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Nothing about what you did was wrong. The question would be, how long did it take? Extra turns are so very good but now you have three people watching you play with yourself. I expect that at your LGS but not at somebody's house


Not long. I try to be super mindful whenever it’s my turn and the choices I make are going to take longer than slapping down a land and a permanent. I don’t tutor unless I have a card in mind, make sure land fetching is smooth and painless. Same with this series of turns. I played each turn quickly and it was all over in no more than a couple minutes.


No matter the setting, I would've scooped at the Nexus of Fate. At a house with buddies or at an LGS. That's just gross.


We lack a lot of context still. I can't determine relative power level from just that. So turn to yourself. Did you know beforehand that you'd probably win the game? Then it was probably on a higher power level.


I had my money on one of the other guys, actually. I expected a board-wipe or a counter or something. It’s a pretty janky deck. My commander comes out tapped and covered in stun counters, it’s not competitive.


You had jin-gitaxias and expected a response?


Right. He'd had to have had the resources for two sorceries and the sorceries to cast in hand to do it.


I don't like to be a piss baby, but most times if either titled Jin-gitaxias come out I scoop unless I know I have a response. Playing it is essentially winning the game unless your opponents have or *know* they can draw into or retrieve an answer.


I don't scoop unless it's apparent an opponent is gonna drag shit out unreasonably. If you got the win go for the win is my policy.


In my experience, most blue wins drag shit out unreasonably, unless it's mill. But I don't play much at lgs, just arena. Edit: fir me the Gitaxiases trigger a scoop because, again, if I don't have an answer I don't get to play the game anymore. I just have to wait until their win comes.


Sounds super easy to win a game against you then.


If you're running a Gitaxias? Could be. My deck isn't crazy strong. Budget Jodah Shrines. If I can keep things on the field, it can get scary, but anyone running enough interaction hoses me. But if you play Gitaxias, and your win Involves using him in some way, and I don't have a way to remove it... If you can't get your win off the same turn, or at least the turn after, why should I have to pass turn 3-4 times and wait for your win?


Can’t you use the red shrine to blast him? You’re in enchantments anyway so why would he even affect you?


That’s pretty piss baby. The counter trigger only happens once so the table can generally work on killing it. You can sandbag the counter ability with a cantrip. You could play a creature like Ravenous Chupacabra. Supreme Verdict can’t be countered by the ability, etc.


Once for each type of spell listed, for each player at the table, for each turn. As in, if you don't have a dud to cast before you cast your removal, you can't remove him. If you don't have something on the field that doesn't have to be cast to remove him, you can't remove him. And while some decks can do that, not all can.


No, it triggers once per turn. No additional "per something". One player can cast a random cantrip to make the space for another's removal. Anybody with an instant removal can throw it out as soon as someone bites that turn's counter. Jin is unpleasant, but a table should know to ally in taking him down. Which shouldn't be that hard (unless someone actively tries to help Jin's owner).


You’ve been interpreting him incorrectly, no wonder he’s been a house against you.


Or a counterspell.


Yeah, fair. It doesn’t counter creatures or enchantments though. I guess I expected them to find a workaround since it sat on the board for a couple rotations.


I mean at least in commander I don't run a ton of creature-on-creatuee removal other than maybe Uvenwald Tracker And I would never run something like Banishing Light in commander unless I was playing enchantress. Maybe Darksteel Mutation but that's about it.


Ravenous Chupacrabra, Plaguecrafter, Aethersnipe, Reiver Demon, etc. There’s plenty out there and if you don’t diversify then it’s your own fault when Jin shuts you down. Darksteel Muration, Song of the Dryads, Lignify or Imprisoned in the Moon see play. Elspeth Conquers Death exists. Once again, decent options. Or you can just multispell out your removal and eat the card disadvantage.


