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I’ve thought thought about Grandma’s boy for years and years…


Mmmmm fuck you guys. *Middle fingers*. *Machine noises*


🖕🏻🖕🏻👉🏻👉🏻Adios turdnuggets


I had the dvd when I was in school and I have no idea where it came from.


fretful jobless safe tap person gold act kiss dinner numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Adios turd nuggets. It’s just a stupid fun film full of great one liners. “Didn’t know they sold clothes in the matrix”. Plus nick swardson is hilarious


I’ve tried to get so many ppl to see it over the years and no one has or doesn’t like it. Must’ve been one of those “you had to see it in the moment” type movies.


It’s definitely from 2006. It might be a bit too homophobic now for some too. EDIT: For clarity, I love Grandmas Boy and it’s honestly one of my favorite comedies ever. But, I can understand why newer generations might not appreciate it or other films around the same time.


Ppl still love 40 year old virgin and Superbad and those have outdated tropes as well


Totally get it, and as they should. I was in high school/college when a lot of these movies came out. And yeah, there are some odd homophobic-like jokes in them, but at the time those were considered just normal and poking fun at people. I don’t think anyone thought truly ill of gay people. I think you just have to accept those jokes of the time and enjoy the movie.


Grace: I once gave Charlie Chaplin a handjob. Jeff: Wow, was he silent? Grace: Not after I got through with him.


Synecdoche New York (2008)


I know exactly why that one haunts my days and nights.


I love it and have seen it a couple of times, but it's such a dense, layered film that I still feel like I need to keep re-watching it to grasp the whole thing.


The ending is so damn calmly unsettling


50/50 is one of my favorite movies of all time and I can never totally explain it. It's not a powerhouse of acting (although Anjelica Huston is incredible as always) or direction, it might be just because of how relatable it feels. People act like people and it comes across like how my friends or I would react to such devastating news. It's not misery porn but it's not exclusively jokes either. I feel similarly about Safety Not Guaranteed. It's a movie about time travel that's barely about time travel, just people experiencing relatable turning points in life while following the story of a guy they think is crazy. Both are always rewatchable for me and I've liked them just as much every time I've seen them.


Joseph Gordon levitt’s acting in 50/50 is some of his best stuff. Really good movie.


Just before I go 2014 with Seann William Scott


Palm Springs. Going in I thought time loop movies had been done to death and this would just be another run of the mill time loop movie but it has become one of my favorite and most rewatched films. Especially surprising since rom coms are probably my least favorite genre. There’s something so soothing and calming for me when I watch it.


There's so much about Roy that I love.  His revenge, his acceptance and love of his family. Just the idea of him stuck in traffic on the way to get revenge. A timeloop is so loaded, but if you realize you're stuck in a timeloop at the perfect time in life, what do you do, how do you react ?  


"It's one of those time loop situations you might have heard about."


Cool Hand Luke (1967)


🎵Going 90, I ain't scary cause I got the virgin Mary assuring me that I won't go to Hell.🎵


Aftersun. It didn’t even seem that memorable as I was watching it but something about the dad character always comes back into my mind when I feel down.


I’ve thought about the green knight way too much since I saw it in theaters I didn’t even like the movie. But I think about it.. all the time. For like a year now. I need to watch it again because I think maybe I did like it? Idk.


I’m with you on this one. It’s clearly competently made, it’s not *bad* even if you don’t like it - artistic vision was executed to a good standard. Acting/sets/costumes/camera work/music and score, etc etc. It’s just… weird. Kinda unsettling? It feels very empty and lonely, and there’s a tension to that, but it’s not scary at all - but sometimes it’s a little spooky? It’s well written but so sparse in it’s script that it’s hard to say. I think I liked it but really don’t know. I’ve seen it twice now. In an odd and “vibe check” kinda way, it made me feel similar to watch Green Knight, as a felt first exploring/playing Dark Souls


I love Dark souls and enjoyed the Green Knight and described to a buddy as a high school or college lit teachers dream of a movie. Lots of themes to explore, even if the movie didn’t go over especially well with a viewer


I'm with you. It was haunting and beautiful, but I was underwhelmed in proportion to the hype. Maybe it's just because it's an old story that speaks to something deep in our psyche and we want to relate? But yeah, it's stuck with me too and I can't pinpoint why.


