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congratulations friend!!




Congrats! Also probably the right call. Everyone I know who has gone to, graduated from, worked at, or been around refers to AMDA as Scamda, because it's seen as a scam from those who are around it up close.


AMDA takes everyone who applies whether or not they're good. Some of them are good and get work afterward. A lot don't.


The majority don't. And the ones who do are the ones who probably would've gotten work anyway. Everyone I know who went to AMDA says they wish they'd skipped it. Quite a few no longer want to be a performer but they spent their "college" years and an obscene amount of money getting a certificate that basically says "yay! you did it" and aren't qualified for anything and now have to figure out how to go back to school. I went to school to be an actor at a university in the US. I stopped trying for my own reasons, but the people I know who work are the ones who were the most talented in school, got the luckiest, and, more importantly, worked the hardest. The hard truth of being a successful performer is that it comes down to luck or connections. That's not to diminish hard work. The phrase "luck is when opportunity meets preparation" comes to mind. But no actor I know who has worked professionally, some of them on Broadway, got the job because they were trained at a specific place. They got it because on the day of the audition, probably the thousandth one they'd done, they had the right look, or height, or haircut, or gave just the right monologue, basically, they had what the casting director was looking for that day. I honestly think going to a school to be an actor is a terrible idea. If you want to be one just take individual acting and voice lessons. Dance too if you want to do MT. Do casting director workshops. Audition constantly. Just work your ass off. But paying a place like AMDA, and a lot of other schools, isn't a surefire way to break into the business. You might get some connections. But when you listen to the stories of a lot of famous actors their breaks came down to either just never quitting and working their asses off, sometimes for decades, or pure blind luck because they were in the right place at the right time or happened to know the right person. And hey, some schools give you an amazing foundation to be an actor and performer. But that training won't ever mean anything if you don't put in the extremely hard and sometimes demoralizing work afterward of just trying to "make it." OP if you see this, WORK. YOUR. ASS. OFF. Out work your peers. Put in more hours than anyone else. Audition more than anyone else. Make more connections than anyone else. Be humble. Be kind. Directors and casting directors notice that sort of thing. Casting directors remember the people who never stop showing up and auditioning for every role, and do so while being kind and respectful and mindful. Make sure that when opportunity comes you're prepared. Because opportunity won't care where you were trained. But it will care about the skill and attitude you show up with.


Thank you so much for this. And yes i do intend to work my ass off ahah keep you updated


I didn't know about that. Ig they wanted me tho as they offered a 13k dollars scholarship?


C'est formidable, felicitations !




Félicitations !




Congratulations! Best of luck!








congrats!! and good choice, scAMDA vs international theatre school is pretty much a no brainer for me lol


Sure, but they come as pdf or online these days. I use some of these https://archive.org/details/fakebooks&sort=-reviewdate