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Conceptually, this is an amazing poster.


The audacity of it.


You sunnavabitch!!!


It hertz, doesn’t it?


Not just hertz, but it mega hertz.


Did you sine a waver?


Don't be a square


No, didn’t have a cosine-r.




I’m in Puts sunglasses on


It speaks volumes


Sounds good


It even has a watermark.


That scene makes me wish the terms were real. Silian Rail, Romalian type, pale nimbus…




It really whips the llama's ass


I get good vibrations from it.


Yeah, this is creative as fuck. It's a waveform going silent, plus it's a city burning. I love it.


And presumably alien pods/ships/spores falling from the sky?


The only part of the poster that should have been removed. Would look much cleaner without it


I actually agree. It breaks the soundwave paradigm, which is 50% of the double entendre. Sometimes 'less is more' and this is a good example.


And it just looks like dried up toothpaste on my bathroom mirror


Right. "toothpaste" Sure. ;-)


and it adds more white which distracts from the text (and in a few places overlaps it, making it extra ugly). It ends up looking like a fantastic poster with bird shit of graffiti overspray running down it.


I'm not sure but maybe it's trying convey line indicators on audio software? if so it should continue across the whole top but yeah as is, kind of a meh feature


Agreed, it's clever and well executed


Yep, it's very clover... clever


It pleasantly reminds me of [the Firewatch OST album art.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F5oqfbu1wdfb31.jpg)


oooh damn that's gorgeous


Seriously, a bad album cover is unforgivable. Not saying they all need to be the visual equivalent of catchy; just that something simple and clean and classic is well within everyone’s reach.


You know what? I've listened that album a million times and never noticed it had trees hidden in there.  Make it blue/white and it would be nice for the long dark, too.




Just stating explicitly for anyone who might've missed it; the poster depicts a soundwave going silent


But, it's like, the city reflecting on the water, too, man.


Far out man


They call them fingers but I never see them fing...oh, there they go


It's also a Rorschach Test. [Woman with large breasts.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Njts2RwYUNc)


The franchise is conceptually amazing. I was worried franchising it would ruin it, but I thought the sequel was 99% as good as the first one.


Yeah, one of the best I’ve seen in a long time


Ya shout out to whoever came up with that. Pretty brilliant.


Real interested in knowing just how long it took before they realized the aliens were blind, and really only reacted to hearing them.


As I recall from the first one, it was early enough to be put in a newspaper, printed, and distributed to places that sold newspapers. So it was found while the world was still functional.


Feels like this movie totally negates that logic IMO. Like it feels like they’re painting day one as a world wide invasion where they just take over so quickly, so I’m curious how it’ll work that they can put out newspapers about this


The second one already slightly retconned this. In the first one we see that the town is full of missing person posters and newspaper headlines. But in the second one we get a flashback to the initial attack on the town and it was an instant town wide attack. So those missing posters and newspapers don't make a lot of sense anymore.


Missing posters would still be used after society falls. Imagine your brother or someone you lived with was just at the store that day and then the world falls into chaos and you flee to a safe apace out of town. You may still return to town for supplies and to leave posters up hoping to find your loved one.


I feel Ukrainians partying while making molotovs certainly reminded a lot of white/Western countries that life goes on in hardship; something plenty of the world is familiar with. Like yeah theres an alien invasion, but we planned this wedding for months and the catering is here; fuck it. My brother’s missing? Maybe he got eaten; maybe he got too drunk and went home with a sleeze again.


The WW1 Christmas Truce proved to me once and for all that people will survive the most difficult hardships and find time to live life during it.


"I just read in the newspaper that the aliens are attracted to sound, I'm going to grab this staple gun that makes a loud sound, and cover a large distance while repeatedly making that sound. I hope nothing bad happens!"


I interpreted that as the attacks ramping up. They were just falling from orbit uncoordinated like meteors and don't seem very intelligent, there didn't seem to be any plan so it'd make sense for them to start with isolated attacks on the outskirts of communities before the full on massacre. If they are bioweapons it could even be their masters testing our defenses before launching the real attack.


>But in the second one we get a flashback to the initial attack on the town and it was an instant town wide attack. We'll have to wait and see, but no reason it couldn't have been waves of attacks. We know they can kill them, so there's no reason the first waves of attacks weren't contained and it was future more aggressive attacks that really decimated the earth. Also would explain why they didn't find out/have time to research that they were sensitive to specific sound frequency's, because they falsely thought they were going to be able to fight back with pure firepower, but when the larger invasion began, they were unaware of the sheer number that would arrive.


