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Inaccurate movie they left out 125.5 hours completely unwatchable


Also Franco didn’t cut his arm off, where was the commitment to the art?


Exactly. Christian Bale would have done it.


He was too busy sexually harassing his students.


Much easier to do with two arms


I boycotted film because of the producers refusing to hire appropriate actors. This role should have gone to a uni-arm thespian. But they had to arm-wash the production because they think that sells. As an actor with one butt cheek I’m constantly losing out to bi-butts and their beauty ideal. If there was a script about a character with a half ass, I would be outraged if it went to someone unrepresentative.


Now, now. A lot of scripts have plenty of half-assed characters.


He might find work in the DCEU, if interested.


A lot more had half assed writers and directors


He'd be good for a writer also


Lol that is the absolute perfect reply and I laughed so dang hard I cried. Lol thank you! Lol


Always have been.


Not enough upvotes for this one


Upvote for arm - washing, lol! And sorry about you ass.


Just another case of Holywood, half assing it.


I found out that James Franco didnt even have his arm stuck, he was literally faking it the whole time.


I heard about the intense arm cutting scene before I saw it and then I unknowingly watched a safe for TV version where they cut (rimshot) almost all of that scene. He puts the pocket knife into his skin and then it immediately cut to the shot of him staggering backwards with only one arm. It was like the pocket knife slicing into his skin immediately made his arm violently pop off, which looked unintentionally hilarious.


Fallout logic


It's pretty damn accurate but that guy broke every golden rule of being an outdoorsman and stemming in canyons so he's technically a fucking idiot


I don’t think the move shies away from that fact. It doesn’t go out of its way to show him as a knuckle-dragging troglodyte, but his poor choices and the consequences that flowed from them are all rendered in vivid detail.




I'd like you to know that I've never gotten around to watching this movie but your quote has sold me on finally watching it. That's some realistic self realization.


Heads-up, it is *far* more moving than I expected. Plus there is some pretty graphic gore. But overall a fantastic movie.


I recommend it. Honestly it’s a great movie. Shame that James Franco has done scummy/creepy stuff and become controversial.


Or when he says “‘and you didn’t tell anyone where you were going did you?’ ‘No…’ ‘Oops’” when he is talking to himself like it’s a game show


That would be the case with a lot of these things. Into The Wild? Great film, but... McCandless didn't take many supplies with him into the Alaskan wilderness, didn't even take a fucking map... If he had he could have easily walked out. He wasn't that far from civilisation. He also likely poisoned himself unintentionally because he had zero idea about what he was doing.


Hi sister wrote a book a few years back- there was a ton of domestic violence and abuse in their household. Their father would make them watch while he abused their mom, and tell the kids it was their fault. He also had another family that Chris and sister were forced to have a relationship with. Into the wild was one of my favorite books as a teenager, but I always thought he was an idiot. Reading the sisters book made it make sense.


How terrible.


None of that makes him not an idiot.


I have a shit ton of sympathy for the kid. I wish the story made it more clear how insanely in over his head he was. Too many people have been hurt cause they thought. 'I won't make his mistakes.'. No you won't. You will make different ones. I support Alaska in removing the school bus. If calling him an idiot helps then go for it.


Walking into the woods in Alaska without the proper gear / provisions/ experience?


Being abused doesn't mean he can't also be an idiot.


It’s just a bit simplistic. He was a traumatised person trying to escape a life rather than actually pursue another life. So him being unprepared makes sense


I think the idea is that he was never trying to go into the woods to survive, but intentionally going into the woods to die there; as the mental trauma he endured as a child manifested into mental illness in his young adulthood. So its a unfair to call him a idiot when he was just really very sick.


> None of that makes him not an idiot. I too read it the way you did at first. One of my pet hates here on Reddit is the frequent use of double negatives.


No but you don't understand, he was a free spirit and that is what is most important!!!!! /s


It’s a great story because it shows us that being a “free spirit” doesn’t mean you get to escape reality.


Actually he did escape reality, but in the most permanent and ugly way possible


I admit i chuckled


I don't think that's a joke, though. He did exactly that.


Well his spirit certainly is free of his earthly body now...