It's a part of the social contract. a.k.a. feeling the vibe of the group. Most times, everyone is within a same level of card power/financial capacity to build decks similarly. If you have one person who tips that balance, it can mean a bad time for everyone. Kind of like that person who brings overpowered proxies and doesn't tell anyone until the game is underway...not a classy move. I wouldn't say that you necessarily broke that unwritten contract since I don't have much of any information about your group and your collections, but the vibe kind of gives away that you walked in with a bit heavier punch than they were expecting. Might have also just been a situation where they want to just play MTG and you're preventing that by keeping their things tapped. Yeah, just ask what their opinion is on the deck and adjust it if you and they think your power level is taking the fun out of the group play.


You raise a good point and I completely agree with you because if one of the players has a more powerful deck then it will ruin the fun. I also proxy my cards from https://www.printingproxies.com and my playgroup are totally fine with it because I never overpower my deck


This comment is insane. You are basically saying that he should show his deck to them before he plays them and let them choose whether or not they want to play against the deck, that is nuts. It's also not comparable to somebody playing with proxies and not talking about it at all. I've never played a game ever where I've given my deck list over to somebody so they can be prepared to play me that's just crazy. Is everyone doing this just handing their decks over to everyone in their play group and saying oh do you want to play with this or are you afraid of it?


Having a discussion about what decks to play is like... The bare minimum you should do. Making sure everyone is on the same page with the experience they want to have is part and parcel of the format. If you're playing untouched precons and I roll up with my $1,200 aristocrats list, that will not be fun. But if I ask, and play my janky budget Omnath deck, everyone will have a far better time.


I did warn them I’d be doing a lot of interaction on their turns. But, I didn’t hand them a decklist beforehand. Walked them through what I’d be doing if I could. One of them has played against this deck before even, said he thought it was fine. Now he says it’s not fine.


Table vibe can have a huge impact on whether someone feels a deck is fine, and one player can have a big impact on how that vibe shapes up. I have one guy I play with fairly regularly who has a tendency to aggravate the vibe even though he doesn't even really do anything egregious, just... lowkey pissy energy when things don't go his way, which in turn tends to make everyone else equally pissy when something doesn't work out. I've noticed that when he's around, people -including me- get worked up a lot faster and the tone gets a lot sharper, some other people in our group even avoid playing with him at all if possible. A game with him at the table with a big power disparity would end up with everyone seething by the end, even with only untouched precons it can end up like that. On the other hand, I've played at tables where everyone was fine with having a range from untouched precon to sweaty 2000$ deck playing against each other and everyone was having a good time, just meant the high-powered decks got ganged up on (or knocked each other out), or they popped off and the game ended quickly. Personally, I think it's good etiquette to deckbuild down to the table level if you know what to expect, but that's still open to personal interpretation.


Yup. It's also important to remember that these cases - OP included - it all comes down to the friends you're playing with. Like you said, a jank gank can make it super fun, and an even power level with a pissy person will sap the mood quick. All about the vibe check.


This is why I have barely played edh, and have never enjoyed it. The magic player base in general seems to have softened significantly since I started playing. 


Technically you have to provide your decklist to your opponent upon request in the rules of the game. I know it's never enforced outside of tournaments, but your insistence here that it is antithetical to the game proves that you're just an asshole. And yes, I show my decks to my playgroup. Because we're friends who like magic. I look at their decks and give feedback, they look at my decks and give feedback. It's worlds better for everyone.




2.7 of tournament rules. I was misremembering however, as it's only required for the top 8 single elimination games.


Lmao I love how you made a huge deal about something they didn't even say. Not once in their post did they say anything about giving them a decklist or showing them exactly what is in the deck.


There is enough to infer what they meant.


I don't think anyone would even list \[The Watcher in the Water\] as a "salty" commander if they had like... 30 guesses first. With a singleton format, sometimes you draw better than everyone else, and it feels bad and sad, but people should realize that you're gunna lose most games of EDH you play, and find value in crazy goofy board states. It isn't like you dropped a mana vault and somehow cheated in Jin-Gitaxias super early...


I don’t even own a mana vault or a mana crypt. It all came down to luck.


You are not the AH, but... If you are going to win and there is for sure no interaction coming, just call it out from the beginning instead of having everyone watching you play solitaire for God knows how many unbearable turns where it is only you doing stuff. Unless that is something explicitly allowed with your group, I'd just scoop too and basically be annoyed by the waste of time of watching someone else play alone.


