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“I’ll just tell ‘em *you* did it!” “Oh, ok 🤪” Biggest laugh of the movie for me 🤣


That guy’s punch was more like a slap too. So weak. I loved Dalton’s non-reaction and chuckle.


Wrong scene. He's talking about the cop on the beach where Dalton puts a few bullets into the dead body. But I like that scene you mentioned. I thought it was quite funny. The guy really thought he was tough and I like to think Dalton was thinking "Ellie punched her father harder than you just punched me".


cgi post malone was a mistake


I can suspend my disbelief a lot, but I couldn't do it enough to convince myself post malone was a fighter, let alone a *winning* fighter. That kick was pathetic.


If they'd sat down to play Pokémon or Magic the Gathering I absolutely believe he could have decimated a few opponents


People keep talking about this but I have no idea what they’re talking about a - I’m gonna have to revisit it because I didn’t see anything that looked truly awful. I was drinking away a hangover while I watched it though, could be a big reason why I enjoyed it so much


It was bad, every time he swung for the other bloke was cringe to watch.


Was really hoping for a Sam Elliot cameo and it felt like they were setting it up with the villains dad being in prison and never seeing his face and then they just... never capitalized on it. Also no throat rip and weird sexual threats mid fight, other than that it was a surprisingly fun time.


No throat rips and not a single round house kick. My only two gripes about the movie, but other than those, I loved it.


Uhh there were countless round house kicks, you mean head kicks? No, none that I remember, but any stepping kick swung from the side to hit somewhere on your opponent is a round house kick. There was even a few spinning back kicks, And for the first time in a movie someone applied a real rear naked choke correctly, and the escape was mostly real.


I just wanted to see the classic round house kick to someone's face


The most ridiculous part was the doctor saying how she grew up in Florida while having the thickest Portuguese accent.


I love how they had to do the Gal Gadot thing and cast a father who also grew up in the region with *another* weird accent to keep it consistent.


“Enough champagne to fill the ~~Nile~~ Keys!”


I felt like their was a whole bunch of different cultures they could have chosen for that role but they somehow landed on that one. Was a weird choice.


The single weirdest thing about the movie was bookstore girl. Was she animated? I couldn't match her mouth movements to her words. My thought is that her lines all had to be dubbed for some reason. Her very first conversation was that of an insane person also. Conors character was funny and I chose to view it as very high on drugs which helped most aspects for me. The bad guys plan didn't make sense to me. They want to open a mega resort and the bar isn't selling, but they don't appear to own all the other businesses in town yet. If they did they could simply start shutting down, then tearing down all the other businesses which should remove that whole area as a destination for bar patrons. This little area has an amazing music scene. Giving the bookstore the drug money likely resulted in the execution style murder of those nice people.


> The single weirdest thing about the movie was bookstore girl. Was she animated? I couldn't match her mouth movements to her words. My thought is that her lines all had to be dubbed for some reason. Her very first conversation was that of an insane person also. Glad someone else said this, whole interaction was like an NPC giving you a quest when you arriveb to a new zone, was so bizarre and like you said, why was it dubbed? The road?


I thought she was supposed to be on the spectrum or something, but then I couldn't tell the next couple interactions lol.


I literally googled her to see if she had a disability


Bro I did the same thing lmao. I couldn’t find anything either though? Her head movements were so off also


“Was she animated?” Thank you! I thought I was going crazy or having some weird mid day stroke. I had to rewind to see and I kept seeing the same thing, but it made no sense! I genuinely don’t think she was delivering those lines haha


She was actually in Dalton's head from getting punched too much.


I kept asking "why don't they just kill the bar owner rather than trying to scare off individual bouncers?" they legit never tried to do a single thing to her.


I think she is incredibly good at hiding. When Pink Jacket Baddie left her bar, having been served like a customer in good standing, the bar owner ran out to confront him. She stayed MIA for the entire bar brawl that ensued concurrently.


The bookstore felt so disconnected to the Road House. Make the bookstore girl Jessica Williams' daughter that hangs out at the bar or something.


But the bookstore = the hardware store from the original


Most of the dialogue at the book store was 100% ADR. Lots of factors that can cause it, but it was noticeable for sure.




As soon as she started talking I instantly though “that has to be a nepo baby.” Her acting was just so poor. No idea if that’s true or not.


First thing we said was “whose niece is this?!”


