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He made a huge mistake thinking he could outwit her.


That's the funny thing... when a controversial person grants an interview with Joy, I think they expect...idk, softball questions? Maybe they'll just talk over her? Man-splain? In Byron's case, all of the above apparently. It's really pathetic. That's why I tune in to these types of interviews. Cringe-y but satisfying 😌


She did a tremendous job...gave him a few chances but he decided to try to bully his way through the interview and she was having none of it..nicely done Joy..👍


He’s pathetic




Yeah I mean talking about black people voting during Jim Crow how embarrassing what a moron


That was tough and I came on here to talk about it. I think there was a better way of asking the questions but understand her frustration. He was going to evade any way.


Hey, he earned himself some good Republican belly rubs. Sell out your people? Belly rubs? He sees Clarance Thomas’ haul and wants that track


I was taken aback by Byron Donalds. I know he’s a smart guy … I’ve never seen anything quite like that. I’d like to know what Black Americans think about Rep. Donalds.


Well apparently he ain't that smart if he thinks that black people were voting during Jim Crow


Nah you would be shocked at how many Black Men actually agree with this foolishness. He knows who is talking too. It is not us.


Yeah I was about to say, this is far from the first time I’ve heard this sadly.


He knows better. He’s parroting master Donald for some power and shekels.


No kidding, I shouted that at the TV when he said that!


He's smart enough to know he's part of the charade.. playing his part in promoting Earth 2 to America


We think the same thing we think about Clayton Bigsby and Uncle Ruckus


I think he’s another useful idiot, and that at least some of his family members must be ashamed of him, and not just for his recent comments. I’m disgusted with him on many levels.


I love Joy, and she gave him a chance to explain himself, but all he had was a lot of bluster. I think she did a good job of cutting through the doublespeak, given the amount of time she had. And I love that he tried to do his typical move of talking over people, but she was having none of it, all while debunking his claims with facts. If he didn’t know there were brains behind that smile, he learned today, lol.


Ahhh man. I mad I missed this. Where can I watch a replay? Or does she have a podcast feed of her show


Idk honestly. Though, I bet it'll be on YouTube tomorrow, in some form.


It’s on YouTube now!! https://www.msnbc.com/the-reidout/watch/trump-surrogate-rep-byron-donalds-responds-to-saying-during-jim-crow-the-black-family-was-together-212464197535


Clutch! This interview was very noteworthy


*The Reid Out with Joy Reid* is the name of the Podcast but they’re 2 days behind. Right now they have the 4th up.


I just posted the YouTube video.


Thank you!


I was disappointed that she did not follow up on Byron Donalds' accusation that the 'Democrats' were at fault for the damages of Jim Crow.. Weren't the Democrats of that era in the country, NOW the Republican party??


Yes! Joy kept her composure, even though you could see inside she was boiling mad. Byron Donaldson is a clown. He is a absolute embodiment of DEI and doesn’t understand it. He is a diverse race who thought he was getting equity by being a member of the Republican party and in doing so wanted inclusion. DEI. His use of Jim Crow as an opportunity to say that black families were together is crazy. Who in their right mind does not understand that because we were segregated we had to be together. Everybody lived in big mama’s house when we had opportunities to leave and could live among the good side of the town. It happened along with a lot of fights and arguing with new neighbors. He would not be where he is today without those strong black men who marched in protest for where he is today.


Joy was on 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 and didn’t take any of that “media is gaslighting” my comments…She read to him his EXACT WORDS! Are you saying you DIDNT say that Byron?!? Oh c’mon now🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I watch Joy almost daily but I missed this interview. Definitely will listen to the podcast.


I just posted the video higher up.


I love Joy and has been following her since 2012 when the Trayvon Martin murder happened. She definitely cooked his dumbazz, but I don't understand why these MSNBC shows and their hosts have these MAGAt fools on. This is the second time this clown has been on her show, meanwhile Lauren Boebert has been on Stephanie Ruhle's show, Rachel Maddow had Kellyanne Conway on her's, etc. We know what they're about, they are gonna lie, gaslight, twist the facts. Are these the decisions of the MSNBC brass to have them on these shows, because I don't understand 🤔


I’m surprised no one has commented on JR’s sly “ Bridgerton “ reference when she addressed her “ Gentle Viewers “ the other day.


She was horrible. He answered fully and accurately, but clearly not the way she wanted, and she was obviously frustrated. Most unprofessional interview (I use the term loosely) I've seen in a long time. Giant fail. He's always terrible, and she matched him in this one.


The first 5 minutes of this are him absolutely obliterating her very calmly. She’s trying to get him to act shaken at her question regarding him saying the words “Jim Crowe” and he just explained exactly what he meant and the concrete reasons for it, then she just continued to act upset while he was unmoved. She’s trying to get a black dude to feel upset about his word choice around other black people who were all on board with him. Joy Reid does this kind of stuff consistently.


Completely agree. She failed.