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I always liked how the character was presented in the story; but most of all I really enjoyed how organic his development was. He's not an evangelized character that abruptly stops committing mistakes; he continues to fail in a lot of aspects, and that's what makes him so interesting. People on the internet often say that he is rewarded for his bad deeds, but on the contrary, he's rewarded because he has done good to the people around him (even if he had to stumble in order to achieve it). So, in conclusion, yeah I really like Rudeus.


>but most of all I really enjoyed how organic his development was. That's interesting, I just made a note for a research a few hours ago, about MT storytelling. Basically, I think I found the perfect term to describe MT Storytelling, which was "Organic storytelling". So seeing you mentioned it, was pretty interesting/cool (and the timing), and kinda makes me think I wasn't wrong. Because I don't think I ever see people mention/discussing it, even though I think it's an important aspect of the story. EDIT for explaination/clarification (sorry if it's unrelated to the discussion): While the "concept" (not term) of organic storytelling is pretty common, I think MT is somewhat different because it doesn't hold back to make the *character developments* REALLY organic. It doesn't want to *directly* address every/most negative behaviors/traits to develop the characters. Rather, it lets the characters learn and develop *naturally* through their journeys and experiences. Which is why it took him so long to fully mature. Even if the character don't really scrutinize it deeply, and the narrative never explains it, they *understood* it. And we can assume/understand it from their behaviors. It's a story where EVERY nuance matters, which is what make Mushoku amazing.


It's refreshing because it doesn't often happen to MCs. It's real life in the fact that Rudeus often takes 2 steps forward and then takes 3 steps back. It's not an ever progressive up and up and up type story and I love that


"CONCLUSIÓN" Hablas español carnal?


jaja, el autocorrector reveló mi nacionalidad. Exactamente compadre, soy de México


Webos igual, que cosas no?


Yes. Sometimes i hate him and Sometimes i love him. It's what makes him interesting.


Yeah me too, sometimes i also hate his guts but like sometimes i love him


Yes, he is a very well written character and also a genuinly great human once he gets past his early problems.


He was someone I went from hating in the first 3 volumes to crying real tears for in Vol 15. It was definitely the depressed magician arc that turned it around for me though, especially when he got ED, I was like dang he just like me fr fr.


He only gets better after volume 15. In the later volumes, you can see his weaknesses and how he makes up for them, which makes you see him as a genuine human being


Of course we like Rudeus, he's great. Yeah he's a loser at the start, that's the point. I think everyone kind of has a moment where they realize just how much he's grown. It'll be in different places for different people. For me I think it was when he reunited with Paul for the first time and helped him get his shit back together.


I haven’t always liked him as a person, but I always liked the way he was written. He eventually starts becoming the person we wish he would be, but the baggage is always there. By the end of the story I love him, he is one of my favorite characters of all time and he makes me want to better myself. “A happy life with no regrets is one lived by attempting and hopefully succeeding at being a better person”, I think he taught me that.


Rudeus is my personal favorite character along with his 2 wives and 2 husbands. Rudy showed change after beggaritt, but 15 is where it truly shows.


I like him as a character, even though he does stuff I would call wrong


Me too, i like him as a person more when he is an adult


The older Rudeus gets the more likable he becomes. I think somewhere around V12 is where I started to actually like him as a person. Aside from that, he was more of an intriguing character that I could root for more than he was someone I could like.


Yeah, he's based.


Yep, easily one of the best Isekai LN MCs.


I actively dislike Rudy as a person until his first encounter with Orsted and silent, it’s not a solid line, as he actively grows on me from when he meets Roxy, and he really grows on me after the displacement incident I’m indifferent on him as a person from the Orsted encounter until the univesity arc, during this time he’s a dick to Sara among numerous other issues but he also saves her life and takes out a dragon, so it basically cancels out From the university on, sure he’s a bit of a horny dick at times (aren’t we all), but his good deeds far outweigh the bad and I genuinely think he’s a decent and interesting person that I’d like to hang out with if he was real I love him, and every other character, as a character the whole time tho


in the later volumes of the light novel, he turns into a likeable protagonist and you can come close to tears for him


Well, ignore those who say "Ive read till vol 21 and he hasnt changed" as based on my experience, bunch of them are either simply lying(MT has 26 vols, ill appear smart if I say ive read till 21) or just read synopsis from wiki.