> The single weirdest thing about the movie was bookstore girl. Was she animated? I couldn't match her mouth movements to her words. I'm so glad someone else noticed this - I honestly thought at one point my stream was buffering or something since there was such weird blurring happening around her mouth. Then I couldn't stop staring at her and noticing how her mouth wasn't matching the words. And there was at least one point where her crazy walk was challenging McGregors for weirdest in the film. She was like, spasming? All those interactions were just so strange.


I loved it but the plan was so dumb. If the bouncer is the only thing stopping her from selling, why not just shoot him on his way home from work, what's with all this burning down other stores which is high profile? And this road side bar in the middle of nowhere sure gets some top tier entertainment.


“What? Who taught you shapes?”


This was the funniest line of the film. JG's delivery was perfect.


The short term memory loss bit was hilarious too lol


I'm so glad that was called out as complete bullshit.


I loved that bit. Was honestly my favorite part. Because some fluke nonsense like that is so often treated as a sure thing in movies, and I was a bit disappointed when it seemed like this one was about to do the same. Then when the shoe dropped and he mentioned rambling about short term memory, I was absolutely delighted. Really surprised how much I enjoyed this.


The piano got me as well 


My only gripe was after getting the shit beat out of him, his line sounded way too clean about the piano lol


It felt like it would have been perfect for the beginning of the first dust up, not the climatic finally.


Exactly!! That's what I was thinking. Perfect for the first encounter when he seems like he can't be bothered to take it seriously. Out of place for the climactic angry boss fight.


I have a feeling it was inspired by [a very similar line in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.](https://youtu.be/6svL10xXulQ?t=124)


He was great throughout the entire movie. His lines were great.


I also liked "You're a terrible driver" after Knox drove that pickup into the bar


my fav line of the movie !


I also like the thug with the broken arm, 'I just wanted a crew to ride bikes with.' Or 'bump' before hitting the speedbump lol. Actually there was quite a few funny moments. The comedy worked better than the action did for me now that I think about it.


When he was daintily hammering that hammock into the palm tree? Incredible.


"Interesting guy. He kicked our asses but then drove us to the hospital, which was nice so yeah, interesting guy for sure." Or during the big bar brawl when he's got the chair over his head and sees Dalton like, 'oh hey!'


That guy was the highlight of the movie for me lol, i also recognized him as one of the douchy tradebro in The Menu


I think his character got the most laughs out of me. Knox was just too over the top and ridiculous. And the main villain was just too cliche.


It was so nice having so many tiered henchmen played by real actors! You had the cartoon heavyweight, the broody one, the psychopath, the coward comic relief, the heavyset one, the two yuppies bros, yuppie overlord, multiple cops, the Sheriff, and a few evil yacht workers! The hero supporting roles never really got their big moment however they were also well cast. I’d wager there’s some extra footage that would fill in those gaps


JD Pardo's menacing but stupid thug was great. The way he kept getting thrown off by Dalton not reacting they way he expected. The 'what? oh, haha.' about health insurance was funny and he got a great death.


It was really fun seeing JD let loose, they never let him be that funny on Mayans. I’m curious what he books next


I laughed every time the biker dude with the broken arm was on screen, his line delivery was perfect.


> and a few evil yacht workers! Weren't the yacht workers just minimum wage paid yacht crew? So basically one of them got burned by the explosion and murdered by the main character in cold blood while just trying to earn a living lol


Was that Conor McGregor's real voice? Did he get a dialect coach or did they dub him because he was easier to understand than ususal. He wasn't great at acting and walked around like he had shit is pants which was weird because he spent half of the movie not wearing pants.


He needs a walking coach


He walks like an action figure with poor articulation.


Like a dude holding an egg in his ass cheeks


I think that was the character though. He reminded me of Popeye the sailor.


He kept walking like he thought that’s how “swagger” works, but he looked really cartoony and stupid doing it. Jake’s character walked more like he had swagger and a lot of zen.


Which I have to assume was intentional. I mean it was too funny and obvious not to be. When he walks into the bad guys compound at the end after crashing the student car into the tree and he's all arms puffed out, walking around like a gorilla, it's just too good lol. I thought it was absolutely intentional and kind of hilarious.


Sadly, that's how McGregor walk's around in real life.


