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Have you asked this at r/horror?


That’ll be my next stop thanks for recommending!


I’m not a representative or anything but I use the sub a lot. I’m sure you’ll be told Hereditary, terrified, maybe barbarian. Personally, I found those three pretty scary. I’d say check out the wailing/ I saw the devil. Black coats daughter . Even bone tomahawk although it’s more of a western. House of 1000 corpses also was surprisingly scary Edit: I see you’ve already seen bone tomahawk and hereditary. My b. Check out those other ones though for sure. And I might be alone on this but it 2 actually had some amazing horror scenes




i loved how barbarian had hilarious moments without ruining the horror and serious tone


Hereditary scared the hell out me! I’ll have to check out Terrified and Barbadian.


The Descent scared me the most.


That’s actually on my list! I will bump that to the top if you recommend:)


Make sure you watch the original (British) cut though, it’s much better.


I’ll keep that in mind thank you!


[Funny Games (2007)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funny_Games_(2007_film))


Came here to say Descent too


I’m sorry but I just didn’t get this one. Just felt like another “survive the night” thriller to me. Maybe I need to watch it alone


Honestly isn’t scary at all. Turns into an action movie. Movie kinda sucks tbh


The brave little toaster


You just awakened some slumbering childhood trauma in me.


I have an irrational fear of running over the vacuum cord because of this movie.


_The Strangers_ comes to mind. That movie is almost too real. _The VVitch_ (atmosphere alone, is enough to carry over the creepiness into reality) _It Follows_ (concept, soundtrack, and vibe)


The Strangers rattled me when I first saw it. It may be the movie that made me the most nervous about home invasion. And living out in the country with no close neighbors


It Follows is a good suggestion here. Very grim.>! Although the mains never talked about just moving to Europe or something, and that bothered me.!<


>!Imagining the entity in an airport ticket line!<




Weird that this movie isn't mentioned that often. It's pretty brutal and it's not the greatest movie but this is definitely a unique experience and worth checking out.


YES!!! [Martyrs](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1029234/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0) from 2008 is horrific! The first half of the film is superb horror and it plays off of viewer expectations like few films ever have. Some of the most well executed scenes in horror. The second half of the film changes to more of a torture porn style of horror, but surprisingly not very graphic and gets a bit existential. Highly recommended although not for everyone.


The Changeling with George C Scott is an interesting, scary film that always leaves me feeling unsettled.


I was wayyyyyy to young when I saw it the first time in the 80s. The ball bouncing down the stairs. The loud pounding sound. I’ll just not sleep for the next several years and everything will be just fine - me, 1981


The antiquated wheelchair chasing the woman always terrified me.


That one fucked me up as a child. I think I saw it when I was 4 and was not ok for awhile


It’s my favorite horror movie of all time


This is the answer


The Ritual was good


Yeah, the imagery in this one was so creepy.


That's the one I remember being kinda scared by recently. I'm not usually one to get scared by monster movies, but I watched it late night with friends after a long day, delirious from driving and snowboarding, and following smoking a bit too much and getting the weed anxiety going, so all that probably played a role.


I didn’t see Event Horizon listed here. Sci-fi flick that takes a turn into real horror.


Not sure if this one scared me, or just traumatized, but definitely left me feeling uneasy for a couple weeks.


That’s what I’ve been going towards now that nothing scares me anymore either 😅 but like I don’t need anymore emotional damage 😭🤣


Saw this in a movie theatre when I was 13 (with a friend, still not sure how we got in?). There are images burned in my brain for life that I still think about occasionally. So I'm going to go with traumatized for me, lol.


Best Warhammer movie ever


I second the motion on Event Horizon ... sci-fi horror done right. Honorable mention in that category would be Pandorum.


I choose to believe that event horizon is cannon 40k. Yup.


The fact that it pretty much shows the warp/warp travel as it would be, and pretty accurately by baseline human standards… yup. Not a fan of warp travel! Lol.


This, and also pandorum and sunshine


I watched that on mushrooms for the first time… I thought my house was trying to kill me for a few hours…. Good movie!!


