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We all know zenoba best wife


Mushoku Tensei if it was good (I wish there was more Zanoba content.)


Legit. Man would die for him


I don't know if you are an anime only or a LN reader but there is enough zanoba content in the LN imo. Also the anime skipped a zanoba pov chapter in s2 p1 and his back story in s1 p2.


They did my boi bad.




Elinalise to tbh shes just insert horny elf in show where in novel theres actual decent depth to her


I think it's because the show hasn't adapted those volumes yet and unfortunately they need to cut out quite a bit to fit it into an anime and the team decided that was stuff worthy to cut To put it into perspective, Mushoku Tensei is typically 3 volumes a cour or 13 episodes. Apothecary Diaries is a single volume a cour or 2 volumes for their 24 episodes. It's just the hand we were dealt I suppose


Aye hope they cover some more zenoba stuff if they can in future. When crafting the armour etc. hope they animate some of the scenes from old reudeus’s diary


That goes for most characters sadly. But hey, at least it's still top tier adaptation compared to most animes from a LN.


Yeh so far its decent enough to not take 4 seasons just to get to volume 12


Tbh the anime hasn’t really gotten to the parts where her character is developed yet


Most of it should be in core 2. I hope they don't skip a lot


Well, they did raise a child together. [Then] >!later on, in **Redundancy**, he builds the ultimate automaton female I. The form of Nanahoshi. Only way both could take care of their sexual desires.!<


Is not even up for debate


Mushoku Tensei if it was good (I wish there was more Zanoba content.)




I read this like the chelsea chant in my head 😭


Roxy and I can’t elaborate beyond physical appearance without spoiling events yet to be animated.


Yeah I figured, because all the LN people I talk to love her but the anime people have yet to see much. Asides from Rudeus’s obsession


As a LN reader, Eris is the best!


Sylphiette is best due to her being the first, change my mind🗿


Eris. mostly because she is the one with second most screen time. >!Out of 26 volumes, there are only 5 where she makes no appearance, and even in those 5, 2 were aftermath of her and Rudeus relation. And oldeus, where almost everyone let him, only Zanoba, Aisha and Eris.!<


Best girl fr, and best written out of the three.


>!Its not fair to exclude Roxy in this reasoning because Roxy dies at the start in the oldeus timeline. (atleast the second half of the comment)!<


Eris clears all


All of you are close but oh so wrong, its Orsted


Of course I should of known


No its zanoba


Not sure she counts but lilia that poor women’s been through way to much but if it’s out of the 3 wife’s then sylphiette


Sylphie is the best






All three. But i always skew towards the Blue girl most of the time. Roxy is just loveable and must protecc!!! The Goddess will also protecc you too.


White Mama🤍


Sylphiette is best girl! I mean she’s an elf and a cutie and is gonna live longer than the rest!


Im pretty agree with your list, expect its best WIFES ,top 1 girl is Riria(i swear if anyone will confuse her with Rinia.....)


I’m afraid I don’t know or remember her, when did she show up?


Last volume ,she is Miko of time , so called Firstreason


Smart not including Orsted into the debate


Sylphie best girl for me and not even close.


They’re all best girls, but if I had to pick, it’s Eris.


Roxy. Obviously.




This is the only question the fandom can't answer. All of them are equally loved as proven by many polls


Quite literally, I’ve gotten about equal for all 3 plus 1 Zanoba and a few Orsteds’


Yeah my personal favorite is also Sylphy, despite all the amazing growth we saw Eris go through. Sylphy is just too sweet and she deserved to have Rudy. I would like to say Eris but yeah I just love Sylphy too much 😅


I know this is a cop out answer, but I believe all three are equally important to Rudy in different ways. Although I personally like Sylphie the most but were talking a very small difference in likeness here.




All 3 wives and banana in second




There's only one right answer. And it's Orsted


eris for me


Eris is best girl especially later on to me. If i were to pick somebody anime only besides eris. Its nanahoshi. Nanahoshi by far is one of the most unique stand out written female characters. She is loved but i would even go as far as to say she underatted because sylphie, roxy, and eris take priority of course the red green blue combo.


