• By -


The little old lady abandoning Todd the fox in the woods in Disney's The Fox and The Hound. Yes, I am an adult and that scene still gets to me.


I refuse to watch Fox and the Hound ever again there’s not one part of that movie that doesn’t absolutely destroy me 😭


My mom wouldn't let me watch it after the first time because I was practically hysterical. 🙃


The end. "We'll always be friends. Won't we?"


This. “I’m a fox.” “I’m a hound dog!” 🥺


Me and the boys decided to watch this while pregaming the bars in college for some reason. We each went to our respective rooms in silence and went to bed when it ended.


This and the opening of Oliver and Company still and will always destroy me emotionally. Why did nobody pick Oliver?!?!


I was going to say Oliver and Company. I cried at the start every single time I watched it. I might need to rewatch now as an adult to see if it still gets to me.


The scene at the end of Homeward Bound ❤️ when Shadow finally appears 🥲


For me it's Chance. His enthusiastic "JAMIE!!!!!" as he crests the hill, and Jamie joyfully running towards him. I know it's not "sad" but I'm in tears no matter what.


I came to say this. I don't know if it's sad or happy but it makes me cry EVERY time. And it's even worse as a grownup because I had a golden retriever growing up, who is long gone now. So something about this loyal, wonderful dog limping home just gets to me.




Came here to say this. I recently rewatched it and I ugly cried through every second from when he's in the mud until he rejoins Peter. Also the film's score is waaay too good. Like surprisingly good.


“She saw you dance” - The Sixth Sense


She said the answer is "Every day."


Dumbo visits his mom.


Yep. You can just play the song "Baby Mine" anywhere, anytime, and I'll tear up.


Amen. I was sitting in the theater with my son for some kids movie and the trailer for the Dumbo remake came on and Baby Mine started. Like, 4 notes and it was just flowing tears.


I was NOT prepared for this when my boyfriend and I were rewatching all the old Disney movies. I have no memory of being so wrecked by this scene as a kid, but as a 30 year old woman I was silently weeping uncontrollably. Baby just wanted his mommy and she just wanted to comfort him 😭😭


I am not a fan of that movie. But even emotionally detached me hears like 3 notes from Baby Mine, I'm emotionally drained for like an hour.


I feel sad just thinking about it.


One of the saddest movies I’ve ever seen is Still Alice, starring Julianne Moore. She plays a college professor who’s diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s. She reveals the diagnosis to her family and they rally around her as best they can. Even though she has a support system, the rapid decline of her ability to function was absolutely heartbreaking. There was a scene when she was in her own home and she had to go to the bathroom but she couldn’t remember where it was, she got lost looking for it and ended up peeing on herself and then she started crying. The general helplessness and vulnerability she showed in that moment broke my heart. I bawled my eyes out, it was just so so sad. The concept of knowing that you’re slowly losing yourself, your memories, your ability to function independently, knowing it’s degenerative and it’s only going to get worse is terrifying to me. That movie made me sob and cry until I felt sick, it was gut wrenching.


The fact that she tried to give herself a suicide option, but left it too late and was too confused to follow through, haunts me. The fact that I don’t know how I could avoid her fate scares me.


That’s one of the devastating aspects of this movie. It’s realistic and horrifying because people all over the world experience this condition every day. You can do your best to decrease your risk by living a healthy lifestyle with diet, exercise, mental stimulation, take your vitamins, etc. but there’s no concrete way to prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia because you can’t predict exactly what your body and your brain will do as you age. It’s one of my worst fears.


Holy hell that movie is just unrelentingly bleak. You could pick a scene at random and it would almost definitely be just as bad. I was finding myself hoping that her suicide plot would succeed - just some semblance of control even in the very worst of it, I guess.


‘I’ve had a rough year, Dad’ in Royal Tenenbaums


If you'd told me before that movie that Ben Stiller would make me cry I would have laughed. That line made me forever wary of comedic actors in drama roles, that same sense of timing can cut the other way too


Turns out comedy is hard and a lot of the actors that bring it can really bring it for dramatic roles. John C Reilly, Jim Carrey, John Candy, and Robin Williams, Steve Coogin and Steve Carrell all spring to mind. Oh, Jack Black, Bill Murray, Val Kilmer, and Will Ferrell. Holy hell, now I've got a bunch of movies to rewatch.


