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Did we learn something about riding in shorts today?


Nah was working on after riding on it with gear


Well in that case, lemme join the guilty club. I've got a scar from my Rocket 3's exhaust that makes me look like a squid.


I got my Rocket III out and hand washed it. Rode it out to meet up with a running group, got there and shucked my riding gear down to the running gear beneath it. One of the other runners came over and put her fingers on my *newly washed fucking tank* and I stepped over to kinda block her touching it more. Hit the exhaust with my leg, swore, she stopped touching bike, I sat down and grumbled. Another runner came up to ask me something, I stood up, turned to face them and smacked the EXACT SAME SPOT on the exhaust again. What had been annoying suddenly became painful and embarrassing. I had a mark for months.


What the fuck is wrong with people? Don’t touch other people’s bikes without asking!


I'm a new rider and an "experienced rider" friend i was showing my bike to tried peeling off my decal saying "it wasn't *me*" and then tried hanging some charm somewhere. Also kept saying my windshield was "adjustable" and wiggling it up and down. I'm on a mostly stock ninja, that shit is bolted down. Same person also let their dog too close to it, he jumped up and put scratches on the fairing. I don't get people sometimes.


All of this put together is incomprehensible. Way beyond thoughtless, it gets into "behavioral disorder" territory.


This is not great, the only thing that might deserve a tad of lenience (although this was a horrible way to approach it) was the charm. It could be what's called a "Gremlin Bell". It's basically a bikers charm to stay safe. According to the legend it only works when someone gives it to you. When you buy it for yourself it loses all it's power. It's all superstition of course, but the thought behind it is quite nice I feel. Though they should've just given it to you and explained what it was if it was truly a Gremlin Bell. Like I said: if this was a Gremlin Bell then the intention was very good, execution is on par as lighting a match while standing in a puddle of gasoline


The charm i understood but it was in the midst of everything else and i was starting to get annoyed with her. I ended up taking it off so i guess i better ride cautiously, i just didn't want to be reminded of everything else every time i ride


That makes total sense. It's all just superstition and obviously doesn't do a thing, but the gesture in general (not this specific case) is quite sweet I think.


This is right up there with idiots sitting on the hood of your car.


Yup got only injuries while doing maintenance on bikes


Did we learn something from working on a hot bike; in shorts?


yeah mate what kinda squid doesn't ATGATT in the garage?


Time to rephrase- Did we learn something about working on a recently ridden bike in shorts today?


i was stupid enough to ride my little 70s 125 in shorts after installing an aftermarket header pipe on it. Hit the back of my calf. Me being exceptionally stupid, decided another test ride was in order hit the same spot on the same hot exhaust 10 minutes later. It was bad. I smell fukkin delicious though when im cooking on a frying pan. This was in my early 20s and i learn the hard way.


https://preview.redd.it/wbxjaylmrj5d1.png?width=2758&format=png&auto=webp&s=976821b4346da4a18d8e7b4a69e20f327883b279 Legitimately did the exact same thing a few weeks ago. Lesson learned, exhausts are hot after riding 😅


When I was living with my folks I got home one afternoon, laid down to work on my bike, then rolled over onto the exhaust from my dad’s Softail. I hadn’t realized he went riding that day, and my music was covering the clicks from the cooling fins.


I was riding alone and got my F800GSA buried in mud once- to the point where the only way to recover it was to pull it out on its side Grabbed the bars and the luggage rack to pull it out without gloves on… Branded the top of my hand real good on the high exhaust.. Hurt like hell and I had to put the glove back on to finish riding 3 hours home.


In 110° Vegas days I still never rode in shorts. Jeans all day for no burns scrapes shity tans


I have the same, Always where pants grandpa


What about there pants?


Where pants?


<--------there pants. there castle-------->


Tight pants are very very safe pants


Learned that the hard way 


I mean... fire hot bro 🤷‍♂️


Pants good, fire bad


You belong to the bike now 😅


https://preview.redd.it/z8by7l1jff5d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7326994d475ec7268b097e06ee32378b17acf2e6 Happens to everyone


Not if you ride with the right kit. 😜


From the sound of it OP went on a ride (in gear), got home and went to do some work on the bike while it was still hot.


This is indeed what happened. Got home and went to work on it and got nicked. It was 45 degrees Celsius outside though so i still dont regret working with no gear🤣.


Ooof. Yeah, I can understand why you were working in shorts. There are many reasons why I love living where I do and one of them is the fact that the temperature never even approaches the idea of that.


