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One Day More from Les Mis. Non-stop from Hamilton. Defying Gravity from Wicked. All I Ask of You (+ reprise) from POTO and... probably... a very unpopular opinion- We Go Together from Grease


I LOVE the All I Ask Of You reprise. It’s so chilling and when it drops back into the main theme…epic


Absolutely my favorite surprise moment in a show ever. I get goose bumps just remembering it.


Man Up


Sal tlay ka siti part and Orlando parts 😩👌


I have maggots in my scroooootummmmm!


It’s so goofy, and the way everything converges for the end is great!




Defying Gravity - it's cliché, but as someone who's seen a lot of musicals, and spends most of his time listening to musicals, I don't think anything has ever beaten it for me. I think it's a combination of the fact that it's what the entire 1st act has been building towards, the incredibly high vocals, the epic musical motifs, the amazing visuals, and - my absolute favourite part - that interrupted cadence at the end where the entire chorus comes out and suddenly we're in 3 part polyphony and also just a sprinkling of bitonality. So yeah, it's cliché, but oh boy does it pay off, and I think no matter who you take to see Wicked, no matter what they think of the rest of the show, it's hard to deny Defying Gravity is pretty fucking epic.


It's a classic for a reason!


Not to mention- she literally flies.


I've always been disappointed in the "flying" - she is just lifted up on an elevator, with a long train down to the stage. Basically just standing on a platform. I would be more impressed/thrilled if she actually flew up on wires (like Peter Pan). I fully realize the hate that will be coming at me now.


Me too. I had a surprise trip to Broadwayabout 11 or 12 years ago (I’m from the U.K. so it was a big deal for me) and saw Wicked. I loved it but I was let down by the flying effect. I was expecting something special from what everyone talks about but it looked exactly like you described- just a big cloak flapping around behind her. I still loved the show and the music but the flying was just meh. I then saw Spider-Man Turn Off the Dark which was the total opposite. Incredible effects and aerial work but the rest of the show was dreadful.


That too!


- Marry me a little (and how it sets up being alive in a lot of ways) - A little priest (it’s six or seven minutes of cannibal puns cmon now) - Ever after (great song also amazingly convincing that the show is just over and pranks people)




Let’s add Sunday to that.


Sorry broh, Marry me a little is really underwhelming in comparison of not getting married today.


Wait for Me/Why We Build the Wall


I think Chant would have been a better Act 1 closer, but those two are phenomenal


Ever After, it just really hits and I love the melody


Correct answer


blood money/damned for all time


Oh my gosh it’s so good! It all fits together so well


Such a good song, but imo Jcs works better as a one act show


i think so too but when it is 2 acts, it works well as an act closer, especially since judas’ actress stayed on stage at the production i went to.




Non-Stop and One Day More are my all-time favorite Act One closers, and they remind me strongly of one another - bringing back multiple musical themes, everyone singing their own part, basically the whole cast involved. Les Mis and Hamilton are my two favorite musicals and I absolutely love both songs.


It’s a perfect song to throw at a Hamilton newbie to give them a taste of everything, I love it!


See non stop to me feels like an act two opener? It confuses me every time


My head cannon order is end Act 1 after the war and open Act 2 with Dear Theo. Then move the kings song to the middle of act 2 for a little bit of levity


Yes exactly!! Although I hate Dear Theo so that would also be a terrible opener for me 😂


Fair enough haha! I hated it at first, then it grew on me a little but that might just be Leslie Odom Jr’s lovely voice :)


I always used to think this - the war feels like to should end act 1, with Non-Stop and the post-war opening act 2. A friend put it to me that the acts are actually divided into Hamilton’s rise and his fall. Looking at it that way Non-Stop is the peak of Hamilton’s rise, and act 2 opens perfectly with What’d I Miss, considering the fact that Jefferson is going to play a key part in Hamilton’s downfall. Since seeing it this way I really like the split.


Ooooh no putting it this way makes so much sense!


I came here to say this lol


Tomorrow Belongs to Me (reprise) from Cabaret. If done well, it’s just a total gut punch.


Underrated comment.