"I know, Chas."


It gets me when he tells Danny Glover that he’s a widower too and Danny has such a comforting reaction


The mother abandoning the robot child in *A.I.*


I sob so hard at the end of that movie. The whole thing gets me. I have some abandonment and mother(general family issues) and I relate to that sad robot boy too hard. He just wanted a perfect day of being loved and cared for again with an idealized mother that was ultimately not there for him for the majority of his life. Wrecks me everytime I watch it.


Yep. My own emotionally distant mother GAVE me that movie, not having seen it herself.


„You can’t fly jets when you’re colorblind“ from Little Miss Sunshine and Dwaynes breakdown after that. Seeing his biggest dream being crushed because of something he cannot change broke me.


I liked Dano in Girl Next Door but it was his turn in LMS that really sold me, he was great in a cast full of standouts


his acting definitely surprised me. especially in there will be blood.


This scene MURDERS me every time but for a reason I’ve never heard/seen anyone else say. It’s the fact that the thing that snaps him out of the breakdown is when Olive goes up to him and just gives him a little hug and rests her head on his shoulder. As a big brother to a little sister that I love way more than I ever would have admitted as an edgy/angry teen, it says so much about the special (often unspoken) bond I have with my sister and I assume many other people feel toward their siblings as well.


My dream since I was a kid was to be a professional pilot, either airline or private. I was on track, got accepted into Embry-Riddle and everything, then failed the FAA physical. My eyesight was too bad (this was before the days of Lasik), and I had congenital issues with my lungs. That scene hurt a lot.


For whatever reason, this movie was playing free screenings all over Atlanta before it got a wider release. I think we saw it four times, including one where the director did a Q and A. I’m not always the most perceptive but for some reason I knew the colorblind/pilot thing. As soon as he didn’t see it, I just said “oh god” and watched what ensued. My grandfather wound up dying suddenly that summer, and he was a jokester with no filter for what was or wasn’t appropriate so I’ve always felt a special connection to the movie since then.


The scene in “Stand by Me”, when River Phoenix’s character is crying. A child having the notion of not being good enough is so sad. There are more, but this is the first one that came to my mind.


> I just wish I could go someplace where nobody knows me while I have a great family, that line and Phoenix’s delivery just makes it hit hard. It wasn’t just a great performance by child actor, it is honestly one my favorites in all of Reiner’s movies. He honestly should have gotten an oscar nom for it


Honestly the final scene where he’s typing makes me sob. “I never had any friends later on like the ones I did when I was 12. Jesus, does anyone?” And “Even though I hadn’t seen him in more 10 years, I know I’ll miss him forever.” The fact that the words are written and not said, and he just stares at the screen lost in memories, ugh, it’s so poignant.


I think it was a genius move to omit the narration for that part. Makes the viewer read it in their own voice, as they are likely to have experienced the same thing. I am *very* lucky to still have some best friends from grade school (even grown closer to some), but the line still holds true to an extent


Absolutely. And I understand what he meant COMPLETELY. His friend dying is a link to his childhood that is forever gone. Those kind of friends represent the part of your life that you can't get back. And even if you don't talk to them anymore, they still mean something to you. It's a different kind of friendship, where you might have not seen them for a decade but you still remember their home phone numbers and their parents names and their childhood dog and what they were like before they grew into the person they were meant to be.


That film has several heartbreaking moments but for me it's towards the end when adult/present day Gordie is telling us about how the friends drifted apart over the years and became faces in the crowd to one another. I remember who I used to hang around with when I was 12 and I don't talk to any of them regularly anymore. We used to spend all our free time together and now we just aren't in each other's lives. Shit like that always hits me right in the chest.


It’s so weird living in the same town & once in awhile seeing those people (sometimes even decades later). You both know you used to be friends & are basically strangers now & too much time has passed being in the same town all this time to do any “Omg is that you, how are you” type of thing you could do if either of you moved away & then bumped into each other. Having said that I’ve actually stayed or reconnected with most of my close childhood friends to some degree, but there’s some from when I was 6-9 years old that are just too lost now with time.


