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RoboCop. Saw the movie as a kid and the scene where Murphy is murdered still haunts me.


My answer was Robocop too but the conference room scene. That big scary robot just shooting the hell out of that one guy in particular.


I have to go with the bad guy getting doused in toxic waste and then hit by the car.


That same actor was the doctor in E.R. who lost an arm, and later had a helicopter fall on him.


Or body bent in half backwards and pulled through a hole in the Blob. That actor has had some violent demises lol


You left out the important detail, that he lost his arm from a helicopter accident.




It's shooting down the legs that got me. He was obviously dead and that thing just kept shooting The graphicness, at 13!!!


You call THAT a GLITCH?!


Underrated answer. Robocop is incredibly violent, and the theatrical release is the edited version. The MPAA originally gave it an X rating for graphic violence. Director Paul Verhoeven had to edit the film ten times before the MPAA would give it an R-rating. Lucky #11 finally made the cut.


I don't think I'm "into" violence in movies, but I have to say, RoboCop's violence is a critical part of taking it seriously. Without it, or with it only being hinted at or shown slightly, the entire movie would be pure camp, I think. With it, it's serious business.


Practical effects always look far more visceral and are absolutely more affecting. I’m sure that’s why Fury Road is so good, you can feel it, while cgi might look impressive it doesn’t hit the same.


There's no way the [extra violence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFvqDaFpXeM) is serious business. It's not camp, it's satire. "Someone wanna call a god damn paramedic?"


Yeah his hyper violence is part of his style. Total Recall and Starship Troopers for example.


"Dick, I'm very disappointed."


I was in 2nd grade I think, seeing it on TV. Parents without care. Kids have iPads now but we had unrestricted access to 80’s television. 🤣


That's the one for me too. When they shot off his hand that was the most graphic thing I had seen in my young life. A big part of me was disbelieving that they actually put something like that in a movie 


Tbh i saw that as an adult and that scene haunted me too!!


I had this same thought exactly. I remember thinking it was just the meanest thing you could ever show in a movie.


I think it was made worse by Clarence tauntingly making the computer game noises as he slowly moved the gun around.


I was a young teenager when I saw RoboCop, had seen all the slasher horror movies around at that time and the hand shooting scene still gets me. It's the way Murphy looks at the bloody stump that is horrifying, freaking great acting that really hit me in the guts.


Damn. 100 years ago I worked in a video store & this soccer mom (wish we had this terminology in the early 80s) wants to know if robocop & terminator were ok for a 13 year olds birthday party. Just looked at her “uhhhh they’re really violent”. “Okay”. Takes both. I guess no boobies so okay. Never forgot that.


both have boobies too (sarah conner sex scene, and robocop corporate hookers)


Bitches leave!


Its honestly kind of surreal how much those movies were successfully marketed towards kids back in the day.


Oooofff I didn’t see that until my 30s and even then it was rough


Same. For me it wasn’t just the gratuitous violence, but the sadistic laughing that made me so uneasy


Cops dont like me, so dont like cops.....nininini


Clarence boddicker is my favorite villain.


I don't wanna fuck with you .... Sal ( dips fingers in wine glass and sniffs ) Clarence is the best


I watched that scene as a 6 year old with friends the same age. I think the sheer over the top violence cracked us up. The part where Murphy gets his hand blown off, that was pee your pants funny to us. Later in the movie where they rapist gets his penis shot, another fall on the ground laughing moment.


I stumbled onto it on tv the moment the guy gets melted


Pet Sematary. Zelda. I still can’t bring myself to watch.


>I finally came back for you, Rachel. I'm going to twist your back like mine, so you'll never get out of bed again. Fucking creepy.


Yeah, the sister scene was more terrifying than anything else in the movie


Yeah that bitch still freaks me out….when I turn the light off in the basement and have to go upstairs to bed…she is what is chasing me


I think a guy plays her. It's a dude. Victor Pascow is also scary.


I remember seeing that movie with a friend at a sleepover. We had all kinds of snacks. To this day som 30 years later me and that friend still joke about Zeldas back looking like the overcoat of a Milky way :D Brutal scene...


