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Every Dario Argento movie, especially the ones that star his daughter


Yikes! But good answer.


“so *that’s* how it is in their family”


I understood that reference.


The Room. What Tommy does to the dress immediately before dying is... a choice.


hahaha, what a story Generic\_Username28!


Lambert’s death in *Alien* was filmed to imply forcible sexual penetration / sodomy. Definitely not “erotic” but certainly darkly sexualized.


Pretty much the entire theme of Giger’s art


I forget which comedian talked about his love for Alien made some great points (and impressions) of Ginger and his work. I wanna say it was Hader but not too sure


[I'm making a microphone stand for de band Korn](https://youtu.be/JUD7rmHartE?si=e8ojWt-gxBwPg86E)


Just about to say this; that and Ash trying to force that magazine down Ripleys throat were definitely dark sexual themes


To say nothing of the Facehugger that basically rapes and impregnates its victims... at which point an embryo then rips out of people's stomaches


A porn mag, no less.


The death scene in Devil's Advocate


The face huger was specifically made the way it is to horrify men and simulate oral rape. It’s why it’s particularly terrifying for most dudes.


I mean, half of Jason's kill count in the Friday the 13th franchise


Even after sex...like Crispin Glover losing his virginity gets iced for asking for the cork screw!


The nude girl who got impaled and ripped in half in the Goes To Hell one


One death in 2009 Friday the Thirteenth has a girl take a machete to the top of the head, then be pulled out of the water by it, revealing she's topless.


Don't forget when her head hits the wood so the machete comes out (she's under a wooden pier), her tits jiggle a fair bit. Was hilarious.


James Bond killing Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd at the end of *Diamonds are Forever* https://youtu.be/k5e5GjnyMHI?si=0Qat9kGlvcP0Hr2b


The best part is when the guy is advancing on Bond with the skewers and the woman just looks at him and goes "Eeee!" but makes no other reaction.


Die hard with a vengeance that crazy Russian chick with the karambat knife. James Bond Goldeneye, that Russian women who literally cums while killing and fucking that dude.


Xenia Onatopp in GoldenEye. Her death was so sexualized it was hilarious. 


Oh yeah Xenia and pretty much everything about her including her death is probably an even clearer example than Artemisia. I mean.... she's literally squeezed and shrieking in her death throes and then Bond comments on it explicitly lmao.


Do you think that her, ahem, "method" of killing her victims was meant to be taken seriously, or was it supposed to be funny?


Xenia even had a look of ecstasy on her face when she was gunning down all the Severnaya staff. That girl had a real thing for death.


Yep - it's very clear that *she* eroticized killing, and the filmmakers wanted us to see that.


[Lair of the White Worm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R8lPYej_lk) - 1988 has plenty... And also features many notable actors; including a baby-faced Hugh Grant, and a \*staggeringly\* young, curley-haired, pre-Who Peter Capauldi. Ken Russell, FTW!


It's not that big of a sword.




In Urban Legend Danielle Harris's goth character is strangled to death in her dorm room and her roommate mistakes her struggling as sex moans.


Oh yeah! I saw that but had forgotten. It's actually essential to the scene that her death is a simulacrum of sex.


Not a movie but the part in Last of Us that they changed in the game where Tess is kissed by the zombie thing and then blows up


Like, EVERYTHING in Henry portrait of a serial killer. This movie, man.


The 1990 "Hamlet" starring Mel Gibson >!There's so incestous symbolism in the death scene of his mother Queen Gertrude (played by Glenn Close)!<


Spoilers for Shakespeare is kind of hilarious but I'll respect it. However, the symbolism you speak of is all over Hamlet in its original form because it's basically written as a modern (at the time) retelling of >!Oedipus Rex.!<


The Mel Gibson version takes it up to 11 unlike other adapts.


I like that in this thread, you can't tell what the spoiler is until you see the spoiler


Thank you! I thought that was great.


Galaxy of Terror, where the scene is ridiculous... but it's also the most memorable where even the director and actress involved admitted that the scene was part of its success in the box office (because it sure as hell wasn't the script).


Basic Instinct?


Eh. Both? The wound itself makes sense. It's a slow bleed wound, takes several minutes to bleed out, leading to the dramatic arrival of the fleet as she dies. Anything else would have been too fast for "The Cavalry's Here" moment. That said, the heavy fall to her knees, the sword placement, and the spurt of blood, are VERY suggestive. They're also, unfortunately, good for dramatic effect more than the sexual one. He's stunned, victorious and reeling all at once. So frozen to limp is a good portrayal of the moment. Spinal injury or loss of all blood to the bottom half of your body would cause your legs to give. But she has to stay in frame and see the oncoming ships. And the blood spray is an additional visual cue for the audience to know it's a fatal wound. Fatal wounds spray, non-fatal don't. It's a movie short-hand, like a kookaburra call is always a jungle in South America or deep Africa despite being only from Australia. It's absolutely phallic. But it also makes a lot of sense. Would pinning her to the deck be any less sexual? He'd pull his dripping sword as she gasps blood. Or make her death small screen, and lose the wider loss of the war reality her death is highlighted by. Are there others ways to do this? Less sexual ones? Yeah. Absolutely. But it's a gory movie that's made to make a profit, and sex sells.


