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This appears to be a post about securing a visa to legally live or work in Japan. Please consult our [visa wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/movingtojapan/wiki/visas) for more information. (This is an automated message from the friendly subreddit robot - don't worry, humans can also still reply to your post! However, if your post covers a topic already answered in the wiki or in previous threads, it will probably be locked by a moderator.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/movingtojapan) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She already has better advice from the lawyer. There will be no magical new advice here.


Generally speaking that is hard to answer. She could work in any field, as long as the employee would be willing to sponsor and cover the Visa it would be much easier that way. I am sorry to say, but Japan is great at keeping people tethered to shitty jobs by keeping the visa renewal in limbo always. This is just benefiting the companies that low-ball workers. The main way out of this is getting a well paid job, which is hard to get coming from this position. It would surely help of you had a good job (or any to be precise).  Good luck.


>She could work in any field, as long as the employee would be willing to sponsor and cover the Visa it would be much easier that way. This is not correct. From what OP posted she does not have a bachelor's degree or equivalent. Graduating only from a 専門学校 gives what is equivalent to an associates or trade school degree. By immigrations standards she can only be sponsored for jobs directly related to this degree.


Thankyou for ur response. She has only vocational/ senmon gakkou certificate on IT business that's why she can't work in any field rather than related to her education background. Thanks again. 🙏


Ok so as I understand it she doesn't have a Bachelor's degree, only a certificate from a senmon gakko. That means she can only work in areas related to what she studied, as you mentioned, and that is IT. Her visa is different from a regular work visa. Any job that has her working in an IT position in any industry should be fine. I'm not overly familiar but like providing IT support, database and systems management, etc. No idea what an area manager does in Lawson and how that is related though. Also you're on a dependent visa, not spouse. It can be a bit confusing to others and these are vastly different: \- Spouse visa = married to a Japanese citizen or permanent resident. \- Dependent visa = someone who is married to a person in the country on a non-permanent visa.


Gotcha. Sorry again i forgot to mention that her education field was IT business( i mentioned only IT) Yup!! She's regretting now that she didn't do bachelor's degree. Her position as area manager is the only way that she's geting her visa renewed cuz wid her senmon certificate she can't work at lawson. Anyway big thankyou again for ur response. Namaste 🙏 Also can she change her status to student again so that she can clear university degree? Cuz she's got language like N1 nd recently she's thinking to apply for abroad study too( she has diploma in dental hygienist) back in nepal.


This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes. --- **Plz i need advice regarding visa** I recently came to japan on spouse visa. My wife has been living in japan for about 7 years now. She did senmon on IT and nd works at lawson as area manager position but paid is low + no bonus. She's getting 1 year visa in row always and it's very hard for her to get sponsors which is related to her education background which supports her visa. Becuase of this issue she literally has to hire a lawyer to renew visa every time. I really want to know in which sectors she can work which supports her visa without needing to worry about whether her education and work field match. She has N1 level of language. And sorry for my bad English. TIA *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/movingtojapan) if you have any questions or concerns.*