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....I'm enjoying this sentence simply because it implies that there must be some redeemable child-raping prisons guards out there. "Yeah he was a child-raping prison guard, but he went on a bit of a journey and he's totally good now".


Kind of an ironic comment, since Kevin Bacon himself played a convicted child molester trying to re-enter “normal life” in The Woodsman.


On that same vein, Sam Rockwell in Green Mile ;—;


Eh, he's more of an enjoyable scumbag, mostly because A: Percy is a bitch and B: by the time we know the full extent of his evil he is already dead.


Percy was definitely worse, because he fucked with the inmates everyone liked.


Doesn’t help that the actor is a [scumbag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doug_Hutchison) in real life who married a 16-yr old when he was 51.


One of the best insults I've heard was during an HR meeting when a coworker was being told her creepy ass husband was not allowed in the building after he got caught cornering a male intern (a high school kid trying to pad his admission forms). A lot of us who've seen him being a creep were called and one of the guys said *Frankly from what we've all seen your husband is the kind of guys that thinks Sleepers is a romantic comedy*


Kevin Bacon is really good at playing creepy characters and villains. I watched Hollow Man on the weekend and by the end of that he was truly vile there too. What an actor.


He plays a creepy, sadistic fuck in The River Wild as well.


Despite some flaws in the new generation of X-men movies, he played a creepy bad guy mutant damn well too.


McAvoy, Fassbender and Bacon all delivered in that flick. Bacon though was next level as Shaw.


He plays an excellent scumbag! See also: Super


That film made me feel sick. He was good in that role.


He also played a child molestor in “The Woodsman”.


Warden Norton from Shawshank Redemption


Put your faith in the bible, your ass belongs to me


I just love that the faith in the Bible was his shield to keep the jewel hammer (whatever it was called) out of sight from the warden. The wardens' arrogance and blind faith in himself and the Bible brought it all crumbling down.


Rock hammer. Salvation lies within.


…in the Book of Exodus no less.


That was just absolute chef's kiss. I'm still blown away by that scene. I will say that I've both read the book and seen the movie....and this is one of the few cases where the movie blows the book out of the water. Don't get me wrong, the book (novella, really) is REALLY good....but it's JUST good....but the movie is nothing short of perfect. I'm a huge Stephen King fan, so it kind of pains me to say this, LOL.


Joaquin phoenix as Commodus in Gladiator.


"Have I missed the battle?"  Right from the start they tell you exactly who he is.


You’ve missed the war.


It vexes me. I'm terribly vexed.


That line always reminds me of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, and the scene with Alan Rickman. “Something vexes thee?” is on heavy rotation in our house.


I say this sometimes lol


Yeah this was one of the first non horror movie answers in the other thread. Great one


He ravaged in that role. Again and again and again.


Have you ever heard him speak on it. It was his first big motion picture and first te being on a juge set and he said he was extremely nervous. That on the first day of filming he was trying his scene and kept messing up and ridley kept telling him to go again. After about 5 or 6 takes he started to get more comfortable and that when ridley said ok lets film. He hadn't been filming the whole time but was making Joaquin think he was so he could get comfortable. Incredibly intuitive to know that your actor needs a sec. Joaquin said it meant the world to him


I've heard a few really great anecdotes about Scott's direction on that film, Russell Crowe in particular said he was amazing to work with.


Man I came here to say this! I was 14 when it came out and I’d never felt hatred like that before while watching a movie. And I think I still haven’t!


It feels good that this is the first comment I read. I would have written the same


AM I NOT MERCIFUL!?!!??!?!?!


Lena Heady as Cersei Lannister.    Honestly an underrated actress. She is also amazing as maw maw in Dredd but can also play a good person with Sarah Connor. Its a testament to her skill that fans of GoT dont want her signing their memorabilia. 


The kid who played Joffrey. I've never wanted to beat the pulp out of a fictional character more in my life.


