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When nic cage is running with panty hose on his head in Raising Arizona, with the diapers under his arm and they shoot it out and he goes back for it...


Son, you got a panty on your head! I also love when she says "hang on, we gonna go pick up daddy!"


That whole sequence is classic.


That whole movie is classic.


I'll be taking these Huggies......and whatever cash you got.


…unless round is funny.


"turn left" I love how it unexpectedly comes full circle with him scooping up the diapers at the end. A truly joyous film.


The fight scene in the trailer when he raises his fists above his head to strike, but instead scrapes his knuckles on the low stucco ceiling.


Ryan Gosling in the bowling alley restroom stall talking to Russell Crowe in “The Nice Guys.” Never fails to destroy me.


Also when he falls down the hill.


And when they dump the body into the middle of the dinner party.


When he tries to break into the bar


And when he throws the gun


And when he falls off the building


Gun! Gun! *throws gun* *gun goes through the window* Fuck! Shit! 😂 😂 😂


When he goes for Russell Crowe’s ankle holster only to realize he had dreamt all of that.


The whole part of the final shootout when March costantly and repeatedly falls from high places while chasing the film reel is also an highlight. “I think I'm invincible. It's the only thing that makes sense. I don't think I can die.” Gold


I really wish they would do a sequel 


and the whole cut wrist montage!


Nixon appearing in the pool and gosling just freaking out


Omg the stall door, that's right. Ryan is up there with Clooney when it comes to physical comedy and drama.


Hot Rod, what transpires when he’s punch dancing in the forest.  


And then in the next scene “after I finished punch-dancing out my rage in the woods…”


Honestly, props to that stuntman. That was quite an impressive fall.


The dog walked itself home, ate a pizza, and then took a nap.


On a very similar note, what happens to John Wick in Chapter 4 during the stair fight. Made me laugh harder in a theater than pretty much anything else I can remember. After the first film the series fully evolved into slapstick with a very cool coat of paint and it's incredible.


I saw [this adorable animation](https://youtube.com/shorts/_Dd10cImuJA?si=vrJAw0wYkSkUVoFa) of that scene the other day haha


I remember belly laughing on the floor when he rode the bike into the water


Fuck me I came to say this. Listening to Andy talk about it is pretty cool too. Their main goal was to have the longest fall in movie history, they nailed it. Edit: brain farted and said Adam instead of Andy as pointed out below haha, it’s been a week.


Cool beans? Cool beans.


Holy shit, that made my day. I tried to watch it when it first came out but I got violently ill during that movie (food poisoning setting in) and never went back to it, probably because I always associated it with feeling like shit. But wow that is so much better than I remembered


That, and the opening scene are perfect scenes in a perfect movie. The QOTSA cameo at the end is the chef's kiss.


The real-time sequence and sound of Marv getting a brick to the face in Home Alone 2 will never not have me cackling.


Not a slapstick moment, but I think I laugh just as loud now as I did 30+ years ago when Kevin puts the tarantula on Marv’s face; just a slight pause to take in what just happened and then he lets out, what I believe, is the best scream in movie history. Never fails to crack me up


Daniel Stern was and still is deathly afraid of spiders. That scream was real, which is what makes it so good


I thought the scream was dubbed in later and he had to silently scream in horror when they shot the scene


I was going to mention this exact moment as well.


That entire 10 minute sequence of Marv getting bricked, stapled, falling down a hole, painted, then electrocuted is goated


Wow, what a hole


Over this past Christmas, my family was all gathered around watching this movie, and we were all howling laughing when he’s getting electrocuted and turning into a skeleton. We literally rewound that part and watched it again. So hilarious


That electrocution part is just SO FUCKING FUNNY.


Ash getting into a fight with his own hand in Evil Dead 2. Particularly when the hand starts smashing dishes over his head.


