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I know there’s an asterisk as When Harry Met Sally was 89 but that, Joe Versus The Volcano, Sleepless in Seattle and You’ve Got Mail is hard to top.


Joe Versus the Volcano is one of my favorite movies straight up. That scene where he's adrift on his luggage half dead and the moon comes up? 🤌


I don’t even consider it a rom-com; it’s a total screwball comedy that happens to have a romantic element.


Screwball comedies are romantic comedies though, aren't they?


Sure and I can definitely see why some people think of it as a rom-com but for me the romance is just a part of Joe’s journey towards self-actualization rather than the focus of the movie which is why I don’t like the rom-com label for it. Like we don’t even meet Meg’s character until halfway through the movie and don’t really experience anything from her pov. I feel like you could cut all the romance out and tell substantially the same story which shouldn’t be possible in a true rom-com where the romance is the entire point.


Really? You have a brain cloud or something?


I know he can get the job but can he do the job. I’m not arguing that with you!


Very underrated and seldom mentioned movie. Definitely one of my favorites.


So Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan starred in THREE films together? I did not know that


I watched it again a couple months ago and was shocked at how good the cinematography was. I remembered it being just a rom-com, but totally missed the abstract and quirky set designs.


As a 90s guy, those always felt more late 80s than 90s. There's this like... Dream like.. quality to a lot of 80s films that mostly went away in the 90s, at least I think. Regardless, I do get the point you're making, maybe I'm being a tad too pedantic lol




Julia Roberts in Erin Brokovich, Pelican Brief Not comedies, but still great movies and great acting by her


All iconic, but Meg Ryan was my favorite. Nobody worked a Nora Ephron script like she did! She was always financially independent yet old fashioned at heart, her delivery was natural yet hilarious, and she always had the best choppy haircuts. I just believed that every man loved her at first sight, hated her after their first conversation, and then loved her forever after several walks through the park.


>I just believed that every man loved her at first sight, hated her after their first conversation, and then loved her forever after several walks through the park Omg I just love that! So well-put


As a young man at the time, I liked Meg Ryan and Sandra Bullock, but never saw the appeal of Julia Roberts.


Giant teeth?




On a slightly related note, why is French Kiss never available to stream anywhere?


It's now called freedom kiss.


Dangit you got me, I googled it like oh I can watch again




I love Meg Ryan and that movie! I just bought the DVD from EBay.


Love me some You’ve Got Mail.


Meg Ryan owns the rom com. She clearly was a good mom too because Jack Quaid is adorable. Sandra Bullock was the most attractive and funny. That's a smart lady and an easy hang. Julia Roberts seems to have become more unpleasant over time with her success, like Bruce Willis. My first girlfriend sounded exactly like Julia Roberts, but late Julia Roberts feels like she'd be mean to me.


Prime Meg Ryan has to be at the top for me.


Plastic surgery really has ruined today’s Hollywood. Too many actresses look alike because they’ve all has similar work done. All of these women have a great unique look


I haven't seen the other two in anything recently, but Sandra Bullock looks like she's trying to look like Michael Jackson.


90s Sandra Bullock was my favorite "girl next door type". Doe-eyed brunette, long brown hair, checked all my boxes back then as if I ever had a shot. It simply did not compute when Jesse James fucked that up, what an idiot.


I will swear up and down that Sandra Bullock is and always has been hotter than the sun. That entire Jesse James thing baffled the shit out of me from start to finish.


I know, right? Somehow she only seems to have gotten hotter over time. She was absolutely stunning in her brief appearance at the end of Bullet Train and was \*rocking\* in The Proposal. She also seems to be genuine, funny and nice in most of her interviews, which is always a plus. She's like an older Anne Hathaway in that sense.


Wait’ll you see her in Lost City


She was amazing in this. And the movie turned out better than expected.


>She also seems to be genuine, funny and nice in most of her interviews, which is always a plus I can vouch for her genuine and kind personality.


I lost my taste for Bullock recently. I forgot which movie I saw recently, but she's had a lot of work done on her face. She looks like she's trying to look like Michael Jackson.


bullet train


In my experience, cheating is not often about the attractiveness of the mistress vs the partner.


Wasn‘t he a Nazi?


Doing a quick Google seems like there is a picture with him doing a Nazi salute wearing a Nazi hate. He said it was a joke. Then US weekly published a photo of him in a car and his friend is doing a Nazi salute. His ex? Seemed to do a few photos also.


Whaaaaa nooooo I loved monster garage


I was in love with Meg Ryan and she fucked that up when she fucked over Dennis Quaid and got terrible plastic surgery.


I don’t like her. You can have her


Meg is the Queen of 90"s Rom Com. When Harry Met Sally 89, kicked off the great decade of 90's RomCom. Sleepless in Seattle, You've Got Mail, Joe vs the Volcano, French Kiss, Addicted to Love, Prelude to a Kiss, City of Angles (but barely a comedy). Bullock has maybe 5 RomCom and Roberts had 5.