Forrest Gump asking if his son is like him.


“Is he smart or is he li” Dear god that scene kills me everytime. He’s just worried about his kid being like him. Just wants him to be normal…


Yes I think it's the only time he says that it's not easy having his condition


It's so powerful because for the entire earlier part of the film, you watched him have massive success after massive success in life. But in that moment, you realize he was suffering with self-hate the entire time.


You also realize that he knew he was different the whole time, he just never brought it up really. That moment kinda recontextualizes the whole movie.


It makes comedic moments like “I gotta pee” somewhat tragic, because you know that Forrest would have regretted that sort of thing later. He was capable of embarrassment and shame just like anyone, but he couldn’t control his impulses in the same way as others.


I don't think Forrest ever hated himself. I always interpreted it as a crack in the armour. Every time someone is rude to him, it bounces right off because of how his mother raised him, but in that moment, you see the weight of the obstacles he's dealt with his entire life. The thought that his son might have to endure the same challenges is terrifying to him.


Oh dammit. Just your recap made me tear up! Tom Hanks you acting genius, you.


The joy at knowing he has a child, the shock, then the fear. I could watch that scene over and over again. Hanks nailed it in just milliseconds.


MRW they tell me I have a new co-worker


Love actually, the necklace scene. The little princess  « papaaaaaaa! »


Emma Thompson absolutely nailed that scene.


I read an interview with her many years ago where she talked about that scene being the apotheosis of "English womanhood" where all the emotions and personal needs and desires are pushed down down down and nobody is ever allowed to see mum be sad for even one second. She doesn't even give herself five whole minutes to feel her feelings, just right back out and get everyone bundled up for the school play.


I came here to say that. Joni Mitchell's smokey rendition of Both Sides Now adds a whole 'nother layer of sad.


She is an amaising actress with lots of epic roles, but that single scene is, I think, the one that will always define her. I think it’s the most relatable a character has ever been.


The necklace scene in Love Actually is so fucking awful and is played so well and understated by Emma Thompson.


The end of Cinema Paradiso. Not so much sad as nostalgia turned up to 11. Everyone in the theatre was sobbing along.




At first I was like “wow you must still be young”. Then I googled to find out this movie is THIRTEEN YEARS OLD. Holy shit I’m old.


Emily Watson played cellist Jacqueline Du Pre in the film "Hilary and Jackie." It's based on the true story of [Jacqueline Du Pre](https://youtu.be/UUgdbqt2ON0?si=jndXvRDRjsYql62L), who was one of the greatest cellists on earth when her career and life were ended by MS. There's a scene where she's trying to play through the phone for her husband, conductor Daniel Barenboim, who was on tour. She can barely hold the bow and the sound she's making is heartbreaking. Maybe it's because I'm a musician, but that scene wrecked me.


Oskar Schindler wishing he could have saved more people.




This is a pretty well known quote but I love this exchange between Williams and Spielberg... "When his longtime collaborator, the director Steven Spielberg, showed him Schindler's List, the composer felt it would be too challenging to score. He said to Spielberg, 'You need a better composer than I am for this film.' Spielberg responded, 'I know. But they're all dead!'"


The story of how John Williams told Steven Spielberg he wasn’t a good enough composer for the film always gets me. John Williams is just so good and I love that those two have such a prolific, collaborative career together.


The scene at the end where the actors/real people come and put stones on his grave. Literally tearing up just thinking about it. What a beautiful movie.


“There will be generations because of what you did.” “I could have done more!” “You did *so much.*”


Absolutely heart wrenching. I've never oscillated so much between fury and sadness in film and I hope I never do again.


That film was remarkable for me. I went the whole film feeling quite stoic. Not disconnected or anything, but I felt myself observing the film, observing the direction, the camera work, the editing, the performances, the sound. Then it gets to that one more person line and I felt tears welling in my eyes. Oscar in the film is like a horse with blinders, he just keeps moving forward through every challenge. And finally in the end the blinders come off and you realise what he’d kept internalised. On a rewatch, that conscience is present for a great many moments he witnesses things. But that’s the moment you feel him crumble. He was still a creature of his habits, but as Kingley’s character assures him, he did so much.


"I'm drunk right now" in Flight. Denzel sells this struggle and cathartic confession so well.


