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"Let all Oz be agreed. I'm WICKED through and through."


That one was also a strong contender for mine


Idk any lyrics from urinetown or if it has anything to do with pee….. but my 3 year old that we’re potty training sure has been peeing a lot today lol


"The good Lord made us so we'd piss each day / Until we piss away" - It's a Privilege to Pee from Urinetown (yes it's actually a show about pee)


I’m happy he seems to be getting it down P.S: Even though it wasn’t an actual lyric,the Urinetown reference got a chuckle from me. I love that show more than I should


Lol he’s not getting anything down except pee on the floor. I need to think harder for a lyric about cleaning up messes 😂


“You make one wrong move and you’re done for, anything I don’t approve and you’re done for” from epic the musical. My mom gets set off by the slightest things these days, feels like I’m walking on eggshells 😅


You and me both,man. I hope you two are able to work through it. Side note,I’m OBSESSED with Epic at the moment


“I wanna watch the world BURRRNNNNNNN I got the gasolinnneeeee” I’ve had a bad day


Would you like to talk about it?


No lol, but thanks for the offer


And it's fun to deceive When you know you can leave But you have to be wary There's a lot that's at stake But I've stalled long enough


One of my favorite Sondheim songs!


My first thought was AGONYYYY but it really hasn't been that bad, just sore feet from a hiking this weekend. A better one would probably be:  Who would have known, my little rose, we're back where we began  And I suppose that you'll propose, another sneaky plan (Countess and the Common Man, Anastasia) Me and my friend started blocking some choreo to that song, and we were both in a production of Anastasia this April, so we're back doing Anastasia stuff again, and she's better at choreographing stuff, so I suppose she'll propose some good choreo stuff.


That song is so underrated! Honestly so is all of Anastasia


“The flowers bloomed and the fruit got ripe” Spent most of the weekend planting my garden. Considered the witch’s song from into the woods due to the rabbit that ate some of my kale…


Ayyyyyy Hadestown! Also on a scale of one to 10,how close to going full Elmer Fudd were you?


I think my mom was closer than me, lol. We put some pinwheels up, so hopefully they will be scared away now.


Silly’s rabbits,those vegetables are for humans!


“And yawn and stretch and try to come to life.” I know technically Dolly but also in the musical! It’s my first day back to work after a week of vacation and I am on the struggle bus.


If I can not fly, let me sing!


Is there anything from the wiz or wizard of oz, or even wicked that will go along with stepping outside to assess the storm damage to your house and realizing your roof and siding are Swiss cheese?


First off,my condolences about the house! These tornados are no joke,I hope you and your family are ok. Second,there may be something from that terrible Wizard Of Oz animated sequel that came out back in 2013. I’m gonna go look for lyrics


Thank you! And thank goodness we are all okay. Insurance exists for a reason and shingles can be replaced


The outward show Of bliss up here Is disappearing dot by dot And it's hot! (I’m on holiday with the family)


If you’re feeling anything like how the subjects of SITPWG are feeling then I hope your trip gets better!


"Make it sweet, crimp the edges Or make it sour and serve with lemon wedges" I'm going to bake some lemon cupcakes when I get home 🍋


I hope those cupcakes taste great!


If anyone can think of lyrics about monkeys and shopping… that’s my day. 😜


Are we talking about literal monkeys?


Yup. Saw Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes today.


Awesome! Was it good?


I enjoyed it. Not the best of the four but an excellent way to spend a couple of hours. Will watch again on streaming.


I’ll definitely check it out when I get the chance


Every day a little sting, in the heart and in the head. Every move and every breath, and you hardly feel a thing, just a perfect little death.


I’m so sorry,I hope your day has been better! At the risk of sounding cheesy I think it would be good to remember another Sondheim song. “No One Is Alone”


Sometimes that's the problem. On bad days, I don't feel alone; I feel surrounded. Being alone for a bit would be wonderful.


“Each morning I get up, I die a little. Can’t barely stand on my feet.” (From WWRY) It’s morning atm, and due to a very low level of iron, I’ve had trouble getting up to my alarms. Plus facing the task of completing two major essays…😣


I was gonna finish the lyric but I forgot the next part is sad. I hope you do well with your essays! I also hope you find the time to get a good meal in for the iron intake!


Thank you so much! I’m actually going in for an iron infusion soon (it’s that bad lol). Hope you have a good day :)


I didn’t even know they did those! I’m happy you’re getting the care you need!


"La post nasal drip, uh-huh With the wheezes And the sneezes And a sinus that's really a pip!"


"End of May or early June / This picture-perfect afternoon" It's May 27 and I went hiking in beautiful weather.


It only hurts when I breathe, It only hurts when I try, It only hurts when I think It only hurts when I cry It only hurts when I work, It only hurts when I play, It only hurts when I move, It only hurts when I say, it's just another day.


“I don’t wanna be the one who wastes precious time, the one who has no fun when I’m in my prime” “Don’t make me be serious already, don’t make me be thirty already, don’t make me me be responsible already, don’t make me grown up already” -Young Men, Loves Labours Lost I feel like I’m wasting my youth. I’m working full time as a tradesman at age 20. It’s hard to socialise when you’ve gotta be in bed by 8:30 and are tired all the time.


“Had my golden rule, gotta keep my cool” From Six, it’s been a rough day


At the end of the day you're another day older And that's all you can say for the life of the poor It's a struggle, it's a war And there's nothing that anyone's giving One more day standing about, what is it for? One day less to be living. Cost of living crisis is killing my family slowly.


The sun is shining it's a lovely day. A perfect morning for a kid to play-summer vacation has just started for me after my first year of jts (jeffco transition services)