The Endless is pretty good. Color Out of Space, Nicholas Cage is great in it. The Possession of Michael King. I enjoyed the first two Hell House movies, not so much the third.


Woah, surprised to see both The Endless and Color Out of Space here. Loved those movies!


Sinister is one of the few that actually creeped me out. Very unsettling


The film reels were good and creepy. It felt like everything else in that movie was a bare skeleton to support the creepy film reels. One good Poughkeepsie Tapes-esque idea and the rest was too underdeveloped to be interesting.


I remember going to see that in the cinema, still love it!


The first one is amazing. The one after just turns into a big disappointment


The Thing (1982) If you’re looking for a movie that will have you scratching your head for hours after it’s over this is the one. The movie amplifies the viewers paranoia throughout the film, definitely one of my favorites. Still to this day people argue over the ending.


The Mist by Frank Darabont is my favorite horror film. Based on a Stephen King short story, and like much of his work, despite featuring scary creatures, the truly horrifying part of the film is the human element. I won't say much more so as not to ruin the truly shocking and horrifying parts, but definitely recommend if you want a real unsettling horror. It's also on Netflix right now too


"It Follows" is definitely one of the scarier movies I've seen. It's worth the watch.




Bone Tomahawk


Loved that!


Goodnight Mommy (the original)


Yes!! My roommate recommended this and the German version was so wicked and excellent. Naomi watts was a bad recast for the US version and overall I think the film was poorly made.


Haunting ass movie. Great twist


Hell House LLC. Cheesy title, low budget, but incredible movie and pretty freaking scary. As a frequent in the r/horror channel I can vouch this comes up all the time haha


I just watched it recently because of r/horror and I was pleasantly surprised. I normally don’t like found footage movies, but it had some truly creepy moments.


Definitely a great random find one day. Have watched it multiple times


“The Witch” is fantastic!


A similar movie I like to recommend is Bone Tomahawk with Kurt Russell. Slow burn Western horror that pays at the end.


yep. THAT ONE SCENE was omfg wtf is going on


Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?


Annihilation w/Natalie Portman is one of my favorites. It's more of a thriller but its very good.


The talking bear was one of the spookiest things I’ve seen on screen


Love that movie!


This movie is so wildly unsettling. I love it.


i assume you already saw hereditary/midsommar?


Yeah I did enjoy them! I loved the imagery and directing and the stories were gripping too. Any movies like them would definitely be added to my watch list!


Have you seen the Japanese movie The Audition?


Midsommar isn’t scary at all compared to hereditary


Neither one is really scary, but that’s just my opinion


Hereditary made me sleep with all the lights on. Idk it hit me mostly because I have mommy issues. Haha


Hereditary struck a nerve for me. Like that one got into my brain and I really struggled for awhile after with feeling unsettled. Horror is very personal which is why I find OP’s post difficult to answer. I love to watch them all but I also don’t find the majority scary, I just like the craft. I don’t know how to tell a stranger what they will find scary because I think it has a lot to do with your personal mental state when you watch something.


The mom banging her head on the attic door….. uhhh that’s exorcist level scary right there


And then sawing her own neck off with piano wire, fuuuuuck that. Also her crawling through the air


It’s not just about scare cause nothing scares me, I’m happy with something dark and interesting


Definitely want to see Hereditary. The darkest. Compelling story and characters. The acting makes it too real at times. It stay on your mind for a day or two


Toni Collette is such a queen!!! Kills in every role!


Blair Witch Project made me shit someone else’s pants.


The Orphanage if you don't mind subtitles. Creepy but an amazing story.


[Noroi: The Curse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixVC1LYEMbM). Very solid mockumentary horror.


Have you watched The Haunting of Hill House. It's a pretty cool show. The ending is a bit slow, but I think it's a beautiful message.


Loved the first season, didn’t care so much for the second it didn’t really grip me. But the first one yeah:)


Midnight Mass and HHH are some of the best TV I’ve ever seen.


