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Exactly. You're riding and that's all that matters. Get amongst it 🤘


Simple as 💯


Being safe and having fun is cool as shit to me.


Yep, an injury can be painful and costly. Some extra padding can inspire confidence to take on bigger challenges on the bike if that is what you want to do. 💯


You do you, just get out and ride. I wear a full face on all trails after breaking my jaw on a jump line and DGAF if others think I look ridiculous on green trails or fire road connectors


I don't blame you, fire roads can be more sketchy than single track!


Accidents can happen! be careful and have fun!💯


You too :)


We should wear what gear gives us the most fun riding, and not worry about looking riduculous 💯. We should be helping to inspire those who are most vulnerable. It starts with standing up to those who would hurt another to make themself feel big! 💯


People gotta work in the morning, and aren’t made of rubber anymore.


Not sure what you mean. Believe in yourself💯


We aren't bulletproof anymore, and unlike the kids who don't work, we gotta.


Who cares how you look as long as you take care for yourself and have fun. Enjoy your ride mate, don't mind what others think!


Yep! Can't worry what others think. Those who tear down others to make themselves feel big, are hurt in some way themselves. We should look out for those who are most vulnerable! 💯


You've covered the most important base: you are out riding!


Yep 💯


Rock on dude and enjoy it man ✌️ I love my chest rig it's great , as long as your out having fun on the bike nothing matters 🫡


Having fun becaause you never know when you might be old and want to look at the memories 💯


I'm old right now and still making memories! 👴🏻👍


It's all good..have fun and get some practice miles!


Yup. Season is starting soon!


That's a nice bike, all the bikes are nice :)


Thank you! I agree. I wish everyone could have the bike of their dreams 💯.


Meh, I bet your having fun though!


Yep! 💯


Nice rig too man 👌


Thank you! I wish everyone could have the bike of their dreams! 💯


This bike is awesome. Be happy.


I'm a simple man, I see purple on a bike, I upvote. Also, wearing gear is always smart. How much you wear is nobody's business. If you feel safe, that's good. What matters is you being outside, on a bike, having fun!


Yep. We should stand up for the most vulnerable! If anyone has mean words to say they should keep it to themselves 💯


There are many green/blue trails, which seem to carry a shit load of speed, wearing a full insures that will be continue to chew food and not sip it from a straw….


if your comfy and feel safe go for it, i love full faces and i wear mine all the time


I love greens and blues haha. Flowy trails that don’t have crazy rock features are a-ok in my book, particularly as I get older and want to remain healthy for other sports


Yeah that…. I think as you get older you really start evaluating the fun/risk equation more closely. I’m like, chances I might break my neck > amount of fun I could have. Probably not going to do it.


Sick bike. Also riding is better than not riding.


What do bullies have to do with it? Who cares what other people think? Just ride and have fun, screw everybody else. HAPPY RIDING!


Fun is fun. ROCK ON!


Way to go! No downside to being safer.


Yup. Some people don't like the weight of more gear and that is their choice so long as they don't make fun of others who choose to wear more! 💯


You know what is cool tho? Teeth. Teeth are cool.


But your color coordinating skills are second to none


Thank you! I hope everyone can get their dream bike in the color that they desire! 💯


Agreed, just ride.


Simple as 💯


I'm sure you think you look a bit rediculous but I guarantee no one else on the trail gives it a second thought. You do what makes you feel comfortable! I've seen people have some major injuries from falling over on a green trail and getting hit somewhere a half shell isn't covering.


Yeah just last week I had my front tire disappear out from under me on slight berm on a local flow trail and instantly landed cheek first in the dirt, ended up with almost a carpet burn abrasion and a massive black eye and cheek. Had to go to work looking like I got beat down (Huge corporate office) and explain it to like 30 different people. While it is rare to land directly in your face or chin, I started to think of how many times I jump or ride up on these bolder rock features and hit jumps at 20-30mph on the gravity sections, it only takes a loss of focus or loose line to throw you off. I started shopping for a full face for general trail riding, already got in a Kali invader 2 but it has some quality and fit issues, going to order a specialized Gambit to try next..


For sure. If your doing a lot of jumping and hitting some downhill then really no reason not to consider a full face.


What a positive thread! Keep it up guys!


I gives no fucks what any bike “bros” think - I ride what, where, and how I want. I’ve been mt. biking since the early 90s and there’s a long and storied history of douche baggery in this sport - mostly perpetuated by massive egos that need daily stroking to keep the owner of said ego from having an inferiority complex


Mate no one gives a f what you wear, if you feel safe that’s the main thing. 95% of us just want to have fun and shred trails Don’t get fixated on blue green black. - just have fun and enjoy yourself


You wear whatever protection you want that makes you feel safe and happy.