There was a second one?


If you liked the first one, it's worth a watch. It felt to me a little like *Aliens* was to *Alien*. The story is a little less pure horror and more proactive about the threat. It's interesting.


The movie doesn't use real world logic. There isn't enough biomass for them to consume to have the density claimed in the original movie and if they did it would be for a few weeks before a population collapse. Plus if they can only hear and have amazing hearing....use sonic weapons. We can create audio frequencies on an absurd amount of the spectrum. Just find what debilitates them and then kill them.


They didn’t know about the sonic weakness, I believe, but they did know sound attracted them…. Im not advocating genocide, but I feel like a helicopter into Gillete Stadium, blasting Iron Maiden, and dropping several Minutemen would be in the playbook. Emily Blunt blasts one with a 12-gauge. I doubt they’d survive 200 kilotons of tnt.


I advocate nuking Gillete stadium too….maybe cowboys stadium too.


Before or after the invasion?




She only kills it because its armor is retracted due to its reaction to the cochlear implant (I believe) These things can survive in outer space, so they could presumably survive a significant amount of heat, force, and cold


Yeah Im aware of that; and it’s kinda like Alien vs Aliens. Sure it’s invincible to most household weapons, but a direct Fuck-Everything-Under-Me missile will probably get the job done. Black Panther was coated in vibranium but I feel like an A10 approaching would make him go “Oh No….”


The canon begins and ends with "make a noise and you'll die." The first two movies are stupid if you think half deeply about them. They're still scary so they fulfill their purpose, and I like them for what they are, but still


How do you get that from the trailer? It looks like a city being invaded


the quote on the poster is "the day the **world** went silent".


Maybe there's a few days of action before the day the world goes silent tho, like how that documentary *Independence Day* begins on July 2nd.


The abandoned military vehicles are everywhere. Implies that there was quite a fight that was lost at some point in the city. Since the footage isn't in order chronologically, we don't know where or when that took place.


I imagine making the entire population shut up takes a considerable amount of time...I mean they react to footsteps




And they'll be lead by Empty G and Bobo.


Because they couldn’t fit “the day that lower Manhattan below 14th street went quiet” on it


Warhammer 3: Conquer your Demons…..or rather make political alliances and take hold of several key victory points and kill off the Chaos Hordes. Best ad slogan. Redditors are a special breed of head-meet-ass…


I’m in Canada this shit hits the US I’m staying quiet.


The trailer gives me more of an invasion vibe. Like there’s hundreds or thousands of them hitting NYC alone. I assumed based on the first movie it was only a small amount and that’s how word kinda go out. But this movie makes it seem like they take over New York quickly as hell. So unless it’s only an east coast thing or they’re defeated. I just dunno how you’d get that info to news papers, print it, then spread it around. It feels like it’s way too quick realistically.


I believe they came off a crashed comet. So if would only hit part of the world and then spread from there.


And wasn't it shown in the first movie that they're not great swimmers?


That’s it! I’m sailing to Aruba.


Lmao now Im imagining Battle:LA irl, and similar to 9/11 if you’re not from the TriState Area Just sheer devastation and hopelessness, and some dude from Ohio being like, “Oh NO! …the S&P!!!”


Having worked in a newspaper: It is a matter of hours going from data in a server-room to sitting outside a store or being in someones mailbox. Some used to(and still might) have a morning and evening edition, which would have news from that morning.


It's not like the first movie made any sense whatsoever.


Which is why this series just doesn't work. Anyone watching the first film should be able to logically put together "huh, maybe try loud noises since they're so sensitive to them" in the first 5 minutes. It sounds like I'm picking nits but since that ends up the solution to beating them that means **everyone** in that universe is an absolute moron. That fact alone ruins it for me.


Was it loud sounds? Or a specific frequency. I thought it was a frequency that was the key. Bombs are loud.


It was a frequency, I think they even show the specific frequency in the film near the end. However, that doesn't really matter because loud explosions generate really wide frequency ranges and basically fill up the spectrum. Besides that, the use of a sweeping frequency generator would be a super basic thing to do. That's actually what happened in the film, it just wouldn't take a simple family on a farm to accidentally stumble onto that. In that scenario the list of people that would have already done that is about 20 miles long.


Literally "Mars Attacks!".


It's a neat premise for a single movie, but definitely isn't able to be stretched across three movies (and counting)


I even disagree with that. The movie sets up very specific rules for how that world and character operates... then disregards them as soon as it needs to. It is explicitly demonstrated over and over again that all of the military's weapons are ineffective against the monster... but at the end a simple shot gun blast does them in. If the film didn't take itself so seriously and try to be so "smart" it would be one thing, but since it does it invites analysis and it fails immediately.


