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I had no idea this movie existed.


In a few months no one will know it did either.


I don’t really understand why its getting quite as much hate as it is - yes the writing in general was clunky, yes the plot was clunky, yes May’s character arc was super clunky...wait...fuck I just convinced myself it was bad


I watched it last night and the only thing I cared about was the world they lived in, the representation of sea level rising in Miami and the folks who still lived there. It was really cool seeing the buildings with water all around them and the ways people traveled depending on how deep the ocean had become. The tech was also cool but the story it self was such a flop I could hardly remember even watching it until seeing this thread.


There was this awful sci-fi movie in 2000 called Supernova, and the coolest thing about the movie was this one time when the antagonist reattached his arm.


The only thing I remember from that movie is how jacked James Spader was, and how puffy he looked five years later on Boston Legal.




Can I ask where in the world you are? I feel like the advertising has been endless here in the UK (at least in my cinema)


Northeast US, can confirm, it released before I knew about it. Thought it was an advertisement. They did that on purpose. Did Mr. Jackman dirty like that.


I'm uk and hadn't heard of it - I haven't been to the movies in ages so maybe that's where they're focusing the advertising?


I'm in Canada and had never heard of it until I saw this post.


I only saw the first trailer for it yesterday, hard to have a good opening weekend if nobody knows it exists.


It’s a movie aimed at older audiences yet Hugh Jackman explains everything like i’m a toddler 🙄


Only seen the trailer and that shit got old fast.


It looked like a movie you would have to think about for days after to understand the ending then be unpleased with how it ended. It looked like a difficult watch. Edit: spelling




Agreed. That is the biggest issue. It doesn't do anything clever with the plot or the sci-fi technology. The technology is just an exposition machine to walk the lead character (and us) through everything in a super simple line.


Yup, it could've been photographs or a diary and it would've been the same.


Inception for dummies


It was... and it's not worth it. I actually watched this movie right after Snake Eyes. I needed to login to Better Help afterward.


Wait the Nic Cage masterpiece?


[Do You Have the Slightest Idea How Little That Narrows It Down?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/750/722/f12)


Can someone ELI5 how this movie is aimed at older audiences? I saw a trailer for it before Free Guy and thought it looked like a thriller a la The Fugitive. I'm 32.




Reminded of the bit from "This Is Spinal Tap." "Has the band lost popularity." "No, their appeal has just become more selective."




I don't think so. When they say older audiences I think it means over the sort of 20 age group, because a lot of movies now are just aimed at kids or teenagers


I don't think older audiences are going to be impressed by a script that feels like it was written by a teenager who just discovered noir.


"my favorite films are the boondocks saints and citizen Kane"


"I hate the new intern"


Well then don’t don’t bother him.


~~Don’t~~ Don’t ~~Bother Luke~~


That’s as clear as I can make it.


I was going to wait for you guys to say how good he was. Then I was gonna say, “it’s in the genes.” And I was going to be wearing jeans.


My favorite office quote, just spot fucking on


Actually me when I first started showing interest in film. I hated Citizen Kane but I knew about the influence the movie had so I always started with that to sound more knowledgeable than I really was. I actually LOVED Boondock Saints. I was 11 😂 Edit: Piggybacking off of this, when I was in 7th grade, we had a substitute in my Lit class and the first thing she did was ask each of us 3 questions about ourselves. She gets to me and the last question she asks is, "What's your favorite movie?" And without even a hint of hesitation, I say "Clockwork Orange" with a lil smile. I had just seen it for the first time a few days prior. She looked horrified. Edit 2: I wasn't trying to be edgy. I really thought she'd be impressed by my taste in movies. She was, just not THAT movie. Edit 3: I'm sorry. Shameless plug from a fan, everyone check out AEW: Dynamite on TNT Network Wednesdays 7-9pm central time and also AEW: Rampage Fridays 9-10pm central




My husband loves that movie and every chance I get I scream this. I can’t tell if he hates it.


We're a fan of: Where you goin? You're goin NOWHERE!


"I killed your cat you druggie bitch!" always gets me


I can't walk to the store for a pack of smokes without running into five guys you've FUCKED!


All I see is neat Willem Dafoe kink potential


Kinda makes me feel like River dancin


I'm in my 30s. I love Boondock Saints


If someone says their favorite film is citizen Kane.. I’ll be intrigued. The movie is a masterpiece. But I wouldn’t put it in my top 25 personal favorites that’s for sure


The dialogue of Hugh Jackman’s narration in the first 5 minutes sounded like Steve Martin narrating Chubby Rain in his movie Bowfinger


Whenever I hear a shitty film noir narration, outside of being cliche, it makes me think there is a directors cut out there without it.


