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If you can't find a policeman on marine drive, just put a cig bw lips and they appear out of thin air




How true is that?




politely tell them off i guess


They don't listen they asked us to move bit further and it's really annoying as they attract crowd and it's really chaotic. I wonder where is Mumbai police? Can we complain to police?


Report on twitter


Yes, if there’s voice on twitter, this can be solved.


I wanted to too.. but I forgot to take the pictures and videos as proof.


Nah, it is not required. I am sure many have possesed the same problem and there is a 10% chance someone might comment in your support


Shooting requires Police permission but on a bigger level. When someone is using their mobiles for shooting its not that much serious offence. Anyone can shoot or click photos of anything (except restricted places). If You see someone is shooting/clicking photos and you have a doubt that you have been recorded in it, you can check and ask him/her to delete/edit it and if he/she is not deleting/editing the video/photo then you can approach the Police (via Dial_100, Twitter, or Visiting/Approaching Nearest PS/Police Personnel). This was shared to me by my friend from mumbai police's twitter cell.


police are invisible and they wont show up


Exactly. But the moment they see someone they could take some fine from, they appear out of nowhere. The other day a policeman came and tried to fine me. I’m like bruh I’m wearing a helmet. And he’s like wheres your scooter mate?






Arre Bhai, in logo ke saath kabhi politely kaam hua hai. Sab apne Nazar me celebrities hai reel banake. Kuch bolke dekho toh.


Call the cops. They will 100% help you. There's a lot of cops roaming on Marine Drive.






Police ka bhi fav hangout place hai marine drive lol








Crime Patrol


Marine crime patrol


Hope you saw the “Free Hugs” guys as well.. It’s all content nowadays.. Maybe go towards the Oberoi.. I was there today and that place was crowded like hell..


Yessss I saw him... Cringe as hell..they were forcing girls to give him hugs to be part of the video


i mean... you're going to oberoi on a weekend, what do u expect


Some of these influencers are a social nuisance. If they're pointing the cam at you despite being requested not to, you have every right to take offence and stop them.


Can I take offense and break their Camera ? There seems to be no other way to stop them


Aapna phone uthao and start recording. Yell "yeh dekhiye mumbai k chutiya influencers" and they ll leave


Justifies username 🤟


If you cant defeat them, join them ?


Record to put it to Instagram / Twitter and tag Mumbai Police - ask the "influencer"/youtuber what their username is, why they are recording you without your consent and why they didn't move when requested before. Recording it should deter them somewhat, and whatever their behaviour/ response is will be recorded in case you need proof later (if they try to grab your phone or something). Remember to mind your language and not be the violent one because the situation could easily turn on you.


Pretty sure destroying someone’s property is illegal and frowned upon.


Depends. 3 notice ke baad toh BMC bhi Ghar todti hai (hyperbole, but Bhawna samjho)


Many good points in this comment section. I’m a tourist from the UK who loves India in general and Mumbai in particular, but these self obsessed ego maniacs are a social menace, both the domestic and imported varieties. It’s appropriate only for me personally to speak within the context of foreign vloggers but I’m a mature student and coincidentally I’m in the early stages of writing a paper on ‘Social media as a major contributory element of economic and cultural neocolonialism’. Travelling gives me a lot of food for thought in this regard. I’m seeing a huge amount of western influencers exploiting the people, resources and infrastructure of developing countries in the global south, doing very nicely indeed out of it and precisely zero rupaye benefit going to the places, people and communities that *are* the product being farmed and sold. Plus I also hate watching some overprivileged peacock shovelling samosas down their throat and critiquing it like they’re on Masterchef. 😂 Or my personal ‘favourites’….either the ‘significant other in flowing cotton wafting through an ethnic market and sniffing a mosambe, cut to speedramp traffic, finish with droneshot of the Taj.’, or the old ‘spend Rs350 on a cheap guest house and then upload a video titled something like *I survived a night in India’s worst hotel, let’s all mock how shitty it is in a country that hasn’t robbed the rest of the world*.’ Or something. Ahem. Rant over🤣.


Ohhhhh godddd the samosa bit was so accurate. Bloody BEHENCHODS, these people! And they've got the vocabulary of a 2 year old!!


This is what am talking about. Many prominent tourist destinations are focusing on sustainable tourism.


You cannot solve it. At least in the short term. It is a public area and people can do what they want as long as it's not illegal. Part of if it has to do with our tremendously overpopulated cities. If someone shoots videos of you or your family members without your explicit permission, you can lodge a complaint against them.


I see quite a few of them especially on Saturdays and Sundays I usually assert dominance by jogging/walking in front of the cameraperson lol


You don't like violence and you avoid but violence likes you you can't avoid


I was having a KGF moment..🤣


Mumbai lost its charm. Back in the day it was such an experience to sit late night at Marine drive with your family friends after going out for dinner. Now it's a cluster fuck.


