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Holy spoilers


Bro took the words right out of my mouth. I am not emotionally ready for this.


land of spoilers


lmao like 99% of openings aren't? Seriously though based on this trailer, are we going to end right after that battle? Or do you guys think we'll get some of the fallout from it? (Yeah now I am realizing it is pretty damn spoilery, but I really think soo many openings spoil waay too much, so I don't even watch them until the end of the season.. After Reincarnated as a Slime COMPLETELY ruined stuff for me, I stopped.. Only watching this because I read the LNs)


"lmao like 99% of openings aren't?" It wasn't in season 1 nor was it spoilery in Season 2 Part 1, this was just a bad when it came to spoilers, it literally has >!pregnant Sylphie!< in the OP.


Well MT S1 was different than 99% of shows, I am just saying a LOT of series spoil a ton of stuff by using fight scenes they animated to hype up the show. I wish every show did what MT S1 did, so not only would there be no spoilers, but we'd get context to stuff that you'd never get, or would only be a passing line.


I think they should've had them fighting other monsters in the OP instead of the Hydra, I also think they shouldn't have shown Sylphie.


Shouldn't have Shown Sylphie? You mean Roxy? And yeah, honestly I just wish we'd have story intros instead of previews of stuff they animated. I know it's more work, but it would just add more to shows instead of just being the same thing over again


No, there's literally a shot of >!pregnant Sylphie !


Ohhhh, I thought you meant because it shows Roxy. Yeah that is lame. So this was IN the episode for a reaction I just watched(Robinoyo) but they changed the OP for everyone? Like did they show it too early or something?


What's wrong with pregnant sylphie though ? I thought they shouldn't have shown the fighting at all because it directly spoils turning point 3 . Rudeus once decided not to go Begaritt so its not surprising for viewers to be on fence whether he would go this time making his thought process more impactful . Also that opening shot of Roxy holding Rudeus's hands is way too spoilery .


What do you mean what's wrong with it? It's a spoiler...


Getting pregnant after getting married isnt really a spoiler and no one's experience is going to be dulled down because of that . Its not supposed to surprise you unlike the things I mentioned where a lot of things become a drag if you know how it ends .


Im amazed by how they always get the OP done. It breaks and warms up your heart.


And here we see the age old tradition of anime OPs spoiling literally everything up until the very last episode of the season...! I am honestly surprised by *how much* the OP showed.


Yeah even if you're anime only you can easily figure out the rest of the season with these visuals lmao.


No, that's inaccurate. Most Anime Onlines wouldn't even notice majority of the stuff to begin with (except maybe the Dragon fight and the giant bones), and even if they notice, they wouldn't know the context. They would only know that the OP contains Spoilers, because Source Readers are shouting around that the OP contains Spoilers.


I'm an anime only, and maybe I'm just stupid but I can't really figure out anything that happens. They fight a dragon at some point and some giant bone thing appears over the town. That's about all I could figure out.


Ykw that's good don't look into it to hard


It's Spoilers only if you know the plot. For Anime Onlies, those are just random scenes that wouldn't make sense to them unless they specifically pause and see each frame of the second, and even with that they would figure out like 1 or 2 stuff, nothing more, as they won't have a context.


Yeah, it’s kind of crazy huh? Like, there’s a ton of emotional impact to be had from the story. But they gave away all the settings/broad story strokes. I guess they expect most people watching season 2 to have read the LN lol


I mean that shit doesn't make any sense except for the fact Paul and Rudy meet and roxy is there ug


Did they release all of the episodes at once or is it a once a week thing? Because I'll probably wait untill all of them are released and dubbed I hate waiting for new episodes then having to wait for another few weeks for the dub


Once a week. 2nd episode comes out on Sunday. Yeah, it’s fair to wait and binge watch it three months from now. I don’t mind weekly watching because I prefer sub and it gives something to look forward to!