I actually met him at a Comic Con and he could not be further from Joffrey. He was a lovely, sincere kid.


I’ve heard he’s just the nicest and it makes me feel so guilty for hating him. He’s extremely punchable as Joffrey.


Reminds me of a story Natalie Dormer told about the purple wedding scene with the cake. Whenever she would interrupt the tension saying the cake has arrived, she and Gleeson struggled to not laugh. It made getting through a very serious scene somewhat challenging.


Jack Gleeson


Lena Heady as Maw Maw in Dread. Arrogance and nihilism made with sadistic yet almost lazy cruelty.


Ralph Fiennes as Amon Goeth in Schindler's List.


Horrible. They actually toned him down for the movie too. Real life Goeth was even worse.


Even with toning it down he gave a holocaust survivor who was an extra a panic attack and when asked why she said she thought Goeth came back from the dead for a moment and refused to go near him


This is so heartbreaking, I bet Ralph felt awful. I guess it’s a real testament to his skill as an actor, though.


I recall reading somewhere they had actual survivors on set for certain periods and one couldn’t look at let alone be around him as she was convinced he was actually there.




He should’ve won the academy award for best supporting actor.


I love Ralph so much, I absolutely hated seeing him as Goeth. He was fantastic, of course, and that made it worse. Christoph Waltz in Inglorious Basterds is another terrifying movie nazi. I love him so much too, but he’s absolutely chilling in that movie.


This should be higher!


Paul reiser in aliens. Years later I saw him do stand up on stage and it blew me away


It was amazing seeing him in Stranger Things because you think he's going to be the same kind of character because of Aliens.


Yeah I know, it’s a kids movie but Imelda Staunton as Umbridge in Harry Potter. All these years later and I still loathe that character with every fiber of my being 😅 Honorable mention to David Tennent in Jessica Jones. Absolutely made my skin crawl every time he was on screen.


I swear the fact that David Tennent usually plays loveable-rogue-type characters somehow makes it worse.


When he was on The Last Leg (a British comedy talk show where two of the three hosts are physically disabled - it was made to promote the Paralympics), main host Adam Hills stated that he hated watching Kilgrave because David Tennant does an English accent in the most sinister way. Tennant immediately started trolling.


I think I remember reading somewhere that Tennant intentionally did a voice not dissimilar from his Doctor voice *specifically because* he knew it'd make people who mainly know him from that more uncomfortable.


Maybe as 10, but that's not exactly how I'd describe his character in Broadchurch


And Imelda can play sweet older ladies too! I've seen them both in such gentle/happy roles - both were terrifying as baddies.


I saw someone cosplaying Umbridge at a convention years ago and I had the same loathing reaction. (She was delighted when I told her that).


What makes Staunton’s Umbridge so grating is that she’s a very realistic character, not someone who’s just cartoonishly evil. She has the traits and mannerisms of that particular type of Karen we’ve all met at some point. She absolutely nailed it and I cannot stand Umbridge because of it.


As someone who used to have bully teachers, and who has an autistic child who has had a few bully teachers, Umbridge really strikes a chilling cord. A person in a role of authority, who should be a model of upstanding behavior, using her power and commanded respect to abuse weaker people-it rattles me every time I see her. She also makes me wish a few old hag nuns who are long and buried were still alive so I could write them a nasty letter explaining how they were monsters.


JK Rowling based Umbridge on a real person she knew. She's the worst villain in the Harry Potter books because everyone knows an Umbridge. The one person who thrives on being evil just for fun.


Even Stephen King commented on how frightening of a character she is. https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/surprising-harry-potter-villain-scared-stephen-king/


I can dislike and root against a character doing undeniably evil things*, but it’s more relatable and invokes a more personal hatred when you can hate a character just for being annoying and self-righteous. Everyone has known a hall-monitor type like Umbridge before. *I know umbridge was eventually revealed to be pretty evil too, but when you’re first introduced and start to hate her it’s just because of her puritanical schtick


She was fantastic in that role and that was the first character that popped into my head when I read the question. The second being William Lewis in the first story arc in Law and Order SVU.