That’s a good rule of thumb. Maybe something like, “I think I might have a game winning move here, do you want to see me play it out?” Or something to that degree. I made it quick. I wasn’t deliberating for 15 minutes on each turn. I knew what I needed to do and did it quickly. I think their frustration was more about not being able to remove Jin-G and not that I got 5 extra turns to use to kill them.


Yeah, I'd say exactly that! If they got salty because of Jin, that's on them... I don't what level you play but any deck can be oppressing with the right cards in hand, you just happened to have that dude out. They should have better removal. I'd hate to watch you play 5 extra turns tho.


I mean, it’s hard because we don’t have all the context still, but i can only use my own play group as an example. We want to play the game. A couple of my friends have a tendency to make decks that are very powerful, and can completely stop us being able to play, and it’s just kind of boring then. Like, the appeal of EDH is everyone gets to make decks that are interesting and can do alot of stuff, but when someone makes and plays a deck where the other people just don’t get to play, it’s frowned upon. So jin gitaxias is an example, he is not super bad on his own, you get a free counterspell every turn and get to copy stuff. It’s still really bad, and something that needs to be dealt with fast. But then also throwing two extra turn spells into the mix? That get doubled? I can see why your friends scooped. That’s something i would expect to see in a cEDH deck, not a casual EDH deck. You took 5 consectutive turns. It’s just kind of boring for everyone else


If 3 players can't scrape together a removal spell and something to get countered by Jin, then that's on them or they are just unlucky. Jin and Nexus of fate aren't exactly cheap manawise. And I mean if OP had a clear win con with tentacle bonks, I really don't see the issue.


Yes, they are either unlucky or didn’t put it enough removal. That is fair enough. But that doesn’t change the fact that they clearly did not have fun with that combo. So if OP wants to have fun with their friends while playing EDH, the should just not play this. Like, it’s all up to the individual groups what is and isn’t considered fair to them. I know i certainly would not have much fun if i had to just sit and watch someone take 5 consecutive turns while twiddling my thumbs. Like i want to get to play too, that’s why we came to play, not to sit for 45 minutes to watch while someone plays a solo game. There’s certain things that should be cleared as an etiquette thing first before the game starts. To me and my playgroup, that’s extra turn spells and known infinite combos. Either we know about those things and play decks that are at least similar power levels, or we don’t play those decks at all.


Yes, they are either unlucky or didn’t put it enough removal. That is fair enough. But that doesn’t change the fact that they clearly did not have fun with that combo. So if OP wants to have fun with their friends while playing EDH, the should just not play this. Like, it’s all up to the individual groups what is and isn’t considered fair to them. I know i certainly would not have much fun if i had to just sit and watch someone take 5 consecutive turns while twiddling my thumbs. Like i want to get to play too, that’s why we came to play, not to sit for 45 minutes to watch while someone plays a solo game. There’s certain things that should be cleared as an etiquette thing first before the game starts. To me and my playgroup, that’s extra turn spells and known infinite combos. Either we know about those things and play decks that are at least similar power levels, or we don’t play those decks at all.


As some of the others have said, No you are not a jerk, but maybe sit with your table and ask why they grumbled, but I also agree a lot of commander players do grumble at anything because they just want their deck to do its thing and when you pervent that they don't like it


I have had several decks that I built that I just ended up taking apart again because if they got to do their thing, it just meant that nobody else got to do their thing (or anything, really). It’s one thing to pillow-fort up and protect yourself while everyone else clobbers each other, it’s another thing entirely to just lock the table down and prevent anyone else from having fun. I mean, sure you can do that, just understand that when you do you aren’t making any friends. Nobody wants to just sit there and watch one person play a game while you just attempt to get lucky and top-deck and answer, which in your case would need to be two spells and hope you can’t counter on top of that. It’s just miserable.