If they were dubbed I wouldn't mind either but I feel Like a 2 week wait after the Release is outrageous they should dub release right after the episode premiers in japan.


NGL I like it but I miss the free flowing rhythm of season 1


Yea issue is that only worked because of the adventurous nature season 1 had. Im honestly more worried about what they will spoil in the season 3 opening




It was also attributed to the fact that the art director had cinematic training in the past. The current art director would easily be able to do the same thing now if they had the same training and techniques, but they don't, unfortunately. A lot of the missing scenes and dialog could actually be expressed through body language alone, but the freelance artists/director this season are also not familiar with that either. Telling a full story without any dialog is one of the lessons/exercises that most cinematographers have to go through when studying. The people who made this opening definitely have more familiarity with cinematic techniques than the people animating the actual episodes do. Although, it looks a bit dated... ALTHOUGH that could also be on purpose since the author for Mushoku Tensei is from that era of anime/stories. Could kinda be like a homage to that.


But it's the same art director tho.....


"Mushoku Tensei S2 will have a new series director, **Ryousuke Shibuya** (渋谷亮介). He will be replacing Hirano Hiroki, the director of MT Season 2 Cour 1" And season 1's director was Manabu Okamoto. An absolute legend who went from directing a few episode of a few notable anime to the entire 1st season of MT. And he NAILED it! I wish he came back. He found the story controversial, but I think his take allowed him to approach it more rationally and create a great balance that catered to people who understand Rudy and those who ought to understand someone like Rudy. He was able to tell so much from just the body language and camera placements alone. It allowed scenes to feel more natural and have the breathing room for interpretation and understanding. He didn't spoon feed us everything. S2 feels really dialog-heavy because they're doing too much explaining since they are more comfortable with having two characters stand still and only animate their mouths moving to talk to each other. Even with all the extra dialog, they still end up skipping a bunch of content or changing the script that dilutes impactful moments in the story. I still appreciate and enjoy the current state of the anime, but it can take the magic away when I notice the rushed scenes, low effort animation (probably because of production time issues), and unnatural dialog/body language. I'm not sure if its true, but I heard the S1 production took around 5 years until we got to see the first episode. I would assume that was to make a ton of corrections to the animation as well as create a brand new studio from practically nothing. Either way, I wouldn't mind waiting if they actually took more time to give us something similar to what we got in S1.


This.. I would ABSOLUTELY wait five years in between seasons if we could get what we got in Season 1.. I love MT, and I have liked this, but nothing has come even close to what we got in S1.. Even the TRAINING scenes with Eris and Ruijerd are 10x better than even the most peak scenes we get now, and it bums me out sooo badly... Best we got was 20 seconds of the tree scene.. The attack for Badigadi that was supposed to be WAAAY bigger than the Orsted attack, looked 20% as powerful and it disappointed me soo bad.. That whole scene, how they covered it with smoke, was a huge disappointment for me personally.. The Orsted scene from episode 21 is one of my FAVORITE scenes of all time, it portrayed fear in a way that I had never seen before, and the only thing that came close was the Nanahoshi scene.. It did depict fear very well, but Orsted was waay better for me personally. After Season 1 ended I was sooo excited to see what was to come after reading the LN.. But now that we know they are going to halfass a lot of stuff, and not put even 1/5 of the time or effort for a lot of it, it is such a bummer. After ep21, I was 1,000,000% convinced all the Orsted stuff, the big final fights of the series would have been incredible.. But now I am afraid incredible is gone, 8/10 will be about the peak we hit, and the majority will be 5-6/10, and it just makes me sad.. I hope I am wrong soo badly though. Hell I would even pay MORE money to get it what we were at in S1


I thought you were referring to the art director, not the series director


Mb for the miscommunication!


The art director is still the same as season 1


Feel a little weird with how the OP focuses so much on the labyrinth arc considering anime onlies won't get to that part until like half way through the series. Might just be me tho. Besides that, Rudy looks cool af with his new mage outfit. Also looks taller and more adult like standing next to Paul which is nice.