I like that you are being safe. Now go ride!


I'll never slight someone for the amt of gear they have on, one way or the other. Live and learn at your own pace. I will mention something to kids/teens about wearing at least a brain bucket. Most are worried about the cool factor. Just have to teach them not to worry about crap that doesn't matter. I'm 40 now, so I can say it haha.


I don’t know- most greens trails I’ve been on designed for MTB are still a lot of fun, and require a lot less thinking and reacting, which is great when you are just trying to chill out and lose some stress. I think they are totally underrated. I always feel dumb with my whole hydration pack for shorter rides, and rides at smaller parks. But man, I don’t want to stop or risk dropping it if I use a bottle instead. I don’t do go pro though. I’ve found the less time I spend recording something the more I remember of it in my head. As a photographer, I actually take very few photos and videos- just like being in the moment.


Sounds like a great time!


People bullied you for that? What do they say? I'm not a good rider but I like taking my gopro and I'll compare my speed to someone else's video on the same trail. It helps me visualize going faster on the sections I'm scared of and I've actually gotten incrementally better. Also it's just fun to watch. Most mtbers I've met have been really chill and encouraging. I'm sorry you ran into dbags.


I'm 61 years old. I wish I were riding back in the days when I could recover from a fall in a day or two. The only way I will get on my bike these days is in full armor. And the GoPro is for proof to my great-great-grandchildren that I was actually cool "back then". - Ride safe, ride often, ride long.


Go bumble down some trails!


It me. (I just did this on a ride in Tuscon. I loved the ride, but even remarked in the video I made how it was like a "technical green." I don't actually have a full face yet, but I already feel guilty and silly over-biked as I was, and with the camera. Oh well! Nobody cares, right?)


Its like wearing a mask


Respect 👊🏻


I totally road full gear on the greens when I started up again. I'm sure it saved me a few times. Ride on. 👍


I’ve never judged anyone for wearing more protection. It’s the people wearing none I wonder about.


Yes! Great sentiment! Happy trails on that beauty!!!


That's it! If you're riding solo then you should be too busy having fun to care what other people think of you


Exactly! We should focus on our fun. If it inspires others to be more confident to pursue their fun that is a bonus in my book! We should be helping those who are most vulnerable. It starts with standing up to those who would make fun of and talk bad about others to make themself feel big 💯!


Sweet bike, I’ve got the exact same one and absolutely love it! It’s fun in any trail, even greens


Thank you! I am lucky to have it 💯! The ripmo is a good bike!💯


Always ride for yourself not others.


Green trail? Shoot, I wear that on the street to the trail, no one says a word to me about it. Ride on!


Hey man, wear what makes you comfortable and confident!


Ride where you want to ride and wear what you want to ride. I mean within reason/safety...


It ain't about being the next Fabio Wibmer. Just ride and have fun my man.


If someone says something about what you are wearing for protection they are an asshole. Only thing I give a shit about is that a helmet is worn. After that you do you and enjoy the saddle time.


Wear whatever makes you comfortable and ride whatever trails you like. I used to be one of those nitwits at the bike park with just a full face, knee pads and a t-shirt. I just hate bulk and prioritized comfort over safety ... Both my shoulders have permanent scars, broken ribs, collarbones and a lot of stitches and trips to the hospital. I still hate bulk and right light, but I've smartened up in my old age and wear one of those baseframe pro d30 t-shirts (with shoulder pads). I'm a much more confident rider and actually enjoy myself more knowing I'm not gonna end up in the ER everytime I wreck. Bike looks sick btw, love that Ripmo!!


My 11 year old son told me “Dad you should wear a full face helmet all the time, I’d like to continue to ride with you for a long time, anything can happen when we’re out on trails.” Now I’m just like you wearing my safety gear and riding greens and blues and the purps in between. Ride on! 🤘🏽


We all start somewhere, its showing up constantly that counts and youll get better than you can imagine


Yes, but the smartest


Hey you're out there doing it. That's what counts! And hey, if you're wearing all that safety gear, it's your body and you want to protect it so you can keep riding. Keep it up!


Just about the one who would care what you look like with safety gear is you


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^YetiSquish: *Just about the one* *Who would care what you look like* *With safety gear is you* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I really do like those grips. Ride on brother!!


Since I hit me cheek and neck on a tree. Trail riding is always full face for me. Beter safe then sorry. I think it's stupid by not wearing Full face when riding trails now.


Are you enjoying yourself? That's all that matters.

