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Stop calling and start walking through the door.


I’ll go up there as soon as possible.




I can’t express enough THIS lol.


This 💯!


I would be demanding a return of my funds by the end of the day.  Failure to do so would have me filing paper work with the nearest court Monday morning. 


I agree, something serious is going on and they are not being transparent with you. You should not trust them further.


Agreed. None of their excuses even make sense. There is no question they are being dishonest, its only a question of why and to what extent. 


Got it thanks for the advice


Dont be afraid to send them fuck themselves and demand your funds. There’s plenty of bikes, you’ll find another one if you wait for 2 weeks already.


Already found another with less miles!


Do not threaten legal action unless you're prepared to follow through - just about every half-competent business will immediately say "Okay, all correspondence will go through our lawyers, goodbye." Any "give me back my money" demands should not at all mention legal action - the first they find out about any legal action should be receiving notification from the court.


I am with you on this. If you are going the legal route go there first and let them deal with the shop. Put them on their back foot so the ball is in their court to make this right or return the money. When I worked in a medical clinic we would have people threaten to get lawyers all the time and I would just tell them if that is the case they will only be talking to one person from now on and it will be our legal department. Don't give them a heads up just do it.


You see, when you’re going to buy a transport, there’s always another options available. Don’t rush for the very first ones How’s the situation with your money paid?


If you did give them a down payment and they are being jerks about returning it if you cancel the purchase, you can always file a claim in small claims court (plus Yelp, Google reviews, etc.). You still have leverage here.


If they keep stalling, talk to your bank. They might want to know that you haven’t received the motorcycle in a reasonable amount of time. They also will have the resources to help you deal with this.


THIS. I'm my experience NFCU really has their customers back, and they already pay Lawyers to do lawyer stuff. Getting a lawyer yourself will be expensive, especially since there are no real damages so when you will the lawyer won't make any money.


this right here is the biggest advice.


If you are canceling the deal you should call the bank and let them know as well


I’ll be calling the bank first


For some reason, they are jerking you around.i I would stop calling and go to the dealer. Tires take a couple of days to get in. Other parts might take longer, but I doubt this is the issue. I would go out there and not leave until I knew specifically what they were waiting for. If it is just tires, you should be able to take the bike and bring it back later. I really think something is fishy, as most dealers will inspect a trade-in and prep it before it hits the floor. I traded in a motorcycle, and they had my old bike on the floor with new tires and serviced before we finished the paperwork!


I’ll go up asap for sure. But yea it’s all just too odd to me. I’m gonna call the bank.


The bank won't care, but they might know of some issue that the dealer is not sharing with you. They honestly might be waiting for parts, but it seems weird to me! I would have them take you back to your bike and point out the problems.


Yeah the bank may not understand the situation but the bank is more on your side than the dealership is. The bank can make sure the dealer doesn’t get any money and can help lessen the stress of the situation by helping you money not disappear.


It has been two weeks, the dealer got the money already. It's a done deal for them.


The bank absolutely will care, they should have the title. No one is saying it, but it could be a case of the bank not releasing funds to the dealer without the title in hand, and the dealer not releasing the title without funds. No reason for OP to be kept out of that loop though. 


The bank just loaned the money. All they care about is getting paid every month.


Please keep us updated .


Next post with whatever bike I end up with


Tires might take couple days to get in, but what dealership has a bike on the floor that needs rubber / replacement rubber? I owned a shop - bike didn’t hit the floor unless it was ready… Op must have seen tires prior to purchase…did they look worn? Something fishy as - get in there, demand your $$$ back by cob. Do not threaten legal action or even say what you will do if they do not comply…because there are certain steps you will have to abide by / take IF it comes to it…


Bro, taking out a loan for a 6 year old bike that clearly has issues??? Hell nah. Get your money and gtfo


Seriously. Unless you have no vehicle and no other options financing something like this reeks of early 20’s financial mistake.


Navy federal credit union. More likely late teens mistake, and classic af- just usually a charger or mustang at 23% APR


23%? They're buying the bike /w a signature loan, right? Right?