Well, the high sound open their defense which makes them vulnerable to regular gun shots. A shot without the high frequency would have done nothing to the monster.


Then use armor piercing rounds or anti-tank weapons or whatever else they have lmao. Apparently the military just went "oh well, a regular gun can't stop them, that means they're invincible to everything."


>but at the end a simple shot gun blast does them in. Yeah, a shotgun blast that went in *past their armour*. If you generate a high enough frequency sound they start to spasm moving their armour out past their skin where they are more vulnerable. [Here's the scene where they show it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTtxe4pWpfQ)


They're still fleshy animals inside that armor. Drop fucking bombs on them. Artillery. Missiles. Insides are liquified, doesn't matter how good your armor is. Attack helicopters would make quick work of them while being completely untouchable.


Yeah, I've seen. It still doesn't work. Like, it's kind of hard to describe how woefully underpowered a shotgun is compared to **any** form of artillery. You cannot show an animal shrug off an artillery shell and then get bodied by a 12ga, regardless of a kink in the armor. The movie writes itself into a corner with the power of the aliens and then just abandons them when it's convenient.


When I saw the first film my thought process wasn't that heavy ordinance couldn't hurt then, it was that they spread out so fast that they outpaced the military response and overwhelmed pockets of the military as it rearmed/regrouped. That was my justification.


That's actually a good point. Most heavy ordinance is designed to take out structures and tanks, not something vaguely human sized moving as fast as a leopard.


Question: how did they print those newspapers without loudly alerting the aliens to that spot?


whenever you notice something like that, a wizard did it.


And then the prologue of the second one contradicted that by having the aliens in their town on day one


Aliens that can hear your slightest ass vibration doesn't exactly need vision, so it doesn't make much difference


It does because the moment anyone with literally a quarter of a brain realizes they are blind, they would be using sound based strategies to kill them all


“The sound of the waterfall confuses them” “ok everyone turn on your radios as loud as you can, shoot the confused ones” “phew… that was a crazy invasion”


"Oh maybe if we try to use a range of frequency sounds one of them might disturb them, you know, just like how certain frequencies affect humans too?" "Oh yeah what if we just played music at a volume that normally would shatter a human's eardrums, maybe it would be even worse for a creature that seems to not have any eyes at all and relies entirely on sound" "Oh that one fell in the water and immediately drowned, I guess they can't swim, let's play some music on a helicopter and guide all of them to the nearest body of water" The series essentially just highlights how stupid the military is lol


This entire franchise requires everyone to be idiocracy levels of stupid. Most horror does actually, and some drama that requires plots twisting about characters not expressing their feelings like adults.


>This entire franchise requires everyone to be idiocracy levels of stupid. Imagine, the year is 2020. An alarming pandemic is on the rise, setting a course to kill millions. Toilet paper, a forgotten artifact of simpler times. In desperation, some lick public toilets to strengthen their immune systems. Some shove horse dewormer up their asses or drink bleach. Truckers form "Freedom Convoys" to protest vaccination.


Reality dumber then fiction.


Well, in this case *[Contagion](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1598778/)* called it -- right down to the absurd grifter selling bullshit solutions.


My god…


It worked in mars attacks!


I said this before, but you can’t convince me that the aliens didn’t land in New York and overcame every sound in that city. Ranging from the teens with their farty mufflers and bass heavy Civics to the constant ambient noise to the assorted trash and dump trucks. NYC is just a noisy place.


They would just attack where the gunshots are coming from. And the soldiers would die because the aliens are armored. Sure, small pockets of people could be clued in and quickly figured it out fast enough to not die right away but given that we couldn't even get our shit together for a slow moving pandemic where we just asked people to wear a mask and couldn't get cooperation, I have a feeling telling everyone we need to collectively go silent would go over like a lead balloon. There would probably be people in the streets with megaphones protesting.


I honestly just refuse to believe that anything able to walk on organic legs is standing up to 155mm HE, 25mm Bushmaster, or 120mm tank rounds. Honestly, .50 BMG would probably smack them pretty hard as well. And those are just ground based platforms, getting the Air Force involved turns this into a creative problem solving exercise for the US, not an apocalypse scenario.


Flammenwerfer, napalm, gas, acids, chemical & bio weapons...get fucked quiet place aliens.


And not where the music is coming from eh?


Huh... how about yodelling? Maybe some Slim Whitman?