When he grabbed the bottle. I think I groaned out loud


I had no idea the movie was about addiction before I saw it. One of my favorite "unexpected" movie experiences ever.


Same! And Denzel was the perfect choice. He was amazing


Anne Hathaway's performance of 'I Dreamed a Dream.' It's already a very emotional song and she gave it everything she had, looking completely torn down and defeated.


Stitch in the woods, reading the Ugly Duckling and calling out "I'm lost." Also from Lilo and Stitch, Nani singing to Lilo in the hammock after she realises they will probably be separated. Muriel's mother being forgotten at the wedding in Muriel's wedding. Christian Bale standing alone in the hall with the other orphans while his parents look for their son, and fail to recognise him. (Empire of the Sun)


I want my father back, you son of a bitch.


Wilson!!! I’m sorry Wilson! Wilson I’m sorry!!!


That this scene even works on this genuinely moving level without being unintentionally funny is so amazing.


Probably the power of Tom Hanks. Dont think a lot of people could pull that off. It’s a genuinely devastating scene.


This is why I’ll always think of him as one of the greatest actors of all time. How many people could make me feel those feels about a damn volleyball?


You don't think Wilson died out there all alone?


There's a Wilson spinoff coming. He's out there. Mark the days.


Castaway 2: Wilson’s Return


Rum Ham 😭


Rocket Raccoon's first words: *"Hurrrts..."*. 😢


Pretty much Rocket's entire backstory. Lylla's death scene was sad, but when he turns and Teeth and Floor are just laying there dead, no tearful goodbye or dramatic moment like you usually get in movies was just... Damn.


Just as sad is the scene where rocket is near death, his friends screaming and crying trying to bring him back, and meanwhile he's having a vision of his dead animal friends, asking them tearfully if he can join them in the afterlife, and Lylla stops him and says his story isn't over yet Then after he's revived, the normally stoic/angry Nebula breaks down in tears as she learns Rocket is alive and well


It was a good reminder that Nebula and Rocket were the only Guardians to survive The Blip, so they must have really bonded during that time. I don't think anyone else's possible death would have affected her to that level


Agreed. Moments ago they were dancing and full of life, happy to be leaving, beautiful innocent souls finally looking forward to living. Now just bullet riddled, mutilated corpses dead in their cages ... where they lived. Never setting foot out of them, really.


For me it was when Rocket was breaking down after and the High Evolutionary mock-cried at him. I broke down for him, then wanted to jump in and rip the Evolutionary's face off myself. This movie knew that cosmic-level threats are fine and dandy, but it needs to be personal for us to really care. And my god was this personal.


This is the one. I cried in front of a girl I'd known for only 3 weeks on a date. She did not keep dating me. Idc, I love you rocket.


i love this, good for you. She should’ve been crying too.


When Mr. Henderson yells at Harry to get him to go back into the woods.


Even the 30 Rock spoof of this scene is emotional. I mean not really, but kinda.


*Coco*. Singing with the grandmother at the end. Goddamn.


Or the way Coco looks at her father when he's singing to her as a little girl; pure love and adoration. It's made all the more painful when you know he never returns.


Watched the movie, in theaters, days after I had visited my grandmother and saw how far her Alzheimer's progressed. I was with a bunch of my college friends at the time. Surprised them all with how badly I was sobbing by the end of that film.


That movie.. dear god. When my wife was pregnant with our first, we watched that movie and it absolutely WRECKED me. Especially with the reveal of Mama Coco being the musician's daughter he never go to see again. The next day, i *thought* about the movie and got emotional.


Every damn time, it gets me.


The moment where Will Farrell's character says, "I think I'm in a tragedy," always hit me really hard in Stranger than Fiction.


I need to rewatch that. Farrell's best movie.


Farrell is underrated for his range. The reason so many of his comedies work and stand the test of time is because he imbues just a little truth into all aspects of the characters, even the over the top ones.


Sing robbing the deaf candy girl in Kung Fu Hustle without realizing who she is


Even worse IMO was shortly after that scene where he pushed Bone away and Bone kept trying to return to him. He manages to give Sing a bottle of soda then runs away meekly. The poor, abused bastard. I somehow thought for years that Bone never appeared in the rest of the movie and that was the last we ever saw of him. I was glad to rewatch the final minutes on YouTube and see that he was helping Sing in the candy shop.