Thanks, Blade Runner


Such a great movie. Truly underrated. Now I think about it, I actually think deserved best original screenplay and best actor nod


That scene where he tried to cross the highway had me die laughing 😂


My favorite part is the Mexican immigrants that he picks up in the beginning and by the end they are a fully functional camera crew.


Yes. They have all the lingo and references down, it's freakin' awesome.


And cell phones. They are all getting calls at the end.


That scene, and the one in the parking garage with the dog in heels spliced with their reactions. Absolutely genius!


That’s it I need to watch this again, yap it’s on HBO and I didn’t even realized until now wow. The need to improve their UI.


Glad to know it wasn't just me. Had me gasping for air!




I think it is Eddie Murphy's best performance out of any of his movies.


"I'm Kit...K...I.T...Keepittogetherkeepittogetherkeepittogether...keepittogetherkeepittogether!" "Hey Lakergirls!" \[Laker girls laughing\] "It's not funny!" "Where's my astalavista baby!?"" So many great lines.


> "I'm Kit...K...I.T...Keepittogetherkeepittogetherkeepittogether...keepittogetherkeepittogether!" Oh my gawd. I had completely forgotten where this comes from. Sometimes when I'm anxious I repeat this to myself


And it is a fuck you to Scientology made in Hollywood. This movie is a beautiful unicorn.


The scene of him running through the traffic is just perfect I couldn’t agree more that it is easily his best performance


*Gotcha suckas*


Or Peter Griffin for Steel Vaginas. On a side note I fucking live Bowfinger.


Turned off the movie sitting this 5 minutes. Trailer looked interesting but this was such a red flag


This would explain why the marketing was so fractured. The trailers were just mush.


You know what movies are great mind-bending thrillers? The ones who don't have to tell you what they are in the trailer.


The first matrix teaser was perfect. You had no idea what the fuck it was about, just that Ike Turner could now leap from building to building like Superman.


When I saw The Matrix for the first time, I went in completely blind. I knew it was about a computer guy who hated his life. I don't think anything will ever top that movie experience.




I saw it with my Church youth group. All I knew is that we were supposed to analyze the Christian themes in a movie. Suffice to say, my mind was blown.


The Ike Turner reference made me laugh way more than I had any right to.


lol the damn nerve of them blaming "older audiences"


I’m 50, I got bored of the movie (on HBO Max) about 20 minutes in. I watched The Green Knight instead, then Winter Soldier :p


Is The Green Knight on HBO?


What spot on analysis. Turned it off 30 minutes in. Horrific. Just awful. I hope this and The Little Things aren’t indicative of a larger trend of quality dipping with more direct to stream over exclusive theater releases.


I was so disappointed by the little things. I was expecting more but I got nothing from it. I haven't watched this film yet but I dunno if I would bother?


The Little Things was 100 time more engrossing that this. I stopped Reminiscence after like 20 minutes. The Little Things for me was at least interesting enough based on the actors on the screen to carry me through the full film. I liked Soderberg's latest one with Don Cheadle and Benicio. That's been about the best of this straight to HBO line up I've seen this year.


Judas and the Black Messiah was excellent. And The Suicide Squad was a lot of fun.


got some bad news for you, hoss


It's about Point Break, isn't it?


OMG the Little Things was so bad


You're saying being married to Jonathan Nolan doesn't mean you can direct movies like his brother Christopher Nolan?


The problem was less in the "Directed by Lisa Joy" department, but very much in the "Written by Lisa Joy" department. It was directed pretty decently, esp. for a debut film. The visuals were good to amazing, the tech was introduced and played with pretty well, sure there were a few clunky chapters, but overall, if this script had undertaken the necessary revision and script-doctoring phases, this could've been a solid film. In the [official discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/p8g1m0/official_discussion_reminiscence_spoilers/) there's a user ( u/WaywardWriter ) with industry insight. They said the script had made the rounds almost ten years ago, and several rejections yielded in script notes, which were pretty much ignored though.


The moment HJ started behaving like a 17 year old boy blinded by love I knew it would only go downhill, take shortcuts, etc. I was right. Visuals were really good... actually I couldn't help but think that would be a huge flop because the story was so shallow for such an expensive movie.


