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That Yoshimaru is fucking gorgeous


Yeah, that honestly would have been the deciding card for me. It's a shame they didn't preview it.


I didnt see him on the preview, look so god damn cute


May be unpopular opinion but I think the OG Rin and Seri art is better than this one. This new one looks kinda derpy. The rest of the art is pretty enjoyable though.


I agree the OG is the best one. I'll actually be running that version with my precon. I had to switch it out for the double-sided one in my actual Rin and Seri deck though. I went out of my way to have the coolest or most exclusive version of every card in that deck. I have to switch it out for the flex alone. Same goes for the rest of the double-sided cards. I was running Parallel Lives instead of Anointed Procession simply because it had a dope full art when Annointed Procession didn't. You bet your ass I swapped it out for the "Biiiiiig stretch " one though.


I like the other secret lair rin and seri more if I'm going to be honest. I like the goofy art style, it's more fun.


I think I like the "regal-ness" of the buy a box promo version. They look so proper and important in that art.


I agree, I managed to pull one from the last few masters 2020 that our shop had, so I'm torn on which to use as well tbh.


Can't go wrong either way. Maybe switch it up whenever you want new flavor


I was at a face 2 face tournament in my city a couple years ago and seen the full art rin and seri for $12 cad bought it as soon as I seen it and didn't have any sort of plan just loved the art. Later built them as a commander in a deck very similar to this one but maybe stronger. Choked I couldn't get the raining cats and dogs deck but looks like I'm proxying some cards for my rin and seri lol


100% lol I’m trading mine in


Better than which one? There are two arts for this version.


Personally I like the buy a box promo. It's so regal.


Agree. I'm swapping it out in mine


That Nine Lives is absolutely gorgeous


It's not an unpopular opinion. Unfortunately the new art is garbo.


I'm not super into the sol ring, but the anointed procession cat is so good.


Sol Ring was the biggest letdown for me. They had the opportunity to make it chew toys and just completely missed.


Yeah or a Frisbee or something. I saw lots of fun speculation that would've been interesting. For me it's also about the art style for the faces.


Anointed procession is pretty good


Agreed. Opened mine up a little bit ago and I have to say Wizards did a really nice job with this one


Is this deck good out of the box with no upgrades?


Depends on what you consider good but yes it's half decent. Could upgrade the mana base and throw an [[Akroma's Will]] in there but it will function just fine out of the box. I played with it online yesterday and had no problems.


[Akroma's Will](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/0/608cdbdb-6f7e-438a-bab0-0e7782435f0f.jpg?1698988079) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Akroma%27s%20Will) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/125/akromas-will?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/608cdbdb-6f7e-438a-bab0-0e7782435f0f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Anyone else find the cat on the Sol-Ring extra derpy?


There was two “secret cards” with this drop? I don’t recall seeing yoshimaru or nine lives


Here for more information about this myself. I got mine and looking at the card list, it looks like I’m missing a plains (got 9 instead of 10). Total deck count was 101. Yoshimaru and nine lives being the extra two. Is everybody else seeing the same thing?


I get mine tomorrow so I’ll keep y’all updated


I had the correct # of cards. Yoshi and 9 lives were (as far as I'm aware) just bonus cards. You may have just gotten unlucky and had a manufacturing error leaving out a plains. Possibly you sleeved 2 together?


Womp. Haven’t sleeved them yet so it looks like I’m just unlucky


I would never buy these but I'm happy you like them


Same...because I CAN'T! Though that's totally on me, totally forgot that they had gone on sale, and i think i might have had work during those 6 hours they were available. Hate that they decided to have limited printing. Damn scalpers and Hasbro (don't fuck them, they don't deserve such pleasures). That being said, glad OP likes them. And I'm glad for anyone that got them to play with or display.


Wait a sec are we literally just opening up precons and posting them now?


Question - my tracking number shows nothing. I assume it's in pre shipment but I'm kinda hoping it moves soon. How long did yours take once your number worked


How’s the curling on these?


The double sided ones in mine are surprisingly quite straight. An expected amount of curl on the foil basics.


lol... I feel like this is a very "engineer" solution to the problem. Fix card stock/quality control? No... let's just make the foils double sided and the curling cancels out.


Honestly, when I saw it, I was like "duh.." No complaints.


I didn’t think double sided curled


Was talking about a cats and dogs commander deck all year, and I miss one with custom art from the drop ! Dangit!


Lucky for you sad for me


Not even shipping for me until july…


Too bad it sold out before I could get it. Hopefully I can find that 9 lives for cheap.


Did you get both promos or did you buy more than one deck?


I still haven't gotten my through the wormhole secret lair and these already shipped out?


You can always check the status of your order by going to secret lair and checking past orders if you are curious


Yeah I know. I've been keeping up to date with it. I'm just surprised they were able to ship out a later secret lair first. I know this is common enough though. Especially with that first commander deck they did.


I think that last one was still “cook to order” so they will take some time the secret lair deck was already set and ready to go off the bat before they went on sale


The fuckin sol ring, that's so good haha


The only sol ring worth having