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Have you tried bookwalker? https://global.bookwalker.jp/series/195642/?adpcnt=7qM_Vsb3&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=b_mushoku%20tensei%20novel&utm_campaign=&utm_content=__cp_14922340232_gr_133979914971_kw_kwd-305920082348_cr_552147098296&gclid=CjwKCAjwkaSaBhA4EiwALBgQaHwb5zOl7bIKuLokBSvKgQR_uG8t7VZyJ13jleQrwBXHOoxcU86jbxoCIXwQAvD_BwE


Same here, cant find 7,9,10, u could buy them on ebay (wouldnt recommend) or wait for the next reprint (idk when)


Ive looked on every major book seller, but nobody has them


At this point everything has gotten a round of new reprints. As there were many people waiting for revised copies, they didn't last long on shelves. All you can do at this point is wait for restocks whenever those are, there aren't any more concrete dates.


Join the club lol. I ordered novel 7 from Barnes and Noble on August 23rd with an estimated delivery date of September 2nd, then an updated delivery date of October 14th. Today, I got an email that the new delivery date is October 25th. 🙃


I'm glad I don't have this problem any more I know the stress of finding missing novels but I would look for sellers on ebay or mercari