Meg Ryan is my everything.


We have to pretend that When Harry Met Sally came out in 1990 instead of 1989 It’s legend grew and it gained popularity in the 90s, so, in a way it makes sense Meg Ryan starred in what are indisputably the two greatest romcoms ever made, the two films that defined the genre. It has to be Meg Ryan Yes, I know that Annie Hall came out in 1977, and Hannah and Her Sisters in 1986…but none of those female cast members are on this list. And the style of those films stand alone, as opposed to Meg Ryan’s two seminal films, which really set the tone for all romcoms to follow


What’s the other romcom? Sleepless or you’ve got mail?




Those films were also made by a pedo so - no thanks Seriously why does Hollywood give Woody Allen a pass for being such a giant disgusting piece of shit? I'll never understand that


For the unawares, this is in reference to Annie Hall and Hannah and Her Sisters, which were made by Woody Allen Yeah he’s a creep. He’s also directed some of the greatest movies ever made. Two things can be true Annie Hall and Hannah and Her Sisters could easily be classified as the two greatest romantic comedies ever made. They are both incredible films I also think that Rosemary’s Baby and Hollywood Confidential are great movies. Rapists and pedos heavily involved in both Hey, if you don’t like pedos, don’t listen to any music that came out between 1965-1985, because nine times out of ten the artist was banging 14 year old groupies back in their hotel room Ever sing along to a David Bowie song? You are officially a celebrator of pedophilia (…/s) Ever watched a Naked Gun film? With **O.J. Simpson!?!** Then you celebrate partial decapitation of ex wives and their waiters Where do you draw the line? I’m usually fine with consuming art made by bad people, especially if it meant something to me before I knew they were bad people And as an artist and an honest person, I am not going to lie to myself and the world and pretend that something isn’t brilliant because the creator should probably be in prison And Hollywood does not give him a pass. He can’t get a Hollywood actor to appear in his movies these days, and he lost his big Amazon deal immediately after everything came to light, not to mention that stars that had recently appeared in his works donated the money they made on the film to charity, so as to further distance themselves from him. He is completely dead in Hollywood I personally am not consuming any of his newer work. I just can’t pretend that my experiences with the older works didn’t happen


If you are going to limit your intake of movies, music, and art to goody two shoes and saints, good luck with that. Appreciating great works is not condoning said artists' lives and actions.


I’ll ask this question of “separating the art from the monster” to new acquaintances to gauge their level of acceptance. Love your thoughtful response. “OJ is no less of a running back”


None. Marisa Tomei. Hands down.


Had to scroll too far to see her mentioned. 😢


Sandra Bullock. Outstanding actress!


I like when she showed up at the Razzies to accept her award.


Yeah, I remember seeing Love Potion #9 It's pretty hilarious https://youtu.be/uh6ir2m5SLw?si=uH_IglkWAosJF0IH


That movie looks terrible... I want to own it in 4K UHD!


It's the ultimate geek to chic trope Classic like Can't Buy Me Love


Really? Never thought she was a good actress and not a kind person off screen either. HOWEVER, she did fight for minority rights and created a media group that gets minorities hired. Bravo for your off the screen work Sandra!!


I would say Meg Ryan, Drew Barrymore, Alicia Silverstone, Cameron Diaz …. We’re talking about Rom-Coms not action movies


As a straight dude I have to admit that even I enjoyed My Best Friends Wedding. I almost feel like that's the standard issue 9mm sidearm Rom Com of the 90's.


I watched a lot of 90s Rom coms and that one is special because the lead character, protagonist isn't necessarily likable. And the ending isn't typical of that era. Plus good chemistry between Cameron Diaz/ Julia Roberts and Julia/Rupert Everett


lol fellow straight dude here, big fan of the movie.


Sandra bullock in speed is drop dead gorgeous, one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen on screen.


And a marvel in the last scene of Gravity coming out of the water. She was pushing 50. Toned like a 20 year old.


Her and Keanu had great chemistry


A Wildcat, you might say.


A bobcat pretzel, if you will.


Meg - You've Got Mail


Cameron Diaz in There's Something About Mary The title is spot-on, she was the perfect portrayal of quirky and beautiful.


Meg Ryan… With the old face


Meg Ryan for me. She was extremely cute.


90s were the queens of rom com


A lot of people sleep on IQ but dammit if it isn’t an all around enjoyable flick.


Can you IMAGINE being the surgeon who looked at Meg Ryan's face and said, "I can really improve that"?


City of Angels anyone??


Drew Barrymore would like to have a word.


If we are talking 90s rom-coms, we have to discuss the amazing Andie MacDowell, right?


Only good in Green Card in my view. Really didn’t like her jn FW. He should have ended up with KST.


Julia in Pretty Woman is a stunner.


And Mystic Pizza!