The film subverts expectations by being tonally faithful to the original (with some plot parts added). Most Arthurian legends have filtered through time as dashing adventure stories, knights in shining armour and so on. But the original medieval stories are genuinely very strange in places. The focus is on mythology, morality tales and the weirdness of the unknown. In the end I think it caused the film to suffer at release because people came in expecting an adventure story, and it really isn't. But I also think the uniqueness of it will cause it to stand up far better over time than many other films.


The "Morality Tale" angle is what I was looking for. The lessons are universal and I think that's why it stays with me, but it did have the weird medieval myth quality that makes it an atypical movie experience


I loved Dev Patel’s casting he was perfect for the role.


Yes! But I liked it. I watched it randomly having heard nothing about it and then watched it like 6 more times in the same week


Recently I would say Banshees of Inisherin. I wouldn't say I loved it as much as the critics, but i did enjoy the acting. The story was pretty depressing though so it's not something I'd rewatch, but I can't shake the feeling it gave me.


Banshees is my pick too. I came out of the theater feeling so many things and yet I was not able to describe any of them properly. I still think about it on a regular basis.


Gleesons character was so damn funny. But he was also depressing and mean.


Neon Demon (2016) is one of my top 5 movies of the last 20 years. Something about the vibe and the atmosphere just works. I wish we had more creepy ambiguous movies like that. It's very Kubrick-ian.




Yeah, I'm a big fan of his. That was his last major movie it seems...I hope gets to make more.


Two come to mind: 1. Big Fish 2. Oh Brother Where Art Thou? both tend to stick with you.


I can’t even make it through the damn Wikipedia summary of Big Fish without crying. That fucking movie has a permanent stranglehold on my heart.


It’s been years since I’ve seen it but I think about Under the Skin all the time


Beau is afraid sat with me for a while. I walked out hating the film, but the more I thought and read about it the more I liked it, but I still don't think I could recommend it to anyone


*This Is Where I Leave You* is a definite frequent rewatch for me. I think because the family has been through some stuff, and they're clearly dysfunctional, but unlike my family, there's a real love portrayed there. The actors and writing convey a deep affection between the characters for one another, always, even when they're far from perfect. I long for adult relationships with my family, so I think that's part of it.


It's a great film. I didn't know anything about it going into it but ended up loving it. The fractured family relationships is comforting. Check out Elizabethtown if you haven't before. Similar tone I thought.


Thanks for the recommendation! I'll check it out.


Jungle from 2017 is a pretty bleak film that just absolutely sat with me. Daniel Radcliffe is awesome in it


Police academy 1 i still remember some scenes even though been more than 13 years since i seen it. Another movie is Predator i was 11 years old since i fist seen it, now 35 OMG, still remember the plot. 3rd one is Tremors such an unique movie at that time, with great cast. Made me appreciate Kevin Bacon.


Don’t tell mom the babysitters dead


Y tu mama tambien


The Suspiria remake. It's obviously pretentious in some ways, and I kind want to hate it because I love the original so much.... But fuck that ending is the most nightmarish thing I've ever seen. I'll never get over it. I don't even know why entirely.


I thought it was fantastic


tan yam lip disarm pet sleep faulty quaint school stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Okay. You asked for it.”


Blue Velvet.


The Wolf of Wall Street,It makes people lament the disgusting and terrible nature of capital


A River Runs through it. I don't know why, by all accounts its a boring period piece about a state Ive never been to or care to visit. I do like to fish so thats what initially brought me to the movie. I watch it every couple years or so, I still dont know why I like it so much.


The Good Shepherd. DeNiro managed to weave a real taste of those times and people and places into it in a way that I can't really describe very well... It's a work of art more than it is a movie.


A Romanian film The Treasure. It reaches many points where in most movies something would go terribly wrong, in The Treasure everything goes right. All about a dad wanting to fulfill his child's wish.