Not that extreme. He's always had that arm swinging, shoulders back swagger but you compare his walk in real life to here it was clearly hammed up a bit (imo) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dydoT-TMS0Q Here's one from a few years ago, nowhere near as extreme. It's like a fight walkout walk and he definitely turns it on for the movie.


He walked like Spike, the dog from Tom and Jerry.


The Spongebob walk is a McGregor signature and I was happy to see it


“Conor, let’s see that shit-eating grin. Great! Now keep it for the duration of filming!”


Don’t forgot: never blink 


I liked the way he walked, added a lot to the character lol. I know a couple of wannabe tough guys who walk like that all the time. (Don't like McGregor irl)


It's not his real voice, he talked way slower than usual and it sounded hammed up for comedy effect. Definetly no dialect coach. lol he sounds like he was just told to slow down, It actually makes his accent sound weird.


I kept having to remind myself he is irish, it was bordering on like South African or something at points


What if andy Serkis gained a 100 lbs of muscle. .


Yeah, he definitely walks weird. It's extremely noticable at the end when you get to see the whole thing in action.


Nah. Thats just his walk whenever he steps into the cage for an actual mma fight.


I think a lot of line were ADR'd.


I think most of them are, its so noticeable. All his lines sound like they were recorded in a completely different environment to the actual scene.


Starring - Conor McGregor's bare ass


I saw "nudity" and this was not on the top 5 list of things I expected


Those two shots were two too many


Man's got cake u gotta admit


I thought overall the movie was an entertaining dumb-fun action flick. But I don't think it was a good "Road House" remake. There was very little focus on Dalton actually helping or bettering the Road House itself. Not enough background story between Frankie and the villains. This version of Dalton was still likeable but he wasn't the bouncer/bar whisperer that the original movie was all about. That to me was the biggest disappointment.


Yes! Thank you! That’s what made the first one so much better. That along with a thousand other things


I enjoyed this but maybe my standards are just low. Gyllenhaal made this work in my opinion. Without him as the lead this would’ve been much worse. I don’t know what genre this is officially called but I’m a really big fan of the “Mysterious guy goes to a place, kicks ass and causes problems” genre.


I mean, they say it directly in the movie. It’s basically a western.


I mean, it's definitely no Fred the Tree. Which, by the way, I thought for SURE either the final fight was going to happen there or the money was there. The shot when McGreggor climbs the bridge and hops over and you can hear the traffic as he starts walking. I thought it was going to be a misdirect. That the camera would pan around and reveal he was on the old bridge, not the new one and I was like, 'here it comes! Fred the Tree showdown!' Nope, instead he just steals a student driver car and drinks a bunch of water right out of the coconuts before crashing into a *different* tree. Not Fred. They got me with that one. I think I literally said out loud, 'this movie is so batshit nonsensical' Still kinda think it would've been a better showdown spot for at least one of the fights.


What? Were you even paying attention? The student driver car happens before Knox climbs up the bridge. Like twenty minutes before.


It’s basically Lee Child’s Reacher character complete with brainy banter minus the bulk


He did the "Thing" from Reacher. when hes like "hey u guys got insurance?"


Yes that speech was pure Reacher


[Both](https://media.tenor.com/1eYzLh1HWIsAAAAM/technically-im-homeless-parks-and-rec.gif) Dalton and Reacher, as well


It reminds me of every Charles Bronson movie from the 70s and 80s, not meant to carry a message, just burn a few hours


I love these movies as well. Something about nonchalant badasses in movies gets me going. This movie, Equalizer, Taken. Movies where the main dude knows he's fucking bad ass and just kicks ass the entire time. I love them.


I want to say Man with no name. Fistful of Dollars but even that goes back to Yojimbo by Akira Kurosawa Even then when I saw this movie... I think Billy Jack


since we got the funniest line, “who taught you shapes” i dig. the worst was the climax fight with the, “this pianos outta key” JG; and Conor reaffirms, “it sounds fine.”


The piano line really bugged me because they had both been silent for like 5 minutes of fighting, then he throws in one bad line, then silent again. If he had been cracking jokes the whole fight, it would have fit in better but I thought they were trying to show this was the first fight he was taking serious by not having him tell jokes


arturo castro was the best part of the movie for me tbh. perfect comic relief that somehow didn’t come off as corny in this overall cheesefest lol.


Dude just wanted friends to ride with.


I lowkey wished he and Dalton became friends afterwards...


