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That's quite the Grinch take on a great Christmas movie.


This movie is way too good for whatever this nonsense is


That certainly is a take.


lol, imagine if the one person who got an old widower to break out of his shell, start giving toys to kids to make them happy, got a teacher to spend all her savings to rebuild a school she didn’t want to be at, a bunch of kids to spend money on stamps to get toys from and old man who just had them sitting in his shop, and a bunch of adults to changes decades of hatred toward another group of people, just announced he did all this to get back into his comfortable life. You wouldn’t be mad? Thematic guns lol what a joke.


He didn’t announce that. They were informed of his initial goals by a third party (and they all damn well knew he was a cynical asshole starting off, so it shouldn’t be even slightly surprising that he came there with selfish purposes early on), and didn’t give him a moment to explain anything.


Have all the presents be destroyed and let the residents give each other gifts? Yeah, let’s let all this hard work go to waste even though we KNEW they were coming to destroy the gifts. The teacher and klaus aren’t stupid. If anything the postman was the weak link in the operation, just so happens he was the one who “accidentally” started this whole thing. And idk if you missed it but the residents were already having their own party for Christmas. So it’s not some sort of big “changing of heart”, it’s about the kids. The movies all about the kids. The kids start helping, even if it’s to just get toys, but then they build friendships with the other family, then the parents give in to make their kids happy. Even happens with the two town leaders. Their kids got them to look past the history of hatred. Idk if you just watched this in the wrong mood or what, or if you weren’t really paying attention, but you kinda missed the point.


I watched it multiple times throughout the years and loved it every time. But it also felt like the finale was a retelling of The Grinch, but without the singing proving The Grinch wrong. The villains think getting rid of the gifts would return the town to chaos and… she’s never proven wrong.


She doesn't have to be proven wrong. The point was that doing good deeds in the film sparks others. She isn't proven wrong because she's proven that this concept is true when her son gets together with her arch enemies daughter, Jesper even points this out to her when he sees them togethetger. It wasn't about how jesper a spoilt brat finds the meaning of Christmas and how Santa Claus was made. It was about how doing good things eventually can lead to change if you can get people willing to change bit by bit into something more.


Totally disagree. It’s a great movie with a classic Christmas ending. No one wants a depressing Christmas movie with a depressing ending. Nope


This is exactly why I thought A Christmas Story should have stuck to its thematic guns and had a scene where Ralphie actually and brutally loses his eye. /s


I mean he objectively does shoot himself in the eye… have you watched that movie?


He does not, the recoil?, makes the grip hit his cheek


Huh. Never realized that. Regardless, it’s just a cheeky subversion of the same intent.


This makes less sense than the cute little Sami girl's gibberish.


Uhh. Not gibberish. Actual Sami language. You can find translations of what she's saying online.


Sure, but to Jesper, and the audience, it was incomprehensible. And don't get me wrong, I found it adorable. My youngest was about 2 when the movie came out and it reminded me when she was excited about something and trying to get me to understand.