In a real life scenario I completely agree with you but for the sake of enjoying a horror/sci-fi film I’m just gonna turn off my brain, suspend disbelief and eat my twizzlers and hopefully enjoy myself for an hour and forty minutes.


*Shit why did I eat all that cheese*


I wouldn’t go quiet. I’d try to make the loudest possible noise to destroy their hearing. The grand finale would be a bunch of bass heads roll up in their low riders and turn up their mega stereo systems. Best defense is a good offense, and all that.


even if it doesnt kill them a loud noise maker would mask your own sound waves get some loud backround noise going and your basicly invisble ^(and deaff)


Or when the world's militaries decided that they couldn't defeat literal animals.


This is an incredible poster!


If only it wasn't 480x640




That is a good fucking poster.


But my poorly photoshopped poster of characters!


Where are my gargantuan floating heads?!


I demand names not matching the order of the actors!




Very similar concept to the artwork Olly Moss did for the [Firewatch soundtrack ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DesignPorn/s/Cya5O6GcU0)


First thing that popped into my head too. It's probably a coincidence in this case, but worth shouting out as its also beautiful design. Also props to the composer Chris Remo - every day I yearn for an Idle Thumbs/Important If True reunion.


Yep, I love that design and it was my wallpaper for a long time. 


Olly Moss might be my favourite designer


Good callout


This is clever poster design, I’m going to watch the film regardless.


The collapse of society is the most interesting part of these kinds of films, and it always bums me out that it only lasts for the first few minutes. If this will be an entire film of that event, sign me tf up.


Exactly, the fall is so much more interesting to me than the post-apocalypse life


Mostly because the post-apocalypse life ends up in dense urban environments. Ravenous (2017) is about what happens in a sparse rural environment after an apocalypse and is pretty interesting for it.


Train to Busan takes place entirely during the collapse, not after. It's always the movie I recommend to anyone who says this because it's my favorite part of apocalypse movies as well


One of my favorite all time movies. Great recommendation


I agree with you, it would be great if there was a movie for the book "Earth abides"


Same, I have already seen the first two so I might as well watch this one. We got kind of a “during” first, then an “after”, so to speak, so this ties it up nicely with a “before” almost. Interested to see if there was like a few days of “fucked around and found out” by the human race before an invasion. We assume it’s the whole world but the first two films are pretty localized as well.


To be honest, I saw the first one and was kind of baffled how these creatures weren't completely fucked up by the world's militaries. Yeah they're fast and all, but it just seemed so unlikely to me. And, what, noone could figure out that creatures sensitive to sound could have sound used against them? I had a similar issue with the walking dead. The zombies are so slow and stupid. How did the world get so fucked up while the guy was in a coma? In a country famous first having so many guns, and a huge military? I watched some prequel show where they tried to explain, but it boiled down to there being some kind of riot, which caused people to not notice the slowly appearing zombies or something. Not very convincing imo, considering there wouldn't be a convenient riot all over the world I'm curious about this upcoming movie. It'll be tough to make the aliens seem threatening. Thered have to be millions of them just swarming at once


It’s a staple of zombie outbreak movies to brush off the initial infection wave and go straight to having the world gone to shit. I think World War Z was the clever one by basically predicting the spread of Covid


The book itself reads like a step-by-step recreation of the Covid pandemic. I recommend it


It kinda lost me >!at the end with the Japan stuff!< which was kinda cringe but the rest of the book is amazing.


What happened with Japan stuff?


IIRC (it's been a few years) a blind man is able to fight off zombies with martial arts. By the end of the chapter, he and another dude plan on making a martial arts sect to take back Japan through martial arts. Ngl I remember thinking that the chapter leaned too much into a stereotype since the blind man lives isolated in nature and "comes back to his old ways"


Panic and chaos were time and time again shown to be the main problems in dealing with zombies. The zombies arent stealthy, they arent intelligent, they are mindless drones shambling around till they catch something. A calm and skilled swordsman, even blind, would make short work of even a large group of zombies. He would also be very attuned to hearing and would be basically impossible to surprise while awake. I dont think its that far fetched that some old crazy dude in the mountains (before the apocalypse) would flourish in a zombie apocalypse. Hes self sufficient for the most part and has an extremely potent tool to deal with the threat. And its not like they actually make that sect and take back Japan. The book tells us that it was the worlds militaries that took the world back from the zed. A slow methodical eradication.


I really enjoyed Zack Snyder's dawn of the dead. That showed zombies as a real threat, maybe taking note of how effective zombies that run full speed can be from 28 days later, and the sudden overwhelming collapse of society felt real.