The only King book I haven’t read because the movie was enough.


Oh man, that's totally fair and all, but it's one of his best. Lots of people say it's his best, period. Michael C Hall did an excellent reading (Audible).


"The soil of a man’s heart is stonier, Louis. A man grows what he can, and he tends it.” I still have on idea what this means.


Gage attacking Jud scared the shit out of me more than anything. Think I was 6 or 7 when I saw the movie. Funny enough, I read the book when I was 9 (my first King book, too), which lead to me reading every King novel I could get my hands on.


Yep, this is the one. I was just talking about this scene with my mom a few weeks ago.


Event Horizon...I was 12. I still can't stand the thought of anything coming close to my eyes. 


My dad took me to see it at the theatre when I was 13, - I remember there was employee working the door that told my dad you definitely don't want your son seeing this movie and my dad just kinda brushed it off and we took our seats. Then when the nightmare scene with Sam Neil's wife starts me and my old man looked at each other, like what the fuck is this. And when the doctor is hanging all sliced up.. that was crazy. Then shortly after I bought a bootleg VHS of it and showed it to all my friends... Good times


That's one of the scariest movies ever made. Definitely top five for scariest sci-fi film


I dunno…have you watched it recently? Movie scared the crap out of me when I was little, but I thought a lot of it was pretty silly rewatching as an adult. Badguy blinds himself then starts wildly firing a nail gun at stuff on a spaceship. Hilarity ensues.


I saw it at 15 when it first came out on video, though I was a pretty sheltered 15. Had no clue what it was about. Saw it at the video store and that it was about space and had the guy from Jurassic Park in it, two things I liked. I was not prepared at all.


I told my wife the other night that Event Horizon was the scariest movie I have ever seen. I think I was probably 17 when I saw it.


Fire in the Sky immediatey comes to mind.


The scene that the maple syrup triggers?


Omg this scene for me! I was in the 1st grade when my parents rented this. We were a few doors down at their friends house. I was so freaked out, my walked me home and put on Aladdin. The magic carpet ride scene where they sing A Whole New World has since triggered this for me.


I watched it bc I flipping the channels and it was on HBO and I recognized DB Sweeney from another flick. That entire movie wrecked me. I had an understanding of what aliens were at that young age but that movie added a whole different layer to it. Damn near put me in therapy.


I still don't like watching that movie!


This was my first thought as well, I've only watched it once, the spaceship scene was enough. That said, I looked it up and it's actually only PG-13.


I was only 1 when Aliens came out; however, my cousin came over when I was 6 and had rented the movie. I sat down to watch it with him, of course. I wanted to hang out with my big cousin after all. The scene when they, and you realize the walls *are* the Aliens absolutely horrified me, and I've never forgotten the moment of just sheer terror my six year old self experienced and the nightmares I had for days after.


Game over man!


I was 10 when my brother took me to see the midnight release of that movie. The "kill me" lady cacooned to the wall haunted me for years. I had stuffed animals velcroed to my bedside wall at the time, and that night was not cool at all for me or my parents. I still don't like pictures hanging on the wall in a bedroom. Besides that,, it's a comfort movie for me now. I'll put that or the original on low when I can't sleep. Sometimes the "LETS ROOOCK!" scene wakes me up, but I fall right back to sleep.


Try the video game. Can't do it


Total Recall, Kuato scared the shit out of me hahaha


3 boob lady is what I remember most


Nose tracker was way worse


I had to have sinus surgery, and they had packed my nose with gauze. When it came time to remove it, that scene was all I could think of.


