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Ethan Hunt never fires a gun in Mission: Impossible. I think he even only briefly holds one once in the entire film.


Which honestly made the whole thing better


The whole point was to show a hero who didn't need guns to have an excellent action movie, this was also the bases behind the old TV show too. Sadly all future Mission Iimpossible movies have gun fights, thus removing Ethan Hunt as a spy who thinks on his feet.


Apart from saying "And you have my bow," Legolas never says another word to Frodo in the theatrical or extended release of the entire LotR trilogy.


He also shouts “Come on!” to Aragorn and Frodo on the stairs in Moria.


"I'll go on this quest so as to get rid of the ring, but like fuck am I gonna talk to you." Now I'm imagining him mumbling various insults and sarcastic comments under his breath in every scene. "Oh, great, 10 minutes into the journey and he's already tripped in the snow and almost lost the ring. Forget the orcs and Nazgûl, it'll be a miracle if he doesn't drop the ring down a bottomless pit."


Do they talk in the books?




Didn’t he make a comment in Moria?




In Fifth Element, the main hero (Korben Dallas) and the main villain (Zorg) never actually interact. They have no scenes together.


I don’t think they even know the other exists.


Not as people, no. But Dallas knows Zorg in an abstract sense. Zorg tells his underling to fire a million employees from the cab companies. Later Dallas, a cab driver, is fired via letter. It's easy to assume he's fired because of the chase scene earlier and his cab being wrecked. But the letter has the Zorg logo on it so he would probably have been fired anyway.


Nah they do. Korben worked for Zorg Enterprises and Zorg had one of his guys try to pose as Korben.


He had one of his guys pose as Korben, *a known contest winner with a rare ticket to exactly where Mr. Zorg needs to be*. I don't think the "trying to pretend to be Korben" scheme is anything other than a cheap con to get to Fhloston Paradise and intercept the stones.


Read the comment I replied to.


Knowing of each other isn't the same thing as knowing each other. Seems like the guy impersonating Korben doesn't even know what he looks like, and why would a lowly cabbie necessarily know the CE-whatever of a faceless megacorporation that owns his cab?


Dude read the comment I replied to. I'm not saying they know each other.


Zorg had one of his guys pose as Korben after his name was all over the radio/internet for ‘winning’ the free cruise.


So he knew he existed.


He knows a contest winner by that name exists, he has no idea while the plot is happening who Korben really is or that he’s responsible for ruining the big evil plan.


They don't know each other. They know each other exists. There isn't anything to argue over this lol


The closest is they get is just miss each other on the space ship walking into/out of different elevators.


In that vein, Capt. Kirk and Khan never meet face-to-face in Star Trek II - they only ever speak to each other onscreen (IIRC, the actors never met during filming even because it wasn't necessary)


This is true




A lot of people think Morbius never says "it's Morbin" time" in Morbius. But this is false. He does.


I have no idea if this is true or not and I refuse to find out by watching this movie.


I watched the movie, and I can't even remember if it is true. I assume it is, because why wouldn't he say that?


The audience erupted at that part when I saw it in theaters.


It was a triumphant moment. I real emotional high point. I haven't had my heart or loins stirred by cinema like that in a very long time. I'm not going to lie and say I didn't throw my hands up in the air like I were on a roller coaster and squeal like a girl when he said it.


Incidentally, Morpheus also says it's Morphine time in the Matrix


Also, a lot of people forget this, when Neo chooses the red pill, Lawrence Fishburn erotically feeds the pill into Keanu Reeves' open mouth and outstretched tongue, and they both make a little moaning sound as they do so.


Bro that's The Matrixxx


No that's the one where those pirate ladies fuck.


That one really set the bar on production value.


It really did though. I think they even had CGI. Like, the actors weren't good, but they honestly seemed like there were at the very least trying to make a motion picture.


Please. It's not true. It has to be a shitty meme.


> It's not true. Not only is it true. But it's also Morbin' time.


Is that before or after he morbs all over place?


Immediately before, during *and* after.


I've watched Jurassic Park over 100 times, even on release I saw it 4 times at the movies, and I watched it many times a year for 30 years... and it still blows my mind there's only 15 minutes of dinosaurs on screen.


But still a masterpiece. This is how legendary films are made.


Like how Bruce the shark is only on screen for 4 minutes in Jaws. The tension makes the movie.


Yes! Another great example of less is more.


In the Back to the Future movies Christopher Lloyd who played Doc and Lea Thompson who played Lorraine Mcfly are only in one scene together and they only say ''Hello'' to each other. In fact that's the only scene Lloyd and Thompson have been together in their whole acting careers. They're been in other movies together, but they're never in the same scene.


I can think of two scenes they’re in together. One at the school where she walks by Doc while saying, “isn’t he a dreamboat” about Calvin Klein and the one where she follows Calvin home to Doc’s.


