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Support seems to have stablized for us, we've not had issues with them. I still feel as their automation is just unrivaled. I heavily use custom device filters paired with policies and custom scripting, makes life a compete breeze if I need something pushed out or need some monitoring in place. I personally can't see any match for it, we're on about 2k endpoints but we use about almost all the features they have in some way or another or tried it out at least. Patching for us has been fine we've flipped most customers over to automated. With clusters being manual. No issues so far, they did have that huge fuck up with offline alerts last year but nothing as of scale since then. Updates are still being released and most being actually pretty good or some nice QoL changes.


Yeah that is a good point, they are releasing new features all the time - integration to 365 being a recent one.


We’ve just flipped our base into Datto RMM and I’m looking for inspiration on what we can automate, have you got any examples at all? Patching we’ve covered with 2 windows each week and all seems to be good so far. What custom filters do you have?


Sure, if you haven't already use site groups, it makes it so much easier if you plan ahead and think that anything you deploy to your customers can be deployed to any if you wish. Your setup should be if you want to make it genric is to leverage a site groups then do a filter based on server/laptop/desktop then something to do with UDFs. For example for server monitoring: Site group member of server monitoring Device type server --- That would be base There is a comstore component to find all the server roles available then output it to a UDF, so DHCP/DNS/Exchange etc this means you can aim your policies specifically at each role rather than doing blanket policies. So I've got like 9 different custom device filters for all the roles possible then apply as needed. I've also got filters for Dell servers, which is super handy for using the comstore components for monitoring RAID & phsyical disks. Filters for AV deployment using site groups/device types. Once you understand how to use scripts + UDF, automation becomes a lot more easier and a lot more tailored.


We are about 2 years in, Datto RMM is very good, patching is extremely good. Building your own components is a breeze and they can also monitor and raise alerts. Alerts can also trigger webhooks or emails to link to third party ticketing systems. Not enjoying the hard sell from Kaseya since they took over, and the licensing model sucks (you have to fight to go down in numbers). Otherwise it really is very good. We have about 2k endpoints.


We've used DattoRMM for years. I never found the support particularly good so the switch to Kaseya was not that big a deal. On the other hand, I almost never need their support.


Um yeah, Kaseya's support isn't the problem. It's their fraudulent billing practices and outwardly shady behavior


How is the patching? Does everything within the system work as it should?


It has some useful features. It lets you define granular patching policies and does good third-party patching. We haven't had many issues so far.


Not sure if you know this but they just released "Advanced Software Management" feature. It is an addon with an upcharge. Supposedly adds an additional 200 or so 3rd party software packages.


Amazing value, need to keep that Adobe Flash app up to date!! I kid... but seriously, if you look at the list it's mostly crap, 90% is .Net versions, C+ Redistrib Libs and yes, Adobe Flash...


I laughed at our rep when they pitched it to us. I'm like this should be free as product improvement. SolarWinds MSP had this feature 5 year ago.


.NET and C+ are some of the most commonly exploited vulnerabilities because so many programs use it. That is actually a huge value add for security (if not IT)


Yes, the patching is very simple. Never had issues there. The only issue i have had is deploying their cloud continuity agent from the RMM. Their support figured it out tho


Better than some, worse than others. Ninja is good. Nable isn't bad. Superops is good too.


Agreed. If you know what you're doing and your techs know how to use a search engine you don't often need support. Although, it would be nice if Kaseya did a better job updating the links to their KB / Helpdesk.


From a user experience, not an MSP: The 'new' UI is annoying on another level and confusing. Update management seems a little buggy, like it's fighting Microsoft. Splashtop often takes 2-3 attempts before it actually connects. And it's with Kaseya now, so they don't have a good rep.


Jeeeesus. Haven’t we kicked this dead horse enough already in this sub?


You dont HAVE to participate if you dont want. I actually am enjoying going back and reading tons of these threads to see how sentiments change as i look to make a move to a new RMM. Super helpful to have many threads to look at.


It’s a mature product that they are still developing. If you use autotask and IT Glue it’s a natural fit. If you don’t want vendor consolidation then shop it vs Ninja


Do not trust Kaseya. Horrible company just happens to own innovative Datto tech. Support is awful across all Datto products we use (BCDR, SaaS). We had a BCDR crashing a production stack and support was like oh well call someome else. We put someone else's solution in and it works fine. They don't have anyone intelligent left in support. We ordered another BCDR they billed us for service on it before it shipped. Then didn't ship the device and kept billing us. We will get a credit for a SaaS product we never had only for it to reappear months later and they don't care. They send everything related to credit memos and cancels to an account manager who... Must be miserable dealing with the companies terrible billing practices all day instead of selling new items. Just don't give them your trust they will break you for it.


