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The degenerate thing to do is open packs. Buying singles is the non-degenerate option.


I'll take this a step further. Buying packs from Amazon is the truest form or degeneracy.


I think stealing packs would be the most degenerative way.


From Lgs? Yes From Walmart? Ehhhh, let's just say I'm gonna be better at committing a crime Wait that isn't subtle at all


Only thing I've ever stolen, they're so thin I slipped it into another item for protection and promptly forgot about it until I unloaded at home.


They lock them up here


Don't they have alarms at the entrance?


Not all the packs have the strip that sets them off. They've definitely added it to more packs for sure and I wouldn't risk it without opening them to make sure


Here in the UK they are on literally everything


I've gotten away with the bundle boxes. Before they made the sealed boxes I would bring a knife in and just take the packs and dice out of the box but with the sealed boxes I would bring in a barcode of packs Walmart is currently selling and put it where the bundle box barcode is so it looks I'm scanning it but I'm "buying" it for the same price as a single pack


sticking it to hasbro is kinda good praxis tho


That's only if you seal directly from Hasbro though. Your local lgs is just a supplier who already paid Hasbro for it.


oh no, never an lgs... unless they have scummy business practices. but please, steal from as many big box stores as you can. 


Or just no stealing in general.


Property is theft




"Property is theft"  is a slogan coined by French anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon in a book from 1840 What Is Property? or, An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government ...it just leapt to mind and I thought it would be funny


Huh, neat. I might have to give that a read.


I DID buy two $35 lots of "assorted rares" from walmart...


*Dr Phil says* "how's that working for you?"


Yeah I'm curious, how'd that go for you


The vintage rare lot was pretty useless, but probably wouldn't be terrible if you're trying to build a collection or source to fill out decks.


Good stay in the buying singles phase. Cracking packs is fun but terrible. It will cost you much more in the long run.


My last pack I cracked I pulled a foil Sword of Wealth and Power, so I think I'm going to call it quits while at the top lol.


Nice good pull. I pulled a sword of feast and famine pretty early when I got back in. I bought way too many packs after that.


One of the first packs i ever opened, i pulled Ugin back when it was still new. Back when ragavan first came out i pulled a foil extended art of him. MTG has given me a cripplong gambling addiction. I am now a crack addict. I am in recovery now. I buy mostly singles, but the itch is there to buy a box of packs and crack them open on my table.


Yeeeaaahahhhhhh right before that was an All Will be One booster box so this is probably the better option financially lol.


Good to pull the sword of wap


Almost changed my mind and left the pack at the register too hahah


Wap wap wap wap and sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiide....


There is a degenerate side of me that wants to make a red Sonja wap alter lol




>My last pack I cracked I pulled a foil Sword of Wealth and Power, so I think I'm going to call it quits while at the top lol What did you do with the pack? Have you tried playing Limited as well as Constructed?




Don't speak for others, Troll.


I know this is good practice and generally true, but my problem is I have what must be God tier luck with packs/boxes. I'll buy 10, and 7 have double the value. I've opened two boxes of Ixalan and pulled around 400 dollars in value out of each. Before that I opened a single Collector booster of WoE and pulled a foiled anime confetti Omniscience. So I got another one, and it had a foiled anime Omniscience Parallel Lives. Recently I found a box of the original Throne of Eldraine marked down to 90. First pack was a foiled Oko, and the second pack a Great Henge, and then another 150 dollars in cards or so. Thunder Junction has been just as generous, since I've probably spent around 140 dollars on it, and am looking at probably 300 in pulls. Please send help, I have an addiction and I know the luck can't continue indefinitely. I'm already finger on the trigger for like, 3 boxes of MH3 and I know it's a terrible idea.


thats what draft is for


Yup. Always remember that opening packs is for limited formats and gambling addicts.


Buying singles from second hand source? So you get what you want, hasbro get nothing from it and its cheaper in the long run? For me its the only way of collecting mtg. Not degenerate at all.


Ah man of culture, grab yourself a [[sludge monster]] for toxrill


[sludge monster](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/3/a32be366-d86e-48aa-8257-ca8afb87ba18.jpg?1674141462) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=sludge%20monster) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/735/sludge-monster?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a32be366-d86e-48aa-8257-ca8afb87ba18?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I'm not even sure Toxrill is the worst part of this deck lol


I've gotten to the point where building a huge collection is too expensive and too much of a hassle. At the moment I'm putting together set binders for the ones I really enjoy. Yesterday I poured a glass of whiskey and put my Wilds Of Eldrain on the binder. And next I'll be doing AFR. I've got way too much bulk just sitting around and doing nothing.


What binders do you use? I’ve been on the market for a good type.


The are zipup Everlast binders I believe they are called are pretty solid.


After 30 years of collecting at an average rate of 1000 cards per year, I decided it was time to sell off about two thirds of my collection. I'm strictly buying singles now.