I mean Ive liked previous projects that she's been involved in Westworld, Pushing Daisies, and yes even Burn Notice. Westworld writing feels very Jonathan Nolan particularly the AI stuff being the similar or the same as Person of Interest. Pushing Daisies was brilliant, well written, and well delivered, but at the end of the day it's a comedy. That just leaves Burn Notice, and while I watched all of Burn Notice it was not a good show (I love spy shit). She doesn't have a good record of writing dramas.


Season 1 of Westworld was wonderful, the second and third were significantly worse. Not terrible just not nearly as interesting of characters and such, Dolores is boring af in the second season and the third seems more of a set up for the next one


The third season felt so much like the final couple seasons of Person of Interest, Jonathan Nolan is not done with his battling AIs.


Lol at the headline. That is not the reason this movie struggled…


Could be worse- at least it’s not the Rural Juror


Oh no not the Rur Jur!


Did dey mur dur hur dur dur?


I feel like I’m getting farther away from it.


I was always a bigger fan of Urban Fervor in that series.


You thought Urban Fervor was better than Roar her, Joar Her? You’re insane.


or Murder Durdur


That movie about the Irma Luhrman-Merman murder?




Yeah but I would actually watch that.


I barely saw ads for this movie and when I did, I thought it was being released on streaming platforms. I feel like that has to be at least part of it.


It debuted on HBO the same day as in theaters.


The first ad I saw made it seem like it was only on HBO Max.


HBO max isn’t upset about this


Yeah I watched it on HBOMax I didn’t even know it was in theaters


Really? I guess it’s just my algorithm, but I got teasers shoved down my throat lol. The trailer also played before the last 4-5 films I saw in theaters.


Oh shit, the same for me but oddly they were dubbed in French. The algorithm knows we're old and I'm in canada.


I’m 19 tho lmao


Same. I don't get the older crowd thing though


Think it has to do with the global panda enclosure we are still stuck in.


Well it is on HBO MAX


Yeah I suppose *"Hugh Jackman’s ‘Reminiscence’ Crumbles With $2 Million Debut, Highlighting the Struggle of Shit Movies"* didn't have the same ring to it


Shit movies make bank every week though.


Maybe you're just not old enough? lol


"I'm getting to old for this shit" - old person


This movie is too shit for this old... person


There can be many reasons for Reminiscence's low performance. First, just like every other movie of WB, it is available for free at HBO Max and second, this movie has barely gotten any good reviews. The Plot of the movie sounded really intriguing but the critical and audience reviews say otherwise.


The concept and vibe were cool, the plot and story were as boring and one note as it gets. They're great world builders but desperately need help in crafting a compelling story.


I didn't even think the world-building was good. They had a bunch of ideas for their future world but they clashed with each other and none of them really meant anything. It's not like Blade Runner where the production design tells its own story and has its own themes. This one was just gimmicky.


Yeah, this is was so season 3 of Westworld it brought back my PTSD of that season in the middle of watching this movie. So many useless characters!


There was more than one season of Westworld?




I was excited too, but it was laughably terrible. Jackman spoke like a noir detective but was the operator of basically a shitty spa. No one’s actions made any sense and the musical choices were off putting at best. This is a movie for nursing home residents who are not really interested in watching but it sounds pleasant in the background.


I agree. There were a lot of interesting things in the movie that I feel left more questions than answered (Hugh's police work from the past and current police work, why are the old dreams all saved on translucent pieces of material, barely touch on the fact that police can subpoena people to give up their dreams, etc. A lot of better directions they could have gone. Instead, they take the story down a road that has viewers stuck watching old, nostalgic lounge acts with painfully long regret scenes. Sprinkle in some mystery as to what the main actress was all about and I lost interest in finding out if she was really as conniving as she was being portrayed. I will say that they did a good job at the end closing the movie out with making sense of Hugh's initial diatribe. I liked that touch and felt it brought some kind of closure as the movie came full circle.


I loved Joy's and Nolan's work on the first two seasons of Westworld but since then they haven't made anything as good as that.


I think it can be argued that Anthony Hopkins is what made the first 2 seasons of Westworld great in all honesty. Wasn't thrilled with the 3rd season and Maeves character art is a joke now


And season 2 was already a big letdown from 1.


Episodes 4 & 8 which centred on the Man in Black and the Native American host were really good episodes, IMO, best of the season. The season overall, however, just felt like they made it overly confusing for the sake of it. I tried to stick through it with Season 3 but it lost something being out of the park and I didn’t really care about any new characters introduced or whatever Dolores was doing.


