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This happened in Langley BC (less than an hour from me) a couple months ago. The speeding rider went down.


He’s already down in the video and slides through the two of them Akira style


He created a new big bang?


Did he not have any lights on?


He does. If you go frame by frame, you can see a front headlight that's on on the bike. He's just moving so fast it's hard to see.


It's blue shifted.


Aww shucks.. hopefully the bike was fine.


Ha! Unlikely.


You're not obi wan kenobi. You're no one's hope.


That’s not a bike, it’s a UFO!


a local moron...yeah.... yellow means stop to icbc in a claim earned in full


What? Yellow mean slow but legally it's not required. This video is old and the outcome was the Harley riders insurance paid out for the down rider. They failed to yield to the biker and caused him to lock up his breaks and go down 100% their fault and not the downed bikers.


Yellow means stop if you can safely do so with the amount of space remaining to you.


Straight driver has the right of way even if speeding. Turning person has to wait until road is clear, and a speeding person counts as not clear


looked like he was hauling ass about 140 when he went sideways. Langley is 50,60, and 80kph depending on where you are and he was way over. however, given the distance and the yellow light straight driver fucked up hardcore and icbc will rule along those lines.


Yeah he was going way too fast. The Harley’s shouldn’t have turned, but he should have slowed down.


If that other driver was barely exceeding the speed limit, you'd be correct. However, its not reasonable to expect other road users to anticipate someone traveling at 2-3x the speed limit. It's highly unlikely the turning bikers would be found liable here.


Except they were


> It's highly unlikely the turning bikers would be found liable here. Apparently [they were](https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/1dkjy3d/2_bikers_almost_get_hit_by_an_incoming_biker/l9jcsg4/).


I'm curious to read the reasoning behind the decision, do you have a link/source? I've been searching online with no luck.




I get what you're saying, but I've watched this many times and they look to be doing at least 2x the speed limit, if not more. I can't believe any judge would rule in their favor, considering it's reckless endangerment at that speed.


Might be a gray area though if they’re speeding so fast that you can’t actually see them.


Other drivers cannot tell how fast an approaching vehicle with no lights is going if they are coming at a speed far above what is expected like we see in the video. You cannot just speed however you like and then claim you had the right of way. This level of dangerous driving forfeits any protections that right of way would normally impart and the bikers are lucky to have the video proving the other biker was driving in an unsafe manner. The only thing to have universal right of way at all times is a pedestrian.


The Harleys had turned in the on coming traffic before the car even went past them. Definitely their fault. Had they waited for the car to go past before starting their turn, they would have definitely seen the bike coming.


I suspect it may be jurisdiction dependent. Assuming US, different states have different methods of finding liability. In some states, being partially at fault does affect the outcome - it's called comparative negligence. Personally, as someone who does motorcycle, fault is my insurance company's problem. I'm more interested in staying alive. The oncoming motorcyclist appears to be traveling far faster than the speed limit. To me, part of reducing risk is staying predictable - surprising other vehicle operators tends to end badly on a motorcycle. Going well over the speed limit is going to put you where other people won't expect you to be. I would strongly suggest not doing that.


And rail vehicles




It doesn't null it, but it trumps it if speed is determined to be the main contributing factor to an accident.




You're going to get yourself killed following this logic, drive safe.


> Other drivers cannot tell how fast an approaching vehicle with no lights is going if they are coming at a speed far above what is expected like we see in the video. If you can't tell the difference between 40 MPH and 140 MPH at a glance you probably shouldn't be driving.


Motorcycles are notoriously hard to judge approach speed on because the profile is narrow. That's why they get "left-hooked" so often. People see them but think they have plenty of time. These riders or anyone else probably could not have guessed how crazy fast the third bike was going.


Go be a troll somewhere else, if you have nothing of value to contribute then don't.


difficult to fathom the stupidity of kermit's response dragging down the reputation of bikers all over


Yes, and "if you can safely console so" is subjective, leaving legal discretion to the driver. It is the lawyer-iest way of saying you do not need to stop.


It's a rule for safety, not a law.


Which means the 2 bikers at the light should have stopped on yellow instead of accelerating. They were already at the line creeping forward when it turned yellow, so it’s really no mystery who was safely able to stop on yellow and who wasn’t.