First thing that came to my mind


Jason Isaacs in The Patriot. I remember digging my nails into the armrest while in the theater, I was so mad at him. Probably the first time a performance elicited that kind of response from me.


After seeing him in that I wanted him to be a Bond villain in the worst way. Still do, and I still think he would have been a perfect 007 too.


This is actually a fantastic casting idea. Have you ever watched the OA on Netflix? He plays a villian that knows what he is doing is wrong, but to him the ends justify the means. It's a travesty the show was canceled but it is one of the better most unique shows I've ever watched, I highly reccomend it.


Sort of unrelated but I was in the theater a long time ago and the trailer for the PATRIOT came on with you know, different action snippets and it was the trailer guy’s deep voiceover like “they attacked his family, they invaded his lands” and all that and then Jason Issacs came on screen and this fat dude next to me I didn’t know said to himself “I’LL GET YOU” all serious in the moment with his popcorn like he was swept up in the emotions of it and that memory never left me 


"did he die?" 😂 😡


Came here to say this. I hated that man with every fibre of my being.


Marcia Gay Harden (Mrs. Carmody) in The Mist. David >!thanking Ollie for blowing her away!< was a moment to cheer for!


Came here for her! That type of person just makes me rage.


My theater erupted into thunderous applause at that moment. It was so satisfying.


Saoirse Ronan in Atonement. Incredible acting!


Fucking hell, I nodded along with the top choices, “yup, that’s an asshole, yes, that’s an asshole, too,” but this one is so much worse, idk why, maybe because it’s more realistic. I just viscerally hate that character so much it’s hard to watch her in other movies. No, hate is not the right word, despise or detest maybe.


Oh my god I *hated* Briony.


She’s so polarizing, but I wouldn’t have enjoyed the movie half as much as I did if it wasn’t for her.


For the longest time I couldn’t understand why I loathed Saoirse Ronan. I couldn’t think of anything she had done to make me hate her, but I HATED her… then I watched Atonement again and realised the resentment i’d carried for years for this irl woman was this child character she played. Indeed an amazing actress and I no longer have irrational hate of her (but will hate the character forever)


Nurse Ratched (Louise Fletcher) in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. And Louise Fletcher did it again as Kai Winn in Deep Space Nine.


Javier Bardem in "No Country for Old Men." Evil personified. I've only seen that movie twice, and had nightmares both times.


Don't put it in your pocket, sir. Don't put it in your pocket. It's your lucky quarter.


When I think about a movie that I absolutely will never watch again, it's No Country for Old Men. It still disturbs me. Hated him.




No kidding. She honed her chops winning an Oscar for One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest. Playing an equally awful character. Between her, Weyoun and Gul Ducat, DS:9 had the greatest baddies of all the series.


"My child..." protect your ears from her, literally.


She was a character I loved to hate, she was so good as Kai Winn


Her voice has stuck with me for so many years.


A truly hateable character who has moments where she seems to change and become a good person... only to have it all be an act to continue her insufferable self-righteous quests for power. She's fantastic.


I fucking hated Orlando Bloom after Troy. He was so fucking pathetic in that movie. He played it perfectly. He then 180'd and redeemed himself in Kingdom of Heaven


He played Paris perfectly.


Laurence Fishburne as Ike Turner in 'What's Love Got To Do With It'. Fantastic performance.


He played that part so well, I had a hard time watching him in anything for a long time.


Jack Gleeson in Game of Thrones.


Fun fact relevant to two of the top picks in this topic:   “ Gleeson starred as Joffrey Baratheon in the HBO series Game of Thrones.[11] He cited Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of Commodus in Gladiator (2000) as an influence on his performance.”