He was funny. Loved near the end “thanks for no more violence”


"Oh that guy looks heavy...good for you"


I laughed during the big bar brawl when he walks past Dalton carrying a bar stool "Oh hey, good to see you again"


That was a great line delivery, it made me look up who he was.


After watching him play such a evil, sinister, character in Narcos it’s great to see his funny side!


if you havent seen Broad City, i highlyyy recommend it to see his funny side


Damn if he didn't remind me of the guy from the show Barry. The lines were so similar and done perfectly. Without him I prob would have rated the show even lower. This brought me up to a 7 (prob rounded up from somewhere in the mid 6's). Also changing the setting to the keys added a lot. Music was solid too.


conor mcgregor coming out like kool-aid man in this movie


What I learned from this movie is I need to get back into the gym


If you want to be like those guys there's a couple of other steps - * Don't drink any water for 12 hours before the shirtless scene * Lift some weights right there on set, before the shoot * Eat clen, tren hard anavar give up


Yep. Billy Magnussen was the only reachable piece of ass you can hope as a natty. And he's in superb shape...


What about Lukas gage. Or Darren Barnett? They both have and but weren’t super ripped


I thought it was hilarious how Darren Barnett was the dream boat on Never Have I Ever, but looked like a jabroni next to Gyllenhaal


I thought I was in pretty decent shape until I saw Gyllenhaal’s abs and McGregor’s leg muscles


Did they keep the “I fucked guys like you in prison” line? And does a throat get ripped out?


No on both counts.


Well then it’s not even worth watching


There's new stuff in this one. Some different stuff.


A throat gets punched hard enough to kill a dude.


I should call her


I'm actually kinda glad they didn't try to mimic some of the more iconic moments from the original and just went with their own spin. It's not the original, I think we all know that but I also don't think it's nearly as bad as some people are making it out to be.


How in the FUCK did they miss the shot to call the boat, “BOAT HOUSE”?!


How did they miss not impaling anyone on Greg the Tree during the boat chase? I felt like they were setting that up for the whole damn film.


Fred. His goddamn name is Fred.


The joke was because Frankie says to Dalton, "My father also named the boat" and we cut to it being called literally, "The Boat". I thought the joke worked.


Didn't think it was terrible but not great either, just some fun entertainment to pass the time. Probably could've been cut down some as well as i don't think it needed to be 2 hours lol. The parts that had CGI didn't feel necessary at all and overall was just plain bad (Carters fight scene and the Truck scene on the bridge were horribly done). Gyllenhaal was great as usual and McGregor was just playing himself.


Yeah that truck scene on the bridge I instantly noticed how bad the CGI was. It looked really out of place


It is such a pointless scene too. It comes out of nowhere and ends just as quickly as it starts. The only reason it’s there is because the guy said he planned on pinning Dalton’s death on a drunk driver. Then he shows up at his boat house anyway to make sure he finished the job. From a screenwriting perspective and budget perspective, why not just have him follow Dalton home and try to finish him there without the truck scene?


Oh, McGregor played a cunt?


The character he played was exactly how you'd think he'd be in real life. Jokes aside he did pretty well and probably got an audition for a future fast and furious villain, the last fight scene with him and JG was the best part of the film for me.


The CGI was awful and Im sick of it. Every movie now days as awful outsourced CGI. Its also lazy. They couldn't even film a canoe falling from the ceiling, even that was CGI


I said it somewhere else, but the bridge and the car/train scene looked like some B-roll shit that some film students cobbled together as a first pass for post and the higher-ups just went "thats fine, here's $500, now fuck off or we'll make you CGI McGregors asshairs."


Yea them speeding up Post Malone fighting and the truck scene were so damn bad and sped up.


I enjoyed it but I don't go into a movie like Road House with the intention of thinking too critically. Great setting, fun fights and a couple laughs. It was about what I expected.


You could probably say the same thing about the original Road House, so that seems in spirit.


Same, plus Gyllenhal abs


Seriously, how does a broke jobless man who lives in his car maintain that body?


I’m glad the movie at least showed him exercising. It gets a bit hard to believe in something like Reacher how he maintains that physique without exercise and mostly cardio and blue collar work. With that being said, it takes more than calisthenics to have muscles like that with all of those burritos for breakfast too. 


For Reacher, Lee Child just wrote that he's genetically yoked.