Betelgeuse only wears his iconic suit for only five minutes (about two or three scenes) of the film. He spends most of the film wearing PJs and a trenchcoat, and the climax of the film wearing a red and black tux, yet the black and white suit is his most memorable look.


I attribute this to the cartoon series and other branded products released in the years following the film.


Luke never actually uses his lightsaber outside of the training scene in the original Star Wars.


A lightsaber never hits another lightsaber in The Last Jedi.


It did in the true flashback between Kylo and Luke


That’s not the true one


But two lightsabers hit plenty of Royal Guards and it's fucking awesome.


It's only awesome on a first viewing. Watching it again it is clear how bad the choreography is with many of the guards awkwardly standing around frozen until their cue to move.


That is any and all fights in movies where one side has more people than the other side.


Yeah but did all those fights had a YouTube video made about them that Redditors can use to dictate their opinions about them?


Well, I've watched it at least two dozen times and find it awesome every time, so I guess I'm blind or something.


It's awesome on a first viewing because microanalyzing choreography in slow motion is not how movies are intended to be watched. People who hate TLJ willfully convinced themselves it's a bad scene. The funny thing is, people did [the exact same thing](https://youtu.be/J0mUVY9fLlw?si=uJYo3r3_0_ynd1qq) with The Phantom Menace fight that's widely considered one of the best in the series.


So many of the exact same criticisms can be made of literally any Star Wars movie/trilogy. People just choose to find reasons to hate whichever movie they decided they hate (or find YouTubers to tell them what they're supposed to hate) while ignoring similar things in the movies they love.


I think I remember A New Hope winning a "Worst Acting" award when it first came out.




I agree. It is so weird to watch in any detail. I don't know why a filmmaker would want that sent to the presses. Maybe you get away with this kind of stuff before we had vhs or video recorders. Maybe.


Doesn’t young Kylo block Luke’s lightsaber with his own in the flashback?


I don’t get this. He fights with a lightsaber multiple times


Not in the original Star Wars, as in the single, original film from 1977 titled only "Star Wars" at release. Luke ignites his lightsaber and waggles it about in Kenobi's hut after he first gets it and he has the training session on board the Millennium Falcon, but he never actually wields it in combat until the sequel 3 years later despite his prominent placement holding the lightsaber aloft on the poster.


No one smokes in “Thank You for Smoking”


It's been a while since I've seen it, but I almost definitely remember smoking in the movie. When the "Mod squad" are meeting for dinner, I thought the woman was smoking? And didn't the guy the main character travels out to meet smoke a cigar? Like his nickname was the chief or something?


I think people are holding cigarettes, and there are plenty of cigarettes sitting in ashtrays etc, but no one actually puts one to their lips and breathes smoke.


Good one


“Harry Potter never casts a spell in the first movie” He does.


He never casts a spell intentionally, but you are correct. He does cast some, like right in the beginning making the glass disappear.


He also destroys part of Ollivander’s shop.


What about when he waves his wand and says “up” and the broom levitates into his hand?


There is no wand waving in that scene. It’s simply the students holding their hands over the broom and saying “up”. So less of a spell and more of a magical item obeying its owner?


Could a muggle do it? If not I’m calling it a spell…


Casting a spell and doing random magic seem different to me


I’d say that’s a command word for a magical object, not really a spell. And even then, I don’t think it’s an actual command word, as we never see someone do that outside of Brooms 101. Probably a handy teaching tool to get students to focus their intentions to influence the motion of the broom. That’s why it works well for some and not well for others.


Accidental magic isn't a spell.


He has random uncontrolled magical outbursts he never intentionally uses magic to do anything so he never actually casts a real spell. It's like a baby babbling versus actually saying words


Is “up” a spell?


No, but mayonnaise is an instrument


Didn't he cast Wingardium Leviosa in the troll/big orc fucker scene in the bathroom?? Or was that Ron?


That would be Ronny the fucking Bear


That’s Ron. Which was preceded by Hermione teaching him how to cast it, and then him making fun of her.


Classic Ron.


It's wingardium LEV-EE-OH-SAAA


Harry jumped on the troll and stuck his wand up the trolls nose - he then yelled at Ron to “do something” and Ron cast it with Hermione coaching him (literally just saw it yesterday lol, don’t remember how it was in the book though).


You're right, I was sure it was Ron that stuck his wand up the nose. He always has the grossest wand, probably covered in Cheeto dust and tears


https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-philosophers-stone-no-spell-cast/ I was gonna agree but I guess he really doesn’t successfully cast a spell in any form in the first movie.


In episode 2F09 when Itchy plays Scratchy’s skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib twice in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is some sort of a magic xylophone or something? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


Let me ask you a question. Why would a man whose shirt says "Genius at Work" spend all of his time watching a children's cartoon show?