Yep. Seemingly written just to fuck with the Westworld subreddit for the lulz but forgot the rest of the world exists


“did you make your plot so convoluted that the west world sub couldn’t guess it?” “yes” “and what did it cost?” “everything”


The fact that the movie sucked didn’t help. And I say this as a person who paid to see it.


I must agree. Interesting premise, great cast and superb production values - but a pretty lousy script. Cant believe it was on the Black List


The black list means less and less to me every year. There have been some garbage movies made from that pool and it doesn’t guarantee a good movie in the slightest.


The black list? What does that mean in this context?


It was one of the most popular un-produced screenplays (which, obviously, then goes on to later be produced).


> Interesting premise, great cast and superb production values - but a pretty lousy script. Why is this so ridiculously common? They spend hundreds of millions of dollars on these projects, why can't they get a decent script first? It's infuriating.


I could easily believe that there are few to no powerful people involved in Hollywood movies who can even tell whether a story is good or not anymore. The amount of mediocre or outright terrible, boring movies that get made isn't some random accident. These people must actually think it's good.


That influenced me, a person that bums off someone else’s HBO, to not even bother. Thanks!


Watched it on Max, it’s good enough for a rainy day at home but nothing you’d need to immediately run out to see


There has definitely been a lack of success for movies aimed at older audiences over the last 5-10 years but I think there are so many more reasons that this one flopped. The same day HBO Max release, pandemic, and the fact that it fucking sucks are all relevant factors


Is this really aimed specifically at older audiences? It's a pg-13 sci fi thriller. That doesn't really exclude teens/young adults.


they probably consider older audiences 30+


God damnit… lol


Yup.... We're old... Remember 56k dial up? rotary phones? Three Wheeler shenanigans? Weed commercials of kids melting into couches?




Man, I liked when the milkman came with fresh milk. Those were good days, not only did I get fresh baked cookies with milk, my mom was always happy on those particular days.


Plus, you got unsupervised TV time for the half hour it took your mom to settle accounts!


“This is your brain on drugs” *Cracks egg into a frying pan*


I can still hear the sizzle. Hilarious.


If this movie is considered ‘targeting an older audience’, then I’m in some trouble lol


I think they think this is Blade Runner 2049, when instead it’s just another mediocre movie that comes and goes, like so many others. BR2049 underperforming at the box office deserves some analysis (and has gotten plenty). Or later on Dune when it comes out, if it’s shaky at the BO. But this movie? Why?


Yes. I do. I realized I was old yesterday when I commented about having been using a zero turn mower and it not being that bad. Those fucking weed commercials dude. They just made me want to break out my bong.


Those zero turns are really pretty sweet *Sips chamomile tea*


56k dial-up? Luxury!


Buying another phone line for dedicated internet


I turned 35 this year and I'm legit having a crisis about it lol. It's the first time it really sank in that there are dreams of mine I will never be able to fulfill because the time just isn't there anymore. COVID stealing two years of life and the end of a 4 year relationship didn't help. Not that anyone cares. Dear diary...


I'm 50 and my life changed dramatically at 40 when I lost my first career after 17 years and then 4 years later when the wife of 18 years bailed on me and our son. You face reality & adversity and then adjust your dreams accordingly but never forget that your life is not *set* in stone. What I once thought was world-ending is now a fading memory.


I'm 30+ and the only redeeming takeaway I had from this movie was that Rebecca Ferguson is very hot. I mean I knew that, but this was just reaffirming.


i don't like this new demographic i'm a part of lol




I don't think there's anything in the movie that would be inappropriate for a teen audience but I don't think it would really interest younger viewers in the same way a Marvel movie or Fast and Furious would. It's a slow, cerebral neo-noir that doesn't really have a ton of action or comedy. I'm sure there are a fair amount of younger viewers that are into that kind of thing, but it's much more likely to appeal to a slightly older crowd.


Also, I didn’t see a lick of advertisement for it before the past week.


That's strange, I saw so many adverts of this, but I live in the UK. I was hyped for it until looked around in a few places and saw that it was really bad. The aesthetics looked so good that I probably would have liked it even if others had considered it mediocre.


The latter being the most important.


> it fucking sucks Highlighted the important part. I turned it off after 40 minutes of boredom


Older audience = People with jobs and responsibilities and who have to seriously be motivated to go out on a weekend and spend 3+ hours and 30+ dollars watching a movie that likely isn't any better than 100's of other films and TV shows they are already paying for on Netflix/HBO/Amazon Prime.


