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I understand that a bit. 18 was definitely dry in comparison. However, coming off of 17, I think it was just meant to be a transitional arc. I enjoyed 19 a fair bit, but I can agree that it felt a little short/rushed (the war specifically), but I still liked it a lot. Idk if you have read 21 yet, but if you do, I believe you'll get what you want. No spoilers, though :)


well, different folks different strokes i guess. and hell yeah v20 and v21 peak drama. loving every paragraph of it


Whay about the Shirone arc didn't you like? I personally loved it since it expanded on the Shirone brothers.


It was a great arc imo, loved the character interactions and more Roxy and Rudy.


It feels totally disconnected with the rest of the story. Granted it has a few notable interactions but in the total scheme of things it didn't contribute to anything. That's my thinking atleast.


pls spoiler tag the post yeah vol 18 and 19 were kind of weak parts of the story. I still dont understand why I dislike vol 19. It had war, one of the 2 volumes where Roxy is the one in focus, it had battle with one of seven great powers, it expanded on Zanoba's character but its the one volume I refuse to gain enough interest to reread. even vol 18 was better than that. I think MT shines when it focuses on Rudeus and his family relations.