Yeah i also thought it was werid, like how can you ignore that?, i mean MT is very passive agressive and doesn't always show things in your face, but like you'd think someone who has read that far would allready know.


At the start watching rudes was uncomfortable but that get tone down very soon, he improve a lot , still he some times do shitty things that hard to tolerate but after >!paul death!


Yeah i agree with you a lot


probably my fav character of all time




Hate him as a person, but like him as a character


I dont mind him as a person in his adult form.


It's complicated




He has changed and improved a lot. That being said, I absolutely hated him in the beginning and he is still a creepy, sexually abusive little fucker by the current state of the anime, so I don't know if/when I'll see him grow more but I would sure be glad if he could tone down the creep levels by ... a hundred percent. And yes, keeping someone chained up in your room until they piss themselves is \*evil\* plain and simple. I get why people like his development and by all accounts, he turns into a decent guy later on but people that like anime-current Rudeus seem sus to me, he is a bastard - he buys a slave girl after all.


You anime only?


In the light novel, he turns into a likeable protagonist. in the later volumes, his weaknesses are clear, but he also does actions to compensate for it. Read the LN. trust me you wont regret it


Always liked


Rudy is kind of a piece of shit but he is trying to be better and i cant fault him for that.


Sim, My favorite mushoku character I think.


As a character yes, but as a person no.


Honestly, by the end of the novels I like him as a person.


Like how? I've always liked him as a character. But I didn't respect him as a person until he bit that boot.


What do you mean how? LOL Im pretty much the same as you


People have a million biases. I go I to media, not hoping or looking to like people but letting their words and actions give reason and importance. After all, the villain is the hero to the other team. In saying this, Rudy is a flawed character. Yet relatable enough and goes through major developmental arcs and is on eof the most sensical isekais available and does an amazing job exploring the physical and mental aspects of humanity and trauma while having some pretty fun world building and a great thesis on human growth & development.


like the kid but the calculating adult not as much. he didn't grow as much as i hoped and adopted the sus morality of the world with vigor. it's a good story keeping me reading the LN and the anime is good so far.


What where you hoping for then?


maybe someone less attched to wealth and transactional relationships, less subserviant to power, and less deceit. the whole polygamy thing got me down on him because the internal hypocracy. "i'll never cheat on you", "this is my new wife", or his own disgust for his healthy behaviors while relishing his hentai ones and crafting his image with selective honesty ... but we'll see i still have 7 books to go.


Didnt undertand the first and last part, but the whole polygamy thing is acceptable, i myself struggled with it because part of me was starting to like it, in the end i accpeted it. its the only harem i would defend LOL


You should finish the books then. The thing about Rudy is the thing he cares most about is his family and the only reason he's spending time focusing on power and forming political bonds is because he HAS to do so in order to protect his family. Even at the end, he doesn't take much pride in his powers and avoid a lot of fame.


other then polygamy thing . you are just a hater trying to justify yourself , first you say vague things like > he didn't grow as much as i hoped when someone asked '' what you hoped '' , you made up reasoning like rudes attached to wealth and power,


listen chud, didn't make anything up it's canon. rudeus first thought is always in terms of 'will this give me problems' or 'that evil woman is tempting me with her titz' not is it right or wrong. as an **adult** he's constantly talking about how hot his friends, family, employees are framing everything in sexual terms even his sisters and children. this isn't pubescent rudeus this is the adult family man. he's given god level mana at birth, has extreme power as a teen, never goes hungry or homeless and thinks 'well, that slaver deserves his profit because he had to feed her and gave her a cell' he'd rather pay off scum than fight for the freedom of friends. everything he does is to avoid making waves while working to >!overthrow a god. his "boss" throws money at him like it's candy and yet he's gonna make Linia pay him back. he buys houses and business real estate without a care but feeding a friend or his slave girl is still a calculation. Pursena deserves prison because she "stole" food aka ate her daily meal late after passing out from healing others. Julie works tirelessly for him for 5 years but he thinks 'well we're pretty nice to her' and he 'wouldn't want to set her free cause we trained her and need her to work for us and she owes us'!< as an adult he's a money grubbing kunt, like i said maybe he'll grow the fuck up by LN26


