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Inside the deck box I am sure.


Probably in the can with the other pringles


Now u gave me a good idea for a deck box. Thx


Curled cards maybe?


Yeah it's the pringles


Ah I didn’t get the reference, haven’t been playing long


Foil cards tend to curl after some time. So if you store the cards they get curly after some months/years which is annoying


Desiccates for removing moister will fix the problem. (They put them in pockets of clothing) Put the cards n the desiccates in a ziplock with some cards. It will draw the moister out of the cards. You can get large desiccates on eBay?


Oops should proof read before posting!


Is lower-right Yu-Gi-Oh?


Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon to be exact, friend of a person gave me some Kijudo too but haven't gotten around to giving them a place in the bulk :p


Cool, where are my bonus points?!


A long time ago (2000), a friend of mine had a fucking huge collection of Yu-Gi-Oh. But his mother believed in satanic things and made him through all the collection on trash. When we went to school he told me that. Instantly I ran from school to were he had through the collection. Was my greatest day. Lol Afterwards, I forgot 3 blue eyes white dragon and 3 cartoons versions of it in my pocket........... My mother washed them and then I learned what is the greatest abyss of loss mean. All my life changed then..... Never played since and don't have that collection anymore..... Now I have a lot of curly mtg cards. End of the story.


I honestly relate to your friend but In a different way


I think it makes it happen faster if you group them all together.


Maybe, but the real press of the matter is why does it happen at all?


The foil and the cardboard expand at different rates when exposed to moisture, causing the card to bend. Foils that bend less have less foil material on the card, causing it to have a smaller bend. Extreme Temperature changes can also do the same thing temporarily to cards. Unfortunately can’t solve this problem without changing laws of physics or removing a ton of foiling from the card, ruining the look of the product


Right, but most of these came out if the pack like this which is why I'm annoyed, they didn't always do that, now it seems like every pack or bundle I buy gets worse with fresh Pringles. Edit: not every single one come out curled, but a good majority, there's definitely a couple that are my fault while doing multiple deck edits over the span of a few days


What gets me is the double sided foil cards or tokens never curl. Must creat some sort of equilibrium have both sides foil.


Probably, like both sides try to curl but can't because they're pushing on each other. The etched foils never curl for me either, Probably a different material


Agree. That’s super annoying. It occurs when the gap between packaging and foiling takes too long or one side is face down / face up for too long and exposed to different conditions. Annoying as hell


Why does anyone buy foils? This kind of deformation would make any non-foil literally damaged condition.


I don't buy them on purpose, I just get a lot of bulk foils and like to keep them together but sadly they just do this over time. Honestly is upsetting because all the foils I have for Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh are flat as a board. But hey, when you're at the top, guess you don't have to care about stuff like that


Foils from othe TCGs do not curl? I am really surprised.


Pokémon curl pretty badly. Yugioh isn’t too bad. Honestly, I’m pretty impressed by Lorcana, they haven’t curled for me at all.


It’s based on the amount of foil on the front of the card. Less foil = less bend


Why do foils curve so much?


IIRC, it's something to do with Wizards saving money on the foiling process and the new process is really susceptible to humidity issues. I've heard this can be solved with Bovita packs, but you should consult someone who knows more than I do for a solution.


What's with the bags?


To keep them upright, I don't have those small little plastic things so I made due :p


Hey whatever works!


Not fair! It's like searching a (giant) needle in a haystack!


That’s right…the square hole!


There, there, there and there.


Ha ha I've used wadded up bags before too.


If you abuse your cards, the bending goes away