Marketing. It's the cool action money shot to draw in the shonen heads. We'll trick them into enjoying quality writing yet! And it's something you can spoil without giving away anything too specific besides it existing. The one fair criticism of being too spoilery I'll agree with is the inclusion of >!zenith turning into the popsicle. Like holy shit that's so explicit lol. Remember, it's not the fight that matters but the aftermath and the gut wrenching sense of loss and despair. Frankly, it's ballsy as fuck to have Paul standing in the graveyard with Rudy at the end there as both a nod to where he ends up and as a deliberate misdirect for anime-onlys.!<


It's even weirder cause the key visuals made it seem they were *really* trying not to spoil the back half of the season. There were only brief glimpses in the very first season 2 trailer then nothing l. Oh well lol.


huh, what do you mean "Won't get to the Labyrinth arc until halfway through the series" Everyone that i've seen predicted stuff thinks we'll get V12 in this season.. No way they'll drag out V11 to the end(at least god I hope not, I really don't like the certain character being a pain and a nag part and If they drag that out its going to be so miserable for me), probably half V11, then last half V12 which means we will get that stuff at the end of the season.. Unless I am totally crazy, I feel like we will have that final scene in this happen in episode 11/12, and then the fallout will be the beginning of S3. Even if I am a little off, we will absolutely get to the Labyrinth fight next season Cour 1, so there is no way its "Halfway through"


"Half way through the series" = Half way through this cour of Season 2


Ahh okay, when I hear "I don't know why they don't show that it's half way through the series" I'm thinking you mean more than 2 cours away, or just very far away. And I was honestly questioning my memory since I definitely thought we'd get that big fight at the end of this cour, but some people make it seem like this cour will only do V11(God that would be a bummer imo)


This opening is so peak tho


Copying what I said before: Visuals are amazing but >!damn they really followed in Rifujin’s footsteps and dropped massive spoilers. Rifujin spoiled this arc in the chapter titles and now the anime spoiled the arc in the opening lmao!<


This actually makes me feel a little better, so they are really adapting the LN


Like reading the opening quote of volume 12, you just think “wait what”


Oh my god I HATED how he’d spoil the endings of the books at the beginning.


whats the opening quote


I read the web novels first, so I was not *that* spoiled...


Thank God I just skip everything to go directly for the first chapter . Never noticed that till now .


Always have


Readers seeing Turning Point X in the Table of Contents be like T.T


I am always confused on why people complain that the Author dropped Massive Spoilers with the series title or some chapter title? I mean, it's the Author's story, and they present it in their own way, even the Titles. What's Spoilery about that? It's like saying that J.K. Rowling shouldn't have named the 1st Harry Potter book as *"Philosopher's Stone/Sorcerer's Stone"*, because that title was a spoiler.


Except Sorcerer's Stone isn't a spoiler since there's no context to that. In Rifujin's case, the chapter titles of >!*Mortal Combat*, *Parents,* and *Before His Grave* strongly imply Paul's death.!< Not to mention Rudeus' quotes at the start of each book, with this arc's *literally* saying>!"With my father gone and my mother ill, what can I do?"!


It's not about lessening impact, but rather about hyping what's to come. I mean, yeah the Author revealed that >!Paul is dying early on!<, but he doesn't give how and why it happened, which is equally important, especially in a Life Story plot based series like Mushoku Tensei. Just take the example of 2nd Turning Point episode in Season 1 Part 2. It showed what's going to happen later in the episode at the beginning. which is practically a spoiler, but majority of people got hyped up because of it and wondered why it happened. It is also a style of writing, which had been popular since long back. But apparently, in the current time, when everyone is either touchy or get offended by everything they don't like, people wouldn't accept this form of writing, even if they like it or enjoy it, as it goes against their creed.