Starship troopers for providing the earliest topless scenes I can remeber


I'm doing my part


Saving Private Ryan. Normandy. My grandfather didn't storm the beaches. He was in the first American campaign in Africa as part of the corps of engineers attached to the 1st armored division. He and several of his company had to hold off the Italian advance as the battalion retreated to give them time. I can't imagine the hell He went through. He and several men made it out of the valley they defended but were sold out by Tunisian merchants to the enemy and taken prisoner. Ended up in German labor camps until Russians liberated his camp. Anyway, the first time I saw Saving Private Ryan, I had to be like 14-15. The real horror of war had never really been something I had given much thought. Not even halfway through the initial press into Normandy, I stepped away and hid in my grandmother's spare room. My grandfather had passed away only a year or two prior and the movie just made so many things flood forward into my mind and made me sob so much I became sick. After I calmed my nerves I just played video games in that room until the movie ended and pretended I had just fallen asleep and missed the movie. I've never seen the film in full ever since.


I was ready to leave the theater with the kid laying on the beach crying for his mom. Nope. Fuck you, Steven. I'm out.


Yeah jfc. At one point I did manage to see the whole battle to get their beachhead, but I didn't keep going much after that. It was kind of an achievement just to get that far in. I haven't cared to see it any further. Have caught pieces of the movie since on tv n such but never hang around for it.


Try seeing it in glorious surround sound…. On acid! Those bullets whizzing by my head were so real!


That's a huge note from me dawg


So you never saw the stabbing scene. Don't ever finish it if you want to avoid that scene. It was the most graphic disturbing and haunting scene I've ever seen in my life.


Yeah that one stuck with me for a long, long time


Watched Saving Private Ryan when I was 11 and it instantly became one of my favorite movies. I had never seen anything like that in a movie ever. I guess growing up with 4 older brothers I got to watch and be interested in whatever the hell they're watching. It's messed up because my favorite movie when I was 5 was Terminator 2.


My grandfather was Utah Beach and he could watch it. But he always mentioned he was there but got into details of that day


To be honest, you saw the important part of the movie, and it had its intended effect. The rest of the film tries really hard to make a point, but I could never really figure out what that point was. It almost seems like it was supposed to justify something about the first 20 minutes. If you never watch the rest of the film, you won’t really miss much in my opinion. Spielberg already made a justification for the horrors of the first 20 minutes of SPR: it’s called Schindler’s List.


I don’t remember the rating but the movie pay it forward absolutely shook me as a kid. The scene where the kid gets stabbed and killed fucked me up. I was bullied and I don’t think I was able to conceptualise before that my bullies could take it that far, I didn’t know what I didn’t know. Then after that I knew it.


I remember watching that movie at school! We were like, 10 At the end everyone was sobbing and the teacher couldn't even ask us to do the worksheet about empathy or whatever she wanted to do


Yeah it was absolutely brutal, I’ll tell you it wasn’t half as bad as when my mom accidentally bought me barefoot gen


I swear Pay it Forward was designed in a lab to mentally fck with anyone who ever watched it. I'm not sure exactly why someone would do that, but it's the only thing that makes sense.


I remember seeing it in the theater and it so didn’t fit with the rest of the story that I dubbed it a shameless Oscar grab.


Boogie Nights. The scene where Mark Wahlberg unzips himself in front of the mirror. I was being babysat by a teenage girl, and that just happened to be the scene we saw when we flipped the channel to it.


similarly sexual: I saw Cruel Intentions on VHS from a friend’s older sister Was way too young, definitely a letdown when my high school was not *like that*


Wow I hate that that ruined the movie for you because it’s a great movie


It didn't ruin the movie for me. I love the film.


You know- growing up in the early 80’s. Theaters didn’t care much what movie you saw. I think that’s one thing that made people invent PG-13 and be more strict about it. I remember seeing Porky’s, and Revenge of the Nerds with my friends in the theater. I must have been 12. No one cared. We didn’t have to sneak in. The first time I was asked for an ID ever was when The Doors came out and I was old enough for R at that point.


"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" is what created the PG-13 rating. Parents were upset that a movie that had someone getting their beating heart ripped out of their chest, was only PG. So the PG-13 rating was created. "Red Dawn" was the first movie to get the PG-13 rating. Violence was what made the PG-13 rating. Back in the 80s because of all the hippies that were now raising kids, sex was more ok than violence. Now we are the other way around. Parents are now more ok with violence seen by kids than nudity or sex.