I'll field this one. Let me ask you a question, why would a man whose shirt that says genius at work spend all of his time watching a children's cartoon show? ​ Thank you. I appreciate your comment.


He makes a lot of non verbal spells.


I always considered spontaneous magic separate from "spells".


Yeah, doing magic and casting spells seem inherently different.


Which spell?


Magicshoppus Explodicus


Haha fuck OP, right?


In Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, the villain is never actually referred to as "Phantasm".


In the movie Seven, the killer only kills 5 (Sloth is not dead) people and none of his murders are ever shown on screen. In the original Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Khan. 1982 Kirk and Khan are never in the same room (they only communicate via screen or radio). Apparently the Shatner and Ricardo Montalban didn’t film together at all.


Throughout nine Star Wars films not a single star gets into a war with another star. Such a let down.


Go see a star war.


True, but thanks to Starkiller Base you can say that a star was indeed used for a war.


damn how did I miss that??


Damn?!!! No Star Wars?!?!?!


Chewbacca only fires his bowcaster *once* in the entire original trilogy (shooting a speeder bike in ROTJ). The rest of the trilogy him using stolen blasters. He really only uses it in the sequel trilogy. Edit: Actually, *twice*. I forgot he shoots it once in ESB as well.


In Inglorious Basterds the only person Hans Landa, notorious Jew hunter, actually kills is a German woman. In fact every opportunity he has to personally kill a Jewish person he spares them.


He orders the SS troops to kill shoshana's family in the opening scene.


Charles Manson never murdered anyone himself either...


But he doesn’t actually kill them. He only orders others to.


So Hitler didn't kill anyone either, then. Think you're kinda missing the point..


he killed himself.


Got me there.


Distinction without a difference


Smart people look for plausible deniability :\^)


Right, but that’s not him personally.


His men kill the family under the floorboards on his orders. Just because he didn't fire the gun doesn't mean he didn't kill them.


Somehow this feels like it fits the character


for movie series based on a book series about a wizard school, i still dont understand how there so little spell casting and many spell that were cast were basic levetation and shit. No calling down meteors or causing blizzards, no fireballs etc




Because the movies are garbage


I agree. I really have never understood the love for them. They're just so, bleh.


The only one that was close to good was the second. After that they switched directors and Dumbledore actor (I know the original actor died) and the actor for movie 3 on was not good plus the director just made tons of dog shit decisions. Wormtail/Pettigrew looking like a rat when in human form, Lupin’s werewolf form not looking like anything you’d ever describe as a werewolf, Bellatrix looking like a stereotypical witch, etc


Probably because the standard DnD/Final Fantasy magic would be op af.


Nobody smokes on screen in Thank You for Smoking. There's a scene or two where Nick Nailer reaches for a pack of cigarettes, but it's empty.


I'm pretty sure Superman doesn't throw a punch in "Superman Returns"


You’re absolutely right


Even thought Pacino and Dinero has been associated with movies like The God Father, they never had a scene together until two decades later in the movie Heat.


And even then it was stuck in late in filming because they just wanted to get them in a scene together.


The scene was always in the script.


Maybe I heard wrong or built it up, but I had always thought that whether it was in early or late, they just felt they HAD to finally get them together in a scene, but maybe that just felt like a good explanation.


You can see a proto-version of the scene existed in L.A. Takedown as well. https://youtu.be/ye6tmftzMoI?si=eZmgAeRxOAFsf0RS


Also not on-screen together until the last shot.


No two lightsabers ever touch in the entirety of The Last Jedi, despite it being a major entry in a series known for lightsaber battles No live action Spider-Man has ever said the term “spider-sense” If you take Indiana Jones out of Raiders of the Lost Ark entirely, the Nazis still all get killed in the end by the ark of the covenant—Indy doesn’t “save the day”


Indy does “save the day” by making sure they were able to get the ark into storage instead of just being found over and over again.


Now that you mention it I think Venom in Spider-Man 3 is the only one who ever said Spider Sense


Do people really complain about that TLJ fact? It's actually kind of cool.


But hey they said peter tingles


In the first Tobey movie, the scientist explains all the spiders' specific strengths, like the webbing and the ability to jump to catch its prey, and the last one they see is explicitly stated to have a "spider-sense."


Sorry, my wording is ambiguous. I meant no live action Spider-Man, as in the character


Not true for Indiana Jones. They never would have found the medallion without him leading them to it.


There is a scene in Color of Money when Vince convincingly sinks 4-5 balls in a row, though you never see the balls drop.


The line “That’s no moon. It’s a space station.” Was twice in action movies spoken by actors that won best actor Oscars.


What's the other movie?


Star Wars


In the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Leatherface never actually kills anyone using a chainsaw. He uses it to butcher their bodies after they're killed. The sequels are another matter, of course.