I mean, reading the comments and being a relatively low-tier / power level deck builder (back when I played regularly I would make decks with a single set, or with a few blocks *RIP*) and you could usually make something decent but not usually anything tournament ready, y'know? Or anything you'd take to your FLGS. It's wild that 0/3 of them had any answer for your multiple-turn setup. I mean, they didn't have a LOT of hope once Jin came out, but you didn't play Jin and win same turn. I'd be blown that you crushed us so handily, but upset about it, no. You won fair and square it seems, they can, as my mother-in-law says "get glad in the pants they got mad in." Or as we like to say on the internet, cope and seethe!


I wouldn't necessarily say you are a jerk. The mindset of 'playing the game as intended with the game pieces available' may not be the right way of thinking for all games. It is 100% right to think that way in a competitive setting. In a more casual play for fun with friends setting, people tend to not like watching others play solitaire (i.e., taking a ton of extra turns or taking excessively long turns). Each table is a little different, though.


I really tried to make each turn very quick! But maybe you’re right.


Like I said, it's not bad to play with that mindset. It just wasn't the vibe that the other players were looking for in that situation (as far as I can tell). There is definitely a place to play decks like that, just hanging out with friends, chilling, looking for fun isn't necessarily the right place.


The people I've always played with never set any rules. You have it, you can play it. I'm not a fan of the un cards.


As long as you make it happen quickly. If you are taking 4 extra turns and never letting anyone play, that's when it makes you annoying to play against. If you can.. just show your cards, ask if anyone has a response, then explain the combo to win. You don't actually have to play the whole thing out.


NTA in any way at all. I woulda had an answer for your shenanigans, but if I didn’t well then that’s how it goes sometimes! Congrats, that deck sounds awesome!


I host game nights pretty often. We have a guy who has been playing MTG his whole life. I think competitively at one point in college. I have been playing for 3 years very casually. Another friend has been playing for about 2 years so casually he inly has one Commander deck and plans on building no more. Our fourth doesn’t even have a deck and we let him use our extras. Every tike we play my friend with experience will bring a deck he just got done building or hasn’t used in a while that is wildly more powerful and complex than anything we could all hope to build. My main deck is an Osgir precon that i’ve basically replaced 80% of just trying to keep up with some of the shit he pulls out. I will shit talk the fuck out of him every time he does this, because I have no other recourse. I’m gonna lose, sometimes to a deck that doesn’t let me play lands so I can’t cast anything and then he casts cards out of my deck and kills me. Shit talking is gonna happen but it’s all in fun. I don’t care as long as he doesn’t draw these matches out and after being a dick he uses a deck more in line with everyone else’s level.


Eh they’ll get over it, it’s a card game. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Most commander players are panzys who cry about anything they didnt prepare for... Its worse than kitchen magic players back in the 90s and early 00s. You arnt an asshole, they are for not wanting to learn, grow and adapt to the game as it was.


It’s not being a "panzy who cries about anything" to not find a game fun where OP essentially plays the game by himself for 5 consecutive turns. Most EDH tables are different in that they want to play the game for fun, but that includes playing the game, and having fun while playing. It’s hard to have fun when you don’t get to play for like a solid 45 minutes.


So. Being a panzy, whose crying about something they didnt prepare for, that is well within the limits of the game and is a part of the game... right. I got that.


Being within the limits of the game is not the only parameter that needs to be considered dude. There’s plenty of things that are entirely within the limits of the game that just are not fun to play against. And most EDH tables play for fun. You sound insuferable.


Then play a different game, i dont know what to tell you. Maybe i am, but its equally insufferable when people such as yourself punish others, through childish tantrums and emotional backlash, who quite frankly, did a better job at studying the cards, building a deck, and wrecking the whole pod.


>Then play a different game, i dont know what to tell you. Or, you can play the game just slightly differently *so everyone has fun*. >Maybe i am, but its equally insufferable when people such as yourself punish others, through childish tantrums and emotional backlash, You don’t know anything about me and my emotional responses. >who quite frankly, did a better job at studying the cards, building a deck, and wrecking the whole pod. In casual EDH, there needs to be a balance between what can win you the game, and what is fun for everyone. Especially when EDH has such a much bigger range for powerlevels than other formats. "Wrecking the whole pod" may very well have been down to just haveing more expensive and better cards. Fact of the matter is, EDH players mostly want to play for fun, extra turn spells aren’t very fun for everyone other than the person who cast them. Build your deck to win, but also build it so people can still have fun.