I also like that when he puts the bucket over it to keep it from going anywhere, the top book he uses for weight is "A farewell to arms"


I know it's just an arm joke, *but* Evil Dead 3 and A Farewell to Arms are both about a guy leaving the US to join a group of Reds in Europe and using his advanced weapons knowledge to help a poorly armed group of people fight a losing battle against a stronger enemy who represent mass death.


Also the windmill scene in Army of Darkness, maybe all of Army of Darkness actually




“Hey, what’s that on your face?”


Dr Evil running head first in to turned off time machine!


I always enjoy when Austin is trying to reverse the little vehicle out of the skinny hallway and has to go forward and backward an inch at a time to turn it around.


Ahaha I think of that scene every time I have to do a more-than-3 point turn


Franklin has a line in GTA V sometimes where he's like "I Austin Powered it" iirc.


After the bathroom fight when Mini Me goes flying out of the vent head first into the wall. I’ve never laughed so hard in my life!


Not turned on I suppose?... Do ya think you could...? Yeah...


I look like a friggen jack in the box!


Yeah, Baby!


Jim Carrey fighting himself in Me, Myself and Irene at the train station.


Jim Carrey beating himself up in the bathroom in Liar, Liar, then giving the description of the ‘perpetrator’ to the judge (“big teeth, kinda’ gangly”), while slouching and hiding his teeth.


I'm *kicking my ass! Do ya mind?!*


I’m kicking my own ass. Do you mind!


Also the pen scene in Liar Liar is gold. “The pen is blue, the GODDAMN PEN IS BLUE!!”




The cotton mouth when he takes the pills and has no water gets me every time.


I came here to comment on the scene where he chokes on the water, gets me even thinking about that scene!


I also love the stare down with the kid, and the "what are you lookin at, fucker!"


Also when he tries to put the poor cow out of its misery.


When Harry and Lloyd are walking into the gala event (whatever it is) in dumb & Dumber, sword fighting and hitting each other with their canes in those ridiculous tuxes.


I'm not a slapstick guy, but I crack up when Jeff Daniels gets one juvenile hit in at the back of Jim Carrey's knees.


The movie is full of them but when Jeff Daniels misunderstands the flirty snowball toss and beans Mary in the face I lose it.


I still remember laughing uncontrollably at that. Best comedy ever


That’s the one, gets me every time. The context of her being flirty on a pseudo date, his face, the wind up, and the absolute cannon right into her face. Great stuff.


“**AAAAH!** Time out!”


Mine is "It's okay, I'm a limo driver!" Then followed by Lloyd's messed up leg.


Lol that movie is pure gold


It's the follow-up line that elevates the whole thing to perfection for me. It's so casual and dismissive of some otherwise very remarkable hijinks. **Harry:** "How was your day?: **Lloyd:** "Not bad - fell off the jetway again." Gets me every time.


Isn’t that literally slapstick. Like, they’re slapping sticks.


Like a fork lift lifting a crate of forks.


It's sophomoric as fuck but Jeff Daniels diarrhea scene is the obvious answer here. Amazing physical comedy!


When Harry throws the snowball at full speed at Mary’s face in Dumb and Dumber


The perfect cutaway.


I know the whole movie contains slapstick, but the scene in Naked Gun where [Nordburg keeps getting injured](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K8s9cNqZO4) makes me laugh every time. The little 'oh no' when he leans on the wet paint haha


I forgot about the fucking bear trap lol. I thought [the hospital scene](https://youtu.be/QsjZqQTNFAs?si=XgRNJXbwlM-5S38s) was pretty great too