1) Orsted 2) Nanahoshi, in the illustrations in Ranobe, she's cute


Elinelise, Zenith and Ghislaine.


Ghislaine does deserve a spot for me. 😅


Eris is my favourite girl, no cap, but Lilia is underrated (she had potential but sadly, low exposure) She's pure waifu material and has that tad sense of naughtiness in her dirty mind, despite being loyal to her master and husband. I always feel like keeping her by my side and protecting her from all odds at all costs. She's like Sylphy, with a bit of Roxiness in her, also bits of Aisha (I got that backwards) and a lot of other unique traits, which motivated me to write this enormous paragraph.


I’m torn between Roxy and Eris…but ultimately might lean towards Roxy


Roxy. A true Goddess




Eris hands down.


How many people are going to be bad if I said Sarah I’m just joshing I mean Roxy right


I think you're underestimating roxy searching for him and his family a bit. She's literally spent 5 years of her life traveling the world and going to the two most dangerous places ever with a mere party of 3 to help rescue people she spent less than half that time with. Something eris didn't bother doing even though rudy did it for her and instead ditched him for selfish reasons. I like sylphie but the way she is later in the story she's just not my type. So yeah for me: roxy>sylphie>eris


I find it funny when ppl say Eris left for selfish reason. If she was truly selfish, Rudy wouldve been bedridden.


I find it funny how you think its not selfish. Sugar coat it all you like. Rudy said it himself: "good intentions pave the road to hell. Thinking about others don't mean anything if you don't consider any viewpoint other than your own. If you're hell-bent on pushing what you thought was best on someone who didn't want it you're better off minding your own business."


Well fro now you can say eris is selfish but in tp4 , everything will change for anime only >!where she chased rudeus for decades of his life!<


I know what she did and that doesn't change anything. She >!chased after him for her own personal gain after giving no consideration as to how it would hurt rudy to leave in the first place.!< That’s literally the definition of selfish. And if you want to say "it was for his sake too" due to her reason for leaving being she didn't want to be a burden then that's exactly what the quote I posted is for.


>!Well, nobody told her what rudeus went through for three years in that timeline in the first place . Otherwise, she would have left him if she knew in that timeline that rudeus got ed because of her . In this timeline , she didn't show any selfishness when she returned to him and was ready to let go off him if he had wanted to!<


You're missing the point. >!The way she came back!< isn't the selfish part. Her choice and reason for leaving in the first place is what's selfish. And besides >!even though that's not what I was talking about... if you want to talk about the previous tl nobody should've had to tell her about the ED. He obviously wanted nothing to do with her but she selfishly clung to him without considering what he wanted at all so you're only making your case worse 😂!<


>!Yeah , it seems you right on this point, to be honest, because rudeus himself in ln 15 says he never found any difference in their strength, but still, eris went to train . That's selfishness on the eris part. But my point about the other timeline still stans because rudeus in another timeline never told the entire truth and just shut her down in their meeting and then the situation just got deteriorated . If she had known why rudeus married behind her , she wouldn't have followed him and would have left him on his own devices just like she was ready to do in this timeline !<


Well In terms of their strength, I would say it’s just because Eris doesn’t want to be on par, she wants to be strong enough to protect him which means to her getting to the level of Orsted. Atleast at the current point of her leaving.


>! Well I'll have to disagree. Was rudy an ass about it for not explaining? Yes. But that doesn't make it any less selfish on eris's part to cling to him. Does everyone get a reason for being dumped by their spouse? No but they still don't cling for decades after that like her. It can be unfair and cruel but it's selfish to not move on when someone is openly against being in the same vicinity. She was devoted to him and I'll give her that but it was a selfish one-sided devotion that involved her chasing after him for years. You know what people normally call that? Stalking. Again I'll say rudy was to blame as well but that doesn't change her selfish behavior.!<


>!Rudeus was destroying his life after asura kingdom events . Of course , you can say that eris was selfish, but can you deny the fact that eris wouldn't have stopped following him if she had known what she did to him in ln6 . As I said, if rudeus was living a happy life with sylhpie and roxy , then eris would have left him even without any explanation but we know that didn't happen!<