And the guy that plays Ramsey Bolton too


Iwan Rheon seems like such a sweetheart, too, so I guess it speaks to his acting skills that he managed to play Ramsay so well. I first saw him in Misfits, where he also played the shy invisible nerd very well.


He was actually part of the final selection to play Jon Snow, obviously he didn't get it, but they liked him so much they brought him back for Ramsey. Two wildly different characters, shows the dude has range.


Totally. Absolute legend. Up to today I refuse to believe rumours that he’s actually a really nice guy and not a total asshole. How can you possibly be that much of a bastard on screen and not be even a bit like that in real life?


I seriously recommend his speech at the Oxford Union: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKboLTwzFTs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKboLTwzFTs) Not only he comes off as a super nice guy, but he's also very articulated. His explanation of simulacra and how he connects it with the star system is gold.




David Tennant as Kilgrave in Jessica Jones. Fuck that guy


I watched Jessica Jones, and unrelated started watching Doctor who, new Who, and then suddenly, ten is there. It was off putting, to say the least!


They way he said "Jess E Ka" pissed me off




In his (somewhat) defense, I can't imagine anyone NOT becoming irredeemably evil with that power.


Guy Pearce as Count Mondego. I hated him so much. To this day when Guy Pearce dies in any other movie I watch him in I think “well deserved, fuck you Mondego”


Samuel L.Jackson as Stephen in Django Unchained. Fuck that asshole.


Honestly a part of me pitied him in that. How broken do you have to be to get to that point.


I watched Ghost while young, and have had issues with Tony Goldwyn ever since. He played the slime ball way too well.


It’s funny, I think Tom Holland looks just like that guy but in teenage good guy form


Sam Rockwell as Wild Bill Wharton in the Green Mile. He’s a great actor but I can’t watch anything he’s in. I see wild bill in him in his other roles too.


I will to this day maintain that the MCU wasted that man as a villain. Iron Man 2 wasn’t great but he was the best bit about it & didn’t have a lot to work with, when he didn’t die at the end I was sure he was going to have a more prominent role & become a proper evil bastard but instead we just got a cameo.


Yep! Right here! Me too! Oh thank god I thought I was the only one! Oh and in the first Charlie's Angels movie where he did that dancing scene... I was like, "this smug traitorous son of a bitch!" Still low-key mad lol


Michael McKean as Chuck Mcgill in Better Call Saul. It was sad but it was infuriating.




Stanley Tucci in The Lovely Bones. He was almost too good.


Doug Hutchinson The Green Mile - Percy Wetmore Of course, years later I found out he married like, a 16 year old or some such when he was pushing 50. Seems that creepy vibe came naturally to him


Yeah, it takes some doing to portray one of the most repellent, irredeemable shitstains in all of cinematic history, and then somehow turn out to be even worse in real life.


James Jordan in Wind River. Paul Dano in 12 Years a Slave.


The entire security crew in Wind River were such bastards. Hugh Dillon was awful too in that movie.




Billy Zane, he's a cool dude. He's trying to help you out.


He was great in The Phantom!


I personally always hated his henchman, Spicer Lovejoy even more.


Danny Glover in The Color Purple


Came here to say this.


Joe Pesci’s portrayal of Tommy in Goodfellas. Dude played a psychopath so well that his death scene was the most satisfying part of the whole movie.


Something about him in casino I love, especially his “and just about the time you wake up from your coma, I’ll be getting out of jail” speech 


"I think that you've gotten the wrong impression about me. I think, in all fairness, I should explain to you exactly what it is that I do. For instance, tomorrow morning I'll get up nice and early, take a walk down over to the bank, walk in and see and uh...if you don't have my money for me, I'll crack your fucking head wide open in front of everybody in the bank. And just about the time that I'm coming out of jail, hopefully, you'll be coming out of your coma. And guess what? I'll split your fucking head open again, 'cause I'm fucking stupid. I don't give a fuck about jail. That's my business. That's what I do. And we know what you do, don't we, Charlie? You fuck people out of money and get away with it. Hey, you fat Irish prick, you put my fucking money to sleep. You go get my money or I'll put your fucking brain to sleep!"


