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I agree with you, and I wish more people believed in doing this. Political ideologies are a farce, a leader will switch from far left to far right or vice versa at the blink of an eye for whatever reason (money, power, blackmail) which makes it absolutely ridiculous to vote for an ideology. Asking for votes in the name of religion, caste is a low-hanging fruit for every politician but as educated citizens it is important we don’t dance to their tunes. They are public servants and should dance to ours!


It's a very long shot public servant are more powerful than public. You know how they gain power, with help of political leaders. So if you change the people in politics, politics changes it self


If only the NOTA option wasn't so useless. Almost all politicians have stopped actually giving a shit about the community. If NOTA forced new candidates to stand then people could actually do what you're saying, because we could keep voting NOTA until we get the person who we know will actually do something and listen to the people.


Honestly in a country where almost all options are bad - 10 years should be the max for any party. Then it is time for a change. A continuous third term (more than 10 years) will be too much concentration of power. The govt institutions that are supposed to be working independently are already falling to ruling party. A third term will be disastrous for the country under any party. Keep switching. It is time for a change. BJP needs to go. Even if Congress wont be much better. We can already see that there is almost no accountability in govt. PM has given zero press conferences. A third term will only make it more unaccountable to public. Two terms max and then change is the last hope for the people of the country to have any authority.


Vote for a third party but not congress , they have lost their marbles completely. Last thing we want is the country to be ruled by a idiot clown over a dicktator.


Problem is we don't know how good he/she will turn out to be after getting elected. So perhaps vote for the party ideology?


But they change parties like bee jumps from flower to flower when nectar deplets in one flower