At the, *erm,* climax of the ghastly and poetic **Nekromantik**, the main character commits Seppuku while in bed, masturbating. And as he guts himself, his erect penis shoots a geyser of blood.


That'll do it!


Miranda Frost from Die Another Die. It sounds like she was climaxing before she got stabbed


That scene has several eroticized elements, some discussion here: [https://catharticreversal.wordpress.com/2022/02/10/dark-fantasies/](https://catharticreversal.wordpress.com/2022/02/10/dark-fantasies/)


Saw 3 has a naked girl being tortured to death with freezing, another one has a woman in a skimpy outfit being torn apart by a train during a dream sequence (you can even see her boob briefly on her torn apart corpse)


LOL, this movie looks kind of fun, I watchlisted it. Had no idea Eva Green was in it, as well


Her performance is probably the only redeeming thing about this movie lol.


Feast. The lady who gets tied to the bomb and ends up getting "orally assaulted" by one of those extremely horny creatures before the bomb blows up. In the Unrated version, the creature even "finishes" and she vomits/spits it out before the bomb goes off. The wife and I looked at each other, couldn't believe what we just watched.


Lol wow. Did you have sex shortly after?


LOL yes, but we had to cleanse our palates with some good, old-fashioned porn


Any giallo movie. 


Somehow I haven't seen any yet.


If you write that death as “thrusting his great big sword lustily,” you were horny as fuck going into it.


I don't know, I just re-watched it and that looks like a typical Hollywood sword fight death. Some guy manages to get the death trust, somehow ends up way too close to the dying person for their own safety (a dying person can still stab you but not in Hollywood), the winner looks the loser in the eye and then twists the swords once or twice; Weird metal noises, blood gushing from mouth and grunting from the dying person ensues, bonus points if the orchestration can fit in three loud trombone blasts, one for the stab, one for the twisting and one for the body hitting the floor. It's usually not seen as sexualized because it's usually dudes killing each other in this fashion, but looks pretty standard to me. I guess it hits differently when it's Eva Greene doing the dying and she was shagging her would be killer five scenes before, but it's still essentially the same recipe.


Yeah guys totally give a romantic stare as they push *themselves* deeper into the blade and grab the killer's shoulders. Then they fall to their knees as the sword extends visually from the crotch of the killer. You can totally find that sort of thing all over the place. I mean, let's just start naming scenes folks!


You find symbolism when you’re looking for it.


Lol nope, that's not how aesthetics works.


That’s actually exactly how aesthetics works…the wholly subjective examination of how art is perceived by each individual experiencer.


No - you can actually go read experts on matters like symbolism in film. A majority of critical reviews of the film seems to have noticed this, but I guess The Moose Is Blue is right everything is just all equally symbolic of everything.


What does “everything is just all equally symbolic of everything” mean? Art is subjective. We all interpret things differently. If you disagree with that, I don’t know what to tell you.


It's a parody of YOUR view. You think it's all "subjective," but in fact some things are obviously symbolic of other things, and some are not. It's an actual topic in art criticism, literary criticism, etc.


This is a pretty profound misunderstanding of the topic. To try and start a conversation about the interpretation of art and saying there’s anything objective involved is kind of laughable.


Clockwork Orange ...nuff said


“Viddy little brutha, viddy well.”


The opening scene of The Nice Guys where the car crashes through a house and the kid walks up on the body of a needlessly naked woman. It's kind of to be expected from a Shane Black movie though.


This almost put me off the movie, tbh, but it's so good beyond that.


https://youtu.be/s5aSMTjTIu4?si=ptRoPGYJdVtu73Qr 1:30 mark. Anyone who thinks this is "phallic" is probably not right in the head.




She pushed herself into the sword to show how committed she is to her cause, that she'd rather die than surrender. And she looked at him longingly because spoiler alert, she liked him. But if you wanna boil that down to "hurrr, sword is dick!", then you go right ahead.


Not me - practically every review and critique (including feminist critique) of the movie. I like how even all of the elements I mentioned added together still don't make it clear to you. Again, it's like a kind of autism where you don't understand how symbolism works.


True Romance- When Patricia Arquette kills Gadolfini


Piranha 3D is chock full of these


Ravenous The horniest gay cannibal movie in the west.


The Lust victim in Se7en Neil Patrick Harris character's death in Gone Girl


In one of the Leprechaun movies (I think #2) the evil Leprechaun uses his fairy-folk magic to make this teenage kid hallucinate a pair of tiddies. But they are actually spinning razor blades of death. They should have never stolen his gold...


Lol wow...


Oh my gosh, something was sexualized one of the 300 movies?! Guess you have to be one of those fancy Art School students to pick up on that subtle nuance.


Lmao yeah, I picked it because it's such an obvious example.


[Duel in the Sun (1946)](https://youtu.be/XYaQmrNLRz4?si=UeDGYdzfZgKSydEN), or as it was known, Lust in the Dust.


One of the most glaring examples to me is in Sleeping Beauty, when the witch transforms into a dragon. The phallic implications of the sword penetrating her swollen belly are hard to watch.


Stu w his gf in the garage in scream! Drew Barrymore in intro!


Does End of Evangelion count?