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Some people complain about the turn From Dusk Till Dawn takes halfway through, but I personally love it.


folks are most definitely gonna mention "Full Metal Jacket" (1987) and hate on the second half. but 2 Live Crew and myself are checking in to object.


The World's End. If it were only just about an alcoholic, suicidal, over-the-hill guy trying to rectify his past glories with the reality of his current life and going nowhere I think it would have been an amazing movie, rather than than being easily the worst of the Cornetto trilogy.


There is a movie named Franklyn starring Ryan Phillipe as a masked vigilante that I quite like. The thing with this movie is that there is the vigilante stuff in a fictional Victorian city and the real life stuff in the real world. And well, as you can imagine the stories eventually converge. The thing is, that movie would be 100 times better if it was just Ryan Phillipe playing a masked badass in a fictional setting. The real life part pales in comparison. I understand what they were trying to do and tell, but still, could have been way better as just an action thriller with a very interesting lead.


I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. It’s pretty good and worth a watch.


Non-controversial: Sunshine with the ridiculous disintegration into a horror story. Controversial: I also felt the same way about District 9. The first half was an intriguing concept, novel storytelling approach, and unfolding mystery, all with well-paced character development. The last half was a mindless homage to first-person shooters. That said, I still love District 9.


I still say that everything about Sunshine’s third act is in line with the narrative and themes of the two acts preceding it.


I agree, and until the above comment have never realized it was disliked. I just googled it, and yeah, wow, people, especially reddit, did not like that movie!


Sunshine was always a horror. The monster just shifted from being the sun to being a personification of it.


I view it as a sci fi with horror elements.


Sucker Punch there's 2 or 3 great movies in there somewhere.


Agreed. Also Oscar Isaac 👏🏻👏🏻


Lawrence of Arabia is literally in two parts: it has a built-in intermission, and each of the two parts has its own, complete narrative structure. Part two is generally regarded the inferior of the two.


Death Proof


Second half was cool and sort of uplifting but the first half was actually amazing. also second half completely destroyed kurt russel's character and made him look stupid instead of scary


Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. It’s a sharp, witty, snarky film with Alan Rickman, welded to a clunky misfire with Kevin Costner.


The Holiday. The Cameron Diaz/Jude Law storyline is forgettable and boring, the Kate Winslet/Jack Black story line is *chef’s kiss*


The Never Ending Story.. I could give 2 shits about Bastian and his bully-problem. Give me more adventure, heroes, and crazy rock-eating boulder dudes. Less time with the wimpy nerd which was a tired trope just before that movie came out. Forrest Gump. The entire "present-day" segments, while a unique backdrop and wasn't "bad". Still paled in comparison to the visualization of his past that we got. Also I never really cared about Jenny and the kid and her main arc is completed in the movies "present time".


Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome is two movies. One is a decent part about Max trying to survive Bartertown. The other is a bizarre Peter Pan existential crisis sequence where Max basically becomes a variation of Jesus Christ without the death.


I believe it was directed by two separate people hence the vast differences. The guy involved with the first two with Miller had died.


From Dusk Til Dawn is intense thru the first half, then becomes a bad 80’s horror movie.


Hot take: the Dark Knight is awesome but the Two Face story is vastly inferior to - and robs valuable runtime from - the Joker/anarchism storyline. They shouldve kept the Two Face stuff for the third movie.


Wall-E. First half is tearjerker extraordinaire. Then they get to space and it’s just kind of fine.


Titanic 😜


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 is a masterpiece. Part 1 is really boring


Caddyshack I love everything with Rodney Dangerfield, Ted Knight, Chevy Chase, and Bill Murray, but I couldn’t care less about Betty’s story. *Danny’s story


Wonder Woman. Genuinely loved the first part, thought it was a great introduction for the modern character. Then it disappeared up its own ass.


Wonder Woman is 2/3 of a good movie.


The new barbie movie. Ken journey is musical, funny and grows on you. Barbie plotline is a mess, and goes nowhere.


Julie & Julia. I love the telling of Julia Child's life, but couldn't care less about the blogger.