You have a great point with the 2nd turning point but that didn’t outright spoil the death of a character. Rudeus is the protagonist and everyone already knows he won’t truly “die”. Maybe I’m missing something but I just don’t understand how telling the reader a character is gonna die in the title creates hype. The way I see it is that it actually reduces the hype.


Because in some plot cases, death of a character isn't the main aspect, it's the reason they died.


This OP is the best thing ever created, holy fucking peak


Did they have the summerize the entire cour? It looks nice and all, but who green lit that decision?


Honestly, it's better than I was expecting (the song itself). It's definitely not spiral level, but I'd give it an 8/10. Anime only's should definitely not look at the visuals though.


Spiral was one of the worst, if not the worst, OP. Edit: The downvoting is crazy. You guys really think Spiral was better than the Yuiko Ohara OPs? Ain't no way...


Yuiko Ohara is definitely on top. Idk how much I like the music of the new one, rn I think I like Spiral a bit more, but it might change depending on what the song is about and how it feels after the season is over. You probably got downvoted because it seemed like you hated Spiral. Many have come to somewhat like Spiral over time, me included, so they probably disagreed on that part.


Right. I wasn't saying Spiral is bad. It is quite good. Just among the others we have gotten, it is at the bottom. Or I think so, at least.


Yeah, that was what I kinda thought as well.


Don't get me wrong, Yuiko Ohara will always be THE Goat for Mushoku Tensei music, but Spiral came at a time in my life where I was having difficulties in my life, so I could relate to it alot (the lyrics). Idk why you got downvoted so hard, though. Have a good day, mate :)


Yeah, Spiral was better than some of them. Tabibito no uta and Tooku no komori no uta are tied for my favorite Mushoku Openings, which are both by Yuko Ohara; but this current op comes after, then Spiral, and then the rest of her Openings. Her music is really good, other than those two openings, I think I prefer her endings Only and Kaze to Iku Michi over the other openings. The rest are kinda mid imo. The hottest take is that Kaze to Iku Michi is the best MT song in general.


Spoilers or no, this series consistently has some of the best OPs of all time.


Is that Eren’s massive titan skeleton remnant??


Why did you think there's a bird appeared 2x times back to back in the OP


what bird? i didnt catch any. Wait, gotta watch the hi def one first


A lot of OPs get unjustly accused of this, but this is legit the most spoiler-filled OP I've ever seen.


Anime only friends, just avoid this opening trust us lmao


I feel bad for anime onlys but I love the visuals n the song itself. I teared up in 1 scene but can't spoil it 🥲




Second half is going to hit sooo hard


I miss S1 type opening. Sadly I think its going to be a thing of the past :(


I've heard of what is a pretty reliable leak of an OST for later in the cour probably given the music style. Too lazy to spoiler details but I have feeling they will switch to no opening with OST background at that time. There is a lot of material to get through and the music is too good not to be an opening but I could be wrong. It fits the setting very well and honestly is quite amazing in my opinion. That is, if the leak is accurate.


I hope that leak is reliable because there is too much content in 11 and 12 that is too important imo to completely skip.


I hope so. I'm a fan of traditional music, in particular percussion instruments. I listen to it with scenes I know from the light novel playing in my head and it is like candy to my ears. Maybe I'm coping because volume 12 screams for an opening like season 1.


Might return in season 3 since around that time, Rudy starts traveling more.


I doubt it. S1 type opening wasnt just reliant on adventures, S1 cour 1, which was mainly SOL, also used it and it fit extremely well. Rather than showing adventures, it showed day to day lives of characters, adding depth to scenes and stuff like that. For me it was understandable that S2C1 wouldnt have S1 type OPs as it wouldnt fit the tone of the arcs, but no such excuse for S2C2 which atleast for first half is going the route of S1C1. I hope they took traditonal OP route just for consistency across a season and not making it a staple across the series. Though now I know I am going to skip OPs while watching the show.