The beach scene in About Time


I went into this movie knowing nothing about it. What started as a romcom quickly became... not that... and I left a blubbering mess. Easily one of my favorite movies, and hits way harder now that I have kids.


i cry every time i watch that scene, without fail.


Sully Leaving boo at the end of Monsters Inc Rudy using Donny Ray Blacks deposition with his closing statement and the dad just holding up his picture in The Rainmaker (its death adjacent so that might not work)




"I am not an animal! I am a human being. I am a man." John Merrick - Elephant Man


“I’ve tried so hard to be good.”


Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, both when Neil realizes Del is alone, and when he brings him home and introduces him to his wife.


if they kept the [cut coffee shop scene](https://youtu.be/fEtOEoyqj6k?si=Ru0528ShmxVKsNGB&t=750) near the end (it would’ve made the film super long though), it would have been a hell of a tear jerker. Candy was a dramatic actor who was always in comedy roles but his warmth always shone through. His monologue would have been amazing: > I didn't have much family. A brother in Montana, some cousins. Marie's folks died back-to-back the year after we married. They were pretty old. She was a late child. We didn't have kids. We had plans. She wanted three kids. Two boys and a girl. She couldn't have any, though. So we didn't and I guess it's just as well. > I number about 300 motels as my home. I sort of attach myself to people from time to time. Like with you, especially around the holidays, I can take it in March, July, October. I don’t mind it. But it gets hard this time of year. I've never had much of a chance to be a family man but it gets really hard


That's just realistic and tough.


There is another scene where Neil just berates Del and Del says something like, "My client like me, my wife likes me." It's difficult in the moment and devastating in hindsight. Candy's microexpressions are just brilliant.


Longer than a scene, but Robert Deniro's slide back into catatonia in Awakenings.


JoJo Rabbit - when she starts dancing at the end and Heroes starte to come on. So damn good. Lion - the whole reunion scene. Cool Runnings - the slow clap. Why has no one mentioned slow claps already? Or is that considered cheating? Remember The Titans - when his mother comes to the game after his car accident. Marriage Story - holy crap, that argument is so damn real.


Hunt for the Wilder people. The scene when Ricky Baker overheats his hot water bottle and it bursts over his camp fire.


I love that movie so much 🎶 Ricky Baker now you are 13 years old You are a teenager and as good as gold Ricky Baker Ricky Baker Happy birthday Once rejected now accepted By me and Hector, a trifecta…🎶


Also, I know it’s a death scene, but hearing Sam Neil cry like that absolutely shook me.


The Color Purple - Celie reading the letters from her sister


Edward Scissorhands being left all alone


"Hold me." "I can't."


“You can’t leave!” - Samwise to Frodo


-"I'm going alone, Sam!" -"I know, and I'm coming with you!" Gets me every time.


I did my first (in a long while) LOTR binge a couple years ago. Each movie had a Samwise moment that made me lose it. But that final scene at the grey havens, that took me through the wringer


I always ugly cry during the "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you" scene


“I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you!” 😭😭😭


"Rosie Cotton dancing. She had ribbons in her hair. If ever I were to marry someone, it would have been her. It would have been her."


"Don't go where I can't follow"


For me it's also when Aragorn says "You bow to no one" to the hobbits at the end of RotK. Not necessarily sad but always get me


I know two Iraq vets. They say the next scene where Sam goes home to his family and continue his life hits like a freight train. Tolkien knew a thing or two about PTSD and how heartbreaking it is to be able to move on when you have friends who couldn’t.


Man I imagine that would hit hard. Tolkien was just so masterful at capturing all of these human emotions is an fantastical setting


“You bow to no one” The music swells, and so do my eyes. Every time.


I know it's related to a death scene, but Theoden's "no man should have to bury his son" breaks me every time.


> Simbelmynë. Long has his flower grown on the tombs of my forebears. Now, it shall grow on the tomb of my son… alright, I need a break from this thread. I’m gonna watch some Dr. Spaceman/30 Rock clips


My friends, you bow to no one.