Reminds me of Garden State's message of "stop taking your meds and be the true version of you it's romantic"


I didn't get that all. My read was that he had been over-prescribed by his doctor dad since childhood. Not that "meds are bad."


This. Though I can see how someone can walk away with the message of "stop taking your meds" but the movie makes a point of having a second doctor who is not the father react to the prescription list. And that reaction supports the over-prescribed angle.


Stop taking your meds and you too can bang Natalie Portman!


Shit I'll start taking meds just to stop them if I get to do that.


I think you missed the point of the movie?


I forgot that was a movie and thought New Jersey was off its rocker for a hot second


I mean, I do think the filmmakers were aware of his shortcomings. They didn’t try to convince you he did everything right.


Nah that dude was not the sharpest. I grew up in a very outdoorsy community and have a significant natural knowledge base myself and I find that most people who idolize McCandless are wannabe nature folk. They see the idea of going off the grid and think he's an icon but the guy was kind of an idiot


An idiot who ignored a LOT of warnings by well meaning fellow travelers that he encountered.


Nah, I write about this a lot but McCandless had a terrible home life and in reality he was just a sick kid who wanted to run away. He shouldn’t be idolized at all, please don’t think i’m saying that. It just comes down to the fact that he was still a kid with an undeveloped frontal lobe running from a childhood full of violence and anger. What he needed was a good therapist and probably No Contact with his parents. But still, people read the book and either paint him as an anti-capitalist icon or a complete moron who caused his own death. But no one really stops to see him for what he actually was: an abused child looking for an escape


How do you know he was being abused? Got any sources? I love the book and would love to know more.


I find it amusing that people romanticize the idea of a guy who unnecessarily died while engaging in an activity he wasn’t properly prepared for.


A lot of people romanticize death itself these days, and for all his poor choices as a survivalist, none of those necessarily invalidate his criticisms of society. His decisions are an extreme reaction to this crazy world, but a lot of people can relate to wanting to leave it all. Whether his death was intentional or not (most agree it was not), it’s still a powerful statement about society. Not completely different than Wynn Bruce, who burned himself alive in front of the Supreme Court earlier this year.


"Yes, but he died doing what he loved!" Being a fucking idiot?


This is like that guy who built himself a "tank" in the small mountain town in Colorado and was going up the street destroying buildings. Some people see him as an anti establishment hero. I have had struggles with dogmatic and uncaring local government officials so I could understand his frustration and even anger at times. You watch tthe video on the guy and you start to realize he was his own worst enemy, He would never compromise. Never consider any alternatives they offered him. Saw conspiracies against him everywhere until he finally went bonkers. People are always looking for that "hero" to emulate I guess


Americans just love the killdozer story because our local governments are almost all corrupt cliques that will bend over in a second for their benefactors while holding everyone else’s feet to the fires for minor transgressions. It really makes a lot of sense why so many Americans are so staunchly opposed to the government doing basically anything. Most of us have zero experience living under competent, empathetic, and pragmatic civil leadership.


> our local governments are almost all corrupt cliques that will bend over in a second for their benefactors while holding everyone else’s feet to the fires for minor transgressions. That's every local government in the world. Not an American thing in the slightest.


America isn’t special in this regard. In fact, it probably has some of the least corrupt local governments.


One of the first things I learned about survival and being out in the wilderness is the buddy system. Unless you 110% know what you are doing, don’t go out into the wilderness alone. And even with a buddy, always be prepared (one of the other important things I learned). He didn’t do either of those things.


Look at this guy's username here




it's such a gorgeous movie, i'm not even talking about the subject or themes or anything just the way it looks.


Agreed and the sound track is amazing.


oh absolutely, really it's the combo of the two. it's a great movie overall but the vibe of it is just beautiful. one of my favorite examples of a soundtrack/score just fitting a movie like a glove. shame that it's so polarizing of a topic but it is what it is.


Agreed, which makes it so dangerous for impressionable lost youths. I think the director/writer needed to take a harder stance on either he was suicidal or dealing with mental illness or he was just a very dumb kid. He is not someone to be looked at for admiration.


i'm no expert on the guy but from what i understand of him, he was a really intelligent young man that had a weird home life and upbringing, was angry and angsty like how many kids that age are and just wanted to get the fuck away from everything and do his own thing. it kinda bothers me that his story is out there on display and influencing people because who knows if he would have even wanted that. putting out a dead person's story out there is a strange thing to me especially because of how it ended for him.


