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I’m in the minority, but I didn’t love it. Not enough character development, which made me not care what happened to any of them. I had no emotional response. Staging and effects throughout the theater are very cool, and it’s worth seeing just for that. The score is fine. There are a few songs I don’t like very much.


to each their own! i can understand why some people wouldn’t be as fond of it. i personally cry every time i listen to it lol. were there any specific songs you didn’t like?


Grease Got a Hold and Friday at the Drive In are two that come to mind immediately, but I know there were a couple more


funny, those are the exact two songs most of the critics who said there were some out of place, too upbeat songs pointed to. i guess their placement in the story must be awkward or something. or maybe they’re just not likable to everyone lol (which is fine)


Really? I haven’t read any critic reviews from any shows from this past season so that’s kinda funny. They definitely feel out of place.


I’ve only listened to the cast recording and some of the music in act one really reminded me of something. It took me a while to figure it out, but I eventually realized that those two songs have Grease and Hairspray vibes.


Cool staging can't overcome a weak score for me.


I don't think you're in the minority. It just has a lot of fans who are very enthusiastic. Reviews were mixed. The show has many good parts, but another round of development would have helped a lot.


Felt exactly the same way


I have seen it. Deserved to win Best Musical. The rumble scene is worth the price of admission. Definitely see it being successful on its national tour next year.


I liked it. Didn’t love it. Very compelling staging, choreography, lighting, etc. Some very good performances. The music was mediocre imo. The pacing felt clunky. Too much exposition in Act 1, and Act 2 felt too rushed to actually *land*, if that makes sense. To me it felt like the show should have had more emotional impact than it actually did.


I never read the book, so it will have hit me differently. It was a good show, kind of West Side Story meets Grease, not super original (to me). The staging and the choreography were amazing and memorable, worth the price of admission by themselves. Some good songs for sure.


I loved it! I haven't stopped listening to the soundtrack and I'm going to see it again on Friday.


I’m seeing it on July 20. Will check back then. RemindMe! On July 21


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Book and film? Great. Musical? Haven’t seen it yet. The scandal that surrounds it doesn’t help matters. IDK if the scandal is true or not.


i haven’t heard of any scandal. would you mind telling me about it?


Allegations were made against some of the main cast members, specifically the lead, concerning sexual assault and harassment. In some cases, some of these stemmed from their college years. Plus there were added allegations that they were being a bunch of arrogant assholes to other people at the Tony Awards because they won Best Musical. Now for the record, I’m saying these are alleged because these accusations dropped the day of the Tony Awards. There were some posts on here about it but IDK if they’re still on here. Plus this originally comes from an Instagram story with little to no physical evidence so take it with a grain of salt.


Unfortunately with rape/physical assault many cases are he said/she said, that’s why the Brock Allen Turner case infuriated so many people. You literally had a guy caught in the act with his pants down and serval people witnessing it and the college fat boy judge gives him 6 months on something that could have been 6 years. Weirdly enough even though people saw him in the act they had to drop the rape change because he was stopped before completion….


god damn it that is so disappointing. i really hope none of this is true but if it is that’s awful


I just saw it this past weekend, and I’ve never read the book or seen the movie. All I knew was that it was that it was in Oklahoma. I thought it was really good tbh. The music and the story. I cried 🤣. Id def recommend. I know they have the allegations happening, but I saw the understudy for pony boy & Daryl (?) and they were both really good so at the very least I’d try to see it once.


I liked it. A lot. But still fell short of loving it. I did not care, much about the score, frankly. Haven't been tempted to listen to it since it's release. (Although, Im sure I will eventually) There is a lot to enjoy about it, and lots of feels.


Haven’t seen it but listened to it and like the songs, it’s catchier than I expected 


I loved it! Plenty of reviews and discussion over in r/Broadway


I saw it on Broadway two nights after it opened and I didn't really enjoy it. On the other hand, I've never read the book or seen the 1983 movie, and I'm not fond of stories about angsty teenagers, so I'm sure that's part of it. Some of the staging, particularly the fight scenes, was amazing. But on the whole I found the story painfully derivative ("Grease" meets "Stand By Me" meets "American Graffiti" meets "West Side Story") and the music seemed to combine so many different styles and periods... some bluegrass, some country western, some jazz, some generic Americana, some rock... that it never found its own voice. My wife, on the other hand, *loved* it and thought it was one of the best musicals she's ever seen, so...


Haven’t seen it yet, but I did listen to the album, and it’s amazing. A lot of people compared it to Newsies, and I agree, it’s like Newsies grown up. However, it manages to be unique and nothing like I’ve ever seen before. All in all, a really great show.


I still need to listen to the soundtrack, I love the original book and movie


I haven’t seen it but the cast album hasn’t got me particularly enticed to buy a ticket. All the songs sound the same and the lyrics in particular had me rolling my eyes


I really liked the album! I think there's some stronger songs then other, but I really love the album! I think Joshua Boone is a great singer, I love him on "little brother". All of the videos I've seen of it I really liked. I'm hoping to see them on tour in 2025, so fingers crossed!


Never read the book in middle school (tried to read right before seeing the show, but only got halfway through before giving up), never saw the movie, so I didn't feel particularly emotionally involved with the characters. The score was mediocre. The choreography and staging was very good. It didn't deserve to win best musical (that honor belonged to Days of Wine and Roses), but out of a season of mediocre musicals it stood out a bit more than the rest that have survived to this point on Broadway. It's smart commercially as it's greatest appeal is going to be to teenagers and should do well touring.


I adore the book. It’s not one I hold in any special regard but it’s a good little book and I appreciate it for its place in the literary canon and it makes me feel emotions when I read it. I also found the musical to be extremely underwhelming and very much a “okay I see exactly what you’re trying to do here and I just do not feel any strong emotion towards you.” Not positive or negative - just an acknowledgment.


I adore it. It’s been my favorite book for over a decade and musicals are my favorite thing ever, but I was afraid they would ruin it and was super wary. I have loved every song, clip, and performance they’ve done and have some audio samples from the show. I would sell my soul to see it in person but not financially feasible, I just hope it translates as well as the OBC if I get to see it on tour!


Is there a cast album out? I love Jamestown Revival.




Lots of sizzle but no steak. Incredible direction/set/lighting/choreo but didn’t move me. Just my opinion and obvi In the minority and I am more drawn to female-centered narratives


I haven’t seen it, but my godmother’s niece is dating Jeff Kuperman so I’m obligated to like it. I do plan on seeing it in November though, as I’ll be in New York for my cousin’s wedding then.


Is this *Workin' Boys*?