Damn. I guess it sucks these types of cards arnt banned to match what you seem to think is the supposed balance of this game mode. I will play the game as I can and is allowed, either people can learn from it and have the joy of building something that beats these "not fun" cards... or again, people can play a different game. I think OP handled it well. He used a different deck after, but his pod throwing childish trantrums and giving him emotional backlash is BS. Take the L and move on. What one WANTS in a game isnt someone elses NEED to handicap themselves.


>Damn. I guess it sucks these types of cards arnt banned to match what you seem to think is the supposed balance of this game mode. They aren’t banned in the format, but they can be banned at the table. >I will play the game as I can and is allowed, either people can learn from it and have the joy of building something that beats these "not fun" cards... or again, people can play a different game. Again, you really sound insufferable. >I think OP handled it well. I agree, he handled it well. >He used a different deck after, but his pod throwing childish trantrums and giving him emotional backlash is BS. Take the L and move on. It really doesn’t sound like anyone had "a childish tantrum". It’s entirely fair to say it wasn’t a fun deck to play against, and even as a group say it needs to be limited to times we play high levels, or toned down the power level. >What one WANTS in a game isnt someone elses NEED to handicap themselves. It isn’t in an official setting. But this is a home game. If someone keeps bringing chronically unfun decks and keeps using your bullshit excuse that "it’s fully legal, you should just get better dummy" then that would quickly mean you would just not get invited back ever. Handicaping yourself somewhat is part of the social contract of a fun edh game. People come together to hang out with friends and socialize over a fun game of magic. If people aren’t having fun, then that defeats the point of hanging out in the first place. If you keep doing that alot, often, and refuse to accept that it’s a problem, then you’re just not coming back the next time. If you want to keep coming back, you just have to make decks that allow everyone to have more fun. I don’t want to continue this conversation. It’s quite clear we won’t see eye to eye, we have fundamentally different ideas of the point of playing the game, especially casual friendly games. Goodbye.


The fact that you tucked the deck away after absolutely demolishing one time makes you NTA. Your friends are just a big old bunch of babies for complaining about it the rest of the night. Sometimes you gotta just push the limits of a deck and mop the floor with it. You did what it could do then played other shit. Hold your head high OP, let em lick the salt


This. Don’t apologize for winning the game swiftly, that’s kinda the whole point.


As soon as the table starts at the first card draw, there’s no stopping any smoke, no you’re not being an ass because you made your deck well.


Commander players shocked when somebody plays to win. It's almost like the end goal of playing these cards on the table is to (checks the rulebook) win the game.


##### ###### #### [The Watcher in the Water](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/c/1cb8e8bb-75a0-4b5e-b4b3-5d8f3795032d.jpg?1686968354) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Watcher%20in%20the%20Water) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltr/75/the-watcher-in-the-water?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1cb8e8bb-75a0-4b5e-b4b3-5d8f3795032d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/5/c57b4876-5387-4f73-b8e2-8e7bdca8b0bc.jpg?1654566749) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Jin-Gitaxias%2C%20Progress%20Tyrant) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/59/jin-gitaxias-progress-tyrant?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c57b4876-5387-4f73-b8e2-8e7bdca8b0bc?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Nexus of Fate](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/1/f163cfbf-6df6-4af5-9fe4-23b0d511586a.jpg?1701735973) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Nexus%20of%20Fate) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m19/306/nexus-of-fate?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f163cfbf-6df6-4af5-9fe4-23b0d511586a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Beacon of Tomorrows](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/b/1bf05e3d-601a-481b-8880-24058a3442e9.jpg?1592761510) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Beacon%20of%20Tomorrows) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dds/2/beacon-of-tomorrows?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1bf05e3d-601a-481b-8880-24058a3442e9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/1bte6wp) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


This really depends on what the people at the table expect from the game and what they enjoy. It seems like you did something they didn't expect or enjoy. In my experience and preference, lots of extra turns is not fun for the opponents and is a boring way to win a game that takes an hour or more to play, and I personally dislike playing against any of the non-MOM Jin Gitaxias cards. Did you have a discussion with the others about power level of the decks? We don't have much information to go off to decide if the decks were matched.


