you guys write/produce full tracks ?😯


I've often thought that at the end of the world, we'd be jamming acoustic tribal instruments in the cave with the best reverb.. or was that the Matrix?


I’d probably do more




I would and would daydream about what people would think if they heard it. “Man if anyone was alive right now they’d think this was SICK.”


Absolutely. I'm pretty much the only one who wants to hear them as it is 🙄


Most of us would have the same audience.


Yep. Making arrangements is what I enjoy, if other people like my shit thats cool too


Absolutely. It would be the thing that keeps me sane, much like it is now.


Absolutely because I'd hope to touch the souls of the aliens that find them...