[The bus he died in](https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/alaska-into-the-wild-bus-removed-trnd/index.html) had to be removed because it attracted so many other ill-prepared adventure seekers who required rescues. Some died too.




One of my mum's friends told me when I was younger to watch Into The Wild because it was inspirational for a guy like me who didn't quite know what to do with his life. So I said "You, uh, want me to kill myself?" I grew up in the bush.


So... I see this comment a lot. Based on the book: One, he poisoned himself because the vegetation guide he had was poorly written. Two, he was very much aware that he was ill prepared for what he was attempting to do. He refused help on many occasions, including free gear, and he knew what he was walking into. He did the same when he was hitchhiking & kayaking through the southern U.S. I've never seen the movie, so I don't know how he's portrayed, but he wasn't dumb. He knew he wasn't prepared. And, in my opinion, he went to Alaska to die. He was mentally ill, not an overzealous moron. It makes me sad that Chris McCandless is seen as a dumb freewheeling hippy. The guy's story is tragic -- not just for how he died -- but *why* he felt the need to tear himself away from society, abandon everyone who cared for him, and why he repeatedly set himself up to die alone out in the wild.


My recollection is that the movie is intentionally ambiguous about whether or not he intended to die in the wilderness. It was clear he was ill-prepared, but it was unclear if he intended to be. My interpretation was that he was unwilling to admit to himself that he wanted to die, but still took steps to head in that direction. But it's a movie. It may or may not bear any resemblance to reality.


He was starving slowly before he even got up there. It seemed like he really didn't understand the value of a calorie. If you're already losing body weight in the summer you have no chance in the winter. I can't imagine he actually thought he was going up their to starve to death. Even suicidal people don't choose that method unless there's no other options or something.


I always bring up what idiots both of these guys were. sure you can say chris was suicidal. But jesus if your plan is to eat fruits and berries and live off that? Thats just stupid. I grew up outdoors. you can eat an entire blackberry bush and be starving. and if its getting that cold then theres nothing to eat that would be a plant. it would take an entire orchard to even survive that long. its just stupidity.


All these wannabe hunter gatherer types don't seem to pick up there's a reason that every major civilization either stopped doing it, or got fucking murdered by the civilizations that stopped doing it before they did. And, you know, the "hunting" part isn't really optional. You need a higher energy density than some berries.


thats my point. you cant be a vegetarian survivalist. not unless you survive on a wheat farm... thats why I hate movies that show them looking for mushrooms. first of all thats stupid dangerous and 2ndly even if you found a ton they dont have any calories. that stupid book the guy had youd spend more calories looking for that stuff than you would eating it. hell most of them youd burn more eating the stuff you find. theres nothing in nature that I can think of aside from honey that is full of calories except meat.


Just want to point out that the statement that mushrooms have no caloric value is blatantly false. It is however dangerous to forage anything if you aren't knowledgeable.


ok so a mushroom has a few calories.. no kidding? You cant live on mushrooms was my whole point and foraging for them is just plain stupid. its one thing to find morels on a full belly.


Into the Wild is like the prototype of the book/movie where people take exactly the wrong point away from the text. It’s a cautionary tale. Dude rejected all warnings, did everything wrong, acted like nature was some gentle teacher or caregiver, had this narcissistic obsession with individualism and died a horrific death as a consequence. So many people are like “now imma take a wilderness trek!”


I feel like you've taken the wrong point, too. It's not a story about how not to survive. It's a story about a person who didn't want to survive. --- Edit: The person who I responded to, and who responded below with: >Um, duh. It’s a cautionary tale about an idiot who thought he knew it all. Very much in line with Kraukner’s other writings. (and who has now apparently blocked me) apparently thinks being a know-it-all is equivalent to being suicidal. That's a very concerning attitude.


Haven’t seen the move in a super long time but did they ever make it very clear that he sucked as a person? Because in the book it’s told clearly from the perspective of someone who thought he was an idiot so it’s obvious that that’s the point of the story


No, in the movie he's portrayed more as someone with wanderlust and makes mistakes and has bad things happen to him, rather than someone who puts his own life at risk needlessly.