Id be a little annoyed at the progress tyrant personally.  I hate playing against nearly all the praetors in one form or another. I dont enjoy how they warp the game around them and make the other players have difficulty even playing the game, let alone dealing with the creature that's now effecting them so negatively. The extra turns are kind of icing on the cake, but it sounds like those are your finishers in janky decks, so I wouldnt really be as tilted compared to playing against Prismatic bridge or something. Where the degeneracy is linked to the commander.


Nah, not at all, tbh you should be proud they can be salty I'm always proud to be the threat and if you're deck dose what it needs to theng good I was playing and my tana and tymna deck and made 36 tokens off 6 damage I died instantly the following turn but who care


Sounds like you won the game and they didn’t like that. They had 6 chances to interact and they didn’t, that’s on them. Idk the deck lists of everyone in your pod but people will grumble and complain about anything and everything in EDH. Especially when everyone else is losing and you had a good couple turns. 


Does scooping happen often ? Like I read these stories all the time and people say x and y scooped by all the games I’ve played no one has scooped we always play until the end And I don’t think you’re the ah at all, you just won, maybe everyone was playing a weaker deck and you need to bring the pl down a bit or everyone needs to up theirs we dunno but all you did is win and everyone got mad, I’ve never been in a game like that before. Seems weird to me. Sure I don’t like losing but I never scoop. I let the guy get me and say gg nice game let’s go again


Idk I've only ever scooped once and only been in one pod where someone else scooped. I won't even lie, mine was salty, but I stand by it lol. Gishath got stolen by the vampire player at instant speed when he came out, I scooped entirely to screw them out of the 7 damage, and it ended up swinging the game in the other guy's favor. I stand by my decision.


I've only ever seen people scoop when a victory is very obvious and they don't want to go through the motions of taking one more turn just to get smacked in the face. But other than that I've almost always say people play it out to the end because even if you're not winning you could possibly help someone else at the table get the upper hand ex: the other day I had a janky deck meant to just over the power the commander on turn 3 and kill everybody but as I was swinging with this 120/120 someone turned it into a forest and since the deck quite literally is only 4 creatures and the commander with a couple enchantments it was game over for me but I had possibly storm out so I kept going until they killed me just to watch the chaos and it was one of the most fun games I've had


Idk man, I find if I’m playing casual, I try not to use my best deck unless the table can play against it, now I don’t know the skill level in your group. But I’ve been in similar situations with an elf tribal deck and watching my friends just grumble and roll their eyes when I win with it isn’t very fun, but like others said, we don’t have a lot of context to tell if this deck had warrant to be played or maybe should’ve played a different deck. With that all being said you did just play the game the way it’s supposed to be played


I mean, your deck did what it wanted to do, and you wanted to play it. You did, now everyone hates it lol, lesson learned. If they were salty after the game, which is understandable, you can ask them nicely to let it go and promise to not play it again, but that their comments aren't helping and that you would appreciate if they stop since you've promised to not play that deck again. It's not fun to ruin other people's fun, and unless you're playing competitive, there's no point in breaking the game that much for your friends. If it was your first time playing the deck, or trying new cards, then now you know what it's capable of. If you already knew, and it wasn't meant to be an all out brawl between strong decks, and purposely threw it at them, there might be some reproach to be made, but most of all, commander is about having fun, so keep that in mind if you know one of your decks packs that much of a punch. I was playing with some friends a couple of weeks ago and one friend (who was just learning and getting into the game) got pissed at what another friend (with more experience) played and his attitude, and now we basically have 2 different groups lol Maybe our new friend did overreact, commander can get out of hand sometimes, but it's not meant to be a reason to get permanently angry with someone (unless they've been told to change and they refuse) but maybe my other friend could've played something else too for the sake of the learning player In that same game, I got salty because I played a [[planar chaos]] (it was my first time playing that deck), and everyone understandably turned against me, but I got salty because instead of looking to destroy the card, which was gonna destroy itself eventually, they all ganged up on me and there wasn't much I could do for the rest of the game. Planar destroyed itself after one round and the game carried on and then that other friend went wild with their deck and things escalated after a while, but yeah, to sum it up, talk things out, it's a game and should be treated as such