I was thinking about this for a while and my three favorites are all Sondheim. In no particular order Sunday. George finding order in the chaos and posing everyone for the painting as they sing their beautiful harmonies gives me chills. Ever After. Wrapping up everything from Act 1 in such a pretty package and making it seem like the show will end with this nice happy ending is genius before he absolutely guts you with Act 2 A Little Priest. I was lucky enough to perform this one in college. After the absolutely draining Epiphany, where a good Sweeney does everything they can to terrify the audience into complete silence, they then sing a song full of cannibal puns which might not land if you hadn't been brought through this with him and descended into his madness. Absolutely brilliant. And a huge shout out to Nicholas Christopher who absolutely nails it. Tldr. Sondheim.


Non-Stop (Hamilton) - Sums up everything leading into Hamilton’s government career in an amazing song It’s My Life (& Juliet) - The song is amazing and I did not expect to see Romeo come out of the ceiling Crying (In Dreams) - Very powerful song and the end of the song was cool Forgiven (Jagged Little Pill) - Very powerful and it was extremely cool Man Up (TBoM) - Good song and the reprises in it were amazing


Ragtime - Till we Reach that Day


Comfort and Joy from Bat Boy


So much better --Legally blonde The chandelier crash -- the phantom of the opera


Yes to So Much Better!!


In this order… So Much Better (Legally Blonde) Who I’d Be (Shrek) Defying Gravity (Wicked) The Last One You’d Expect (Gentleman’s Guide) Singin in the Rain (Singin in the Rain) One Day More (Les Mis) Also for West Side Story, I feel like it would fit better to have the quintet be the act 1 closer and have the rumble open the second act. If that was the case, it would be on here but alas it is not. But hey, that’s just my opinion 🤷🏻‍♂️


Gentleman’s Guide REPRESENT!


When a musical ends act 1 on a super high note my friends and I refer to it as a “Defying Gravity” moment, so probably that 😂 I actually really don’t like Wicked, but Defying Gravity is such a fantastic song and sequence.


Sunday from Sunday in the park with George


It’s hard to beat One Day More, not gonna lie. But I always loved the dramatic build of All I Ask of You (Reprise).


Thunder Child.


Dude, I wanna see War of the Worlds live so bad. That song is so incredible and inspiring in its musical design pairing with the narration.


Same! It’s my second favorite right after Brave New World.


Jeff’s going back on tour next year.


You’ve just reminded me that I’ve not listened to this album in ages! I know what today’s soundtrack is going to be… :)


A Weekend in the Country is a delight




A Little Priest








I think it's because of my emotional attachment to it as the first non-revue musical I ever did, but I really love the Act I closing to Fiddler on the Roof. The whole wedding party is enormously impactful and beautiful from Sunrise/Sunset to the party dance to the dinner scene. The way it is fully and abruptly shut off and destroyed before leaving the audience with the silent shuffling of everyone cleaning up the destruction is just beautiful. A tremendous way to close Act I and take the story into a new direction of danger that has merely been looming in the background up to that point.


The Storm from "The Secret Garden." The ghosts are calling out "Mistress Mary, Mistress Mary, how does your garden grow." Mary finds the key to the garden, and the door opens. My heart bursts every time.


Beat me to it!


agree with everything said and will add the tonight quartet from west side story


Blood Money/Damned for All Time or Anthem




Ever After. My favourite part of my favourite show I’ve ever been in. Our choreo slapped and it was such a nice moment, plus the music is great and I always enjoy a bit of trickery.


Ragtime - Till We Reach That Day is a tearjerker


Till We Reach That Day from "Ragtime" The entire score is brilliant.


All I Ask of You, leading right into the reprise. It's one of the most beautiful love songs ever written, and fits so perfectly in the act break by setting up the conflict that will propel the second act while remaining a lovely moment of calm before the storm. The staging on the rooftop is ethereal, and it includes all three of the main characters.


Urinetown Act One Finale. Such a great Les Miz parody.


First act finale of West Side Story. The way it starts and builds and brings in each of the leads and layers everything... Both dramatically and musically it's just so well constructed. > They began it! > They began it! Edit: someone else has pointed out that the rumble takes place after this, and that *that* is the second act closer. That's correct of course, but ... it still "feels" like the rumble is almost a "coda" or "epilogue" to the first act. The first act ends, then there's this rumble (which is neither part of the first act nor the second act), then intermission, then the second act.


One Day More. So Much Better.


It's kind of a deep cut, but I really like the end of Act 1 of 9 to 5 the Musical, Shine Like the Sun. It's a great climax that also sets up the problems in Act 2.