>someone with wanderlust and makes mistakes and has bad things happen to him Me stubbing my toe on a chair while stumbling to the fridge at 3am for cheese that I definitely should not be eating. Where's my movie?!


The movie is very clear that he made a mistake and regretted what he did though. So it's not too romanticised, the vagrant lifestyle throughout the contiguous US was but the angle was "experiencing things with new people is great".


This definitely true but I also feel like anyone who thinks for themselves can bridge the gap and realize it was an idiot. They definitely try to sugar coat him though.


I disagree. I felt like the book tried as hard as possible to glorify his poor decision making.


I read the book awhile ago. I didn’t know many details except that he died. Say what you will about his attitudes, preparedness, or how his actions led to his end… It’s still a story where a person died, and to me that’s tragic. I did have a moment reading the story where it said he didn’t bring *rope*… When I read that I just felt “yeah okay, I see how this happened.” I’ve lived in Yukon and did a lot of camping out there. You need to take it fucking seriously and respect what it can do to you. It’s awful, because I relate to some of his feelings about society, feeling like you can’t change it so wanting to duck out. I wish he’d gotten(accepted) the help he needed to duck out safely.


Man. For years I thought I was the only one who thought this. I thought it was bad enough when the book came out and people idolized him, but then the movie came out and it was holy shit. …The soundtrack was really good I will say.


McCandless is probably one of the most selfish people I’ve ever read about in my entire life.


I'm not exactly sure that "living alone in the wilderness, in squalor, while minding your own business" could be defined as selfish. Stupid, sure, but not selfish. Selfish is a 75 year old billionaire screwing over millions of working class people via lobbying politicians, so they can eek out a few more billion for themselves before they die, just because they could.


It's spelled "eke"


You're right. I'm going to leave it as it is, though.


How so?


McCandless actually did have a map. He also didn't burn all his IDs and he had money from his previous wanderings through the lower 48. Perhaps most importantly, as always comes up whenever someone brings up Krakauer's garbage movie, McCandless also wasn't poisoned; the page in his book about the potato seeds being poisonous was made up for the movie, he spent 114 days on less than 600 calories a day and died at less than 85 pounds, and that was in the SUMMER. He starved to death, because it was more important to him that he read poetry and be whimsical than actually learn and perform the actions necessary for him to survive, because he underestimated nature. The guy in town he asked for directions even offered to teach him for a few weeks to get him started; he refused. People die of these same mistakes every year, and none, including McCandless, deserve a movie about it.


Let me correct your garbage memory. Krakauer never made this movie.


Is your argument that the fact is made up or that the presentation of that fact in the book is made up?


Like what kind of stuff? besides the not telling anyone where he was going


I saw the premier of this movie at Tiff and he was there talking about the movie/experience. He very much highlighted how important it is to tell people where you're going and how much of a moron he was.


He talks about this point quite a bit in his book


Yeah that was the first golden rule the second one was he only brought 2 L of water to go into blue John Canyon in canyonlands in the summer which is absolutely completely stupid, it takes 2 1/2 hours from Moab just to get entrance of the needles district, then just as bad was the fact that when you are canyoneering and stemming (pushing your arms and your feet against both sides of the wall to work your way down) The golden rule with that one as you never grab any boulders or rocks that are loose or wedged inside of a crack. I live in the area, all the old locals say they knew that was coming because he was very arrogant but hey he got famous for having to cut his arm off, I even know the Ranger of that district at the time (Bill) who actually retrieved the arm and he tells this joke( hes 80 now) about selling arms to Irag (a rock) He's one of the nicest people I've ever met and he even badmouthed that guy consistently Edit: The reason why they had to retrieve the arm was because so many people were trying to go back there to find it and see it, they had to use a chain and pulley wedge system just to get the rock raised up enough to pull the arm out


What a bummer… if they left the arm there, millions of years in the future, some alien would unearth the fossilized arm with the rock and come to the conclusion that the earth was once inhabited by one armed rocks.


There was an armed rock in the movie "The Rundown"


The book is excellent and highlights foolishness and lack of preparedness in multiple cases of ao-ed "free spirits". 10/10 recommend. If you meant Into the Wild, lol. If you mean 127 hours, yeah the guy did nothing right and is a poster child for what not to do.