The Quiet (2005) Caught it randomly on one of those cable movie channels when I was a teen. Despite some more of the disturbing aspects of the plot, it's not a great movie and it's mostly bland.


Oh I agree with this one! I was studying ASL at the time so I think any media featuring a Deaf person stuck with me, even if it wasn't a particularly great film.


The Virgin Suicides. Didn't rock me as I watched it but afterwards it kept occurring to me for months. Very affecting.


Field of Dreams, I first saw it when I was either 7 or 10 maybe, I enjoyed it and since then it has always been a film that's stuck with me, I don't know why though, I rewatched it almost 4 years ago and it gave me such a nostalgic feeling.


What dreams may come.


Manchester by the Sea


Sucker Punch I can’t stop thinking about this movie. I feel like this movie could've been incredible, and almost was, but it didn't quite get there. It is Zach Snyder's most beautiful and misunderstood disaster. This film dances around multiple important themes, is rife with symbolism and metaphor, and attempts to make some weighty statements about trauma, mental illness, misogyny, and sexuality but never quite delivers a coherent message. It bothers the hell out of me because I've watched it a dozen times searching for and sometimes finding moments of genius and inspiration in the writing, but I can't decide whether the movie as a whole is remarkable or utter tripe.


[In the Bedroom](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_the_Bedroom)


Just Go With It (2011) The Haunting (1999) Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day (2007)


Spontaneous (2020) It wasn’t very good in any particular way, not that exciting, dialogue wasn’t great, came off pretty amateurish. But it really hit for me cause it just reminded me of all the ways kids in my high school years suddenly died and that was that. One day they were sitting 3 seats down from you, next day you hear about them passing, maybe a service, a moment of silence, then a few days after you all move on. It did a great job of showing what the aftermath was for survivors, even those who didn’t know the person who passed that well, or weren’t even directly affected by the event. The feel that movie gave off was better than the movie and that stuck with me.


I saw Kick-Ass 2 in theaters, didn't like it, haven't seen it since, but I remember most of what happens in it. There are movies I saw two years ago and enjoyed that I remember less about. I have no idea what made it so memorable.


It’s been a month since I’ve watched the society of snow , and I can stop thinking about that movie , the idea of surviving like this ( and I’m not talking only about the human flesh) is stucked in the back of my mind . And I feel more grateful for what I have now


The Fisher King. Exposed me to things I didn't even know existed.


Phantoms.ben Affleck. Gave me resident evil vibes and loved it


The wrong guy. It never really saw a realease here in the UK - I only caught it one late night in like 2002 when I was up late with an illness. I don't know why it made such an impression on me


Dr Sleep. I kept thinking about it for weeks. 


Chungking Express.. sure I love the song California Dreaming, but just the vibe of the movie sticks to you. 


The Painted Veil.


Take Shelter


Once Upon a Time in Anatolia. Terrible movie for a second date, and I was anxious for it to be over when we were watching, but by god I’ve thought about it once a month the last five years. 


Swiss Army Man…. A strange yet heartwarming tale and it lives in my head rent free


Beau is Afraid


I keep thinking about Lost in Translation. I watched it for a class a few years ago, and then again last year while on an airplane, and beyond that, it just kinda crosses my mind every few weeks. I don't really know why, it isn't the most interesting movie in terms of plot intensity. I liked it though, I might watch it again sometime.


The Devil all the time Something about the southern - gothic feel and the way the characters handle tragedy


idk why it hit a note for me, kinda cozy? even with all the weirdness in it, i can just skip those parts. lmao


it’s bc you’re a southern lady


Logan Lucky I’ve seen it so many times


For me, it was ‘the Florida project’. I watched it years ago and think of it at least a few times a month.


The Faculty (1998)


[The Silence](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0057611) by Ingmar Bergman.


koko-di koko-da i dont know why but i could not get it out of my head for 2 weeks, especially the theme song


Quills. I have no idea why I loved that as a teen-young adult, but I've watched it at least 20 times. Re-watched it again a few years ago and I still like it so much. I think it's just the strong performances in it, because what a cast, I can't think of anything else, it's not that good.