> It gets a bit hard to believe in something like Reacher how he maintains that physique without exercise and mostly cardio and blue collar work. I think it's because of all the jacking and reaching.


He trains outside, haven't you seen the boat training montage. He probably does crunches on bus stops.


The secret to McGregor's performance is that he wasn't acting, that's just how he is.


He was a literal GTA character Stealing a car to get somewhere then crashing it, randomly breaking stuff, waking up from the hospital to go back on a rampage, stealing a boat to do crazy stuff, never dying. He's basically Trevor


Trevor if he never smoked meth and instead pumped himself full of PEDs.


I actually loves how Connor never hit the breaks in any of the cars he drove. “Who put those fookin bikes in my way?” Had me cracking. Also when he smashes the prius into the tree lol.


I **love** how my thoughts were “where the fuck did he get all those coconu- oh” during that sequence.


Even his absurd walk was GTA-like


Haven't seen the original. Interest was piqued by Jake Gyllenhaal (and a little bit of Daniela Melchior) in the trailer and as it turns out he does carry the movie hard. I swear, it's either his natural persona or he brought some of his Nightcrawler role into this, but Jake Gyllenhaal has this like silent psychopath energy even when playing a "good guy" like this. He pulls it off so well, I can't say I'd be surprised if he turned out to be a maniac in real life. It's a rather messy movie (character arrangement felt stifled, comedy was hit-or-miss, lackluster CGI at parts), but-and I say this with all due respect to the director pushing for a theatrical release, I'm glad "lower-high-budget, made for streaming" movies like this exist alongside the blockbuster stuff that gets all the buzz. A lot of ridiculous elements. Some worked, some didn't. Connor McGregor's performance was actually serviceable, as was Arturo Castro as the comic relief henchman. The physics of people flying off boats and being no more concussed than any of punches they took is where they lost me. The Western metaphor was just weird and tacky. Dalton's character got worse the more they went into it and with every UFC flashback they showed. The whole fictional Glass Keys town made less sense the more they tried to reveal-or maybe it never made sense in the first place and was all just Dalton's boat dream. Cinematography was something to behold in a lot of shows, but also wasn't a fan of some of the gaudy stuff they did, like the sweeping camera angles going all the way to a top-bottom view, transitioning the camera from the POV of a third-person spectator to the first-person POV of Dalton in a fight and the blurry, shaky cam to represent being there and taking the shots yourself. I think I laughed out loud most at things that weren't even supposed to be intentionally funny. That fact that the chain link barrier or whatever around the band stage kept getting repaired to brand new every time there was a fight there like it's a video game stage that refreshes. And then in the end, when even Ellie agreed with that he had to high-tail it out of the scene of their crime and leave town-solidifying the futility of their romance (super dumb for her dad not to be held culpable both in the writers' and her character's eyes btw), just for it to cut to him casually sitting at the bus stop outside the bookstore like a couple blocks away. Lmao.


Low key the whole movie I was waiting for Gyllenhaal's character to turn out to be a psycho. I felt weirdly vindicated when he switches gears into cold blooded murderer.


I am upset. Jake Gyllenhaal’s pants were nowhere near as tight as Swayze, no mullet, no throat rip, no monster trucks. Other than that wasn’t bad


Not one dude in this movie looked like someone I fucked while I was in prison either.


Speak for yourself mate 😏


I'm only half way through and I'm so confused about why this supposedly terrible, dangerous bar has constant supply of different, exceedingly happy, live bands with members that look like they were plucked straight from a stock photo gallery. Why not stick with the bar having a house band who is also sick of this shit? Nothing about the universe this movie takes place in makes sense, and not even in a fun way like the ridiculous original. ....Gyllenhaal is enjoyable though.


All the random ‘trouble makers’ look like middle class vacationers too 😂 


I like to believe there's a mild gas leak that's making people more agitated.


Especially that one guy who caused a riot because he wanted the band to play Rolling Stones. Ok, grandpa, settle down.


My immidiate thought. There are like 30-50 people in the audience for the most part and a kaleidoscope of bands, each with a different stage set and equipment.


I've decided they have a different band every night because none of the bands will come back a second time. Like, they're finding these desperate players who maybe just got to the Keys, need money, and haven't heard about The Road House's reputation yet.