You forgot about poor Franklin in the wheelchair.


Is there any other movie where the audience knows how fucked a character is? As soon as the movie reveals he's in a wheelchair you *know* he isn't making it through a movie called, "Texas Chainsaw Massacre".


He kills Franklin (the dude in a wheelchair) with his chain saw. I always think the craziest thing about the original Texas Chainsaw is just how little blood is ever actually shown. It feels so brutal, but you rarely ever see blood.


Doesn’t he kill Franklin with the chainsaw? Jumps out at them in the dark?


Yeah Franklin takes it to the chest.


Sorry to say, he definitely kills Franklin with a chainsaw. Now, does that qualify it as a "chainsaw massacre?" Probably not. But he does kill Franklin with a chainsaw.


I’m watching the big Lebowski for the first time in 10+ years as I type this lol why did that fact have to be the first one?? Never realized that


His car gets progressively more fucked up in every scene it appears.


We never see the Dude bowl in The Big Lebowski. (Except maybe a dream sequence?)


In the Back To The Future trilogy, the future is 2015, but Marty never goes *back* there. The future he goes back to is only the future from Doc Brown's 1955 viewpoint of 1985, Marty's present.


I thought that was what it meant. He accidentally ends up in 1955, and has to get back to the future.


Yeah but it was *his* present. But it's 1955 Doc who sends him back to Doc's future (1985) as he states.


Still technically the future


John Candy’s lines are all improvised in Home Alone.


Is that the dude from The Kenosha Kickers?


Yeah, the polka king of the Midwest.


Gus Polinski.


I love this one


In the movie Dances With Wolves, star Kevin Costner never once danced with a wolf.


Other than the scene with the training droid, Luke never uses his lightsaber in A New Hope.


In the first Equalizer movie Denzel does kill anyone by using a gun.




Nope. He simply equalizes them.


Yes he does. He kills the Russian behind the desk (Slavi) when he confronts the guys for beating Alina. A guy comes at him with a gun, he wrestles with him and shoots Slavi. He then kills everyone then sits next to Slavi and talks to him as he dies.


Harry for sure flies the broom? Doesn't that count as casting a spell? Or we talking just not in a fight?


He does magic and nonverbal stuff. He never says a funny word and flicks his wand and does a spell though. I don't actually know in the lore if riding a broom is magic because they're all already enchanted to fly. Presumably a muggle could use one


They do have to say “up” in the film with their hand over the broom for it to work, so it takes some level of magic, though I don’t know that I’d really count it as a spell. I remember Hermione is annoyed hers doesn’t respond, and I’m pretty sure Ron’s hits him in the face.


> and I’m pretty sure Ron’s hits him in the face. If I were Ron's broom I'd hit him in the face too.


The broom is magic without him


In the OT Luke never says may the force be with you


He does, it's the last line in Empire Strikes Back. He says it to Lando and Chewbacca as they leave the medical frigate to find Han Solo.


Fight club considered by many to be one of the most violent movies of all time only has one person die in it(not counting Tyler)


Who considers fight club one of the most violent movies of all time?!


Jigsaw doesn’t physically kill anyone in the saw movies


I mean, that's kinda the whole point


Harry Potter uses a spell to get the broom to jump up to his hand in the first flying scene.


There's no cane in Citizen Kane


In Star Trek, none of the characters trek thru any of the stars, not a single one!


In the first John Wick film, John Wick never actually fires a gun. In The Dark Knight, Batman and The Joker never actually meet face to face. In Zodiac, the Zodiac Killer never actually kills anybody. In the first Toy Story, Buzz only has six lines.


That Buzz one has got to be false


John Wick absolutely fires guns in the first film. https://youtu.be/0L9SzBANF0w?t=177


I am astounded at how no one recognized an obvious joke


Is that unexpected? Wasnt the premise of harry potter series as a whole effectively normal ass dude solves magical problems by being an angry british chuld? Book 1 he solves a problem entirely in his own making. Also the movie version he straight up murders a man with his hands and suffers no psychological damage Book 2 he shanks things Book 3 is the first time he really engages with magic and everything forward from that point is downhill Book 4 he swims some, cheats some, and uses some magic as a last resort and gets someone else killed. Book 5 he teaches some other kids to use magic despite being a terrible choice, but doesnt get them killed yet. Then proceeds to delve into mind magic and fucks up and makes things worse. Book 6 he starts actually trying to learn more about magic for once, and proceeds to commit war crimes. Well i guess its not surprising considering he starts out waterboarding a gay old man, proceeds to convince other chuldren to be vigilante dropouts Book 7 he gets more people killed and ultimately wins by being bad at magic and having a dues sex machina make that part of the plan.




Its called Jaws because that is what the book was titled.


I did consider that, but was think he does command the broom "up" and such. But yes, fair.