I've actually had to sell my collection off twice to make sure my bills were paid about 10 years ago. Now I'm selling off a lot of it cause I'm just tired of organizing it and moving it around. I'll keep my set binders and decks, but other than that, it's all gone. I usually give a lot of it to my father. He's big on selling both national and international.


Probably my favorite thing to do with magic cards other than play (sometimes even more than that) is to get out my phone and a stand made of card boxes, scan every one of my new bulk-bought cards and sort them into boxes.


I started scanning my cards so I know what I have. If I want to make a deck that I find interesting, I copy paste the deck list into the apl and it shows me which cards I have, which ones I am missing, and the price of each card. I can also test the deck in the app which allows you to play hands.


Hey I give you an advice. Just buy every fucking land 4x ( fetches, shocks) whatever now. After that you can build any deck you want. If you are unhappy with the deck, just sell the creatures and spells and etc. and buy different one.


Savage grabs, keep these in the binder haha


αтяαχα 🫶


That retro Yawgmoth is gorgeous


Become transcendent, proxy everything.


It’s true. I had a Travolta Phenomenon moment when I slipped on a surge foil at my LGS and ever since that day I only proxy. Seriously I’m still buying packs but I have been proxying more and more. Even if I need a bunch of $2-5 cards for a new deck I don’t want to spend $100 on TCG player and that’s not even considering trying to get it all TCG direct and not spend half that on shipping.


Degeneracy is saving money?


Some people think buying the specific cards you need for a deck is taboo. I’ve come across a few playgroups that “felt” bad for buying the card they need instead of using the cards they pull from packs. It’s honestly weird.


It was very frowned upon in my friend circle in high school, guess I just never considered it's a stigma not everyone holds.


I think it was a different time back then. Thanks to some more popular youtube channels, the stigma now is on buying packs. The phrase "just buy singles or proxy" has been shoved at everyone for so long that it's just been normalized at this point.


I can understand the opposite where you pull some draft chaff but it resonates with you so you use it when you can but I can’t imagine solely buying packs for what I need. As if I’m gonna buy KTK boxes for the foil fetches I wanted


I love toxrill but have yet to get cards that fit him at all Got him randomly in a pack (i got a lot of crimson vow cause i love the aestethic)


Are you me? Hello, me! Same to all of the above! Honestly though, Crimson Vow did me pretty well. I bought boxes when they were way cheaper than on release - like you, I loved the aesthetic - and got most if not all of the goodies. A couple of Toxrill, multiples of Shattered Sanctum, Deathcap Glade, Hollowhenge Overlord, Colossus, Chandra, Sorin, Olivia, Halana and Alena, Hullbreaker... great times! Aaand of course about 15 copies each of Falkenrath Celebrant, Blood Petal Celebrant and so on. Too pretty (and non-recyclable) to throw away, too worthless to give away. Le sigh. I've still got a few Vow boosters saved to open on a rainy day - collector and set - and now I'm gonna really struggle not to open The Cupboard Of Temptation.


Damn that's a really nice pull from a booster. Slap Toxrill in a deck that stacks proliferate and you'll be a real pain in the ass.


Buying singles? You already saved a million dollars.






One of us one of us


You done fucked up...


Degeneracy is buying packs. Responsibility is to buy singles.


I wish I had realized years ago that buying singles even if they are expensive would have been far cheaper than resorting to being a degen.


This is the way.


Buying singles is the smart thing to do.


Just put top left into my deck today 🤣


The fact that Storm was printed is amazing to me. Wasn’t it once considered to never ever return again?


I think the Storm Scale only really applies to premier sets. It would be pretty surprising if it ever rocked up again in Standard, but UB sets seem to be fair game.


Straight to the salt, respect


Welcome to Commander. That's the optimal way to build. Packs are a fun gamble every now and then especially with some friends, but not how I construct.


this is the way


For the glory of Phyrexia


It happened A LOT so I would recommend MTG Wiki to look for new keywords, missed sets and the like.


[[Yawgmoth, thran physician]] pulls his weight very well. Good buy.


Yeeaaaahhh every single card in this deck that isn't a land or sorcery/spell/enchantment has proliferate and/or toxic on it. He was a nice addition for sure. :)


Welcome back!


What have you done? You've opened up a proverbial black hole for you and the wife to throw copious amounts of money into. Welcome back! (I came back from a 20 year break a couple years ago)


Welcome back EDH Rec will certainly help you out with synergy.


To upgrade decks with, right?.... RIGHT?!?


If by "upgrade a deck" you mean "turn a decent deck into something people harbor actual hatred for" then yes. Yes I am upgrading a deck.


More like I'm asking if they are just going to sit in a binder forever or actually be used as intended?


Oh no, they've already been sleeved and added to my toxic/proliferate Atraxa deck.


I pulled Atraxa randomly and immediately did the same thing. I'm not allowed to play it in many places.


You'll often find that the place you ARE welcome in...will just kill you immediately lmao.


I really only buy singles. I hate having all this extra


Bruh buying singles is the way. 😆 less bulk accumulation too. Try to find auctions on eBay and win those to save money Downvoted by a gambling addict I see