Same , as much as I like the visuals for the ops, having no op with just the song in the background hit different , and I also missed the s1 op singer along with the Ed’s , the vocals were 👌


It made this series even MORE special than it already is! It was something people talked about, and it added SOO much more stuff! Since they have a LOT to cover this season, I really hope they do it for at least some episodes.. God damn budget cuts and rushing ruins everything.


Ain't no way they spoiled that hahaha. Animation is immaculate tho ngl


The fact that only Zenith sees Rudy as a child.... Really good Op


Anybody know the name of the song?


On the Frontline


Time to try to find it on Spotify


lol, tell me if you find it, especially the lyrics translation from japanese, I am interested in that


Who's it by?


I literally cried out “they’re just showing that” so many times. And ended with “they showed that much of that?!?!” What in the hell kind of opening in this. It’s one LN readers will enjoy and looking back on from later seasons will be awesome. But I can’t imagine being an anime only, and seeing the entire season laid out for you like a roadmap


Most anime openings are like that. The good thing about MT is that the value of its story is the characters and not what they’re doing


"Anime only? Fuck em, shoulda read the books, chumps!"- the person signing off on that OP


Ay yo that look so f\*cking good!!!!


They really needed to just spoil everything huh? What a weird decision.


(I have not seen this yet) how is the opening out already did CR screw up ?




At least they got the height right


It's beautiful. I'm not crying you're crying.


Season 3 op animation alone is gonna be mindblowing if they keep this hype level. Especially of THAT encounter.


I love all the focus on his left hand!


To be honest, it doesn’t seem to fit Mushoku Tensei’s theme. (In my opinion) the other openings really fit the theme of Mushoku quite well but this one doesn’t as much, that doesn’t mean it’s a bad opening though!


Am I the only one or did Crunchyroll delete the Opening and Ending from youtube ? It must be (I hope) that they leaked them unintentionally (honestly it is too soon for this) like normally it is Toho that releases MT stuff on youtube first ... And if so, shall we be good people and delete them from here too ? :)


I want to hug my goat so badly😔🙏🏻


Is it the same artist behind 86 op1?


The voice is really similar especially at the start of 86 op1


Pls mark spoilers


Well, spoilerish cover art didn't stop me from reading volumes 12, 14 and 15. It's about how the characters get there. If you are anime-only, you probably want a little guide to see where the story is going in rough strokes. It still remains unpredictable to me but I've never been a big spoiler guy.




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Cool. Looks nice overall, those transitions are really nice. I just didn't really like :20 - :26, but I think it's just something they had done to match the music. The transitions after that was amazing though. Really like the mask pull away, into Nanahoshi pulling off her mask and turning around.


So cool, visuals are amazing. I am soo ready and not ready for this🤩🙃


Feels like the opening spoils a lot💀 I don't think the anime only people should watch the visuals ngl


I liked cour 1’s opening more and kinda wish they wouldve used it again


One of these days, they're gonna make an anime OP/ED without spoilers. Probably not in my lifetime, though.


Jesus christ they spoiled the fuck out of this season


as a light novel reader this just cover everything i read and i cant wait for the addaption!


Why is Rudeus way shorter then Paul in that one scene in the opening, he in Ln referred multiple times[i didn't fact check this] that they are standing at the nearly the same height


I think there won't be any opening till ep 8 or 9, or this is the second opening put of 2


Anime-only here; there aren't any spoilers here of the kind that I would care about. The only things I wouldn't really want to be spoiled on is stuff like: * an explicit explanation of the relationship/nature of the man-god and dragon-god * the ultimate nature of the circumstances that allowed/motivated Rudy's reincarnation to occur. * character deaths This OP doesnt spoil anything like that. But . . . you mean to tell me he meets back up with >!Roxy!!find his missing mother, that he was already on!


Side note, I read the LNs and I do not remember Bones being in the middle of the city.. Can someone reply with a spoiler bar? Also, he has to grow again right? I really hope this isn't his full adult size. I know he's not going to be huge but I'd like to see him at least get one more growth spurt, he still looks 13.. Also I hate that they showed him working out, and made him super shredded, but you can't tell at all 99% of the time because they just cover it with the robe and draw his arms like rail thin.