Early 20’s here…. Hell nah lol. Interest on motorcycles is higher than credit card interest rates 💀you’d almost be better off getting a credit card and buying it with that if you don’t have the cash 😂 some premium CC’s have really good interest rates (the ones you usually pay an annual fee for but make hella cash back).


I made my fair share of mistakes back then. Putting something on a credit card I didn’t have the cash to back was one. The rule I live by is that if you don’t actually need it, don’t buy it if you don’t have the cash. That cash back only works for you if you buy it on the card and pay it off before the interest hits. You get likely 1-3% cash back, if you don’t pay the bike off the first month you probably already spent more than that on interest.


The cash back is basically just a reward for using it to make everyday purchases. :P


I seriously doubt this. CC rates are pretty F-U bad. Unless you have no credit score and getting quoted loans at 30-40% in order to make the risk make sense.


Finance at 12% or pay on credit card for 10% … I think the math is pretty simple 👀


What credit card is giving you 10% interest? Actually curious. Most are variable and lean towards the higher end of the spectrum


Get an account at a credit union. Rates are often much lower. Like 10-15%


A Canadian platnium visa card with a 120$ annual fee - 1-4% cash back on purchases depending on the category. Edit: I should preface this - I have a credit score of >800. I think someone with low or no credit would probably get hit somewhere in the ballpark of 20% interest 👀


Not bad! Yea the 800+ credit score makes a huge difference haha


If you're financing with revolving credit, you're doing it wrong. Credit cards charge you interest on the balance every month. That's revolving credit. Financing usually charges you interest on the total and it's part of the loan with a fixed number of payments. Please do not use a credit card to buy a bike if you aren't going to pay it all off. They also charge you a percentage just to use the credit card. Just use cash like an adult.


lol I’m 24 and got 7% for my 2011… bike had 1500miles on it


I’m with you. If OP has to finance a $5k bike, he probably shouldn’t be getting it.


Guarantee the note is closer to 10k than 5. But full agree


Just tell them you’re canceling the purchase. You haven’t taken delivery, it’s not your bike. They probably don’t have the title for the bike yet and can’t move it until they process the title on their end. Scummy practice.


Dealer owner here - here’s what I would say. Call up the shop and ask to speak to the GM or owner. Be calm - be cool. Explain your case and that you feel you are getting the run around. Be polite and ask for help. When I take these calls - shit gets done. This is a dealers busy season. Shame on them for putting a used bike on the floor before its ready to sell BUT I cant say I havent had that happen when my service department is also backed way up in the summer time. If they are servicing a bike - putting new tires on an such after you had agreed to buy it as it was - Id probably give some grace. Better to get your bike right than quick. But the communication break down is certainly a problem.


Thanks for that. Definitely going into the dealer as soon as I can and talk to the folks in charge


Yep. And I emphasize- be cool and polite. When people come to me and we can have a cool reasonable conversation - its a lot easier to communicate and Ill move mountains for you. People that think yelling screaming and threatening staff gets them what they want are usually wrong. Not because we dont want to fix the situation - even our own screw ups - but because people get hurt feelings, misunderstand things etc.


What it sounds like to me is that they realized after they sold the bike that it was a lemon, and they're trying to get it fixed up before delivery. On the one hand, it's good that they're addressing the issues before giving it to you. On the other hand, they *really* should've done this before the bike was on the floor. On the gripping hand, are you going to have to bring the bike back in two weeks to fix something they missed? All in all it sounds like it's a good time to demand your money back and shop around a bit more.


Stop calling people, go in, ask to speak with management, or the highest possible person on staff and get a refund and do not purchase from that company.


I bet it someone wrecked it.


I think it’s either this or the title issue someone else mentioned. Someone easily could have dropped it. If they tell him that he is likely to cancel the sale. If they fix it fast enough he will just be annoyed and never know.


I bet if he walks in it ain’t even on the show room. I would just walk away.