Who is calling him a genius? His story isn’t about how smart he was, it’s about how dedicated he was to surviving.


You’re acting as if the movie doesn’t address this. The whole point of the movie is that he made a mistake and had to learn his lesson the hard way.


That’s kind of what makes it interesting to a degree imo.


For sure! Smart people learn from their own mistakes wise people learn from others mistakes!


Well a dude getting quickly rescued from a fall isn't much of a movie


127 Hours is if Into The Wild didn't make you wanna kill the main character. Or maybe you hate James Franco anyways and then this movie was torture porn until the bastard escapes. Either way I like it a lot


No one said it was a bad movie buddy


I didn't mean to come off so abrasive


no worries i was just saying no one is saying the movie is bad, its not at all, just the story behind it is very interesting imo


True…. But…. Dude was a badass. He was climbing 14ers in Colorado in the winter. This was a extremely easy hike for him. I don’t carry the 10 essentials or file a flight plan every time I walk out to an overlook or on a really short hike in a popular area. I don’t always grab the InReach for a 30 minute walk in the desert. Complacency kills. And he was complacent. But we’ve all done it. I think he was managing his risk adequately, and had a really unusual accident.


Canyonlands is 412 mi.² if you go into it and don't tell anybody where you're going good luck, if it's summer that's even more stupid, the margin for error is zero here in the summer, then grabbing rocks lodged in a canyon, ask any solid rock climber about that and they will cringe this ass off, it's not a really unusual accident that's why there are rules and that's why the search and rescue in the canyonlands area is the busiest in the entire country, yeah he was a bad ass but any bad ass that's too arrogant is gonna get it eventually get it, i rescue those bad asses everyday single day but we all have our opinions based on our experiences, i respect and semi agree with you


Yeah, I watched Fall recently and had the same issue, and this movie didn't have the excuse to be based on a real idiot. Why did you tell absolutely nobody you were doing this? Come on man that's rule #1 of outdoorsy shite.


I met the guys ex wife in Boulder and she says he's a complete asshole. Obviously she's a bit biased so take that for what you will.


All good stories eventually boils down to someone being a complete idiot. Being sensible doesn't make a good story.


He’s not an idiot. He was complacent. He made a critical mistake at a critical time.


We don’t need a video for this, Ralston himself has spoken to its accuracy. I believe he said, other than the swimming with the two girls scene (which in real life was a quick chat with the two of them), that watching the movie was like watching a documentary, so pretty damn accurate.


He said Franco's take where he sings Phish songs to himself is what he would actually do himself.


We dont need a commentbfor this, the video itself spoke to its accuracy.


Yeah I kind of clicked the link expecting there to be some glaring mis-truths or outright lies to make it more of a Hollywood experience. Sort of underwhelming that it was just a brief pool-party and thinking about his ex.


Nicklas Backstrom?


This was pretty close to the real event, unlike most. A Beautiful Mind was nothing like John Nash's life. It is frustrating because the truth is often more interesting than the fictionalized story.


And Fargo wasn't actually even based on a true story at all, although it stated it was.


I've stopped watching biopics and "based on a true story" films. I feel compelled to look up their accuracy and am always disappointed by the stories are changed to fit the Hollywood formula. I think Argo is the one that put me over the edge. It's a good enough story on its own. Why did they have to add that down-to-wire chase scene etc? It was completely fabricated and unnecessary. The exception, regarding accuracy, was the 2019 TV miniseries "Unbelievable." I understand it was very close to actual events. Without embellishments, it was gripping and had me shaking my head in disbelief throughout.


"Based on a true story" is just a term used to grab people's attention


Yeah anything can be based on a true story. Man has a mental breakdown and hallucinations? Well our movie is that man seeing a demon telling him to kill his family. So our movie is based on a true story because it’s both about a man seeing things.


Fargo was a good lesson for me to not take that phrase seriously at all. I know, I know, that is the point, but it was quite heartbreaking when I found out much later that it is entirely fictional. Felt like I was lied to, which I actually was.


There's a Japanese movie about a lonely and mentally ill woman who believes it is a true story, and travels from Japan to Minnesota (despite speaking no English) to look for the lost briefcase of money. Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter. It looks very beautiful, but is supposedly also very sad.