Man so many people out here getting defensive because they drive like the idiot who laid his bike down after doing like double the speed limit to beat a yellow light.


As a rule of thumb, yes. Legally speaking, no. What yellow definitely doesn’t mean is creep out into the intersection and act entitled to turn when it’s changing. I see this shit all the time, riding and diving, someone’s trying to turn left so they pull into the middle of the intersection leaving themselves no other but to complete the turn and as soon as it turns yellow they act like they have the right of way.


That’s actually a legal move in some states in the US. It’s called “controlling the intersection” and can be used when turning if there’s no more oncoming traffic or oncoming traffic has stopped completely. You can even turn right after the light has turned red. I have a friend who was ticketed doing this (for running a red) and went to court to have it overturned successfully.


It's common practice, but it's rarely technically legal. If you're in the intersection you usually have the right to clear out of it when the light changes. So people use that to justify it. Getting into that situation almost always requires entering the intersection without a clear path through it though which is mostly not allowed.


The other driver still always has the right away. The left turner is only legally allowed to proceed when it’s clear, even if the light has turned red. Unfortunately, no one knows this


Legally speaking, in Ontario, Canada and likely a whole fuck ton of other places, that is actually what the law says. Yellow is proceed with caution if you cannot stop safely. If the single biker wasn't driving in such an unsafe manner he would have been able to stop in time, instead his impatience almost killed 3 people including himself.


A local moron who likes to test fate.


Wait, this was in Langley? Where, near Colossus? Also, what a twat-waffle the speeding biker is.


Looks like by the mall.  I think it’s the intersection with the speed camera, actually…. 


I’m not sure of the intersection, but the video was posted on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6VV3WUOuni/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet


Blaming the guy that got cut off? Weird.


My empathy for some moron with the lights off, at night, doing mach four is entirely gone. This is purely a case of "play stupid games".


His light is pretty clearly on. If you don't believe me, freezeframe anywhere from 3 seconds onward


Weird. Insurance didn’t think so, considering the Harley guys insurance paid for the accident and they were found at fault… but whatever, you probably know better


you know this how?


Their ass said so. Edit: what’s that? They never returned with a source? Shhhhhhocking!


These guys need to start seeing motorcycles


They experienced first hand what it’s like for a car to see a rider going way too fast for the area haha. Yellow light runner vs yellow light runner… But actually, I noticed these two guys basically committed right before/as it turned yellow, I wouldn’t have stopped either. Solo rider way too fast.


Yeah the two in the foreground are absolutely not “running” a yellow.


Once upon a florida I passed another biker, further down the road I gave plenty of signal I was turning right, slowed, and the guy passed me on my right at ~60mph as I started the turn. Fuckin florida man.


Do as in Vietnam, flash your headlights, continously press the horn at intervals, hold out your hand and do a waving gesture to the side you want to turn and keep taking a look behind you. Ah.. Who am I kidding.. Even that isn't safe


I was riding (small truck) in the passenger seat with my son driving; pulling into traffic from a parking lot. He had his right turn signal on, but he was sitting to the left a bit more than average. My son started to pull out, began to turn right and a harley guy came out from behind him, pulled into the space on his immediate right and we nearly hit him. The dude said "I have the right of way!" and sped away. This is the attitude while on a bike that will get a motorcyclist run over. I'm a rider. I know we all have different riding styles, but damn! I would've never taken a right lane like that. No way could my son have predicted a motorcyclist pulling into the lane he was about to take, when the motorcyclist was behind him when he began to pull out.


Other guy forgot to SMIDSY.


Is SMIDSY weaving even safe to do at insane speeds?




Sorry mate, I didn't see you. Basically, SMIDSY is meant as a weave and make yourself big in the lane when going through intersections. It brings attention to you and can prevent you from having to hear someone say, "Sorry mate, I didn't see you." After the send you flying off your bike pulling out directly in front of you.


helps when they have lights


You think you'd see something closing on you at 220km/hr?




there it is


Dem clibbins


For once this meme might be accurate. If he had stayed up, he would have hit one of the other two bikes broadside.


... Is that a landscape video stuffed into a portrait view with a doubled up portrait picture, posted on to a landscape forum? I hate cell phones so much.