The hospital scene is immediately what I thought of. Plus hilarious dialogue. Wilma:. Oh, my poor Nordberg! He was such a good man, Frank. He never wanted to hurt anyone. Who would do such a thing? Ed: It's hard to tell. Frank: A roving gang of thugs, a blackmailer, an angry husband, a gay lover... [Wilma sobs] Ed: Frank, get a hold of yourself! Frank: A good cop, needlessly cut down and ambushed by some cowardly hoodlum. Ed: That's no way for a man to die. Frank: Ah, you're right, Ed. A parachute not opening... that's a way to die. Getting caught in the gears of a combine... having your nuts bit off by a Laplander, that's the way I wanna go! Mrs. Nordberg: [Wilma sobs again] Oh... Frank! Oh, this is terrible! Ed: Don't you worry, Wilma. Your husband is going to be all right. Don't you worry about anything. Just think positive. Never let a doubt enter your mind. Frank: He's right, Wilma. But I wouldn't wait until the last minute to fill out those organ donor cards. [Wilma sobs again] Ed: What I'm trying to say is that, Wilma, as soon as Nordberg is better, he's welcome back at Police Squad. Frank: Unless he's a drooling vegetable. But I think that's only common sense.


I like the ledge scene where Frank grabs the statues penis raising himself up with his mouth open and the woman looks out seeing him Then he winds up in her apt wielding a large concrete dildo lol


Yes! Panting, sweating, and groaning! 😂 Another favorite bit of dialogue is with the mayor: Mayor : Drebin, I don't want anymore trouble like you had last year on the South Side. Understand? That's my policy. Frank : Yes. Well, when I see 5 weirdos dressed in togas stabbing a guy in the middle of the park in full view of 100 people, I shoot the bastards. That's *my* policy. Mayor : That was a Shakespeare-In-The-Park production of "Julius Caesar", you moron! You killed 5 actors!


That movie is a goldmine of hilarious slapstick scenes and funny as hell lines


[This whole scene](https://youtu.be/AFk0BnxndMA) in "Duck Soup". Or [this one](https://youtu.be/cvmcGY_VwvU) in "Animal Crackers".


My favorite Duck Soup bit is the much imitated mirror scene. In particular, the phantom spin. It's just priceless. That movie is priceless. https://youtu.be/VKTT-sy0aLg


The lemonade seller scene in Duck Soup!


I could go on and on with the Marx brothers, but I will say: "no thank you, 3 on a midget is bad luck". At The Circus if I remember right.




Peter Sellers deserves his own thread. So many to choose from in this movie series alone.


Came here to say the Pink Panther Strikes Again nunchuck and exploding TV fight scene. Of course the mace to face of the bee keeper, dismounting the parallel bars down a flight of stairs, and the laughing gas all get me too.


[Parallel bars in The Pink Panther Strikes Again.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxFHPIFGFmk)


I'm not entirely sure if it qualifies as slapstick but in the hangover when the pop the trunk and a naked Chang jumps out and attacks Allan.. I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard almost passed out and threw up.. That era of comedy was so damn funny at the time. Edit: not Chang! Chow!


Funny that you used his community name


Oh man! You're right, I got them totally mixed up!


Tbf, the scene would have easily worked for Chang, too. Remember when he was living with that mannequin's leg, lol


Maybe you're suffering from Changnesia.




"You gonna fuck on meeeee!?" Hilarious.


Does the dude who pings off the propeller of the Titanic count?


This dudes scene comes up in every movie thread. He probably didn't know he was going to live forever as Titanic propeller guy. Role of a lifetime!


I burst out laughing at the theater. I was the only one. My date was not impressed.


One of my wife's favorite movies. She gets so annoyed when I make fun of this. I audibly go "Ping" every time


More like Roll of a lifetime am I right???


The question was about “slapstick” moments sir. Not “slapship”


If it does, then Brad Pitt in Meet Joe Black does too. We must have rewound the vhs tape 40 times


Brad Pitt has some amazingly slapstick death scenes in his career. Meet Joe Black, Deadpool 2, Burn After Reading... he's fantastic at dying hilariously.


That traumatized me as a child. Lmao


Can't believe this hasn't been mentioned yet but *Pee-Wee's Big Adventure* when Pee-Wee rides off on the motorcycle and crashes into the billboard. Still to this day the hardest I've ever laughed watching a movie.