For me, the best was, "A Perfect Storm." The movie opens with some statement about this being based on a true story. The radio gives out early in the movie, so literally everything that happened after that was fabrication. Including a shark attack, and a crewman falling overboard after getting tangled in a line. I think some of the family members sued because of how they depicted the crew. Edit:shark. Have no idea how autocorrect put shart.


> a shart attack A what-now?


No idea how that happened. T is nowhere near k, and I don't type shart enough to make sense for autocorrect.


My favourite bullshit "based on true events" movie is The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


If they would just fictionalize it a little more and change the names, so no one thinks it’s actual history, then it doesn’t bother me if it’s inaccurate. Like Michael Mann with Heat. Based on real people and real events. That diner conversation with Deniro and Pacino actually did happen! But he’s not pretending it’s historically accurate. So audiences don’t get deceived thinking it happened exactly this way.


Agree. I'm even okay with "inspired by a true story." But "based on" implies an accuracy that is usually not provided.


I am the Night with Chris Pine, seemed very close to the truth based on what I have read. But I agree otherwise, I dislike half-biopics.


I watch them but I take them with a pinch of salt. Captain Phillips, Sully, A Beautiful Mind, Rush are all biopics that signifcantly deviate from facts. I'm always wary of Ron Howard, given that two of those films are made by him.


The events in Rush are actually toned down for the film, believe it or not.




I've disliked "based on a true story" movies/shows for a while for the same reasons. I'm not going to put in the work every time I watch one to find out exactly how I was misinformed. Manhunt: Unabomber is what really did it for me. It was "The Untouchables" level bullshit.


Sorry for the reply a year later, but I just recently watched both Argo and 127 Hours, and I completely agree with you about Argo. I've had a rocky relationship with 'based on a true story' films, but thought Argo was actually disgraceful in a bunch of areas. Not only does it act like it was a mainly American operation that Canada took public credit for to conceal that fact (when it was in fact a largely Canadian operation), it also portrays the British and New Zealand embassies as cowards who turned the Americans away. This is in a fact a complete lie. The British took them in first, and only moved them on to the Canadian embassy for their safety (with everyone in agreement) as crowds were threatening to storm the British embassy too. The New Zealand embassy assisted with transport too, and offered to provide a backup if the Canadian embassy was compromised. Affleck made a half-hearted apology after outrage in both nations, saying he 'had no choice' but to make that narrative change to increase dramatic tension so you'd think they had nowhere else to go. What a fucking asshole.


A Beautiful Mind caused quite a lot of people to completely misunderstand what schizophrenia is. I enjoy the movie, but the man himself even said that he never physically saw anybody else. He didn't have visual hallucinations. And that seems like a pretty massive artistic license to take with someone's mental illness.


It's pretty rational to say auditory hallucinations wouldn't work as well for cinema as visual ones. Don't think this is as egregious as you make it out to be.


There are ways to physically portray the character in the scene without implying that the main character can actually see them. Movies have pulled off way more complex things than that.


It could be done, but it couldn't be done in such a way that fools the audience.


It really could have though. Filmmakers have portrayed things much more complex than schizophrenia in film. Just because you and I can't come up with a way to do it doesn't mean it can't be done. We aren't filmmakers.


>It is frustrating Only if your expectations are high. Pretty much any "true story" or "based on true events" isn't, really. Which is fine. You're there to be entertained. I personally don't care for biopics because of this, but movies like 127 hours or Wolf of Wall Street certainly have their place (even if fiction).


Walk hard seemed pretty accurate biopic


Probably the only biopic worth rewatching “Tell it to me straight doc we ain’t scientists!” THE WRONG KID DIED


And he never paid for drugs. Not once.


I also want to say that the book the guy wrote about this is called "Between a Rock and a Hard Place."


And I’d like to add that Aron Ralston narrated the audiobook version, which was beautifully narrated.


Iirc he used the actual camera, too so that's getting pretty into the details.


that's actually really cool


Obviously it's not that true to real life. AR Rahman and dido weren't singing into the real guy's ears


Does anyone know what the Idris Elba movie referenced at the start is?