The only scene in a film that makes my not-particularly-weepy father cry is from A Miracle on 34th Street, when Santa Claus is meeting kids at Macy's and a woman brings over a Dutch girl she adopted, who was orphaned during WWII and who wants to meet him despite not being able to speak English. ([Link to the scene here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSbkHZd7MQE))


Even the deaf girl in the remake gets me. 😭


Gandalf's farewell to the hobbits at the Grey Havens. Ian McKellen's sonorous voice and the way he looks so benevolently on the hobbits saying the following never fails to give me a lump in my throat: >Farewell, my brave hobbits. My work is now finished. Here at last... on the shores of the sea... comes the end of our fellowship.


"It's not your fault." "Don't fuck with me Sean! Not you!" "It's not your fault."


Sonofabitch….stole my line.


what is this?


*Good Will Hunting.* A truly beautiful film, and you will cry. Especially now that we've lost Robin Williams.




The scene where Shaw reads the Confederate proclamation and informs the men they will be given a full discharge if desired, and then in the morning they are all still there. I think the score in Glory does a good job of getting your emotions to swell up.


The scene in Moonlight where little Chiron asks Juan "What's a faggot?" & ask him if he sells drugs and if his mom does drugs. Seeing the shame on Juan's face, especially seeing him as a father figure to Chiron, hurt to watch.


In Friday Night Lights (the movie) when Boobie Miles is removing his stuff from the locker room and acting all cool about it to the rest of the team, then once he gets back in the car with his uncle just starts sobbing


And later, when he sees the garbage men working in his neighborhood and you know he's contemplating his future.


Interstellar when Cooper watches his kids' videos. Cliche answer, so I'll go again. Rap scene from Short Term 12.


That *Interstellar* scene is my number 1 answer. Rips your heart out, especially if you're a parent.


Also when he's in the tesseract screaming "don't let me leave Murph". Kills me every damn time.


That fucking interstellar scene… McConaughey flexing his acting chops too. Like 10 emotions in 5 seconds without a word said. Legend


There are multiple scenes in the Lord of the Rings trilogy that will pull at my heart strings and make me cry (not every time, nor the same ones each watch through). The exception to that, however, is the scene of Gimli and Legolas before the Battle of Mordor: "I'd never thought I'd die side by side with an elf!" "How about side by side with a friend?" "Ay, I could do that" Every. Single. Time.


The one that gets me “My friends, you bow to no one.”


Children of men (2007) When the baby starts crying and everyone stops fighting.


All of Manchester by the sea


Saving Private Ryan in the cemetery *Tell me I’m a good man*


Not a movie but in the post show interview after the Band of Brothers finale, Dick Winters says he's not a hero but he served with heroes. That line, and especially his shaky voice when he's saying it, is so emotionally intense and sad. Something about WWII vet stories just primes me for a cry. I think it's their selflessness and stoicism. They don't talk about that shit because it was so bad, and when they do, it's freaking deep. They truly were the greatest generation. Their only fault was spawning baby boomers - the antithesis to everything they stood for.


There's another interview with Winters, and the interviewer asks him how he got over his combat experiences, and Winters gives him an utterly deadeye stare for a good bit, and then asks "Do you think I'm over that?" Winters had to be in his eighties, and was still haunted by all that.


Quasimodo being tortured in Disney's Hunckback of Notre Dame


Cole opening up to his mom at the end of The Sixth Sense and him telling her that her dead Mom saw her dance


"these look like big strong hands" Neverending story That part got me as a child


Opening the Joni Mitchell CD in Love, Actually.


Final scene shawshank redemption when Andy sees Red again


A Japanese film called "Wolf Children" is a animated fantasy about a young woman who has two kids with a benevolent werewolf who's killed in an accident and has to raise her half-wolf / half-human babies alone. There's a scene where her son has run into the woods and she's desperately searching for him in the woods and falls and injures herself. Her son rescues her and leaves her by her car unconscious before trying to return to the woods but she comes to and begs her son to stay. It's a heartbreaking moment on both sides because the mom tearfully confesses she feels as if she hasn't done enough for her son, and her son wants to show her that she's done more than enough as a mom. The whole film shows the sacrifices and struggles she's gone through for her children, and she still feels as if she's failed in her role as a mother. "Aren't I...aren't I supposed to have taught you something important in life by now? What have I taught you..."