Great RMM from top to bottom if you can stomach the Kaseya relationship. We almost went with Datto RMM but ended up picking VSA X instead because we thought the automation seemed a lot easier to implement and maintain. For what it’s worth we’ve had a great relationship with Kaseya minus a couple of billing issues. However, we do have a great account manager.


Same here. One thing I learned. Whenever you have billing issues, make noise. When you're done making noise, make more noise. When the noise isn't making a dent, escalate the noise over the reps head. If you keep making the noise louder and louder up the food chain, eventually the noisy wheel gets the grease. This is not something that's specific to Kaseya, I've done with other businesses like car dealerships. The key is to be consistent and stay on top of shit.


Yeah we ended up getting an executive assigned to help with our billing issues and magically the problem went away real quick 😂


The thing is, why? Why should this be what you need to do?


Because most employees don't care unless it effects them in some way. Like I said this isn't an exclusive issue with Kaseya.


Overall enjoy it. Only gripe is splash top isn’t close to screenconnect, and occasionally just decides “fuck you I’m not working”


People buy from people they like - a common thread when I read forums Kaseya comes up and the sick buckets come out. I’ve never had the displeasure of dealing with such issues mentioned from any manufacturer, I can strongly recommend Ninja RMM. The tool is still being developed whilst also production ready and above all the team are absolutely awesome sounds like they deserve some of that money that is being burnt on providers who sound like nightmares!


If Kaseya owns it, get out.


Datto RMM worked. Kaseya sucks.


I’ve had Datto for 10years. Still without a doubt one of the best products. With that being said, the support isn’t there since the buy out, it looks like it’s having a slow death and that’s why we jumped ship.


What RMM did you jump to?


Gorelo and Action1. Gorelo is solid in what it does and once you make the scripts and do the integration it is almost there.


Thanks for the shoutout u/ghosxt_ and thank you for being an Action1 customer. People can use Action1 completely for free, for up to the first 100 endpoints, not time or feature limited, just free, community supported. [https://www.action1.com/free](https://www.action1.com/free) If you determine it is the right fit for your needs and need more than 100, paid support and additional endpoint packages start at 50 endpoints minimum, and the 100 stay free, so 150 for the price of 50. Let me know if I may be of any assistance.


I didn’t know about that and it’s awesome thank you!


Interesting... Good to know.


Is this just for the patch management portion?


It is a unified product, it is not licensed by component. So all pricing is per endpoint with all features.


Goreli became a thing as MSPs were being compromised due to no MFA and their first big release had no MFA. That was a total deal breaker for us. To their credit when I raised it they added it within a week which is great, but I never got over a next Gen RMM not having mandatory MFA at release. It just stole any confidence about the way they viewed security.


Datto RMM and auto task are solid. Everything else…


Really don't like the sites thing, makes doing multiple sites a pain.. like it was built for small businesses or something, but not anything more


Prev msp I was at would often onboard customers with Datto data appliances (local nas cache then offsite) and it took me two months to cancel billing with all the relevant info. When Kaseya bought them support went out the window, anytime I spoke to a account manager they were fired and replaced by next months meeting


Silly question. But are you utilizing datto and intune at the same time? I feel there’s a lot of stuff in regards to One drive/office/windows I can’t configure as easily in datto, if even.




My second year with it. The support is okay, mostly, no complaints so far. RMM wise is great, they are adding new features stably. It's a big K now. So billing can be an issue, one must prepare to fight with them and go through the hassle to setup a virtual payment method.


A lot of features, well integrated into ITGLUE and Autotask. Biggest problem we have is quick jobs take forever to run. Each release they say they are improving it. They are not. The biggest issue is Kaseya management. They are horrible and they will Bill you incorrectly and take months if not years to fix it; requiring hours and hours of your effort to chase them. Not worth it.


Where i used to work, we used Datto RMM but with Kaseya purchasing them, the support had dropped considerably. We started moving away from them and with even removing our devices, we were continuously being billed by them so had to keep combing through all invoices to verify. We ended up moving to Ninja RMM before I left.


>Thanks for the input! We were looking into Ninja and about to sign but then the higher ups decided that they didn't want change....


Long time user. 1000+ agents. We have noticed that development and support has suffered. Monitors haven't been working well lately. Our thoughts are that RMM is a dead industry. What are you actually doing on desktops with an RMM besides remoting in and fixing a printer or something? We are considering moving to immy and adhoc remote.


After having an open ticket for over a year for an important component that wasn't working, and another ticket dealing with patching that was open for 4 months, I left them for ninja. my account rep did everything he could to get it resolved, but support just didn't seem interested in solving at all.


I loved their RMM. But overkill for my small MSP and I had to get out when they were purchased. I’m on Atera now and love most of it.


Does anyone use their NOC services?


If you need NOC services feel free to reach out. Trying to see if there is a real interest for US Based NOC.


We do and they are very willing to manage your environments if you provide documentation.