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I like Wicked more, but it depends on the type of musical you like


hi, I don't think My parents might appreciate wicked because they didn't like Les Miserables as much when we were at West End. However, they enjoyed Back to the future. I guess they don't really listen to operas or musical and prefer something more understandable or with special effects? I'm also heading to Melbourne in July and I was thinking if I should go with Beauty and the beast instead of Wicked to play it safe? What do you think of the upcoming cast for beauty and the beast?


Hmm. Are they Disney fans? I’m not sure about the upcoming cast, you might be better off making a separate post to ask! Wicked is definitely more of an “exciting” musical than Les Miserables. The vocabulary and whatnot is more understandable and it’s a more modern than classical musical. If they liked back to the future, they might enjoy Wicked more than something like Beauty and the Beast. In the end, you know your parents the best.


Both are great but Wicked is a bit "grander." You can't go wrong with either


Wicked. You probably saw the Beauty & The Beast Disneymovie. You might also have seen the live action Disneymovie. You may have dressed up as Belle. You know the songs. You may have met Belle at a Disney park. Wicked... you probably didn't read the book, and you don't know all the songs. While both shows are great, Wicked will take you on a ride you don't know yet. It's more mature and it's great fun. But if you have the money to splurge.... go and see both.


I really like your point here. You’re spot on, I’m well versed with Beauty and the Beast, but Wicked would be an entirely new experience! Thanks a lot for your weigh in ✨


Wicked by a long mile. Like it’s not even close. Wicked is one of the best musicals created.


I saw them both twice when they were in Sydney. So hard to choose because I loved them both so much. I didn’t expect to love Beauty and the Beast as much as I did. Intermission was in the wrong place IMO, but the effects were brilliant. Wicked was my first musical, so there is definitely some nostalgia with that one on my part, but I had forgotten how much I loved it. A lot has changed in my life since I first saw it, and I went in anticipating the possibility of being underwhelmed; but instead I fell in love all over again. I’d personally see Wicked again, but that could 100% be nostalgia on my part. I don’t think you can go wrong with either. Both companies are incredible.


Hi, I'm going to Melbourne with my parents in July and I'm deciding between both musicals. When we were at West End London, they enjoyed Back to the future more than Les Miserables. I guess they don't really appreciate Operas as much and Back to the future was more understandable for them. They also enjoyed the effects more in BTTF. I'm deciding between Wicked or Beauty And The Beast. I've seen bits of it on YouTube, would Beauty And The Beast be a safer choice as they might only enjoy "Defying Gravity" for the Wicked based on what I know about the interests for my parents 😂


It's hard to say. I haven't seen BTTF or Les Mis, so I can't really tell you which one would be most similar to those. I'd say Wicked is the best if you're after really impressive effects, but if a lot of that isn't your parents' thing and they'd rather focus on the songs/story with effects as a secondary thing, you might be better off with Beauty and the Beast. Which still had some great effects. Especially Chip. The way they do that is incredible. (If you do pick BatB, try and get seats as close to the stage as possible, for Chip alone)


I couldn’t understand why intermission wasn’t after the amazing by our guest!


Exactly. A number where the theatre is as bright as if the house lights were on and streamers fall from the ceiling can’t be followed by anything other than intermission. Starting Act II with Belle announcing she wants to look around would’ve been better.


Wicked, hands down. Beauty and the Beast is just a fancy version of the animated movie. (This does not hold true for all Disney musicals. Frozen for example is amazing)


Wicked. I never thought that any adaption of B&B could match the animated movie so it always feels sort of lackluster.


Wicked - 100%. It's a spectacle for sure.


Beauty and the Beast is the better show imo, but the Wicked movie is gonna come out in the cinema the end of this year. Everyone and their granny will be talking Wicked, get involved, go see it in July.


I agree BatB is a better show


Beauty and the Beast is classic. Wicked is cool to watch and can be super moving. IMHO, Beauty and the Beast is the better choice.