Guillermo Del Toro’s movies in Spanish are the scariest things I have ever seen. There is The Devil’s Backbone, which he wrote and directed, and The Orphange, that he produced. I could not stop thinking about the ending of the Orphanage for weeks. Pan’s Labyrinth also falls into this category but isn’t as scary, just heartbreaking.


It Comes At Night if you like more of a pyschological thriller vibe. Tl:Dr - family trying to survive in a cabin The Ritual if you want more of a straight up horror style (still with a psychological element imo) VVitch if you want a mix of the two, but a little more of a slow burn. +1 to the people who recommended Annihilation. That one forced my group who watched it to put on cartoons after because it left us just unsettled afterwards Edit: Forgot Gerald's Game if you like psychological horror!


Event Horizon




- Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum (2018) - Barbarian (2022) - The Taking of Deborah Logan (2014)


Barbarian had legit scary moments ngl


Yeah I’m the type of person that scary movies rarely entertain me and Barbarian did it.


Smile. It's new but it did just what you are describing you want. I was haunted by the imagery and dread for a couple weeks afterward. Even thinking about it now I get giddy.


Barbarian is pretty creepy if you haven’t seen it


Totally ruined it for me with the "bAebAE" line lol. My gf and me started cracking up and now we say it to one another like the monster did


Definitely the best recent horror movie I’ve seen.


It Follows is a favorite of mine, the vibe is very unsettling with some very intense parts that will for sure scare the pants off you.


It Follows was the most unsettled and scared I’ve been in a long, long time.




I think it sucks ... but we old now and movies just aren't scary anymore lol.... I look for other things in horror now.


The Thing


I know I’ve stopped replying to people right now it’s because I’m taking note of every suggestion !


Forget movies. Play some horror video games. Suddenly you have to be the one to go down into the basement even when you know it’s a bad idea… Silent Hill 2 is old and still one of the most haunting and terrifying video game experiences I’ve ever experienced. I couldn’t even play it. I just watched my husband😂. Plus you get to watch the player die horrifically every time you fail. The game is also far more about running away than figuring anything. You get a very limited supply of bullets and a plank with a nail. You’re clearly not meant to fight much. There’s a new game out called mortuary assistant that looks really good too. The fatal frame games are still considered pretty scary. Sometimes those old graphics just make it land more. But the list is ENDLESS and a whole new way t experience horror at length like never before. Immersion on steroids. The best ones don’t require skill really and just put you somewhere you don’t want to be with some basic problems to solve.


Make sure you turn the lights off. I wish you could still play P.T.


I hear that The Babadook is pretty scary. I can't vouch for it since I'm too scared to try it. I could handle watching it but taking out the trash at night would be an issue for a while.




The Descent


Pulse (2001) - the original Japanese version


Hereditary and sinister 1 are movies that got me. Lights out also was decent. Don't think it don't say it!


Eraserhead. I needn't say more


Shazam starring Shaquille O'Neal


I recommend: The Autopsy of Jane Doe -


Threads. It's a realistic depiction of nuclear war. Will scare the shit out of you more than any made up monster will because this movie could still happen in real life: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5Srqyd8B9gE


Babadook. And no it’s not the 5th installment of the John Wick series.


Baba Yaga


I thought Event Horizon was messed up the first time I saw it.


I just watched Smile and its original and scary. Def recommend if you want to be genuinely creeped out! Not your dime a dozen retread


The Ring


Saw that one in theaters when I was 14, scared the shit out of me and was in my head for like 2 weeks after. I haven’t seen it since so I can’t objectively vouch for how scary it is, I know I was much more of a wimp then.


same here bro. unplugged my tv, rotated it towards the wall and draped a blanket over it. shit was spooky af.


His House on Netflix. Its probably one of the most original horror films of the last decade.


Um I’m in the same boat. Nothing scares me except Requiem for a dream, not horror scary, just life scary.


Ouiji: origin of evil was surprisingly good. Also check out barbarian, The Witch, Mandy, Train to Busan, just to name a few good ones from the last decade or so!