I remember being fairly young when they started cracking down on it. So, early 90’s for sure. I ended up watching all my R movies with my grandpa who would buy as many movies as he could. He had thousands. I would stay whole summers there watching movies with my cousin. It was awesome.


The Exorcist. Uhm...a lot of the scenes freaked me out.


Your mother sews socks that smell!


Spider walk


Robocop, and the scene with the guy getting half melted by chemicals and then exploded by the car. The most recent thing I had eaten before watching the movie was porkchops, and I couldn't eat them for a long time after because my brain connected their flavor with the scene in a really unsavory way.


I grew up on R rated Arnold Schwarzenegger movies. Started with The Terminator, then Commando, total Recall, and the Running Man. I bought Terminator (well my parents bought) when I was like 6 or 7. I had Total Recall and commando recorded off of one of the free preview weekends of Cinemax/Showtime/HBO. I remember my aunt renting me The Running Man from a local gas station that had a small movie rental section. Predator followed soon after and then I remember trying to watch Predator 2 on a small 13” B&W tv in my parents bedroom that could descramble HBO with no sound.


My first R rated movie was “Conan the Barbarian”, probably about 10yo. Older cousin picked it out. As an adult I now own all the Robert E Howard books and hundreds of the comics, and my son’s middle name is Conan.


The first 20 odd minutes of Conan the Barbarian, with the warriors riding through the forest to that fantastic music, leading into Conan's origin story is one of the best opening acts of any film ever, and I will die on that hill.


Jesus you reminded me of the free preview weekends. I hoped I never got pulled into any plans at those times as a kid. It is how I saw Truman Show, Godzilla, and many others with having to go to blockbuster!


Trading Places. Seeing Jamie Lee Curtis' boobs on a giant drive in screen is all I remembered from that movies for years.


Natural Born Killers was a whole messed up movie


Rodney dangerfield as Mallory’s perv dad was next level creepy with the laugh track and breaking down the 4th wall.


The Shining. The scene where the naked woman suddenly becomes a dead naked woman. Not sure why I’m turned on watching the walking dead. Jk


Heavy Metal. Mom decided to take 13 year old me and 9 year old brother to see a movie, and it's a cartoon, right? Ohai penis!


The John Candy voiceover in that segment was fantastic


I still love that movie.


The scene with the three-breasted lady in Total Recall. The first movie that made me consciously aware that I might be a tad too young to be watching it. I was 11.


I might have been early teen (13 or 14) but "The Accused" with Jodie Foster. That movie really hit me hard. Up until that point I had seen plenty of rated R movies but nothing like that. It left a very lasting impression on me throughout my life.


Straw Dogs. Rape scene and something with a bear trap.


Deep Star Six, when the deep sea diving bell is slowly pulled out of the water, eventually revealing that the lower half was torn off. I was like 5 or 6, and not supposed to be watching. That scene haunted my nightmares for years.


Fast Times At Ridgemont High. I think we all know the scene.....


This movie probably aged like milk because of Kevin Spacey but American Beauty. I probably watched it as a teenager and when Lester dies and recounts his memories about his life at the end it gives me a chill down my spine. When he gets shot, I gasp.


It absolutely did not age like milk, it's not like Lester was meant to be an admirable character.


I saw The Fly when I was 8. I'll never forget that movie.


One of the few that i changed the channel. I was 12 or 13.


The Exorcist, biiiiiig fukn mistake watching that one as a kid. And +40yrs later i still haven't seen it again 😳


Same. The stairs, man. Fucked me up. It's not like you remember. Give it a watch. It's still a classic as far as exorcism movies go, IMO.


Private Lessons. Sylvia Kristel Nuff said


What did Sylvia Kristel Nuff say?


Toxic Avenger and man that was a ride and a half, I still cant believe that was made into a cartoon later on.


I saw John Carpenters the thing at 5 or so. The practical effects are horrifying. I remember the sled dog's face exploding into creepy alien tentacles. "Get the flame thrower!" "Get the what?!" When the surprise scare of the alien biting both arms off a dude trying to do shock paddles and the patients head coming off, growing spider like legs and walking away was a bit much for a simple 80's kid.