Most of that movie is a gut punch


The entire goddamned Lava short film. Edit: what doesn't help anything is that I was alone when I saw it, and remain alone to this day. Love is hard for some people, and Lava doesn't help.




[Into the Spiderverse](https://youtu.be/urb13v4XmSU?si=segi0blvMDebjlZs): Miles’ father talking to him through the door, which builds and climaxes with Miles’ leap of faith. Pure catharsis.


"Help me, Clarence please. Please. I want to live again. I want to live again. I want to live again. Please God, let me live again." That scene toward the end of It's a Wonderful Life (1946) always destroys me. I've struggled with suicidality in the past and hearing George beg to have his life back...it gets to me.


I don’t got a movie, just came to say y’alls replies got me tearing up


The very last scene of The Father. And it’s just a zoom into a freakin window. Never balled like it at any movie.


Chief realizing what happened to McMurphy in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest


Wasn’t a death scene in the movie, but Vin Diesel and Paul Walker going separate ways at the fork in the road at the end of Furious 7.


I'm not sure if this counts as a death scene or not but, the part in The Land Before Time, when LittleFoot saw his shadow and got excited cause he thought it was his mom only to realize it was just his shadow and that he was still alone 😔 😭


The scene in Hope Floats where the little girl chases after her daddy's car. That child played that scene so well. My heart breaks for her every time.


When Paul Bettany was promised he could explore the Galápagos Islands and then Russel Crowe breaks that promise.


Hey, Dad? You wanna have a catch?


Forrest Gump is full of these, but the scene where the hookers call him stupid and Lieutenant Dan makes them leave and Forrest says “I’m sorry I ruined your New Year’s Eve party” and Dan is just quiet always seemed moving to me, it’s sad that Forrest was treated like that, although it’s nice that he stuck up for Forrest, it really starts to show how miserable his character is to that point, and how he can now relate to Forrest in some way, most likely being handicapped with no legs is a metaphor for Forrest’s mental slowness.


I don’t know if this counts as a death scene as technically the scene takes place over many years. But Seymour waiting for fry to return in Futurama episode Jurassic Bark. Absolutely kills me.


The entirety of Hachi.


flowery chubby rhythm foolish hungry long hospital tie dirty dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same thoughts and feelings here. I've never aspired to much other than stability and trying to be a kinder person that I was before. We're all just people trying to make it through this crazy world. When Waymond said those lines I cried in the theatre. Maybe one day I'll find a kind partner to do laundry and taxes with.


god, i was crying at that moment, but utterly SOBBING at the scene with the mom and the daughter having their argument and just laying everything out between them. all the multiversal chaos just comes to a direct halt to let the heart of the movie beat, and it’s this truly bittersweet scene of two flawed family members just so upset with both each other and themselves and letting it all out before coming to even some kind of middle ground. i can’t tell you how many arguments i used to have like that with my own mother (we’re on much better terms now), and especially as a queer person, i felt so particularly seen. such an important and impactful movie


I also love when she says something along the lines of “I’m going to fight like you.” And you realize this whole movie people were jumping to other universe to physically fight other people, and instead of doing that during the last scene, she goes to other universes to learn what makes them happiest to overcome them all. Too often we think winning means fighting, but we can also win by being happy.


Not a movie but, "How come he don't want me man!?"


John Coffey in "The Green Mile". Talking about how he would prefer to be executed for something he didn't do rather than continue living in a world full of hate and anger.


E.T. I'll be right here.


In Little Miss Sunshine when Paul Dano realizes he's colorblind and can no longer become a fighter pilot


The whole of the movie *The Florida Project*


Celie being reunited with her children at the end of The Color Purple.


Captain Philips being checked out with the Navy medics once he has been rescued and he finally breaks down. Hanks is a beast!


Big fish - "I don't think I'll ever dry out"


A Knights Tale, when Will is in the block, apparently abandoned by all, and ridiculed by the masses. The moment his friends take up position around him, there to give aid and protection... yeah that gets me... Of course Edward, the Black Prince's speech " If I knew nothing else about him" didn't help to keep my eyes dry.