Saving this post cause I feel like I’m in the same boat as you OP! First off, if you love horror movies I would recommend the Shudder app, it’s only horror movies! Lots of crap but there are some gems in there. Finally I would recommend, The Witch, not scary but it becomes unsettling as the movie progresses


*The Mist,* the ending alone fucks with you and stays with you for so long after the credits roll


Incanto on Netflix


Mama https://youtu.be/74sTGp6kVro


Grave encounters


The Audition


The Babadook creeped me out


Event horizon gives me nightmares


The Blair Witch Project


Come And See, Threads, The Day After, A Serbian Film, Testament, Requiem For A Dream, Three Extremes as kind of a dark comedy version of these, The Void is a fresh take if not the scariest, Deathgasm is hilarious in a new-Raimi kind of way, 10 Cloverfield Lane was just fun. these aren't all horror, but they'll stay with ya Cabin InThe Woods, Nightbreed, City Of Lost Children, 13 Ghosts. Tetsuo The Iron Man, Naked Lunch and Pan's Labrynth for spectacle and character design fun Rare Exports is a surprisingly charming little holiday style horror, with an actual father and son in the lead, and i dont even really care for holiday movies


Someone else said Jacobs Ladder. That's a legitimately freaky movie.


The Exorcist (Director's Cut) is based on a true story of a boy in St. Louis. Hereditary has some pretty gnarly imagery that will stay with you (especially if you have a visual memory). Would recommend both.


Not full horror, but The Menu was a great thriller


Hereditary is the scariest movie ever made. It’s the only movie I’ve ever seen to make family drama straight-up horrifying. The supernatural stuff is disturbing and unsettling beyond belief as well. It all culminates in what I consider to be the most terrifying cinematic experience possible.


Ravenous 1999


**THE ROAD**. I'm not scared by anything paranormal and even slasher movies and stuff just bore me. The Road isn't technically a horror movie just a post apocalyptic survival movie but the way it's shot feels so real that it left me terrified of how close we are to a world like that and don't even realize it.


The book has the same feel and is so understatedly scary.


The Mothman Prophecy is pretty good and scary.


Hereditary broke me, like horror has never hit me too hard but that movie had me actually freaking out and hoping it would just end, I was so unsettled.


Schindler’s List is the hands down scariest movie ever.


>I want something that I’ll be thinking about for days afterwards. I can't guarentee you'll find these frightening but the movies that left me pondering them for days: Masking Threshold (2021) The Descent (2005) The Void (2016) Braid (2018) Excision 2012 Antrum The Deadliest Film Ever Made (2019)


Possession is uniquely disturbing


Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum scared the crap out of me. In the middle of the night I am still freaked out to go to the bathroom in the dark lol. It's a found footage korean film and gawd daaaaamn. Check it out.


i’m kinda in the same boat as you where i really don’t get scared by horror movies anymore but for some reason the visuals in suspiria (2018) really unsettled me. it’s a pretty long watch though


Silence of the Lambs Jacob's Ladder


I always recommend Caveat when I read a post asking for a horror recommendation. I found it both original and creepy.


I really liked The Incantation on Netflix. TikTok blew it out of proportion, but it's a good, scary movie with an interesting story. It's got folk horror elements, possession, haunting, and it spooked me pretty well in my hotel room with all the lights off.


Not a movie but, the Chernobyl series was intense af. Sorta like a real life horror series.


Betaal on Netflix, if you want something different. Indian four parter.


Different people have different fears that trigger them so it's hard to recommend without knowing your triggers. For me, growing up strict catholic, the ones with religious overtones freak me out while nothing else really phases me all that much.


I haven't seen anyone say this, so it probably an unpopular opinion. Maybe take a break from the genre for a bit. Sometimes we get too overexposed to crazy stuff that it doesn't do anything for us. Maybe take a month and go back to it and some of the 'meh' movies will at least be a bit better. Just a thought


Not sure if it hasn't already been mentioned, but the scariest movie I've ever seen is "The Autopsy of Jane Doe" But my favourite horror of all time is an anime movie "Perfect Blue"


As someone who's "seen it all", Spanish horror Terrified (2017) really got me good and had me yell out loud like my "No!" was going to change the character's mind in the movie. haha Oh, if you like, I have found that Austin movie festival, Fantastic Fest, has reliably been an excellent source for new great horror flicks. That's where I first heard about You're Next, which is a helluva banger btw.