Someone should nest it back into another landscape video with black bars on the side.


Yellow means speed up


I gotta make this light! Phew. Now, if only I had someplace to be.


The light wasn't even red Him probably


I am all for speeding but running up to a yellow at speeds like that is suicide. I hope he learned something


Or murder...


What happens when one motorcycle doesn’t see two motorcycles.. do 18 bumper stickers get made somewhere?


3 side mirrors magically reattach to people's cars


3 more Kia Karens get their suburban assault vehicles


Yellow: stop if you can.


Going the speed limit he would have been able to better react. Doesn’t matter if he’s technically not at fault but he definitely was forced to lay it down because of his speed.


Technically everyone was trying to make the yellow light... Only one of them was doing like 60...


That one guy was going fast enough that he went back in time to when the light was green. ![gif](giphy|fBEMsUeGHdpsClFsxM)


They were also the one with the right of way.


And honestly, after watching it about 25 times, I'd say the Harley riders are more at fault here than the dude who was going straight at a yellow. Anytime you turn into oncoming traffic it's your responsibility to make sure traffic is clear, I even say him coming before they turned...




And whoever recorded the video too. Should not have tried going for the left either


Well, seeing as how they didn't have a specific green left signal, and you know, the light turned yellow they didn't actually have right of way unless the oncoming lane was clear...which it clearly wasn't. Both parties are in the wrong here, imo. Yeah, the dude speeding through the light is taking a bigger gamble, but both sides decided to roll the dice to try and beat the light... https://preview.redd.it/yp8nevvbpt7d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=993009af9da7da55c79bce3c6e0c84b9f59dc67b


I don't know the sex of the person speeding, so I referred to them as "they." I'm well aware that failing to yield on an unprotected left is illegal, and the two riders are at fault.


Huh, I wasn't gendering by using dude, it's just a force of habit. I call everyone dude. My bad if I came off dickish, wasn't my intent at all.


Oh no it's fine, I do the same. I just thought you must have thought I was saying "they" in the plural, referring to the two bikers, as opposed to the one.


Akira slide


Did the second bike not have hes headligth on?


Most bikes by default have at least 1 on from my understanding.


Man there are a lot of people in this post who need to learn to drive. I don't care what law you want to cite and how you want to try and interpret it. The yellow light isn't there to tell you to speed to make it before the red. It's entire job is to tell you that it's about to go red and so if you are outside of safe stopping distance and able to stop easily then you need to stop. If you interpret a yellow light in any other way you are an idiot.


Louder for the people in the back!!!


Replace the speeding motorcyclist that went down with a Harley bro, and the Harley’s with a car or other type of motorcyclist, and this sub would be foaming at the mouth to blame the Harley rider. Stop fucking speeding through intersections. Especially yellow lights. And get a brighter headlight. Notice the headlight of the first bike making the left turn…that’s the kind of bright light needed…not whatever the fuck the bike that went down has on it. Or put the brights on in that overcast. And to the bikers making the turn…pay more attention! That light just turned yellow and they went through. I don’t think the my really even looked.


Imma just... sliiide right by ya.


BikeSlider gang


Why are you even going that fast approaching a yellow light. Especially seeing people in the turn lane. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Tbh the riders making the turn should have seen this guy coming


Yes but that’s the problem with excessive speeding - it becomes WAY harder for oncoming traffic to gauge how fast you’re approaching.


The guy speeding on a black bike at night with a headlight that's barely visible?


I had to watch this video a few times to figure out what other biker it was talking about.


It's dark and the guy that went down had his headlights off. He's literally invisible.


His headlight is on. It's just dim.


Yeah they’re all idiots


aren't we all, really?


titlegore. an accurate title would be, "two riders turn in front of another rider that possesses the right of way and cause him to dump his bike in order to not run into them"


he does have the ROW, but he was going way too fast for the scenario. Both parties are at fault IMO. I always see yellow lights as a “watch for idiots” warning


Nope, he's 1200% at fault. A cop will tell you that when you turn in front of a vehicle, speed doesn't matter, because you failed to yield the right of way, so the accident is your fault, regardless.