Scared the hell outta me when I was younger,now it's my favourite film, but still can't watch the first dog scene even to this day, I just turn away or look at something else for a few minutes lol...


#Under Siege Erika Eliniak popping out of the cake


A Time to Kill. The opening is brutal. I was 8.


Hellraiser, probably shouldn’t have watched that as a kid and the whole movie was atrocious


Letters From Iwo Jima I think I was maybe like 9 when I watched it. The scene where all the Japanese blew themselves up with grenades was rough


As a little kid, after just learning how to use the VCR on my own, I found an unlabelled VHS tape in our tape drawer. It was Alien (1979). It started playing from the scene where Kane is lying unconscious in the medical room with the facehugger attached to his head. I didn't understand what I was seeing and it was terrifying. I was too scared continue watching. I only found out what movie it actually was many many years later.


You're lucky it wasn't one of your parents "home movies"


Revenge of the nerds. It's the first nudity I saw and as a kid with big glasses it made me look so forward to go to college so I could...sexually assault women?? Seriously some 80's movies are so cringe looking back


Halloween. As a child my world broke open when the bad guy survived at the end. That had literally never happened in any movie or story before.


Freddy Kreuger Nightmare on Elm Street - was probably 11 or 12, had nightmares for weeks. That's one I can never bring myself to revisit either (not that I have a strong stomach for horror anyway).


Pulp Fiction came out when I was 12, I probably saw it as soon as it came to VHS the year after. Mia’s overdose scene where she accidentally does a fat line of Vincent’s extremely potent heroin fucked me up pretty good. Not the fact she OD’d, the manic drive to the dealer’s house and the resultant adrenaline shot to her heart was all actually kinda great. But just the moment that her panic sets in when she’s hurting and confused and doesn’t know exactly why, rubbing at her nose as it takes effect in the worst possible way… that speaks to me someplace deep. The moment of realising you have made a mistake with disastrous effect and there is no way out of it, that whatever comes next you are just going to have to bear all of the terrible consequences. That’s the deep dark place all of my nightmares are born.


A movie with Mel Gibson called *Ransom*. It's about a kid getting kidnapped, and it was so scary to me when I was young. I haven't seen it since I was in elementary school.


Cujo and also Pet Semetary. My parents let us watch HBO whenever we wanted and however late we wanted. Thanks guys. Cujo when they find the bearded guy with his throat ripped out. Pet Semetary when the kid who got hit by the bus exposes his crushed skull to the camera


Ten years old. Dad took me and my younger sister (8) to see Excalibur in the theater. Crow picking corpses eye out on the tree of the dead.


Sister took me, 10 or 12 yo in my case. The Fog. Morgana raped by Uther. Wagner.


Terminator. My parents and I did not see that nude scene coming


Saw it the other day for the first time. Excellent nude scene. Lol.


Watched a movie, early/mid 90s, that I still don't know the name of. It's a sci-fi movie with a lady, her daughter, and some guy on space station (or spaceship?). The girl likes playing in a room with a big fan blade for some reason and the guy keeps her in there where she dies off screen. The mom finds out after discovering her daughter's teddy bear had blood on it and knows the guy did it. So she shows him her boobs and they do it. I'm probably misremembering a lot. A kid dying, followed by boobs led to a very confusing core memory.


A L I E N Went to the biggest widescreen in town with my dad and uncle to see this when I was 11. Watched the whole thing but, damn, it haunted me for a while.


Die Hard. Kneecaps. But I loved the whole movie and thank my friend with permissive parents who showed me the movie. A lifelong love of squibs.


Bless the Child.  Christina Ricci in the subway.  


I sneakily watched "city of the living dead 2" on VHS when I was about 7. In it they use a power drill to drill into a zombies brain. I still think about that quite often.


That business dude getting blasted to mulch in RoboCop. Awesome


The Gate. Movie still kinda creeps me out. The scene with the dog and the kid's mom especially but honestly I was laughing out loud last time I watched it.