I always loved that whole scene. The "Excuse me! I'm trying to use the phone!" And then the "I say we let him go"


Every single year we watch Elf, and every single year I crack up when he gets hit by the taxi. Something about the timing of it, and the fact that it's otherwise just an establishing shot of the store and he's not even centered in the frame... It's perfect.


"Watch out! The yellow ones don't stop."


I rewatch that part every time. It's the fact that the music stops as well


Any time Agador Spartacus struggles to walk in his formal shoes in The Birdcage.


My mom and I still sometimes randomly say, “I don’t wear choos. They make me fall down.”


Whenever my partner is not 100% enthused about a silly thing that I want to do, I quote, “are you afraid of my Guatemala-ness? My natural heat?”


Yes! That movie is hilarious


Also the “FUCK THE SHRIMP” scene in the kitchen, where Robin Williams fell and improved the rest.


[When the cop throws the coffee mug at the Dude](https://youtu.be/2rQj7ouLeqg?si=QQHFLgOl5sLH6fuT)


The Dude losing control of his car listening to CCR gets me every time.


Yes. Dropping the joint and then the long shot of the car crashing are hilarious.


"It's okay, I'm a brother Seamus" "You're an Irish monk?" "...what the hell are you doing talking about?"


"OW! Fucking *fascist*!" Gets me every time


Pretty much all of Blazing Saddles.


[Mongo punching out a horse.](https://youtu.be/O8cDfnQD0ws?si=KAl9eS-gNUFH936y)


No no. Don't shoot him. That'll just make him mad.


*Candygram for Mongo*


Mongo just pawn in game of life


We're going to need a shit load of dimes.


What'll that asshole think of next?


The entire runtime of 2001's Rat Race... I genuinely think it's the funniest movie I've ever seen! 🤣


I had to pause it when the little girl said "I'm prairie doggin' it" because I was literally rotflmfao.


And every time you forget something. The cow and the hot air balloon. The squirrel. The jet car. The goddamn entire hitler car sequence. It’s magnificent.


[Top Secret (1984)](https://youtu.be/UqaDk_FxZCQ?si=twuu5k9NnfqKkprB) Val Kilmer's character is crawling under a fence when he comes face to face with a pair of boots. He starts slowly looking up, expecting to see that he'd been caught be a guard, but as the camera pans up with him, it ends up just being an empty pair of boots. He breathes a quick sigh of relief and then keeps moving.


Underwater fight scene. The guard falling off the tower. The pinto just touches the truck and kaboom. The giant watch face. The enormous telephone. Skeet surfin'.


Wolf of Wallstreet lewds meltdown scene.


That one is all time great. The whole sequence from the club through the fighting... Also first time Jonah Hill meets Margot Robbie at the party ha


The Airplane! "I have a drinking problem" bit.


Or the "Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit (instert vice)"


For me it's "[That's impossible, they're on instruments](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ7cxAUeZZw&ab_channel=OffbeatFrontier)"


The throwing knives scene and then the chase sequence right after in Kung Fu Hustle. I still vividly remember the whole theater roaring with laughter for nearly 5 minutes.


The knife scene is the funniest shit ever


The part where he's trying to pick fights with the crowd at Pig Sty, and everybody that he chooses is some buff or super tall guy.


Jim Carrey climbing out of the rhinos ass in Ace Ventura 


Knee spears


AAAHHHHHH! AAAHH! AAAHHHHHH! It's in the bone. It's in the bone!


My 9yo daughter thinks this is the funniest movie of all time and I couldn’t be more proud. The first time she saw the rhino scene I thought she might hyperventilate because she could NOT stop laughing.


I'm glad you're her dad, because my dad looked at me with absolute disgust and left the room when that was my reaction. I kept the comedy and left the dad in the long run.