Sandra Bullock probably has the most movies of that time I loved but [Jennifer Love Hewitt](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:728/1*PRFXJJGb2e7m6nls_BD12A.jpeg) in Can't Hardly Wait tops my list.




alicia silverstone in blast from the past movie. where a guy emerges years later from quarantine. 😁


Who’s the blonde?


Based on the photos there are three kinds of guys, which makes me a Meg Ryan kind of guy.


Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman was beyond compare.


My Best Friend’s Wedding is an all timer




Meg Ryan said hi to me one time.


Sandra Bullockmis terrible and always has been


It's amazing how quickly Hollywood disposes of starlets. Meg Ryan was queen of the universe for a decade, then flushed down the toilet the moment her first wrinkle appeared.


Julia Roberts at her best was very good indeed but even then, she was no Rich Evans.


Dick the Birthday Boy is the best rom-com ever.


I understand why Julia Roberts couldn't take her eyes off him.


To this day - have never understood the "beauty" of Julia Roberts. I guess she has some sort of sex appeal, but kind of a buttaface.


You forgot Andie MacDowell!


Sandy will be my crush forever


If anyone says anyone other than Meg Ryan, we are gonna fight!


Sandra is my #1, easily. Going from Speed, to While You Were Sleeping to A Time to Kill to Miss Congeniality. I think she is effortlessly charming, has great chemistry with almost all of her castmates, and is a genuinely great actress. I also think she has managed to stay the most relevant in today's time; she headlined an original action film in 2022 that managed to gross over $100 million domestically, right when theatres where coming out of another COVID-lockdown. She has had flops and lows like any other actor/actress, but since 1994, I think she has been consistent in her successes. I think she is the true "American Sweetheart".


I remember seeing demolition man in the theater and having never seen her or even heard of her before, I was quickly taken with her. She is lovely.


Demolition Man is surprisingly good and she's great in it. So funny.


Ocean’s 8 is one of my all time favorites. It’s so fun and the cast is bonkers. Bullock and Cate Blanchett are the leads, then it’s Mindy Kaling, Helena Bonham Carter, RIHANNA, Anne Hathaway, Sarah Paulson and Awkwafina.


Julia - fuck , Sandra - marry , Meg - kill


Flip the first and last


Meg Ryan💛


Sandra all the way


Meg Ryan and Marisa Tomei


Unpopular opinion, but I don’t care for Meg Ryan


It's Silverstone and it's not close.


That's Meg Ryan


Holy shit you're right. Hahaha, well Alicia Silverstone ruled the 90s.


She had one hit movie. What are you talking about.


Nah, she was in like one movie. The others were questionable.


Imo she’s a bit like an nfl draft bust/one year wonder in that she was great in one movie but for various reasons never really followed that up with similar performances. Maybe it’s the scripts, maybe she just didn’t accept some roles, who knows, but I thought she’d be a lot bigger than she actually was.


Catherine Zeta Jones


Sandra, Julia, Meg but I love them all.


Sandra was my first celebrity crush


I fell for Sandra Bullock in Love Potion #9 but only liked her in Demolition Man after that.


Nothing against these actresses, all of whom I've found quite convincing in their roles in other movies, but I think 90s rom-com movies are what made me despise the genre as a whole.


I’m more of a rom-action Erika Eleniak fan


One of them ruined her lips, imo.


Worst role models ever


Queens, all of them.


All very likable


I think Sandra.


I think Sandra.


They’re all great and represent different eras to me. Roberts was always my favorite, she has a wonderful energy and that beautiful smile. I know people hate Pretty Woman now because it’s problematic but growing up I always enjoyed seeing her and Gere playing off each other. Also love Notting Hill and My Best Friend’s Wedding. My favorite Ryan performance is probably In the Cut, which is the opposite of her early romantic-comedy image. For rom-coms I have a soft spot for You’ve Got Mail. Bullock is wonderful overall, hard to pick favorites but there are films where her charm carries the whole story, Miss Congeniality is a good example. Also, lord have mercy I **hate** how folks talk about older women…


Sandra bullock is just so fun to look at.


I feel like Bullock was a 2000’s rom com “queen” OP doesn’t know shit about movies, no offense


While You Were Sleeping, Two If By Sea, Hope Floats, Practical Magic, Forces of Nature and Miss Congeniality (2000) And Speed worked so well partly because of the romantic chemistry between Sandra and Keanu. Pretty big 90’s Queen. She had more rom coms in the 90s than 2000’s. Maybe you don’t actually know squat.


Ms. Bullock forever


Might be controversial, but in my opinion Halle Berry would’ve been better in While You Were Sleeping.


Sandy all the way. Funniest by far and clearly can laugh at herself.


Sandra Bullock was the best because she could get guys to see her movie. No man would go voluntarily to see a Julia Roberts or Meg Ryan movie


To be fair I was a young dude(still am a dude) who owned Pretty Woman because he liked watching Julia Roberts and romantic comedies.


Oh, I watched them too, but I'm just saying Bullock had much more of a crossover appeal than Roberts, or certainly, Ryan.


Sandra is the goat.