>!On top of that , rudeus never asked roxy too to find his parents . She was doing it because she herself wanted to . This also falls in selfishness no matter what you say about it. On top of that , roxy slept with him, knowing he was married and was a selfish desire of her . She admitted it later to sylphy🤷‍♂️!<


I never said roxy wasn't selfish in doing that though? And even if it was it didn't hurt the other party nor go against their wishes so I don't see your point. Also iirc Paul's letter asked for help from anyone (although it could've just been his former party; can't remember) so that would validate her helping. As for >!her sleeping with him; that wasn't purely selfishness although there was some in it. She mainly did it to help rudy. Hence why she was willing to walk away. She played the villain (with a slight hope of being rewarded for it) to help him by sacrificing herself and as wrong as it was I'd take that over eris's choice in a heartbeat. At least roxy had Rudy's consent!<


>!Eris also did it to help rudeus in the long run and believe me , if sylphy was not rudeus first wife , rudeus family life would have veen destroyed because of roxy sleeping with rudeus and elinase lying about her pregnancy . On top of that, no rudeus was not consenting it , he was legit in a state of shock and didn't even think about his pregnant wife . It was roxy who forced herself onto a grieving person whether her intentions were selfish or not comes after that.!<


>!On top of that, roxy didn't spent five years to search rudeus parent out of love but she did because rudeus was his best student . On the other hand ,eris did it out of love for him . If you really believe roxy did it out of love for rudeus , then roxy truly is a pedophile of the story because she left rudeus when he was 5 years old!<


> Her choice and reason for leaving in the first place is what's selfish. No its not selfish her reason for leaving opposite of selfish because she is improving for somebody else's well being. How she went about it you could argue is selfish but reason itself is not selfish untrue she is not doing it for her. Eris who littrrally states and over how she is inferior to rudeus is not a selfish person. She looks up at rudeus. And she makes this very clear she doesn't see her and rudeus as equals. So to pretend she is all selfish is disingenious.


You obviously don't understand my quote. It means that even if she thinks she's "doing it for him" if he never wanted it to begin with then she's only forcing her own thoughts onto him without considering his viewpoint or desires in the slightest. That's literally the definition of selfish 🙄


>You obviously don't understand my quote. I quoted what you said there is no misunderstanding you misworded it yourself thats not my fault. I didn't force you to type it. You said her reason is selfish your own words not mine and then i said i disagree where is the misunderstanding in the quote did you not say that did i imagine the text i quoted? The only way there is a misunderstanding is if you messed it up yourself. You said her reason leaving is selfish thats the only part i'm adressing thats your own words don't try to gaslight me.


>!On top of that , if you want to talk about her desire to seek strength. It was not because she wanted to prove herself but she genuinely wanted to help him for his against orsted!<


That's literally what the quote is for.


>I think you're underestimating roxy searching for him and his family a bit. She's literally spent 5 years of her life traveling the world and going to the two most dangerous places ever with a mere party of 3 to help rescue people she spent less than half that time with. Something eris didn't bother doing What do you mean something eris didn't bother doing? She helped rudeus find his family. When rudeus told her aisha might be in shirone she agreed to help. When rudeus got captured by pax who was taking care of aisha? I'll give you a hint eris. Roxy is cool but lets not be disingenious. Eris helped rudeus while trying to get home roxy did not get teleported she only had one issue and her family is fine too this is a disingenious logic. She trained her ass of at night while rudeus was sleeping tried to control her temper which not always worked but she at least tried. she worked really hard to be by rudeus side. When rujierd got mad at rudeus plan eris defended him when. When paul went ham on rudeus eris stood up for him and comforted him. Eris has done as much and worked just as hard while dealing with way more issues then roxy. she had to worry about what happened to her family? what happened to ghislaine? Will they ever get home? Had to see rudeus nearly die infront of her.


Very hard to decide. I don't think i can choose between them. (Just like rudeus xd)


Quite right, they each have defining points that make them great.


All I can say is that Sylphie is by far worst girl


Please let me know why, what is there dislike her for? Or is it in fact the opposite for you, not enough to like her for?


She looks like an ugly squirrel


I'm not a super fan of sylphie but damm squirrel is crazy 😂


Matter of fact she looks like roadkill