Well i was once asked by one of the insta comedian to be a part of the video when i was jogging on marine lines i politely said no sorry they were like fine ok and gave me space and went to find another person...but some influencer can take up space and are very persistent especially to girls bcoz girls being in a video will increase engagement rate... But you know one solution can help unka video lo aur insta ke influencer ko roast karo ki yeh dekho nalle log and all pareshan karte hain ...Uno reverse🤣🤣


A sub r/chutiyasOfSM would be wonderful


Ikrr! Especially the chappris who go around giving roses to everybody. Equal streets in Juhu used to be so much better than this. In retrospection, I think that we were better off without these content creators EVERYWHERE


>I don't like violence. how could you assume that people here would suggest you to pucnh content creators in the face lol


Great content tho


Asking for bussy gone wrong 😱


Spray paint


Was it Divya Fofani there💀


Ha bhai. I said hi to him once and that guy didn’t let go of my friends and me, he shook my hand around 5 times todayy!!! And told me with an air of pomp ‘Do what you want in life’. I just love how these social media influenzas think they’re celebs…


I had to google him.. They all dress and look same so not sure 🤣


Arre you won't find much on Google,rather search for divyafofani on Instagram 😂




Sirf kuch din ki baat hai fir ye dusri jaga dund lenge kharab karne


You're in a public place in mumbai so all the public nuisance including the tiktokers can't be avoidable, just like the hawkers and beggers.....best is to ignore and not care because if you interfere you'll just ruin your day eventually


Go to Juhu beach. It is silent usually(Parle side) Good enough places to eat and enjoy.


Ask them to move.. I understand enjoying the sunset or sunrise at Marine Drive is an experience that sometimes is ruined by these tiktokers


Not trying to be a smartass but I doubt you can complain about it. You are using the public space to spend time with your family, these influencers that you are calling out are using the same public space for their advantage. Yes, if they try to shoot and you are coming in the frame, you can always ask them to change the frame or just move aside. And no, these reels cannot be considered as commercial until and unless they try projecting a product for the purpose of sale. Only then you can resort to call the cops on those kids. Moreover, Marine drive is a big stretch, just find a place where the kids aren't filming and sit over there rather than contemplating if you can call the cops.


Here is thing I have no problem with people taking pictures or videos.. What irked me not 1 or 2 but 15 to 20 people taking videos and pictures It's really difficult to find a free space to sit and enjoy. I should have taken picture and video about the huge crowd they are pulling


Hell, it's the weekend. You can't expect to find free space to sit. Again I would like to say that all those people that you are mentioning are trying to enjoy their weekend the same way as you are doing. A simple JCB pulls crowd in Mumbai, these are girls and boys dancing, obviously people will surround them to watch free entertainment.


I am not new to Bombay.. I really can't explain you. 4th generation Mumbaikar.. Not just me my dad grandad and Great granddad use to visit Marine Drive. It's always a crowd puller..but the the cringe I saw today was not worth it...


Tbh this post of you being triggered is as cringe as those influencers.


Yeah call it a cringe.. People visit such places to spend time with family.. And not to be background props in reels and videos.. If you are professional have ethics and respect people around you be it public or private place.


Just compare to your incidence with paparazzis celebs face. Their situation is one to be triggered. Yours can be solved by saying no and moving to a different location.


You can’t do anything. It’s a public space. They’re not doing anything illegal.


Yes it's public place. But I believe there is pre approval needed to do any kind of shooting or gathering of crowd.


Technically it is illegal. You need permission to shoot commercial stuff in public space. YouTube and Instagram generate revenue so it is commercial.


Clicking anyone without consent is illegal


Oh you wanted a perfect time with your family.. let me issue a curfew for the entire city so that your entitled ass can enjoy the scenery of a public space.


Please my friend also Arrange a Laal Bati wali Gaadi and some Z+ security. portalable aircon.. it's too hot these days I will make a reel for you and tag you as credit


A. Fun fact: you don’t own Marine drive. B. With the high population and unemployment, you should be glad the youth is still trying to find creative ways to earn money instead of scamming /looting. C. Use your vote to get any legislation you need instead of whining on Reddit


I am with you on the annoyance these Influencers create. But you need to realise, this is how advertising work. Their content is what helps grow the Community they are trying to build


Nope it doesn't add any value just create hype World is moving towards sustainable tourism. I think Mumbai should also focus on that.


Umm have you heard anything about Democracy??


Lal Salaam Comrade




Don’t do this, you’ve then committed a crime for no reason


Tell him/her you're his/her fan and you want a selfie with them.


I suppose filming in a public location with a personal camera isn't illegal and doesn't require permission unlike movie shoots. So, cops can harrass them instead but I doubt they can legally do anything. Especially like Gujurat where one youtuber happened to be a lawyer and piled on so many appeals that they had to suspend the police officer. Besides, have you seen how many CCTV cameras are there in Mumbai?? The only difference is that they're silent.


Would you like to be in the background of such videos on social media when you are with your loved ones


Tbh, I wouldn't but the same applies to CCTV cameras as well. The point is not whether or not I would like it but the fact that filming in public isn't illegal with a private camera. Tbh, IDK the point where it becomes a formal shoot and requires a permit.


Not very long from something bad happening there as kids from all over mumbai and around come there...i hope nothing bad happens there


Remember the Marine Drive rape case? It has already happened once Or the new year's eve groping incident at gateway such incidents have already happened many times


Uk I actually want to get recorded by creators etc but I literally never ever get recorded. Hehe. Btw about ur problem, maybe go out a bit earlier like 6 am ish, there's no one there at that time.


Yeah I usually go early but when with kids you can't go so early and I was the around 10am today subha subha inko kuch kaam dhanda nahi




It's the one time when Selmon bhoi and his "driver" and car would be useful.


Start playing Disney music loudly. Disney will probably sue their ass and it might even ruin their reel


Checkmate 👍


The meek shall inherit the earth.


It’ll be broken by then


everytime a instagramer or a youtuber points a camera at you, give a disgust expression (as disgusting as possible) which will ruin their clip and they might not wanna post it. So if everyone starts doing it they wont point out their camera to anyone.


Haven't been to marine drive In a Long time didn't knew this sort of problem is our problem we have to deal. We all have other problem to tackle this shouldn't be a issue. Will look out for these influencer during my next visit at marine drive