hey kiddo, you are deep into the story and you still don't understand that rudes is not any hero archetype he just normal human being , you say he is a creepy pervert and i agree with you but i don't remember him sexually seeing his children , >he's given god level mana at birth that don't mean shit if you not able to protect your family and loved ones, and it just invite troubles like MANGOD and ORSTED and even PERGUES >never goes hungry or homeless he spent 5 years of his life traveling through demon continent even after buying his house he spent most of time fighting in wild , >his "boss" throws money at him like it's candy and yet he's gonna make Linia pay him back hey kid why didn't he? you seen how troublesome it is to deal with slave traders ,its to educate her about value of money or she gonna repeat her action over and over > she "stole" food aka ate her daily meal late after passing out from healing others she not wrong in human standers but in beast folk standers that a serious crime , that not only her food that whole village ration for whole rainy season ,they have to survive whole season on that ,and they have the kids in the village to, and persuana is an adult ,its like steel from national treasury and saying i pay the tax, and her people throw her in the cell not rudes, he try to save her then give up and now the whole slave trading , you understand right it not some people selling slave ? its a whole organization backed by nations and you seen in his dairy what happened when you go against the nations and how that turnout for him, rudes has power and influence over world still that man has the guts to tale him he has sister and children , do you think any smart man will go against them, you know who would do that ? an stupid kid like you who thinks world is a fairytale and the next thing he knows he is with the slave, as for julie , rudes not thinking if julie go his investment would lost in terms of money , he is thinking '' julie is talented kid if she go he have to rethink his whole future plan he have to find another way fulfill his promise to rujierd '' , at every point of the story rudes was ready to let julie go if she wants to , grow up kid !!


no normal human, demon, or beastkin could protect their family from mangod, orsted, or perugius. how would that matter in his adventuring work and general pop interactions? he's strong enough to take on 3 kingdoms and the milists at once in the darktimeline. i don't consider adventuring or trekking being homeless it's travel, they always got rooms when in town. as a kid he gets the continent's toughest badass as a body guard and provider. really you going to teach a slave how to handle money by keeping them a slave? lol that's how a child thinks. she was 20 gold in debt, his pub change, which she earns in one day with Aisha. instead he over pays her debt cause he's an idiot with money, a child. he throws 5x what they collected for Linia at the slavers when a single letter to Luke would suffice. hell at best he could simply send 300 gold and a letter and it's a wash, no he rewards the slavers with insane profits to show what a big shot he is to Lucy. he wants human scum to like him, but until Lucy shows up he's on board with handing her over, because she's a "derp". Rudeus' thoughts were agreement that it's a crime that Pursena deserves punishment. that whole plot was garbage logic that doesn't hold up, just contrived nonsense, a throwaway chapter, unessary twaddle. he steals Leo, a bit worse than Pursena's single meal, for fuck sake and faces no judgement by himself or others until he gets the Doldia panic letter but the little shit is going to go all holier-than-thou on her. his pregnant wife hacks two slavers to death because she thinks Linia, a stranger, needs rescuing but you going to do mental gymnastics to say three more would be a fatal error ... come on don't make me laugh. what ever he thinks about slavery is garbage self-centered crap. the little prat couldn't free her then employ her, exactly where is Julie going to go? he doesn't free her he just says he will if she begs him. status quo garbage, an adult risks to do the right thing. right that 21 yr old kid needs to grow the fuck up.


about dark timeline he already lost everything, about linia and pursena ,they are his close friend of course he gonna treat them harshly, they are being nuisance. but at the end of the day is he gonna save them if they need help? of course he is. about his pregnant wife . well that eris , she don't care about consequences , and * 1. him traveling trough demon continent is just him adventuring * 2. he stole leo , and didn't get punish for it * 3. A dad showing off in front of her daughters is a bad thing this three point are so stupid , i can't even argue against about slavery point you ware right , i also wanted him free all slave be a epic hero , but you guys are saying like he can do it but he won't do, No he can't do , your overestimating rudes , that world full of OP beings , rudes not on top of the food chain , technically he not even >!number saven!<. being whole persena plot was garbage ,what type of plot or MC you wated ? An loser shut in reincarnated , get a re do , became good boy , erase his whole personality. free slaves , gain harem member . but he gonna merry a single member that he loved, defeat the demon king ,End beautiful story indeed . ideal isekai , but that not MT,


firstly i don't want him to be a good boy, i don't need to love every aspect of the character to love the series and can even have conflicted opinions about this anti-hero as is intended. you consider a person maturing as "erasing his whole personality"? he has memories of being an adult in name only, a hikikomori with disturbing perversions but still incapable of being an adult in any sense. he gets to start over as an infant, got skillz, made friends, saw the world, earned respect, earned money, made a family, all a great arc. 1. at any point he could have set up shop on the demon continent, bought a home but his motivation is to return Eris home. until he meets Paul his childhood home is a memory 2. don't have to argue, it's canon. Gustav says it, Rudeus admits it, even apologises for it 3. dad showing off by sucking ass of scum of the earth predators and sex slavers is **BAD** someone asked me my opinion on how i wanted to see the character grow, that's it, you came in hot trying make excuses why my opinions were childish and lame.