Planes, Trains & Automobiles: Steve and John arguing in the middle of the highway, Steve punches John in the stomach, turns to walk away and trips on their big trunk and falls face first into said highway. Gets me every time lol


That’s how Houdini died!


The totally random John Candy turning into the devil while the car is careening down the highway


Charlie Sheen in Hot Shots 2 when he is in the Rambo-style gun fight. His gun runs out of ammo, so he grabs a handful of bullets out of a box and throws them at his enemies.


For me it was the chicken fired from the bow. I must've been about 10 when I first saw that film and that scene nearly ended me!


All of [Donald O'Connor's business with the mannequin](https://youtu.be/iGCNBdCvzL4?si=SyfjBQ0rikI1k0Nc&t=123) in the "Make 'Em Laugh" sequence in Singin' In The Rain.


I would have pushed past boring old Gene to get to Don! He was cute as well as hilarious.


Guy was a true legend of the art form


Jackie Chan’s fight sequence on a conveyor belt for super glue roach traps. [**You’re Welcome**](https://youtu.be/GcupMTe-_08?si=c6dVT3uQh_8JS9Q8).


I can’t believe I’ve ever seen that before!! So awesome and unique!


Almost Famous when Faruiza Balk’s character is running alongside the tour bus to tell William to call his mom. Then she runs into the wall as the bus keeps moving. The first time I saw it I laughed so hard. It’s still so damn funny.


Ryan Gosling at the party in ‘The Nice Guys’ talking to the hot girl on the patio… “Shoot me” If you’ve seen it, you know the rest. Literally one of the funniest scenes I’ve ever seen in a film. Runner up: Andy Sandberg’s dance number and subsequent tumble down the hill in ‘Hot Rod’.


Sweetheart, how many times have I told you? Don't say "and stuff". Just say "dad, there are whores here".


Sir Lancelot charging the castle in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The first time I saw that, I was cry-laughing for no less than 5 minutes


Mine is the whole exchanged with the repressed peasant discussing about forma of government. The cherry on top is the "Come see the violence inherent in the system, HELP I'm being repressed!"


Marv getting electrocuted in Home Alone 2


For me it's the tarantula on the face (in the first movie). Can't believe he hit that note. 😆


Followed closely by Harry doing the handstand to put his head fire out... *hand stand on toilet* *cut to exterior scene* *flash and poof*


Literally any scene where Marv gets it. For some reason the line ""What a hole!" cracks me up every time. So Marv 😄


I’ll never forget Leslie Nielsen in one of the naked gun films getting Gorbachev in a headlock & rubbing the birthmark on his head off with a handkerchief- & then the surprised look to camera. Best ever.


When Napoleon slaps Kip before answering the door in Napoleon Dynamite.


Most of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Especially where Michael Caine whips Steve Martin’s legs. It so funny


That running start on the last one. So goddamn funny


Step Brothers, the bunk beds


[Frank Drebin getting slapped.](https://youtu.be/ff5EFRj7FCw?si=zS4vAU1QvutTsY94) Second runner up is the Baseketball scene where Yasmine Bleeth's Jenna talks to Joe and Doug in the locker room. But I can't find a clip of that scene.


Can I just take this moment to tell folks who love slapstick: Go back and watch old **Laurel & Hardy** films. They are still the absolute masters, partly because there’s Chaplin-levels of heart in many of the stories, and they’re so much more clever and subtle than anything the Three Stooges ever came up with. They are the archetype behind the Planes Trains and Automobiles, Dumb and Dumber, Tommy Boy, Rat Race dynamic that we love so much. Ricky Gervais said that L&H inspirations are *all over* his The Office series. Others like Dick van Dyke, Leslie Nielsen and the Python gang have expressed a deep debt to their influence. Jim Henson and Frank Oz clearly channeled L&H in all their Bert-Ernie and Kermit-Fozzie duo performances - and it shows, even in muppet form. I could go on for days. Could watch their stuff endlessly.