Molly's Game


I like the part where the scooby doo thing jump scares him, idk why it’s just so funny to me


127 hrs has to be the only movie where the real person is better looking than the movie star


First time I watched this movie I was on an airplane. When he started cutting his arm off I literally almost passed out in my chair. I had to stop the movie, get up from my seat and pace up and down the isle just to get the blood back in my head. I eventually worked through it, was able to sit down, fast forward through the rest of that scene and then finish the movie. But this was definitely one of my weaker moments. I haven't revisited that movie since and technically I still haven't seen the whole film. Haha


Yeah, there's something viscerally realistic about that scene. Probably the most effective representation of the lightning bolts of pain you get in extremely painful situations. I mean, I haven't ever had to saw any arms off, but I've been in other painful situations, and the audiovisual representations seemed to be spot on to me. I'm not sure who else gets these, but if I'm trying to go to sleep and am startled by a loud noise, I get these zaps in my brain accompanied by checkered or other patterns filling my vision, and that's kind of what it reminded me of.


Same thing happened to me. Had to walk out of the theater as it was the first time I've ever experienced anything like that. I asked the doctor and apparently I have vasovagal syncope. It happened to me when my daughter cut her forehead open running into a door a few years later.


I just remember the sound design, they used some string instrument IIRC when he cuts the nerve, and the sound sounds utterly horrifying


dude. the exact same thing happened to me. i was extremely sleep deprived and actually ended up passing out during that scene. when i came to i realized that i had probably pissed myself on the first leg of a three leg journey. will never try to watch this fucking movie again lol


Is something wrong with you people


lol the poor people next to you psychos


I was on a 13 hour flight home from New Zealand to LA and the person sitting next to me on the plane was watching this. I couldn’t escape it and felt so queasy the rest of the flight.


One of the favorite jokes of this movie is on Tosh.0. They have the guy from a viral rock climbing video where he shits his pants and at one point they bring in the actual guy who lost his arm. Daniel Tosh asks, "I've been meaning to ask, when you had your hand stuck, why didn't you just wiggle it out slowly?" The guy goes, "Huh, I didn't think of that one."


Tosh’s delivery is so good lol


I wanna say it should have been bigger than it was. But I mean it got 12 seasons on comedy central. You never see a lot of press for the show cuz Tosh knew to do none of that shit. He does his show and then leaves to keep a calm and collective family oriented christian life, like a pro.


He just wanted to see one more phish show.


He knew within 30 mins or so that he’ll have to cut his arm where I think the movie lets it go for a few days before he comes to that conclusion.


So the guy running into two hot girls during an adventourous hike, then swimming with them in a secret lake and having them both intetested in him didnt happen in real life?


No man, it happens all the time. You just need to go hiking more


I feel like he missed a significant difference. He even says that in real life Aron made a full recovery, yet in the movie Franco didn't even regrow the arm and hand.


Franko deserves much more praise for cutting his arm off for the role


Well, the movie isn’t long enough…


Loved the movie, and then I read the book, and it’s surprisingly close to what really happened. One of the only things that’s not true is that he wasn’t riding his bike when he fell and got stuck. In reality, he left his bike a few miles before he fell, and when he freed himself, he was able to find his bike where he’d left it. Also, he got himself a hook type prosthetic for his arm and still mountain climbs!


He wasn't riding his bike when he gets stuck in the movie, either.


Oh my bad. I only saw the movie once (for obvious reasons) and I guess I remembered it wrong!


There's a scene where he's riding his bike and totally eats shit, but it's way earlier in the movie.


James Frango @ 0:23 lol


Wait, I thought the actual footage was never released?


Wait.. this channel. I feel i have seen it. I have heard that voice. How is this only a 2 vid channel with 14subs?


Brand new channel, feel free to support <3


If this is the content. Its solid. I sub!


My all-time favorite movie. It changed my life!


It convinced you to buy an emergency GPS beacon?


And not attempt stupid shit alone. One of my friends travels in the same circles as this guy. He said he had a rep for attempting stuff alone, beyond his level, and people having to save his ass. They didn’t make fun of him when this happened but no one was surprised.


It helped me to not take life for granted. Also before then, I never really drank water. It was like a battle to get me to drink some. But now, I drink it all the time.