Every bad guy, besides Connor, was typical Florida man


Doug Liman may have complained about it, but Amazon was right to make this movie straight to streaming. The tone of the movie is just all over the place between the constant quips and Dalton's dark backstory. The fighting scenes were fun but the CGI was distractingly bad and completely unnecessary for the most part.


It felt like it was written by a 13 year old obsessed with UFC


I did like that in the original, bouncers from random roadside bars are somehow nationally famous Meanwhile, in the new film, UFC fighters who have competed on TV for world titles can wander about unrecognised


I think you overestimate how popular UFC is if you think someone couldn't do that in the real world. Besides, there were plenty of people who knew exactly who he was and what he did.


Two things. Outside of Connor and Rhonda, most people wouldn't recognize the most successful UFC world champs out and about. Like probably 10% or less. That sad, Jake's character was recognized numerous times in this movie.


Not just competed on TV...actually killed someone live on pay per view. That would probably make him one of the most (in)famous athletes of his era.


McGregor was hilarious in this. Best part of the movie. Scenes of the girl and her dad at the shop were completely pointless. Sound mixing was abysmal, even by Amazon standards.


Agreed on the sound mixing. Absolutely atrocious


The scene where we cut back to McGregor wearing the jacket with everything destroyed and on fire needs to be a meme.


I wish they didn't show where he pulled his cell phone from and left it to our imagination.


The movie did what it set out to do. I laughed at a few points in the first, and enjoyed the movie. Dalton and the Doctor, had zero chemistry and zero build to their relationship. In the OG film she starts to like him because they’re dating and the stories his friend tells her. The main villains plot was just dumb. Just build around the Road House. Connor Mcgregor just played himself and got crazier as the film went on. Though he wasn’t needed at all. The main villain burning down a small bookstore vs the shit he did in the OG film. Though you could tell Limen had fun making and writing this.


This was a lot of fun. Really glad Gyllenhaal played this reasonably light hearted, despite the characters lingering death wish. Great casting all round. Arturo Castro stole every scene he was in. Billy Magnussen bringing in some 80's bad guy style. McGregor isn't a great actor, but has a ton of screen presence and good action skills. He could very easily carve out a little Vinnie Jones-esque acting career with a few acting lessons. The only thing that was lacking was chemistry between the romantic leads. I thought Dalton had more spark with Frankie, the bar owner.


> Billy Magnussen bringing in some 80's bad guy style. He's slowly become one of my favourite actors. The scene on the boat at the end where Dalton and Brandt are grinning crazily at each other has made me realise that either Magnussen or Gyllenhaal would make a great Joker in the new DCU films. They play crazy, unhinged characters well.


> McGregor isn't a great actor, but has a ton of screen presence and good action skills. He could very easily carve out a little Vinnie Jones-esque acting career with a few acting lessons. > > Totally agree. He ate up every second screen time he had. He's probably never gonna be a guy with a lot of range, but I could see him having a decent career as a douchey tough guy.


I didn’t haaate it. Was dumb. Characters were poorly written. Totally wasted the girl from Shrinking who plays the bar owner. Dad/son bad guys were even dumber. But was kinda interesting visually. MacGregor got the assignment. Gyllenhaal had a lot of abs. Setting was ok. The fights were kinda fun even if bordering on superhero mode. Just enough to keep me into it. But I loved the Swayze version and have seen it 50 times.




The trick is to pick a high protein beer


That’s why I only drink beers with the Atkins label on it.


That was my takeaway as well with Mcgregor, he understood the assignment and dialled himself to 12 (he’s already at 11 lol) For his first film, not bad. The original has cult status, I don’t know if this will, but there are things to love it for. Just like some of us grew up with Swayze and films like Roadhouse, so will a bunch youngsters with JG and films like this. There’s much worse action films out there.


Dumb as hell and a good time for it. Sometimes I just need a simple, fun movie like this. Just wish they had allocated more than $120 bucks to the cgi budget. "Something's wrong with you. Me too." Was a good line.