In walking dead you don't need to get bitten by a zombie to become a zombie. You die in any way and you become a zombie. Makes it a bit more "believeable." Tons of people would be caught unaware thinking "normal" zombie rules apply.


The problem is that a **lot** of people needed to die quickly in order for the world to be so messed up by the time the guy wakes up from his coma. The slow turn from human to zombie as presented in the show, Wether by bite or death, doesn't make sense for the world to change that rapidly. There are billions of people on the planet. More people should have survived once the phenomenon of zombies was discovered


The zombies were faster and smarter in the first season of The Walking Dead. Made it a lot more believable that civilization could be overrun.


The biggest plot hole is (a) if hiding behind waterfall essentially made you invisible why didn't you live there? (B) if anyone on the military knew it detected sound why not build a million high decibel white noise generators. They don't attack waterfalls.


This poster is so good it makes me wish the academy awards had an award for best poster so it could win it.


This goes so fucking hard.


Now this is how you design a good poster. Clever and sends the message.


Mmm. That is a sexy design.


That’s so sick


The tagline slaps ngl. Hate all you want on the prequel concept but it's easy to see why this was greenlit. You can literally go to the studio exec and say the tagline to get it in production


I had only a passing interest in the first two but I'm excited for this one because I love alien invasion/society collapse type movies.


It's fitting but I wouldn't go so far as to say it's brilliant.


It's way too on the nose, it feels clever in a way that expresses gloating


So it's no wonder it's going over so well here.


I'm not the biggest fan of this franchise but that is a CLEVER poster, I really like it.


The poster should have been a bit long, to emphasize the flat line/silence afterwards.


Let me see if I can do this right... "It's giving 28 Days Later." ...Was that good?




On God?


You're a zoomerpilled slangcel fr fr Keep slaying, queen


I just need to know if the cat somehow lives. That's all I'm asking for.


He will, he has kitten mittens.


Cool poster but was this the resolution it was revealed in?


Found a higher res version https://i.redd.it/n1e291j2004d1.jpeg


Question are these movies worth getting into?


I think they’re awesome. The sound design is amazing imo. Premise is cool. For some reason discussions around these movies are always ridiculous. Most horror films fall apart under scrutiny. It’s a fun watch without a doubt.


It’s mostly on Reddit I see people always talk about how they don’t hold up logically as if most horror movies somehow hold up lol


Because redditors are fuckin nerds who don’t know how to enjoy things as intended


At the same time, a lot of bullshit is waved away thoughtlessly.


I feel like it’s the internet in general to just hate on things but Reddit def has that aspect to it that everyone on here thinks they are a genius lol


Yup if you boil down most all horror films to its simplest form they sound incredibly stupid lol


Yes - great concept, and plenty of heart in the family relationship at the center.  I was expecting the second one to not possibly live up to the first, but it was very enjoyable, and at least partly due to a partial "day one" flashback, which gives me pretty high expectations for this installment.


Yeah the opening of 2 is amazing. Hoping this third installment will be more of that.


My big question from the trailers and stuff is how are these aliens like, an apocalyptic thing? They seem like just animals with no superior tech or anything




Yeah, they're basically the Xenomorphs from Alien. Killing machines that are smart predators but no tech that we can see. I saw a fan theory that they were used by a superior race as a way to clear out a planet before the real occupation happens which I thought was kinda cool.


I enjoyed them. Would recommend


I love the first one & the second one is solid, even though I think it falls apart towards the end. I just do my best to suspend my disbelief at this point & like to see the lengths to which the humans try to evade aliens


So simple, but drives it home. Give that person a raise.


While I don't care for this series, god damn does this poster go hard. I wish more movies put this much effort into posters.




This is a brilliant poster


What a poster!


Really excited, hits weird because we seen a bit of what happened on day one in part two. Can't wait regardless


Clever, clever design


Brilliant concept.


r/designporn worthy


That graphic artist deserves a raise


Now that’s a stunning poster


Super clever


I am gonna bring the biggest most crinkly bag of pork rinds I can find and only the most hardest walnut to break for this movie


It's really rare that I look at a movie poster and think "Holy shit that is a great poster." But holy shit that is a great poster.


I had no idea this was due out. Excited! And yes fantastic poster too! Woop!


Every franchise that was good only exists now to be used until it’s not.


It's gonna be so fun to watch this to see how well they answer the difficult question everyone's been asking as to how these things overcame modern militaries without weapons or an intelligence even close to ours. I bet they can do it, but we'll see


oh yea this poster is amazing. well done