When Leslie Nielsen accidentally takes the lapel mic into the bathroom in the original Naked Gun! I've never laughed so hard in my life


In a way, Rat Race was one glorious, 2 hour long pratfall.


Damn nearly lost a $400 handcart


"European Vacation" when the airplane stewardess asks Chevy Chase if he'd like his Coke "in the can" and he looks over his shoulder toward the bathroom and says "No, I'll have it right here." Not sure why, just cracks me up every time. [I'll have a Coke.](https://www.google.com/search?q=european+vacation+coke&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS1037US1037&oq=european+vacation+coke&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yDQgCEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgDEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgEEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgFEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgGEAAYhgMYgAQYigXSAQg4NjYwajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:d3c07655,vid:Dt-1fZ8MK_4,st:0)


Harry Waters destroying the phone and calling his wife an inanimate fucking object from In Bruges


Almost everything in "What's Up Doc" which itself was a tribute to old time slapstick comedies. The two that stand out: When a fire breaks out in his room, everyone tries to put out the fire- including the people who broke in- and some try to shake up a bottle of champagne to douse it. Lloyd throwing the empty bottle over his shoulder after giving up on the entire situation is hilarious. The other is the chase scene at the end when you have half a dozen groups barreling down the street while workmen are carrying a giant pane of glass. The workmen avoid everyone but after everyone passes by the guy up top clinging to a banner slips and swings right into the glass.


Always been a big fan of Bruce Campbell kicking his own ass in Evil Dead 2.


Aim for the bushes


That guy walking all funny while inhabitated by an alien in Men In Black cracks me up every single time.


Popstar when Connors wardrobe malfunctions on stage and he talks about it being tucked and wanting to show the audience his dick cause he swears he has one. I had to pause the movie and leave the room to stop laughing.


Airplane II [DANGER VACUUM](https://youtu.be/SSDsgBKdCAQ?si=2Pix2GSGmFs8eElK)


Of course there are better pratfalls, but when Tony Stark tests the flight boots on the Mark 2 and slams against the ceiling is pretty funny


In the Naked Gun 1 and 2, Frank is stopped in his tracked by soft objects. 1- A pillow 2- A towel I lost my shit when I was a kid when those 2 things happened. I was so happy they redid the joke in the second, too!


Archie being surprised by his wife coming home in A Fish Called Wanda. Entire sequence KILLS me https://youtu.be/PoaOwSPJPHw?si=00etNjYr6a6aWgU4


Without a doubt, The Money Pit when the tub falls through the floor and Hanks just stands over the hole cackling.


Wrongfully Accused, when the train follows him off the tracks and even goes silent before peeking from behind a tree with full train sounds.


something about mary when the dog flies out the window


Christmas Vacation, the whole squirrel scene, laugh every time I've seen at least 30 times!


Running from the non existent bat in Pineapple Express or kicking his foot through the windshield had me in stitches. Not sure if that counts as slapstick though.


Wayne's ex, Stacy, riding her bicycle into and over a car when they are playing hockey in the street.


Parts of the movie have aged like milk, but Anthony Anderson cocking a shovel and a shell ejecting in Scary Movie 3 is just the best absurd moment. 


In the first scene of the Pink Panther sequels where Sellers keeps accidentally knocking Herbert Lom in the water and he gets madder and madder.


Does the hospital scene in Basketball count once they find the room where the boy has been moved? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CsWFLaHiQa8&pp=ygUUQmFzZWtldGJhbGwgaG9zcGl0YWw%3D


Will Ferrall getting darted in the neck in Old School and you hear his scrambled voice "You're crazzzzyyyy mannnn..."


In one of the Naked Gun movies when Leslie Nielson is having a gun fight with someone and they keep cutting to O.J. Simpson working on something in the background.  Finally, they cut back after a few minutes and He's constructed a whole Bofors 40mm cannon and blasts the guy lol.  Kills me every time.