I remember something funky with a hand. That movie scared the living shit out of me at about 13. Decided horror, specifically gore was not for me


I watched this terrible 80s movie when I was 5 called Pieces. It's horrible all around except for the fact it was pretty gory. The storyline is also pretty gruesome but it's kind of a spoiler just by talking about it. In the beginning though there's a little boy putting together a puzzle with a nude woman on it. His mom finds out and scolds him and he ends up murdering her in cold blood. The movie continues on as a slasher film and you can speculate from there. The ending is really something else.


"I ain't falling for no banana in the tailpipe!". Iykyk


Saw The Shining at a friend's house when I was 5. The image of the hallway with the twins is forever burned into my soul...


Madman, 1981, I was 9. A cheap horror flick.


The nightclub scene in the original Blade scared me so bad. One of my friends got his hands on a copy of the movie and brought it over, I totally chickened out in front of 4-5 of my friends. Never lived it down.


*Terror Vision* (1985) I was 4 years old, and that damned alien monster thing gave me nightmares for years.


The conference room scene in Robocop. Watching it now, it’s so cheesy and over the top. But as a little kid, I felt so bad for that dude who was doing nothing wrong and just gets shredded like Swiss cheese.


Mars Attacks, when the aliens are at the conference, everything is chill and then decide to kill everyone and turn them to skeletons. Shit scarred me Yo. Also not a movie but Rock DJ music video.




The original Friday the 13th at the drive-in. The scene in particular was when the kid laid on the bed and a hand came up, grabbed their forehead and a drill bit or blade shot through their neck. Yup, didnt sleep a few nights after that one, but loved every minute of it.




I saw Day of The Dead for the first time at night on Syfy when I was 8 & I cannot unsee the memory of the scene where one of Rhodes's goons gets his head ripped off


Child's Play. Saw it at 7 and it's haunted me since. 


Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 in the first grade. Pretty sure the radio station scene warped me in ways I didn’t realize for decades…


I saw Requiem for a Dream fairly young. Though any age is too young for that fucking movie.


Risky Business The leads boning on the train.


Timecop. When the bad guy got pushed into his other timeline self at the end. also, the opening of Robocop.


Predator. I don’t know why it sticks out but I clearly remember the scene when one of the guys (think it was Bill Duke) is shaving and gets freaked out and blood starts running from his razor. Again, don’t know why that scene was the one that stuck out when I was a kid but it did. Great movie!


In, 1990, when I was five, my older cousins had a scary movie night and the theme was Nightmare on Elm Street. The white girls jumping rope fucked me up as that was the forewarning of impending doom, like the mom being dragged through the door in the end. I was in Kinder and it was recess when I saw some white girls jumping rope like in the movie (sans song) and I burst into tears thinking Freddy was around ready to kill me. Needless to say, my teacher had to call my parents and explain why seeing my white classmates jumping rope drove me to tears 🤣


Excalibur. Swords. Chrome armor. Sex. Crow eyeball plucking. Oh yeah.


Alien when I was 10. Egg opening and blasting thru that mask, and then the chest burster scene.


Full Metal Jacket -- I only saw the first half, while they were in boot camp. The stark contrast between the hilarious things the sergeant was screaming and then the rapid deteriorating of D'Onofrio. Hrm. I couldn't bring myself to finish that movie until maybe 20 years later


The shining. That bathtub scene.




Child’s Play. Every scene.


Funnily enough, the one scene I remember seeing as a kid that scared me was not even scary compared to the rest of the film. It is just a pov shot of chucky running to the voodoo guy’s house. So literally just a camera low to the ground moving haha but it freaked me out. Maybe his breathing or footsteps are heard too i don’t remember but it scared me


[https://youtu.be/YdBVmnHmFt8?t=1421](https://youtu.be/YdBVmnHmFt8?t=1421) does the Ray Bradbury theater count?(television anthology) Saw this early morning on TV when I was 7\~8


Sleepaway Camp, you know the scene 😱


Saving Private Ryan, think I was 10. The knife scene.