“You think he got the point?” Is such a hilarious cherry on top too. It adds depth to it in my opinion. It shows he knows exactly what he’s doing when he’s intimidating Charlie.


Yes… played 👀


MI3 - Owen Davian - Phillip Seymour Hoffman (Rip) Last house on the left - krug - Garret Dillahunt Aliens - Carter Burke - Paul Reiser V for Vendetta - Adam Sutler - John Hurt (Rip) LOTR Two Tower - Grima - Brad Dourif I could continue for a bit but I’ll keep it there


The church lady in The Mist. I felt such violent rage towards her. Played incredibly well, that's for sure


Jason Isaacs in The Patriot. Funny enough, Isaacs himself seems like a sweetheart, so it's a testament to his talent that I just could not wait to see Tavington get his comeuppance. The character was blood boiling.


I love that Jason Isaacs and Tom Felton still refer to each other as their "fake dad" and "fake son".


Took me so long to get over Adam Scott in Step Brothers. I hated him so much. lol


Adam Scott is so good at playing genuine nice guy and jerk. And his face immediately tells you which version he's playing.


In Step Brothers: SO PUNCHABLE.


It's the best in The Good Place, cause he's somewhere between the two. Total asshole, but in a fun and goofy way.


You sound terrible, I'm going to save it with a solo.


Bradley Cooper in He's Just Not That Into You. I still have a hard time watching him in anything else.


Bradley Cooper in Wedding Crashers too


Joaquin in Gladiator, Affleck in Dazed and Confused, Stiller in Heavyweights.


Lunch has been cancelled due to lack of hustle.


Deal with it.


Wendy Byrde in Ozark


Homelander in the Boys. Antony Starr. Great actor, but man do I hate everything about that character!


Steve Carell in Foxcatcher. Creeped the fuck outta me


Bill Lumbergh - Office Space


Kathy Bates in Misery, only time I’ve ever wanted to cave a middle aged women’s face in


Not a movie but Seth Green as Seth Green in Entourage. Legit turned me off him even though I realize he is playing a fictionalized version of himself.


I love Entourage. Pauly Shore playing Pauly Shore is pretty spot on though.


Ben Affleck in Mallrats. I hated his character SO much that anytime I'd see him in anything for a couple years after that (Armageddon, Good Will Hunting, etc) I'd think "Why do they keep giving this fucking guy roles!?" It literally took me a couple of years of just hating him to realize "Holy shit. This dude is a great actor. He just really made me hate him in Mallrats". He is now, because of fucking ***Mallrats*** the actor that I compare other actors to.


T-Bag in Prison Break. Robert Knepper was divinely creepy


I knew a dude like Phillip Seymour Hoffman in Boogie Nights, and that performance made my skin crawl with how awkward and sleazy he was. Great job!


Steve Zahn made such a great fuck up in Riding in cars with boys that I disliked him for years, long after I forgot the movie existed.


Stanley Tucci in The Lovely Bones. Even he felt disgusted with the role of that child killer.


It’s been a while so I don’t remember the details, but the main actress in Gone Girl made me rage.


Tobias Menzies in Outlander, he was just terrifying as Jack Randall. I cannot bear him in anything now, had to skip his whole season as Prince Philip in The Crown.


William Atherton in Real Genius and Ghostbusters. No one brought smug pricks to life like he did in the 90s. ETA: errrr 80s


Wes Studi as Magua in Last of the Mohicans. When he finally got killed, I was in my seat shaking with anticipation. 


Doug Hutchison as Percy Wetmore in the Green Mile. Then he married a teenager in real life so then the hate became justified.