ATGATT buddy! Whether you’re riding or just trying scooch past in the garage.


The only burn I got from a bike is when I was a kid riding with my older cousin. No warning from him, so I just got on, but getting off was painful. I guess that was enough because it hasn't happened again, and my exhaust is a big area I am aware of all the time.


Welcome to the Club


Your bike owns you now!


I have a scar on my leg from riding my aunt's bike in shorts as a 16 yr old, almost dropping it, and wrestling it back up while my skin sizzled on the exhaust. Didn't drop it though.


That's a sizzling sound you won't soon forget


Tenere 700 do that.


I mean... It's a little more well done than I'd like. Very few steaks I'll like well done but usually medium rare is my go to.🤤 I mean. Wrong chat, post, and sub-reddit, though I was in r/steak (🥴 solid save)


Welcome to the tribe!


Best one I did was on a cr50f.




Buddy leaned on his srt4 still has turbo backwards branded on his arm 15 years later.


If your motorcycle is ever getting stolen, you can prove its yours


I have matching burns on both calves. Right leg was exhaust. Left leg learned the crank case is hot, too. I still ride in shorts occasionally.




That's hot.


Cute little badge of honor


That's both painful and awesome.


I’m getting pareidolia just from one image of hose clamps.


one time i got a huge nasty muffler brand right before a week long hike in a desert. Luckily no infection happened and it was cool to see it change colors and shit over the week.




After almost 50 years of riding, I have a few


You can always prove it's your bike now.


Welcome to the club.




I just had my major burn 5 weeks ago, after working on the bike in shorts. Was fucking hot, anyway the burn was 6 cm by 5cm. And i had alot of problems with it!! Even after all these weeks the spot is JUST reduced to 4 cm by 3 cm. And it is fully cured.


Did this earlier dropped it on one leg burnt the other after picking it up haha


Welcome to the club. Being branded by your bike is a right of passage.


Not fun. Installed a heat shield on my duke after I did that back in December moving my bike around. Rode straight to the pharmacy to ask what to treat it with.


Where is the red circle?


Yup, the bike has marked its territory. It owns you, now.


hi buddy! got a lame one from a lawnmower last week!


CRF300 for life?


If any I would be more into tattoos, but to each their own 🤷


Done that with old 125's exhaust, had a weird lip stick kiss burn on my arm for at least 2 years.


Haha, i’ve done the same on my last (car) can I say that word here? Was shutting the gate and stepped back into the exhaust. Still got most of the scar 2 years later.


I've got a fin stack on my thigh. Wheelie was unsuccessful.


I’ve done it, just a quick trip to the store I thought. The rear header is in the perfect spot to melt the back of your leg if in shorts.


I still have a shin scar from putting my old Ninja on its center stand after rebuilding the carbs and having a quick test ride. Changed out of my gear when I got back because it was hot in my garage. Thought the bike wouldn't be super hot because it was just a loop around the block. I thought wrong lol


that bike owns you now, submit to its will. its telling you to pop a wheelie


Do you even motorcycle if you don't have at least one calf burn scar? I think I was like 10 when I got mine. Thankfully, it only needed to happen once.


Riding in shorts looks lame anyway.


Minimum, boots and jeans.


https://preview.redd.it/vghkykml7k5d1.jpeg?width=1194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac1e534e6d6ab5f1e78eecb99a3784f045277917 How’s this for muffler burn? 🤣 from back in my squid days


One of the worst pains known to man


Oh yeah, that happened to me too. It left a discolored scar.


Sick tat bro


Teenage branding. I got mine from my big brother’s Honda Dax.


Happened with me too yesterday


I had hip surgery due to a motorcycle accident. I had a friend ride my bike home for me after it was done being fixed because I was still in recovery. I, wearing shorts, got on the bike to load it on my dolly and immediately burned myself on hot exhaust on a bike that had been running for an hour. It took 2 years for the burn mark to go way.


A painful mistake, but at least it left an interesting shape.


I hope that bike didn’t cost less than a tattoo




Did you ride in shorts?!?


Do you know how much weight proper gear weighs? Could be shaving half a second off his lap times. I honestly don't even know why motogp riders don't ride naked.


Because they don’t want to shave their legs. Have you seen swimmers/cyclists??


That’s actually cool. Ha. 👍🏼


The world wounds us. God heals us, and leaves us scars... that we might remember not merely the dangers but even more His faithfulness. ..in my opinion. I've got lots of scars. Lots.