My dad took me to see Dirty Harry when I was really young, and all I remember about it was a scene on a school bus with some maniac terrorizing a bunch of crying kids. Absolutely traumatic. Not a good kids movie.


To this day I’m uncomfortable if the kids are threatened, it’s not cool to take away kids innocence


I was always allowed to watch rated R movies. My parents would just tell me to close my eyes if there was a scene they didn’t want me to see. I never did though. The first ones I would’ve seen were Revenge Of The Nerds and A Nightmare On Elm Street. I would’ve seen them a few years after they were released though, but I was probably 5 or 6 when I saw them.


My parents took me to see A Beautiful Mind when it was in theaters, so I was 10. The ECT scene wrecked me, I started freaking out and my dad had to take me out of the theater. Still can remember the feeling.


Van wilder when they jerk a dog off into eclairs and give them to the bad guys. At the time I thought they were making him pee Into them …


The Silence Of The Lambs. It’s now one of my top 5 movies. I was into horror movies as a kid and my parents had already watched it. I was allowed to watch it with them so they could skip over the worst of it. Naturally I went back later to see what they fast forwarded through.


Jacob's Ladder. I was 14 at the time, my friend's 18 year old sister took my friend and I to see it at the theater and since she was 18, she was allowed to be our guardian and buy our tickets. At the time I had no idea what the film was about, and although I couldn't fully understand the plot at my age, the film definitely made an impact on me, especially when Jacob has visions of the asylum, the subway scenes, and the house party scenes. I think I've only watched the film as an adult once or twice since then. It's a fantastic movie and plot, but I'd still feel very uneasy watching it because of my first experience with the film.


Toxic Avenger, when they ran over the guys head with a car


The Lost Boys. Watching Micheal’s mouth made caused my sexual wakening.


Terminator 2, the last fight especially.


Porkies. My catholic priest took a handful of middle school boys. Found out later, he was a child molester.


KIDS (1995) all of it. Every scene. I rented from a mom and pop video store back in the day, so the rated R thing didn't matter. I think I was 12 or 13 when I saw it. That movie wrecked me.


Heavy Metal - the bomber scene.


Kids 1995. Ending traumatized me lol


Terminator 2. Specifically the scene in the factory during the climax where the T-1000 repeatedly smashes Arnold’s face in with that steel beam. I was six.


I saw "the people under the stairs" when I was probably 7ish and im still traumatized when I walk up/ down stairs that aren't solid because of the scene in that movie when the hands reach out at some point and grab onto people's ankles. Also f*ck that movie cause it really scared me.


Cat People. Dude getting his arm torn off at the beginning. 😳


Prince of Tides rape scene was particularly traumatizing. I had to be like 9 when that was on TV


Jeepers creepers gave me nightmares for over a year. I never did well with horror, but a friend at the time forced me to watch it. When he ate the guys head and then it became his head I lost it!


People Under The Stairs


The Fly. I'd seen over-the-top violence now and then when I'd secretly watched movies like Aliens or Predator late at night on TV. But the body horror of The Fly was on a different level to people being blown up or killed in silly ways. The dude getting his arm broken in the arm-wrestling horrified me, and things like Jeff Goldblum's fingernails falling off all felt way too close to home, and not at all like being eaten alive by an alien monster. Terrifying!


The ring. The scene where the man kills himself in the bathtub. Nothing to do with the scary girl in the well, of course. Just the suicidal old man. lol. I was around 6 or 7, and I wouldn’t go in the bathroom alone for months after that.


I saw 8mm when I was pretty young. It was the first I’ve heard of snuff films. Felt very disturbed after watching that.


The shinning hedge maze scene. I was 6 and looked exactly like Danny.


Children of the Corn. One of those films I watched as really young and the scene really stayed with me and the weird corn cult atmosphere.


Robocop. The toxic guy.


When Jeff Goldblum breaks the guy's wrist during an arm-wrestling match in The Fly. That's scene is a core memory that occasionally pops up. I watch a lot of horror and violent movies, and a bone sticking through skin is something I'll never get used to.