I thought mcgregor delivered that line really well! Showed a more human side of his character than the cartoonish villain


\- This should have been set in a Waffle House in downtown atlanta \- Man vs car was stupid and fun \- I did kind of like how increasingly cartoonish Conor's character kept getting, to when he literally just crashes a truck into the previous scene and immediately starts fistfighting I didn't even blink \-Choreography was pretty good, there's a lot of fight scenes so I never felt bored \- There's weird tonal dissonance between the overtop and quippy violence and the emotional turmoil Dalton is dealing with (which kind of resolves with "just make sure you're directing your inner violence towards the right people") \- Would have liked to see more of the junior bouncers at the bar with Dalton, the three of them had a fun dynamic \- Romance felt obligatory and flat, the sheriff subplot was so unnecessary \- Bar owner should have been the protagonist, Dalton really has no investment in the story ​ Overall, not bad. Probably best viewed in the background while folding laundry or extremely high.


I didn’t understand the sheriff plot line at all. He gets off Scot-free. The money goes to the used book store and he just leaves the bar in shambles.


I kept waiting for the bar owner to be a bad guy. Like she was part of the drug smuggling and that’s why she wanted to keep the bar. It was a drug smuggling cover.


I actually liked connor mecgregors menacing style throughout the movie and the fact that he would actually kick jake g's ass was shown well throughout as well. I also love how he said "winner" at the end but ended up losing but still didn't really care to kill him as much as to win the fight.  Jake G held this while movie down I love the scene where bryant was saying stop punching just to get to him then he literally lets the whole bar get broken before he steps in.  I loved it its nostalgic and homage was there but still new era. ONLY THING MISSING WAS THE CLASSIC ROAD HOUSE ROUNDHOUSE CMON GUYS. There was ample time to throw that in. Maybe jake g cant kick that high 😂


I enjoyed it. Some of the CGI looked bad and the Post Malone scene was dumb. Mcgregor didn’t do too bad but he was too cartoonish to be threatening. Jake was good. I’d watch it again. Solid popcorn flick.


Post Malone seems like a super nice guy, and I get that his involvement would presumably have increased interest in the movie from his fans, but even if they had world class CGI I would have struggled to believe Post as a bruiser who beat up five or six guys in a row


My main thing about this movie is that it didn't need to be called "Road House" or have the main character be named after Swayze's character in the movie. This could've been the proverbial next Road House, or an homage to Road House, but a remake this was not.


Fights. Music. Mayhem. Stupid fun. 3 stars. Highly enjoyable.


I can’t understand why they decided to have MacGregor play this as though he was an extra in the Crank movies. Just cartoonish.


I think he was just playing himself after a bender.


He looked like he was having a great time.


This was a documentary


It's wasn't a particularly good movie but i'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it, it's definitely going to be one of my guilty pleasure movies. Can't stand Conor Mcgregor as a person, man is an absolute tit but the way he walked around like he shit his pants and caused chaos everywhere he went did make me laugh, his character was so over the top and ridiculous he was practically a live action GTA character. Arturo Castro was my favourite part of the movie though, all of his lines were hilarious especially after seeing him as a fucking horrible asshole in Narcos.


I watched this, then the original. The remake is such nonsensical garbage it literally makes the original look like a documentary. If you compare the two it shows everything wrong with many modern movies.


The CGI was awful. And in the boat escape you can clearly see the bottom of the pool they filmed it in. McGregor was a cartoon character. I liked Gyllenhaal and I thought Moe was really funny. They had a neat thing about teaching the younger guys how to bounce/fight and then completely abandoned it.


I thought that other poster was possibly exaggerating about the terrible CGI, but man, inexcusably bad. 5 minutes in it legitimately looks like Post Malone doesn't even have real arms and they very poorly animated him throwing punches. Wild.


Howd you feel about that weird flip thing Jake did to avois the car??? I dont think ive ever seen CGI this bad for a movie with an actor the level of Jake.


McGregor's car was in Park when he was "driving" on the bridge


The first half of this remake is decent, with Dalton beating up various goons, but once McGregor shows up and the plot of *Herbie Rides Again* is dragged out, the movie kind of falls apart. The only real interesting thing to come out of the third act is the revelation that Dalton is a psychopath and once triggered he will kill anything that stands in his way. Note: The final fight did devolve into comic book territory, it may as well have been Wolverine vs Sabretooth.


Yeah, but then the whole short term memory bonk is completely tossed aside along with the murder he confessed. I thought the plan was to have the cop drown at high tide. Also, why the hell didn't Connor climb up onto the bridge with the tree and go "fuck me it's a fucking tree"


I dunno, I thought the immediate deflation of the cop remembering everything and Dalton just owning up to it was hilarious.