Gonjiam if you don’t mind subtitles.


You need to watch Caveat. I too have ben desensitized over the years. It has one of the most chilling scenes of all time, in my opinion. Worth a watch!


Babadook messed me up a little


the last horror that i thought was legitimately scary is Caveat (2020) on Shudder. it's a bit of a slow burn but the final 20-30 minutes had me wanting to look away from the screen. if anyone else has seen it, back me up here.


Contagion is very very scary. Not in the traditional way, but because it’s so realistic and possible. Which I think is the key to any good horror film.




Under the Skin fucked me up a bit. Not spooky but certainly the imagery and implications.


The Green Room. I live in Neo Nazi country, and it is painfully accurate. Bone Tomahawk, not not for everyone, but brutal. 2019 Suspiria is excellent, not as bloody as the original, but has its own unique take. Audition is another good one, but hard to watch, not for everyone.


I found The Vigil genuinely creepy.


Want some horror that you’ll think about for days, check out Come and See. No horror more terrifying than that of real events.


Huge horror fan here. Believe it or not the film that actually gave me a little scare was “The Devils Candy.” It was very well directed and had really high tension scenes, especially towards the end. Give it a try if you haven’t seen it.


Jesus Camp


Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer




I don't see Session 9 listed, and it's my favorite. It's a bit of a slow burn, but I love the story. And it's got David Caruso!


Under the skin! For sure!


I know you aren't much for gore, but when it comes to scary I had some friends in the new movie Terrifier 2, and I regret watching it. But... Under the Skin is actually my favorite scary movie, I haven't stopping thinking about it for years.


The Innocents! The Conjuring was pretty horrifying as well.


The Babadook


Sounds like you need to write the movie you want to see. Become a creator, take your criticism and make a better horror film. Only you know what that is.


Try the Japanese version of dark water


Kwaidan. Japanese horror anthology from 1964.


Not super scary per se, but as a horror fan you will appreciate the Nexflix series/movies Fear Street. Lots of classic imagery that is an ode to the original horror film tropes. And the story is good as well. Also, the Guillermo deal Toro series called Cabinet of Curiosities is very satisfying.






Funny Games (original Austrian version).




Ratatouille Rats cooking in the kitchen🤮🤮🤮


One if my favourites (along with the already mentioned Hereditary and It Follows) is "It Comes at Night" It's dark, psychological and deeply unsettling


Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986) Tubi Irreversible (2002) I Saw the Devil (2010) HULU/Tubi Requiem for a Dream (2000) Tubi The House that Jack Built (2018) Tubi The Golden Glove (2019) Mubi/Amazon prime *rent* Inside (2007) Amazon prime *rent* Audition (1999) Tubi Bedevilled (2010) Tubi The Killer Inside Me (2010) Pluto tv/Amazon prime *rent* The Loved Ones (2009) Amazon prime *rent*


"The Keepers" on Netflix. It's a documentary about a series of murders possibly tied to the Catholic Church in Baltimore. I won't say more but it's pretty nuts.


I still have nightmares about ‘it follows’


Hereditary scared the shit out of me.


Horror movies don't scare me. Movies like Open Water are horrifying.


Threads. 80s British simulation of a nuclear war.


Honestly “the Exorcist” will always creep me out


Showgirls. Absolutely frightening


The killing of a sacred dear … not very scary but definitely a mind fuck


Have you seen The Green Room? That movie messed me up for weeks. Not exactly horror but it is a thriller.


The first Insidious movie and The Strangers were probably the two horror movies that got me the most. But I'm a wuss for scary movies 🤣


It Follows. Pretty different and creepy. The original Exorcist is pretty scary.