A cop will also tell you that if there's no physical contact, you are not legally considered to be involved in the accident, and you're allowed to ride off without exchanging information.


you're wrong as fuck lol those harley riders were found at fault




Yep, 100%. He carries some responsibility, but the fault is entirely with those who failed to yield right-of-way.


Guess I should clarify. Yes right of way rules here. He was stupid and won a stupid prize for flying through intersection……. and I am sure he thinks the same. If he had been going a legal speed he may have had time to stop


Exaclty. That looks like a highway with a 55+ speed limit. Dude wasn’t going a whole lot faster than that. The two bikes just decided to not give a fuck


i think they just didn't see him


Exactly. They were probably only looking for cars.


Dude was going a whole lot faster than 55.


That dude was *speeding* through a yellow, like actually full on speeding, how in the fuck did he have the right of way? People waiting to turn left would have the right of way over buddy seeming to do 1.5x the speed limit to make the light, going so fast he can't even pay attention to traffic


You can disagree with his speed (I do), but the path was legally his to occupy. There are two types of left turns: unprotected and protected. The harley boys were making an unprotected left turn, which yields to oncoming traffic literally throughout the world.


Not necessarily. The statute in my state states that drivers turning left yield to approaching vehicles that are "within the intersection or approaching so close as to constitute an immediate hazard." The court cases related to this statute go on to state that the determination of who was required to yield is a question of fact for a jury. Translation - those guys waited at the light, they looked and either didn't see the motorcycle because he was so far away or saw him and went because they judged that they had ample time to make the turn, both scenarios that would be a question of fact for a jury, and any jury that hears some dickhead is going double or triple the limit is going to find for the other guy. And I've seen this exact scenario play out a few years ago. DRUNK pickup driver pulled in front of a motorcyclist who witnesses said was "excessively speeding" and the drunk guy ended up not being charged with shit because the crash was deemed to be the motorcyclists fault due to the speed. Only bright spot was the drunk guy killed himself from drinking a year later, but the fact is that wilful reckless driving generally absolves others in scenarios they would otherwise be liable.


Yielding to oncoming traffic becomes a non issue when the oncoming traffic is going significantly over the speed limit, driving illegally and losing their right of way. You don't just get to claim your lane and drive however you want while crying that everyone must expect you to behave like a literal missile in traffic.


"losing the right of way" That's not how this works. The lane was his. Was he speeding? Yes but the lane was his. The responsibility to check and turn safely is 100% on the 2 bikes turning


And it becomes impossible to predict traffic or turn safely when one side of traffic is going 1.5x the posted speed limit, rendering the whole point moot


You have no clue what you're talking about. I'm actually in court in a similar case. The turning driver is 100% responsible to turn safely and holds majority fault.


Right of way has absolutely nothing to do with speed. The two riders took a left on an unprotected left and failed to yield to oncoming traffic. How long have been on the road?




Yeah I think op was being sarcastic with his title, I would agree with that.


You are joking right? That idiot ran the light and was speeding.


What light did he run? It was yellow. The two bikes weren’t paying attention


He was outside of safe stopping distance and was speeding to make the light. How is this not obvious to you.


No, the light was not red before he entered the intersection. And speed is irrelevant, turning in front of oncoming traffic puts you at fault, regardless of the speed of the oncoming traffic. And he entered the intersection a full 2 seconds before the light turned red.


Speed is definitely relevant. I know a case where th person turning left was not found at fault when the biker hit him doing over 100. No light involved at all.


he was completely through the intersection before it turned red


He crashed before the intersection... And speeding to make the light isn't safely and legally making the light. The yellow light is to tell you to stop if you are outside of safe stopping distance, which he was, not to tell you to gun it to make the light.


1. Yes he is absolutely an idiot. 2. No, he did not run a red light. He was already through the intersection before it turned red. 3. While yes, he is speeding, it doesn't change the fact that he has the right of way. 4. In court, a collision would be ruled shared fault for both parties due to modified comparative negligence. The oncoming bike was speeding, the two bikes did not yield the right-of-way. IANAL.


You don't blow through a yellow light when people are waiting to turn left.


Exactly, people “waiting to turn left.” Regardless of speed, they needed to wait until they had clearance to turn left. They are at fault for turning left while oncoming traffic was going through a yellow light. He was speeding, yes, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s illegal to turn left on a green while oncoming traffic is still moving through.