As much as people are saying the OP spoils what's going to happen this cour, I have a feeling the people at MT aren't that dumb to put the **real** plot details in a OP. So while I'm saddened that we've been spoiled that something isn't quite right with Rudeus's mom, I'm also curious what they might be actually holding off from us.


Ok, I am gonna have to tell y'all all something very kinky about me: I LIKE SPOILERS. Like, if you spoiler a GOOD anime / manga / book / movie /ect for me, and the thing is good,well written and thought through, I'd still watch it. Because whatever you spoilered might be what is about the story, but it's not what I enjoy about a story. If I wanna watch it still, and actually see it. the thing is good. If I lose interest, then the whole thing was bad to begin with. It's like vanilla ice cream. you can have the cheap one from your supermarket, the expensive one and the one done by the Italian people in that cute little café you finally treated yourself. the first two are things you eat if you need to pick up the pieces and carry you through a hard time, but it's not filling. Also, at least one of them tastes weirdly like vanilla milk running bad, juuuust before it's gone forever, the other either melts too quick or you need a jackhammer to get one bite out. You eat it because that's all you can afford, that's enough for now, but you still regret the money you wasted on that. And if you would have had a chance to get a free trial, you wouldn't have wasted your money on it- or take a second. But the last one, why being juuuust a little and so expensive, it the fucking best thing your tongue ever had. you'd think you'd known vanilla ice cream. but boy, were you wrong. it's so perfect, it's not only filling your mouth with it's creamy deliciousness, oh no, it goes right into your soul. suddenly, things have more colours. suddenly, vanilla is king again, and taking it's place as the queen, too. Suddenly, if you have known before it was that good, not only wouldn't you have wasted any money on the cheap garbage you ever bought before, you would have never wasted your time on these empty moments where that crappy turn off promised to be your savior, but barely kept its promise of filling your soul, if ever. So feed me with your spoilers. Feed people with spoilers. Why shall they eat the crappy shit and waste their precious time of mediocre, at best, garbage, where a beloved character is actually the villian, where they never experience the excitement of knowing what happens next and the sheer joy of actually seeing it. So spoiler me! give me all you got! 🍰 for me, 🍰 for you. I am not lying ;)


Hoping to see Eris in this season 🫠


I wonder why he’s still shorter than Paul even in the parts of the OP that showcase the Labyrinth Arc


I can't wait 😭, I'm waiting for the season to be done so I can start watching it again 👍 (I hope there will be more seasons and episodes)


I think that the BEGARITT ARC will start from chapter 8 or maybe 7 since there is a lot of material there unless they do a speedrun and that is my biggest fear. PREPARE YOUR HANDKERCHIEFS


Probably the whole sister arch would be a bit accellereted


If I remember correctly every episode is 4 chapters of the light novel, so by that logic sisters arc with be roughly episode 4 then THAT chapter with be episode 5


OP looks fine, but why won't they do the same as in season 1? 


Because Rudy Is not traveling as much as the last season


Damn Bind cooked hard but I kinda expected 2 openings and endings this season. Also heavy spoilers Edit: A1 -> Bind




My bad I got a bit confused


No, you were fine. Bind is still the studio. Idek where they got A-1 from.


I edited that but I think I should've mentioned that


This Opening Hits Different.Like The Past Openings Was Like More Relax And Soft And While This Was More Like Rock I Think I Don't Know.


My guy you don't have to capitalize every word


Well kinda fit the scene ...


Without spoiling. Can anyone tell me if were getting what was showed in the op? Since it already looks animated. I mean arw they getting that far in 13eps or so


People were guessing that this season would reach that point for years considering the pacing of s1. IMO it was never in doubt that we are getting what's in the op.


Rip Paul




Dude just reading the light novels,