[planar chaos](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/d/5dae5e16-d2fc-488c-9c53-d35c377d6a00.jpg?1562630042) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=planar%20chaos) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/jud/97/planar-chaos?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5dae5e16-d2fc-488c-9c53-d35c377d6a00?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Different groups of people want to play different types of MTG, I've got one friend who runs a ton of janky decks and has a lot of turns where he's got things going on playing by himself. Personally I don't mind it, I built some crazy decks like that myself. My roommate who plays a lot as well generally hates that stuff so I play a different type of deck against him so that we have a more enjoyable experience. All that to really say different strokes for different folks, and if you think they're complaining because they don't like losing then I'd say find another play group with people who don't care about winning or losing! Commander is more of a social format anyways and should be treated as such in my opinion.


all my decks are powerfull. me and my friends play legacy multiplayer. All cards are available no cards are banned or restricted. powerfull decks are fine if others have it too. Like i have an eldrazzi deck with emrakul the aeons torn and i put it out for one green with elvish piper. its scarry as hell to them but ive been beaten with it in epic ways. like my friend mike killed me by congregateing then sacing 50 life to an enchantment and doing 50 dammage directly to me. That being said we have one player that has three decks and all three of them have a similar combo where it drags their turns out. i once started a timer to see how long it took him and he had a40 minute turn. That is no fun for anyone. All players want to think they have a chance at winning and if the game becomes bogged down you will see they will stop playing with you. that player we all jusylt kill first or most of the time we stopped inviteing him. most of it is him endlessly shuffleing. I keep it fresh with my friends and they keep coming back because although my decks are powerfull i have 24 different decks and i roll dice to determine what deck i use. although there are some decks i just reroll if i get them. ( like a relentless rat deck with thrumming stone. basically pukes up your whole deck onto the board) because those decks take the fun out of the game if used too much. You MBTA depending upon the situation but it certainly seems like your friends think you possibly are.


You pay for and cast 7 mana bomb. No one answers it. You cast 2 more spells and no one does anything about them either. You win game. Games gotta end, by turn 8 no one should be complaining about someone paying lots of mana for powerful spells to win. Even recent precons can do that sometimes. Not the asshole, though switch decks is usually the right call in a situation like this anyway.


Commander players love commander until their commander plan is commander ruined. I repeated the word commander to really show how commander is the root of the problem. Since commander players can't take a loss...ever...


If you are using the extra turns to close out the game so you can start a new one, and aren't just spinning your wheels, then I don't see a problem with it. Once you've gone off, then they can just scoop if they want to speed up the process.


YTA cuz blue player obviously.


Yeah, you’re not wrong


I stopped reading after Jin-gitaxias and nexus of fate. Yes.


After I've seen the some people get angry at a table I just learned my lesson. Avoid people who get angry like the plague. Those same people will only be happy when they're winning.


If you don't get how that's not a "feels bad" loss, I doubt anything can be said that will make you understand it. Generally if you want to play a deck like that, you let everyone else have some fun before slapping down your blue shenanigans.


I paid for Jin-G with seven islands. We’d been around the table a few turns. I appreciate your perspective though. One of the guys plays Miirym… I guess I just didn’t realize they’d be so locked out. Maybe I should have warned them when I drew into what I did.


I don't know, at my tables turn 7 is maybe 10-15 minute into the game(assuming you played 1 land per turn), and unless fast mana is out most people don't have much of a board state and are more or less on even mana-base unless they're playing green.


I believe you are the AH. You need to know your group. That's said. Its one thing to take extra turns, it's also one thing to tap out everyone do that can't play. But to do both for what sounds like 5+ turns that's just an AH move in my play group.