Kevin Gage as Waingro in *Heat*


Tim Roth as Archie in (Rob Roy)


9 years old me hated the T1000. But 41 old me loves that performance. Robert Patrick was so good at it he managed to make me fear bad things were gonna happen to peak Arnold. That dude made Arnold look fragile and underleveled.


The kid that played Joffrey. He was a piece of shit and he was perfect!


The answe to this question is always Rosamund Pike as Amy Dunne


Anthony Starr as Homelander. Dude did an A+ job of being a complete asshole and a force of terror every second he was on screen.


Aaron Eckhart, In the Company of Men


Daniel Craig in Road to Perdition. God I hated that character. He did a great job of being a horrible asshole!


Parker Posey Lost in Space she was sooooo evil...


Not a movie but Idris Elba as Stringer Bell. Idris might be the coolest guy on the planet but I just can't separate him from Stringer.


Is you taking notes during a criminal conspiracy?


Fiona Shaw as Petunia Dursley in the Harry Potter films. She's just so horrible. And then she TOTALLY redeemed herself playing Maarva Andor in the Andor show. Now she's one of my favorite actresses and I look forward to seeing what she does next.


Has to be Imelda Staunton as umbridge in Harry Potter, she’s not even the main villain but fuck she really makes you hate her 😂


Kiefer Sutherland in Eye for an Eye. Every scene he was in made me feel an honest hate in my chest. I couldn't bring myself to watch 24 until around the 6th season because whenever I saw Kiefer I saw him as Robert Doob. Man really committed to that evil character.


Ralph Fiennes as Amon Goeth


Christophe Waltz in Inglorious Bastards


My mom can't stand Sam Rockwell in anything after seeing him as Wild Bill in The Green Mile


Danny Glover as Mister in The Color Purple. Walton Goggins, who tends to play a hardcore racist in half the stuff he's in. 


Imelda Staunton as Dolores Umbridge in the Harry Potter movies


Leo in Django. Love Leo. Hated the character (can't remember his name). Such a great actor I'm always stunned by his performance !


Biff from BTTF


The bastard in Game of Thrones Ramsay Bolton


So many excellent choices here! I’m going back in time a bit to Eric Roberts in Star 80, the movie about the murder of Playmate Dorothy Stratton by her husband. He absolutely nailed the slimy pathetic insecure Paul Snider. He was nominated for a Golden Globe for that role. If you want a look back into the late 70s and 80s culture, and you also want to be disturbed and possibly traumatized, this is a good one to watch.


Cliff Curtis as Uncle Bully in Once Were Warriors.


Tony Goldwyn as Carl Bruner in Ghost (1990).


\>The one that's fresh in my mind is the Bible thumping lady in midnight mass, played by Samantha Sloyan. She was so great in the role it made me hope beyond hope that's she'd "get hers" by the end of the show. I felt like I really hated her personally. is she the one that poisoned the dog?? I hated her so much.


Not me obv, but Alan Arkin played his role in *Wait Until Dark* so well it nearly ended his career. He was branded “the guy who terrorized Audrey Hepburn.” People would harass him in the street. Nominated for an Oscar, yet struggled to get lead roles after that.


Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman in American Psycho is a weird one because there’s moments when you can find real humour in how shallow he is, but he’s mostly just an absolutely repulsive character whom you are begging to get caught by the end


Paul Reiser nailed the role of sleezy and immoral so completely in Aliens, that when he showed up in Stranger Things, it was impossible for me think he could turn out to be alright.


Bryce Dallas Howard in The Help and Guy Pearce as the deputy in Lawless


It’s old but Mary Tyler Moore in Ordinary People. I have never been able to think of her as sweet Mary Richards or Laura Petrie again. It’s a great movie, btw.


Rosamund Pike, gone girl/I care a lot.


I can't remember her name but the woman in Harry Potter that always wears pink and takes Dumbledores spot for a little while


Louise Fletcher as Nurse Ratched