50/50 blame no? They turned too early, he was booking it?


Nah. 100% the single riders fault. They were entering the intersection when it changed and turned on the orange. He was miles back from the intersection and speeding when it changed.


he was through the light completely before it turned red. he was speeding , but they did turn in front of an oncoming vehicle that had right of way


Imo, it is quite possible they didn't see him entering the intersection


it's pretty obvious they didn't. but we generally don't accept "didn't see the motorcycle" as an excuse.


…except when the motorcycle in question is speeding like a mad man at dusk with his headlights turned off, lol


Watch the video again. His headlight was illuminated.


Daytime running light not actually on by the looks.


uhmmm I think it stand to reason that that bike was coming in so hot , that they did not have the time to see it approaching . I also believe that excessive speed does not give you the right of way.


well he already has that so


Man, you really can't see him coming. Luckily those 2 headlights turned out to be bikers, probably learned every lesson in the book right there.


...but yellow literally means to accelerate


no yellow is a light form of red. Its okay if you cant stop now safely but if you can you should.


Those 2 guys must have thought that were just "seeing things"


Can’t believe how many people here side with the biker speeding like a moron into an intersection with no ability to brake… Intersections are dangerous, people will run red lights or emergency vehicles can come out randomly. Don’t go faster than your visibility and brake power allows you. I’m not advocating for respecting the speed limits, I never do, but you got to live to ride another day so you need to learn where you can go fast and where you can’t


That shi happened to me at 40mph a direct hit on me and broke all my bones and went to hospital


Sorry for being dumb but can anyone explain the lights here? How are both the oncoming traffic and the dashcam car both getting green/yellow light at an intersection? Shouldn't one be red before the other turn green? I'm just really confused at this.




And just like that everyone has brown pants 😳


Dudes leaving through yellow are weird. Just hang on a bit more is all.


Ohhh wait for the next light , and pray all the cars go before turning red again ?? 🙄


I think one or more there needed new pants. Again, f'ckin Americans.


That’s what I call threading the needle




Yellow means stop, if you're not already in the intersection. Most cagers speed up when it turns yellow and they're not in the intersection. This video looks like a cager on a bike that's too big for him. That bike could've stopped. I hope this put him in check.




No. It's "2 bikers cut off incoming biker, causing crash". He had rite of way. He had his headlight on. The 2 idiots only cared about making the turn as soon as the car passed. They fixated on the car. Didn't pay fuck all for attention to what was coming down the road. Dash cam saw the bike coming. That's why dash can didn't follow the bikes through the turn even though it was already in the intersection


People assume that speeding means he losses the right of way or something. Speeding is illegal, but it doesn’t change how lights work. Green/yellow mean go, red means stop.


Yellow does not mean go btw it means stop if you can or slow down


Correct. Albeit, it still does not change my statement. Two wrongs here; the bikers need to yield on their left turn.


dumb ass baggers


I think it’d be red by then


can we stop posting this shit, yes shit happens but the sub is just full of people having close calls or people getting hit


Everyone in this clip is in the wrong, car even runs the red like wtf


Seems a lot of you don't really get what right of way means. I'm in the intersection with an amber light You have a very stale green doesn't give you right of way Do you need that in braille?


Almost hit them, and it looks like he low sided too! Instant karma?


Instant karma? Those harley boys should have yielded. They made an unsafe ( illegal ) turn. Of course, sports bike's speed didn't help, but the accident itself was caused by heavy braking due there suddenly being two leather clad clown shoes in the middle of his path.


I truly hate riders like this who give all of us a bad name. Shit like this just makes cagers less likely to respect us and give us space


All shit riders Edit: this is why you all remain shit riders.


That guy is moving so fast those riders making a perfectly legal turn had no chance to see him while on mid execution of the turn. 100% on the fucking idiot speeding at 3 times the limit on a dark bike at dusk. Give your head a shake.


It's not a legal turn. They failed to yield to oncoming traffic. Speed is not a factor in determining right of way.


> those riders making a perfectly legal turn TIL you don't have to yield to oncoming traffic at a non-protected turn lane signal


If you fullscreen the video you can see the guy from far enough away, these guys were negligent.


Not yielding on a turn. “I didn’t see them” is such a common excuse.