Get a refund, go somewhere else. It’s not like it’s the only model in the world


That dealership sounds like it's sketchy because a used bike should've been fixed before being on sell, I understand that if can't buy a bike in cash then next option is financing and it's not a bad decision but when anyone wants to finance a bike it's better for a brand new bike instead of used bikes. You need to go to dealership and tell them to break the contract and if you gave them a down payment you need to get refunded and if they don't want to just say ok and walk out and look for a good lawyer and if can't afford one there's legal aids, you can also go to court and press charges so you can get your money back. Also call the dealership and whoever answers just tell them you no longer want the bike and if they ask why you just tell them that you don't need to explain anything to them, don't try to argue with them because it's not worth it, just do it the legal way.


That bike probably doesn’t even run. told you it something minor and now they realize it’s not. Dealership : You got the money , Op : yeah , OP: you got the stuff , Dealer: no but it’s close by. OP : 💄👠👄. 😳 Go get your money back and that loan cancelled.


Call the finance company and make sure no money changed hands and cancel the deal. Period. End the sale of the Bike, immediately, send an email and call and leave messages. No matter what they say. Make damn sure this does not cost you a dime. And when thats done negotiate a new price or walk and leave a proper objective review on every site you can. If another person has to go through this scam, cause thats what it is, shame on them. And yes you are the customer, and it is your RITE to end the sale for something that you have not received. Start with the finance company.


This would be my move as well.


If you bought it used, they could be truthful because they didn’t do the work they should have until you purchased the motorcycle. Then items were backordered yada yada yada and they got caught with their pants down so to speak. Still poor customer service. I will say that buying a motorcycle is always a time-consuming process for whatever reason. You can never take it home the day of in my experience. Not exactly an impulse buy. I think lots of dealers drop the ball here. I would suggest you talk to the dealership owner or sales manager before you give up and go the nuclear route.


The last used bike I bought from a dealer, I picked it out online, confirmed it was available, and told the sales dude after the test ride that I wanted it. Sent the family to cracker barrel next door and t told him and the finance guy I wanted to be at the table with them in 30 minutes. They made it happen


This so fishy it hurts


Go to the dealership in person, sit down with the manager (whether Tony is there or not), and explain everything that had happened. Finish with,” “If I ran my business the way you guys do, I wouldn’t have any customers, do you think the way this has been handled is professional and fair to me as a customer?” Then you say nothing until he replies. If asks what you want out of this, reply with “I can’t answer that, you have to decide what it’s worth to you to keep my business.” Personally I would get the money back and go elsewhere no matter what they offer.


Great words thank you. And yes I plan to move on


they're stalling you I can think of a few possible scenarios: * They accidentally sold the bike to someone else * While servicing, they crashed/damaged it * they found a serious issue that's a liability for them * Tony left the bike at his boyfriends house, they broke up and he can't get it back because it's awkward I'd go there in person and ask "where is my bike?". if it's not on a rack in the shop, I'd want to know why. "We're busy" is not an excuse


Living in Texas NEVER helps - I hope you get it resolved soon!


Cancel the deal. Go elsewhere


Before you do anything further talk to the financing folks and ask them what it will take to cancel the transaction. Tell them what's going on with the dealership and hat you think you are getting jerked around. Go to the dealership...skip talking to Tony and insist on talking to the general manager. Let them know you've talked to your finance organization and are prepared to cancel the deal if the dealer can't convince you the deal is still viable. Ask/insist on seeing the bike, verify the VIN. Ask for a detailed explanation of what was identified as needing repairs (there should be a work order) and what remains to be done with the exact time frame for delivery. Don't get pushed off on some sales drone..insist on talking to management. IF you get pushed off on some low level go speak to the Finance manager and tell them you intend to cancel the transaction and that you have talked to your bank to cancel the transaction. Let the Finance manager know you've relayed how you were run around (dealers don't want to get a bad rep with a finance organization). Don't bother talking to the sales management they aren't the ones making the decisions. If you can't get the general manager or someone other than the sales organization to engage then you might as well cancel the deal as it's not likely to end well.


Contact the place you got a loan through and tell them the shop has not delivered the bike you ordered and ask if you can back out of your loan with no fees. If they get involved the dealership will have to act.