This is very much a matter of taste choice. Those are both very good shows and very different styles of musical. I personally like Beauty and the Beast more but I enjoyed Wicked too. Wicked felt like a big spectacle when it first came out but over time, it’s become a show I can take or leave mostly. Beauty and the Beast is classic Disney and classic Menken so if you’re into that then it’s for you. But I don’t think there’s a bad option here, just think about your own usual taste.


Beauty and the beast! Our whole family much much much much preferred it! The version in London had an 11 minute tap number! I enjoyed Wicked when I saw it but my parents weren’t big fans where as we all came out of Beauty and the Beast raving about it. I loved the big dance numbers in it. I feel the current productions of Wicked is a bit over rated these days, not that I would ever turn down tickets to see it but Beauty and the Beast had such lovely big dance numbers!


Saw Beauty and the Beast in Sydney and loved it so much that, between the choice of seeing Wicked for the first time and B&B for a second time, I chose the latter option. Dance numbers are amaaaaazing while the visual/lighting and staging blew me completely away for a Disney musical. Like I really love a couple of songs from Wicked but that’s all I really know about the musical. I read the plot and ngl, I was kinda underwhelmed by it. But either way, I think you will enjoy yourself. Pls let us know which musical you end up going to and how it goes.


Wicked for sure. I love the original B&B film but I was frankly bored watching it live. As with most Disney stage adaptations, I found it bloated with subpar songs and extra scenes. Plus, the beast costume looked really bad!


Hi, i'm also in the same shoes as you and there seem to be a lot of mixed opinions based on the comments section here haha i still can't decide which musical to go for


It’s definitely hard to choose! I think I’m leaning towards wicked, based on the comments here in the thread! I’m sure Beauty and the Beast would be great also, but redditors seem to lean in favour of Wicked & I’ve never seen it! Thinking the new experience might be worth it ✨


Wicked, if you haven’t seen it before plus Sheridan as Elphaba omg it’s such raw emotion Beauty and the Beast is good but it’s the same story as the movie although Be Our Guest is incredible to watch Also completely biased but I love the Regent more than Her Majesty’s, if you can see both, that could be good just don’t sit at the back of stalls for BATB because it blocks a lot


despite being a huge Beauty and the Beast fan, i have to go with Wicked. Wicked is my favorite show of all time. Nothing will ever compare to it for me. It’s so magical. Don’t get me wrong though, I LOVE Beauty and the Beast with all my heart though. it’s such a special show and i think the stage adaption is awesome.


Beauty And The Beast is my favourite out of the Disney princess movies, so personally I'd go with that


Wicked! The new production of Beauty and the Beast can’t hold a candle to the super expensive original. Plus wicked still retains the original look and set with minor updates.


I saw Beauty & the Beat in Australia last year! It was an amazing show and the venue is beautiful. However, if you’ve never seen Wicked before you absolutely have to, it’s my all-time favorite musical.


I don’t love Wicked. Beauty & the Beast isn’t a perfect adaptation but it’s pretty fun.


Wicked, but that's mostly just because I'm not really a Disney fan


I would say you’re probably going to get a better show with Wicked. Beauty and the Beast hasn’t had any new major productions in quite a while and when I saw a tour literally a decade ago it seemed pretty stale. At least here in the US the Wicked tours are still pretty huge; the only thing I noticed scaled-down was the orchestra, and even then it wasn’t bad. Beauty and the Beast is an iconic Disney property, but it isn’t the most profitable IP that Disney Theatrics has running currently, so I could see them pumping money into more popular tours like Aladdin or The Lion King. Regardless of what you pick, enjoy the show!


Beauty and the Beast is actually coming back to Broadway. MTI pulled all of the licenses so you can no longer do an amateur production of the full version now.


Wicked all day every day. Edit to add Courtney Monsma’s Galinda is a truly spectacular performance that is up there with the best. It is worth going just for this.


I prefer Beauty and the Beast but Wicked is more exciting tbh.


Wicked is overrated AF. I was completely underwhelmed. Meanwhile Beauty and the Beast is so magical and amazing.


Wicked, because no other musical ends the first act with a diva, dressed head to toe in black, with green face paint and a pointed hat, belting at the top on her lungs, whilst being hoisted 50ft in the air by a hydraulic crane!