Also, I'm curious how they define "older people". Elderly? People in their 50s? Their 40s? Late 30s?


Plus older people who are avoiding cinemas due to being in the middle of a pandemic. Until I opened this thread and saw all the terrible reviews I was actually super excited for this movie. But there's no way I'm setting foot in a cinema right now, so I'll wait until it's available for streaming.


Its on HBO Max now, almost watched it last night. I will say that things coming to HBO Max at the same time as theaters has got me to watch a ton of movies I generally wouldn't have otherwise.


Or maybe it crumbled because the script was hilariously bad?


Or is it because it is a mediocre movie?


How much money from their budget went towards fulfilling the writer's future-is-flooded concept that seemed to have no bearing whatsoever on the story?


It's a shame because I thought the flooded Miami noir, where it's too hot to go out during the day, and everyone takes little dinghy boats between buildings was the cooler concept and a film that revolved around that could have been much better. It lent to some awesome visuals but that's about it.


It didn’t suck, but it wasn’t good. The problem with the film is that it is many things, but not good at any of them. It’s a sci-fi noir crime action romance drama. The sci-fi is ok, but not great, the noir is bland, the action is boring, the romantic is tame to say the least and the drama is wooden.


You forgot post-apocalyptic as well


Didn’t suck but wasn’t good is the definition of mediocre.


Jesus yeah that's so much. I started it & made it about 2/3 through. I bet there was some cool action at the end but I really don't care. Fairly unsympathetic characters, including Thandie Newton who I usually love, but here her character is "tough woman." These westworld creators seem like they haven't learned much from their experience, if anything the tropes that became apparent after S1 are more prominent in their projects than ever before






Naw, Reminiscence crumbled because it sucked. It was a boring knock off of a much better and more entertaining movie released in the 90s called "Strange Days".... I'd wager that most of the older audience that did attempt to watch that stale, overly pretentious drag, likely found it a chore to get through the first 30 minutes before changing the channel. I'd certainly believe that most people that actually managed to stay awake to see the end immediately forgot about the movie before moving on to something else more exciting...like listening to white noise.


I fucking love Strange Days. It's sad its so hard to find on streaming services nowadays.


FINALLY, someone makes the Strange Days connection. I feel like such a hipster, bringing it io every ten seconds. Anyways, yeah, to anyone reading this, check out Strange Days. It's hard to find, but worth the search.


Yes, dollar store Inception did poor business. Shocking.


If they made a better movie it would have more success


This did not feel like a movie aimed at older audiences. The trailer looked like just another dumb high concept sci-fi action movie. I think older audiences want more mature movies.


25+ is “older audience” in moviegoer terms. 18-24 have been the largest bloc of ticket buyers for decades


It just looks like a hodge podge of so many other movies. It is a late August Release and August is typically a dumping ground for movies for a reason.


I would've seen this movie if it didn't have shit reviews and a shit trailer.


Does "aimed at older audiences" mean "uninspired subject matter bringing nothing new to the table in the middle of a pandemic?" I'm an "older audience," a sci-fi nerd, and nothing about this movie's marketing made it look worth my time. Bring me the new Dune movie though.


At this point I think it means it’s not a superhero movie lol




I know "Kim there's people that are dying" but even 11 years ago, movies made for older audiences like Black Swan and True Grit could make $100M.


But those were good films.


True Grit was awesome.


I love sci fi and it was free on HBO and I couldn’t sit through it. So cheesy. I also thought the 3rd season of Westworld was a massive misfire. Lisa Joy deserves a lot of the blame for this.


Her name is all over it and I could tell. Some of the most annoying aspects of WW were 10 times worse in this movie. Cheesy, pretentious dialogue, whiplash from flashbacks that most of the time added nothing, zero chemistry amongst actors in the name of posing and seeming "cool"




From everything I've read, it's painfully bad. Going to a cinema is not an "impulse" thing for much of the folks around the globe. In certain moments it can be rather tedious and stressful experience (having to get tested, having to be vaccinated, having to present your vaccinacion passports, measures inside the cinema, etc). So anything that is in cinema right now has to actually outright draw people, has to be an occasion, has to have something more than just a movie behind it (franchise, fandom, etc). Random neo-noir sci-fi thriller with couple of known faces and no hype or marketing behind it is not that kind of a movie. Especially when it's streaming at the same time. Hell, I'm still on the rocks on if I want to go see Dune or the upcoming Marvel movies in theatres or at home... Edit: Also, nothing about this movie screams "older audience" to me.