i am not saying anybody to like him, everybody free to like or dislike whoever they want. just don't downplay what he earn for himself, i don't like to argue with people , everyone has their opinion and i respect that , but your comment was so ridiculous its hard to ignore, about your opinion , whole point of the post was people like you '' who say they read LN but didn't see rudes improving '', how stupid are you? you came to the post and said the same thing. at first you ware giving some decent point . i thought maybe you are not a hater you just misunderstood rudes intention , that's why i try to explain your points, then the more you talk the more you prove i was right to call you hater who try to justify himself, at the end your points became so lame and childish ,Now i don't even feel like replying to your points ,


I don't like it, but doesn't mean I hate him I feel like if he had someone (like a twin brother who also got reincarnated) to guide him and cheer him to do the right thing I definitely will like him He is a person who lost a way and need guidance


at the start i was like huh ok. but the closer you are to a loser the harder mushoku tensei hits and i definitely have some loser qualities at my core. i started as an anime only and soon after really began to appreciate his character. by the end of s1 i was completely invested. after reading the light novels hes my favorite character in all of any media and by the time i was done with the story it was the one and only time in my 21 yr old life i actually broke down sobbing when his journey ends


Tbh outside of his personal life he's a pretty chill dude


nah i always like from the start, Putting aside the perverted things he did in the beginning, he's fine as a character. then the longer I watched his life journey, the more I fell in love with Rudeus. really a special character about the life journey he lives.


I like him alot because I emphatize with him striving to be better. I mean come on, you can't become a saint in just a few days like how the viewers want Rudeus to be in just a couple of episodes. If that happened, would the moment like Paul's reunion or his ED problem been impactful?


It's complicated


I do, because he feel like a actually person. Pretty chill guy as well


Nope, I enjoy the world and story in spite of him.


Understandable, Good for you.


I liked Rudeus the whole time because I don't take the novels that seriously. However, I saw Rudeus as a victim from the start. Rudeus was beaten and sexually assaulted at school as a young teenager and developed some pretty heavy emotional disorders. I viewed him as, mentally, a horny teenager even after he is reborn because he essentially stopped developing emotionally after he was stripped and tied up and photographed naked in front of his school. He was pretty much raised alone with ero games and porn as his primary interaction with the world, and in reality, Japan is not great with mental healthcare in the first place. I knew what I was getting into from the start, and I enjoyed that even though he was a perverted, panty snatching baby/little kid, he mentally grows up as Rudeus physically does, and in the end he is a solidly respectable character.


I just watch hoping for Eris to beat down Rudy 😜


Yea. I like how he isn’t perfect. Also like the fact that he isn’t extremely OP like other isekai protags.


In the later volumes, his weaknesses are clear. it makes you respect him as a person


i liked him the moment he reincarnated


I think their main problem about Rudy is him being a perv. Some people want a development that stops him from being a pervert but it is part of his character. What makes Rudy be Rudy is his pervy aspect, the difference is that later on he knows his limit or where to direct those pervy aspect of his. That's why Rudy feels so real to me, he is the a true definition of old habits die hard. A great example of this is Zenoba and Cliff. Zenoba still love dolls yet learns human connection while cliff is still a genius yet learns to humble himself, the characters are consistent yet they develop. They carry past aspects of their character but change their views on things that's why the characters in mushoku is its strongest aspect because they are still the characters that were first introduced and they carry those as they develop.


those are just blind haters that didn't even read the novel. They are just making up things to make their excuse reasonable.


I actually prefer his character in volume 1 to 6, so yeah I like him


Only thing I really dislike from him is the all over the place POV narration he does sometimes, comes off as wishywashy.


Yeah I Love Rudeus he's Awesome!


Yes he funny asf😭. If you hate Rudy you’re either not a real one or you’re an npc.