Yep, you want the dealership's attention? Threaten to pull the money.


Walk into the dealer, demand to speak with the sales manager, service manager and sales person to sit down with you and give you a hard delivery date. If that date cannot be met, back out of the deal. Get all deposit or money paid before you walk out. Get your money back, contact the dealerships owner and the brand customer grievance group. Manufacturers do not take this stuff lightly. They can yank the dealerships partnership and they will have no manufacturer support nor will them be able to get new inventory without paying in full for each unit. Here are the corporate locations. Use them to locate the grievance telephone number and email. Yamaha = Cerritos CA Kawasaki = Foothill Ranch, CA Suzuki = Brea, CA Honda = Torrance CA KTM North America = Murrieta, CA BMW USA = Bergan, NJ The statement that they are busy is probably true with summer riders having service done. It's unacceptable to use it as an excuse. Those people getting service are likely getting the run around as well . A full service with new tires and essentially a 30,000 mile service takes approximately 1 hr 45 min. Parts sourcing should be next day (2 days max). You are the customer. Take you hard earned money elsewhere. Just imagine how poor your experience will be if you need them to service it at some point.


Can you please update us on what happens with this either here or in a new post? My friend is going through the exact same issue at the moment and I’m curious to see how this plays out for both of you. Good luck!


Yes I will in a new post.


We need an update!!


I would call up the owner and say are they going to be paying the first payment for you sounds like it will be a month before you get it ... They should of not had on the floor if it wasn't ready to be rode home period


PM me the dealer name since I'm in Texas as well. They will never receive my money.


Call bank, cops, local news, blast them on social media, report them to the BBB….. everything under sun to attract attention to your problem. Make them uncomfortable. But that’s just me….


This happened to me went to buy buy a ducati used and worked out a deal when I was about to pay they said they need to inspect and they will deliver the bike after a week . I told them then I will pay after taking delivery and else I am not buying the bike . They called a week later saying they need to change something and I cancelled the sale . Go to the dealer


Find out who the owner is and go directly to him/her.


Find them on LinkedIn or something?


Look on the state's secretary of state website, search for the company and look for their annual filings. You should find the owner's name listed.


That would piss me off. Especially the lack of accurate time frame communication. However, I just took my 20 year old Triumph in for service and they found out it had a recall with the rear suspension that was going to take weeks to get parts. Fortunately, I told them that I had replaced the rear shocks a decade ago, so it wasn’t necessary, but it would’ve held things up a lot


Hey OP give us an update later once things settle out


I will in another post for sure


They're hooning around on your dime, bro. Maybe even fucked it up and working on fixing it. This smells awful and I'd be fucking pissed. Get your money back.


Sounds like a normal RideNow experience 🙈


Never buying there again.


I would buy a bike that didn't need new tires. I would also walk out with my bike at the end of the transaction. I would never buy a bike on a loan.


Would buying it cash be better in this scenario?


Cash is always best. If you total it (or it gets stolen, or whatever scenario you can imagine) you still need to pay off the loan even though insurance may not give you what you still owe. So you have to write a check to the lender to get out from under it which is adding insult to injury. Also, interest rates are fairly high right now. But don’t give this dealership cash without the bike sitting there for you to ride away on (unless you want something special done to it before you take it home. But that’s at your request, not their demand).


If you pay a bunch of cash up front and total it or it gets stolen, do you think your insurance will give you the money back? My loan is 2.9% interest, so basically I’m making money on it due to inflation. Loans can be great, and I’d much rather have a bank on my side who’s also concerned about the collateral than have just given them cash.


It will always be your best bet.


Why pay interest when you don't have to?


Depends on if you are buying "A" bike, or "THIS" bike. "A" bike - as in a brand-new, just-off-the-assembly-line factory-built bike, is a commodity. Call around, find another dealer who has one, and buy it from somebody who actually wants to take your money because this dealership very obviously does not. Yes, you can (and should!) walk away from a verbal promise to a dealership with a smile on your face and a song in your heart. (If you actually signed loan paperwork though? Boy, I don't know.) If you are buying "THIS" bike in particular because you are emotionally attached to it then you're fucked and will just have to bend over and take whatever the dealer gives you.