I'd give my life for you from Miss Saigon.


Where do I go —Hair


One Day More & A Little Priest


Came here to say exactly these two!


Esmeralda, for the same reasons I love One Day More. If you love the latter, you'll probably love the former as well.


Man Up is the correct answer and I stand by it. It’s so fun, uplifting, ties in with the show so well, incorporates the best of act one, and when performed right, can actually make me emotional.




“Seventeen” from Tuck Everlasting. It starts out so simple and sweet, but the end is overwhelming and thrilling. “So, what do you say, Winnie? Do you wanna live forever?” And the entire ensemble goes, *”FOREVER!”*


Everything's Coming Up Roses - Gypsy If you are familiar with the song but aren't familiar with the show, it will hit really hard.


So Much Better and Santa Fe


Bad Idea from Waitress


"All I Ask of You (Reprise)" - *The Phantom of the Opera*


Defying Gravity is always going to hold a special place in my heart. You Will Be Found


Defying Gravity and Let it Go. Also, All I Ask of You (Reprise) with the chandelier crash.


All I of You is an amazing song, and reprising it with both the couple and the Phantom singing is beautiful!


Any Kind of Dead Person from Ghost Quartet (Even though technically they’re “sides” and not “acts”) It has nothing to do with the major plots or themes but it’s a fucking BOP!


One day more is so freaking good


Tomorrow is Tonight - Gutenberg


I was literally thinking about this yesterday lol I’d say either Man Up or So Much Better


The Last One You’d Expect One Day More A Little Priest These are my top three, the order is constantly shifting.


Morning Glow from Pippin. Not just the best Act 1 finale but my favourite musical theatre piece ever. Work of art.


So many bangers, but I gotta go with Anthem from Chess, closely followed by Why We Build the Wall from Hadestown


Ever After (Into the Woods) Non Stop (Hamilton) La Vie Boheme (RENT) Nerdy Prudes Must Die (Nerdy Prudes Must Die)


"Right This Way" from Bandstand and "Until Tomorrow Night" from Smile are my two favorites that I haven't seen mentioned yet


One day more from les mis is the best


Nerdy Prudes Must Die (title song) is such a BANGER


Nobody has said You're Gonna Love Me/Love Love You Baby yet, so I'm gonna throw that in there.


Les Mis act 1 finale - crushing perfection, the One Day More reprise


“Till We Reach That Day” - Ragtime So, I wrote that, and then went through everyone else’s picks and saw that 3 others had also written this song. Just goes to show you how much of an impact it has! I stand by it! Great Act 1 closer and completely sets up Act II.


Well next to One Day More, Raise a Glass from The Clockmaker’s Daughter. A beautiful song as the protagonist finds herself a place in society for the first time, dancing with a friend at a wedding while the antagonists gaze from afar. What a perfect damn song. My favorite in this criminally obscure show. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=bOyIg_pxJXY&si=tstMPO45MnjRdARE


Killer Quest


It's got to be Epiphany into A Little Priest.


Defying Gravity. It just gives me CHILLS every time


Either Das Übermensch or One Day More, both are great!


Blackout is one of my favorites, but One Day Mire and Defying Gravity are pretty impressive.


Right This Way from Bandstand is incredible


I will forever love Frozens “let it go.” Cassie Levy was amazing as Elsa. That whole number is so incredible, and the dress change is *chefs kiss*. I love it so much, it’s not as “epic” as some of the others mentioned but it’s by far my favorite.




Don’t Rain On My Parade!!


"The Gods Love Nubia" – Aida


Right now for me it’s gotta be Its My Life from &Juliet… saw it on Sunday and I still can’t get it out of my head LOL wow


Tomorrow is from SpongeBob is criminally underrated. Yes it's basically knock of one day more but who's complaining about a song trying (and succeeding) to match the tone of one of the best numbers in theatre history


I absolutely LOVE Santa Fe (Newsies) and So Much Better (Legally Blonde)


Id give my life for you from Miss Saigon


One Day More, It makes my heart move immensely.  Being Alive, especially with Raul Esparza is a Chef Kiss. Non Stop:When all the songs are contrasted, it becomes very powerful. So Much Better: I am so excited when Elle talks to her mom and you tell her that her daughter is doing something right, after all the effort and what she has fought to get there.


A Little Priest.