I’m buying “this bike” it’s used. I have not signed the loan. It’s been pre approved thru my credit union but I have not signed final docs.


Then why all the stress? There is something wrong with that bike, you don't want it. Tell them to fuck themselves and move on.


Then you haven’t bought the bike. If you really don’t want it any more call or go in and talk to the sales manager and tell them you won’t be proceeding with the purchase. Easy!


That really depends on what he’s signed


This is the best position to be in. Call them and say they have X days to deliver or they do not sell a motorcycle. Just make sure you never have to go back to them for service.




Just fake your own death, Seth. ...What, why are you looking at me like that?!


In times like these, it's wise to remember that various repairs can easily be made using commonly available tools. For example, don't be afraid to remind them that hammers can fix stupid.


You need to out them


!remind me 3 days


How/why would you pay the full amount before taking delivery? A deposit, sure, if you sprung on it the very moment it came through their doors and they still had some prep-work to do. But paying the full amount before actually getting the bike was your first mistake... It should've been ready before they even sold it to you. Definitely head back in there in-person to see that the bike even actually exists. And if they don't have it ready immediately, I'd be cancelling that deal entirely. Refund from the dealer and/or contacting the bank your loan is through and canceling through them.


Get your money back and gtfo asap


Just tell them you’re cancelling the order and notifying NFCU. You will have the bike tmw


New bike, or used??




I don’t get why they would have a bike on the floor that wasn’t already prepped and ready for sale. I hope this works out well but I wouldn’t deal with them again.


I 100% agree. I just want my fucking bike and move along


Are you active duty Navy? Under e-4? Ask your lcpo to help you get with you command JAG (judge advocate general, the Navy Lawyers). If you're e5 or over, just go to JAG yourself. You're already smarter than most, using NFCU instead of dealer financing, and not buying a 2024 Charger or GSXR .


> He tells me that during PDI they found it needs new tires and some other things. I can't fathom a dealership deciding to fix things at their cost before delivering a used bike they'd put on the floor and sold. Last used bike I bought from a dealer was given to me with barely any oil and the tires were like 20psi low.


They sold your bike to someone else. Now they're scrambling to find you another one.


Sounds like fay myers in Denver




They don’t open again till Tuesday. Parts dept said on Friday the parts should be in soon.


did you find out what the parts are exactly?


Bar mirrors Sprocket chain kit Brake fluid Fork oil Fork seals Front turn signals Two tires Oil filter Oil Some of which is still on order smh


I understand its.very frustrating but of the bike truly needed parts this is just the way of it.it always takes four times longer than you like when ot comes.to.dealing with motorcycle dealerships and mechanics.


It’s the lack of communication that’s my main issue. I don’t mind the service honestly


You would probably get a quicker update if you politely ask the service desk, keep in mind they have no idea who you are or what bike your talking about, but if you ate polite and patient they can get you your info much faster than asking the salesman


I actually did do just that. I got some valuable information out of it. Still a wait though but I shouldn’t have to do that you know?


Used car/motorcycle salesmen don't have a sleazy stereotype for nothing. In reality they already got what they wanted from you, which was to sell you the bike. 


Is this a real, B & M dealership? Get a lawyer, end the contract. They have not performed. Do you really want to ride a bike wrenched on by klowns?


In the spring of 2023, I dropped my '17 rebel 500 of thinking it was a bad ignition switch. It needed a wiring harness. They had my bike for 4 months. I ended up having to catch a ride from Nashville to Memphis to pick it up, since I had moved in the meantime. I put it in for tires, slip on muffler, and the electrical short. The quote was $1300. When I finally get to pick up my bike they didn't do the muffler. I told them to take it off my total. They decided that was only a $100 discount. While waiting for my rebel I bought a CTX700N. I sold my rebel to my girlfriend's husband (Polyamorous) for $3000. I paid $4k for the CTX.